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Congratulations to My Brother Cde Both Kuol Nyang Aspiring candidate for president of Nuer youth Union.

Tongue twisting is part of creative thinking


Press release:

Ref: Information

This notice is to inform the SPLM members of Fangak county who are in Juba, Bor and any where in South Sudan or in foreign countries that the SPLM team led by Hon.Nyaboth Rambang Mabor are facing the following difficulties:
1. We have been given 24 hours to leave Fangak county territory by Fangak.youths.
2.we remain with only five hours to leave Fangak county in accordance to the deportation letter given to us by the youths.
3. Fangak Youths did not handed this deportation letter to SPLM team but they gave it to the county authority.
4. it was county security organs who brought that deportation letter to SPLM team.

Therefore, our situation in Fangak county is under threat.


Hon.William Kur
D/Chairperson, committee for Finance and Economy planning
SPLM team Secretary.

Cɛ lac kä Nyandiŋ ɛn Nyinwär Buony.

Garä kuɛ ɣö mä tith nä raal ɛdi nɛ!



husband said to his wife: I miss my family, I hope you will prepare lunch tomorrow, so I can invite them, it's been a while.

The wife said with a sigh: God willing, it will be good.

The husband said: OK, I will invite them.

The next morning, the husband went to work and at one o'clock he came home, and said to his wife: Did you cook lunch? My family will come in an hour.

And the wife said: No, I did not cook, because your family are not strangers, they can eat what is in the house.

The husband said: God forgive you! Why didn't you tell me yesterday that you won't cook and they will soon be arriving, what will I do?😒

The wife said: Call them and apologize to them, after all, they are not strangers.

The husband left the house upset and after a few minutes, there was a knock on the door. The wife got up, opened the door and was surprised to see her family, brothers, sisters and children!

Her father asked her, "Where is your husband?"

She said to him: He left a while ago.

Her father said, "Yesterday, your husband invited us for lunch. Is it possible for him to invite us and leave the house?"

The wife was stunned by the news, and began rubbing her hands, puzzled that the food in the house was not befitting for her family. She called her husband and said to him: Why didn't you tell me that you intended to invite my family for lunch?

He said to her: My family is your family, and yours is mine. There's no difference.

She said to him: Please bring ready-made food with you when coming, there is no food at home.

The husband said: I am very far from home and your family are not strangers, feed them from the food in the house as you wanted to feed my family.



husband said to his wife: I miss my family, I hope you will prepare lunch tomorrow, so I can invite them, it's been a while.

The wife said with a sigh: God willing, it will be good.

The husband said: OK, I will invite them.

The next morning, the husband went to work and at one o'clock he came home, and said to his wife: Did you cook lunch? My family will come in an hour.

And the wife said: No, I did not cook, because your family are not strangers, they can eat what is in the house.

The husband said: God forgive you! Why didn't you tell me yesterday that you won't cook and they will soon be arriving, what will I do?😒

The wife said: Call them and apologize to them, after all, they are not strangers.

The husband left the house upset and after a few minutes, there was a knock on the door. The wife got up, opened the door and was surprised to see her family, brothers, sisters and children!

Her father asked her, "Where is your husband?"

She said to him: He left a while ago.

Her father said, "Yesterday, your husband invited us for lunch. Is it possible for him to invite us and leave the house?"

The wife was stunned by the news, and began rubbing her hands, puzzled that the food in the house was not befitting for her family. She called her husband and said to him: Why didn't you tell me that you intended to invite my family for lunch?

He said to her: My family is your family, and yours is mine. There's no difference.

She said to him: Please bring ready-made food with you when coming, there is no food at home.

The husband said: I am very far from home and your family are not strangers, feed them from the food in the house as you wanted to feed my family.


In case your colonizer did not interpret the meaning of your colonial name to you in Nuer local language, then,today comes the high time for you to know it from me.

1:John= Puɔ̱th= blessing
2:Alfred= pɛ̈l=wisdom
3:Peter= Päm=Rock.
4:Christopher = Yier=Anointed
5:James=Chuol= replacement.
6;David: Nhok or goi.
7:Juda=Teslɔay= Happiness
8:Rejoice=nyatethloai= Joyce
10:Teresa= Nyapini= Summer
11:Jeremiah=Bɔ̱mkuɔth= the powɛr of God.
15:Angelina=Nyawarga= messenger of God.

16:Thomas= Both or Duoth= One of the twins' names.

17:Benjamin= Chuong= right.
18:Agaustino= Dungdit= magnificent.

