Change is an important aspect that is brought upon in our lives, sometimes intentionally or otherwise, but it is eventually inevitable.✨
With the very first edition of Chronicle, penned by the core, let us look at the spectrum of change in every form⬅️
#change #firstedition #newedition #neweditionstory #changetheworld #editionpost #collegenewspaper #studentnewspaper #collegestudent #studentjournalism #studentjournalist #collegejournalism #upgchronicle #everydayupg
Before we welcome 2022 with open arms, lets bid a final goodbye to 2021! Let's take a sneak peak through the memorable journey of UPG Chronicle in 2021!✨✨We are grateful for everyone who are a part of this journey!💕. Editing by @hitaishi111
Stories give our life meaning. Storytelling is an art. So let's try to gather all the little stories in the world and make the unknown known.Introducing to you, Our new theme 'STORIES'📖. #storyart #storiesofindia #storiestotell #storiesforkids #storytimethreads #cutestory #astheticphotography #astheticvideos #astheticedits