Miss Bennet: Christmas At Pemberley - This show has challenged and grown me in so many ways. As always I will be sad to say goodbye.
When I first started character work on Mary Bennet I felt as though I was playing a character so opposite to me. But it turns out that I was resistant to play her, because fifteen years ago, I was the fiercely shy wall flower, observing everyone else. I never think of myself as bookish yet, fifteen years ago I used to hide in my closet behind all my clothes with a flashlight to read, hilariously enough, Pride and Prejudice.
I have been Mary Bennet many times in my life, but as I’ve grown older I’ve worked hard to shed the wall-flower and become someone who can face the world with confidence. Largely because I realized that I wanted the world and that would require a level of bravery I lacked. I knew that I wouldn’t be able to be content living a large life in mind alone. That goal forced me out of my shell.
This role has made me confront the old me. One I always struggled with, one I tried hard to shed. But now I can say to her, “it’s okay we’re gonna see the world and you are welcomed to come along.” I’ve learned important lessons on being authentic. And have been face to face with a side of me that has felt silenced simply because I had deemed it unhelpful. I might never be great at surface level friendship, but also, that’s okay. I’ve made peace with that.
I’m so grateful for all this role has taught me. I’m grateful for taking the risk and casting me in this role. For for putting this show on and of course for my incredibly talented and amazing cast and crew for all their support. It takes a village to put on a show. If I could, I would tell every theatre company I know to cast these amazing actors in their shows all the time. They’re bloody brilliant! And amazingly awesome humans as well.
Stage Manager: Ronaye Haynes
ASM: Gina Moe
Set Designer: Karyn McCallum
Costume Designer: Crystal Hanson
Lighting Designer: Imogen Wilson
Sound Designer: Kraig Waye