19: Angelo= Wargak= messenger of God.
21:Martine=Gatkhor= Warmonger.
22:Exodus=Mahoth= born on exodus day.
23: Joseph=Gatkuoth= Son of God

24: Salva=Pɛl= sage.
25: Manasseh= Biruey= to forget

26: Stephen=Muc= God's Gift.
27: Timothy=Liak kuoth=praise the Lord
30:Luke= Buai=light.
31: Tito=Khan=Savior.
32: Isaiah=Khan= God saved.
33: Esra=Luäk=Helper.
34: Michael= dit ni kuoth=God's superior.
35: William=Khor=warrior
36: Zechariah=Chibiruey=God remember.
37: Samuel=ciot kuoth=Name of God
38: Elizabeth= Kuoth e thin=God is there.
39: Monica=Linglat= advised.
40:Moses=Chawuoc=to pull out.
41: Isaac=Kiet=Laughing.
42: Jacob= Maj=supplanter.
43: George=Kak or Gatmuon=farmer or earthworker.
45: Elijah= Kuoth=Yahweh or God.
47:Keribino= Tidial=Versatile.
49: Ezekiel=Bumkuoth= God's strength.
50: Deborah= Nyetuar=Bee
52:Yuanis= mamuch. Gift of God.
53: Gifty=Nyamuoch.
54: Anna=Nyagoa= Beautiful or favoured.
55:Winny= Nyambor=white and smooth.
56: Gabriel=kuoth=Man of God.
58: Andrew=Wut=Manly.
59:Julia=Nyekuoth or Nyangueni=God of sky.
60: Apollo=Riar or Dak=destroyer
61:Roda=Gak jiath= flower.

This research is tentatively to change.



This lesson is entitled Writing a Grant Proposal.

Writing grants is like a muscle that you have to build and strengthen. If you run an organization that is dependent on raising money, it’s a muscle that you will have to use often. It is very likely that you will have to write many grants before you are successful. But the more grants you write, the better you will get at grant writing.

In this lesson, we will define and discuss the key elements that make up a grant proposal, including the narrative or project description, statement of need, organizational overview, budget and supporting materials.

Your written proposal is really an action plan for how you are going to carry out your project. It should be your guide for how you will spend the money you’re raising, organize and deploy staff and resources, and evaluate and measure your success.

Since each funder has different goals, you will have to ask yourself, “Is what my organization doing going to match what this foundation wants to achieve?” For example, if the funder is interested in leadership activities and your organization works with children who are intellectually disabled, that is not a good fit and you should not apply for their grant. The grant-writing process is about targeting each grant and compiling the proper documents for that specific grant. That means customizing each proposal for each funder. This is not a one-size-fits-all kind of exercise. You don’t have to completely rewrite a proposal on the same project for each funder, but you do need to modify the proposal in each instance.

A typical grant proposal has some basic components. All are important pieces that you should carefully draft, review, edit and review again. It is a good practice to have someone with experience and whom you trust also review your grant proposal before it is submitted. And when drafting your grant proposal, the funder’s guidelines should be close at hand so that you can refer to them often.

The narrative portion of your proposal is where you write about your organization and what you have accomplished in the past. This is also where you will outline your project, program and financial need, and what you plan to achieve. It is important to note here that many grant writers make the mistake of focusing too much on the problem they want to fix and not the solution. Funders fund solutions, not problems. You should also include information about your organization, your staff, your expertise, and why you are uniquely qualified to achieve the goals of your proposal. You will also note here if you have gotten previous funding, how much, how it was used and what it accomplished.

Your narrative should also include a timeline for your project, note the major milestones or action steps, and answer the questions of when will your project begin and end. When will each task or event take place? What will be done when, and by who? At what points will evaluation and measurement be taken?

Some important things to remember as you draft the narrative portion of your proposal. Make sure it fits the size and scale of your solution. For example, show that you want to provide sustainable agriculture training for a specific community of farmers, not that you want to cure global starvation. Make sure you are writing in a way that the funder thinks they can have an impact with their grant. Don’t make the situation seem so bad that a funder thinks their money won’t do any good. Also, be sure to indicate how this project will sustain itself in the long run.

Include details on how you will know if you’re successful. Funders will want some amount of evaluation. Determine how you will measure impact, both quantitatively with numbers and qualitatively with subjective stories of impact. If you filled out your logic model, this should be fairly easy. Ask yourself, for example, “How am I going to demonstrate to a funder that I have increased leadership of girls and women in civil society?”

Some funders require an executive summary be included.This is a single-page overview of everything included in your written proposal. It should be easy to read, provide a compelling review of the project and need, and include statistics to back up your assertions. It should be free of basic spelling or grammar mistakes. Fair or not, many funders will read this executive summary first and make their initial decision on your proposal. You will want to catch and keep the reader’s attention. A well-written executive summary will compel the reader to read the full proposal.

Another key element is the budget. Your budget should have both a revenue and expense portion. How much money are you bringing in, and how much money are you spending? Within the revenue and expense portion you are going to have a line for each source of money you are bringing in, and for the expense portion you will have a line for each expense for which you anticipate spending money. Many funders will want you to include a timeline of when you will accomplish the specific thing you are asking the funder for. Make sure that timeline is realistic and you can actually do these things within that timeline. Do not overpromise anything.

Your grant proposal should also outline your monitoring and evaluation plan. According to Dr. Lee Mizell, a research and management consultant to public, private and nonprofit organizations quoted in a blog post for the Foundation Center, an evaluation plan should — at minimum — clearly identify the target population, specify program objectives in measurable terms, identify key indicators of success, outline data collection and analysis activities, and develop a timeline to monitor the success of the program on an ongoing basis.

The final elements are your supporting materials and documents. Again, you should closely follow the requirements laid out by the funder. Include all that they are asking for and little of anything else. If you don’t have something they require, reach out to them and let them know. Ask if you can submit something comparable. Never ignore a funder requirement.

Finally, do not worry about getting rejected. There’s a saying that you have to submit 15 grant applications before getting one. That’s okay; everyone gets rejected. Just keep writing.

Kueth Gom Thiguan.

BREAKING NEWS!!!The Amphibians forces of Agwelek were forcefully moved out from Atar to an unknown destination towards M...

The Amphibians forces of Agwelek were forcefully moved out from Atar to an unknown destination towards Malakal leaving One military warfare (verge) under the command of Mighty white army

Dear Public.disruptive of the erected tents for the Preparation of the SPLM (IO) official Launching by the Security Appa...

Dear Public.

disruptive of the erected tents for the Preparation of the SPLM (IO) official Launching by the Security Apparatus in the State is the clear indication that, there is No Political space in Northern Bhar El Ghazel State. this one has been initiated by the SPLM (IG) to provoke the situation but we are ready to launch the State Secretariat tomorrow regardless of the obstacles to hindrance the process. we condemned this incident in the strongest terms possible and call for the Presidency to address this matter to treat the political disease, the Members of the SPLM (IO) and diehard supporters and the public at large are told to turn up in big number tomorrow to participate in the event.


 ..!!SSPDF officer commits su***de over salary delayamentJUBA - South Sudanese's junior officer belonging to SSPDF organ...


SSPDF officer commits su***de over salary delayament

JUBA - South Sudanese's junior officer belonging to SSPDF organized forces has been reportedly committed su***de over the weekends.

Speaking to Phow Radio FM on phone, one of his family says, the deceased had said before he killed himself, "If my children are dismissed from school because of the luck of school fees and my family has no bread to eat while I'm the national army that protects the country, then, it's better to leave this earth".

R.I.P 😭😭

~ copy from Phow Radio FM

It's very unfortunate walai

It's very unfortunate walai

Like food, there is no such thing as “free education” anymore, anywhere in our country. Whether rich or poor, everyone these days must struggle to pay reasonable fees, from primary to university. Majority of our students pay an average of SS 250,000 ($ 450) in secondary schools to get to University. So let’s be realistic and down to earth.

Deng Nhial Chioh, the Director for Intangible Heritage at the National Ministry of Culture, Museum, and Heritage, led a ...

Deng Nhial Chioh, the Director for Intangible Heritage at the National Ministry of Culture, Museum, and Heritage, led a delegation to Togo to attend a conference organized by Salon International Textile Africa (SITA). The conference brings together designers and experts from more than 40 African countries to showcase their locally-made textiles. The theme is Made in Africa by Africans. Deng Nhial is a cultural expert and the national focal point for UNESCO since 2005. .


In case you don't know this formula.
Here it's from chief Brown Bol

Please like/follow and  share  to reach out every one out there .go and learn from this program

Please like/follow and share to reach out every one out there .
go and learn from this program


When once recognized his full potential and identifies the purpose of his living in the world.The rest work out for themselves


Can you feel the power of education?
Continue rest in peace Hon Philip Obanga


The words of Cdr William Nyuon Bany Machar.

A brave born child and hero the father of SPLM/A from FANGAK GEZIRA COUNTY


Blue 🔵 in western equatoria


Presidential Adviser on Security Affairs Tut Gatluak Manime at a pass-out parade during the graduation of Unified Forces in Wau.


Here's what it means to be a civilized South Sudanese


This is the meaning of a loyal citizen.
You are appointed Base on loyalty rather than qualifications


In case you don't know how the money is earned in the West here is Emanuel Jal.
I don't own the copyright of this video


The three people who have become known for destabilizing the wellbeing of the Fangak community shall go down to history forever.

1:Former Governor of the Defunct Phow state.
2:Former governor of the defunct Fangak state.
3:And their business man.

©Juba press media.

 : Did you know 5% of oil shares for Unity State is a Seven Figure sum, and that is $20M or more. Mind you, the rate of ...

: Did you know 5% of oil shares for Unity State is a Seven Figure sum, and that is $20M or more. Mind you, the rate of buying and selling of oil determines the total sum monthly

By Cde Lulhok II

Now, let’s gather here and see what is happening in Unity State, and what is happening with 5% of oil shares.

Sad enough, Unity State is suffering as I am writing this, and as you are reading this, for that matter, there are no roads connecting it to the outside South Sudan, or rather to other bordering states, no roads connecting the seven counties to the State capital, Bentiu, a clear betrayal of SPLM ideology of “TAKING TOWN TO THE PEOPLE”.

State government has failed miserably. Manslaughter a practice in Unity State, insecurity zatu is growing each night, and let me tell you, President Kiir has nothing to do with this. And hey I’m not even prepared to talk about mass displacement and mass destruction of our properties. Ra**ng of our girls, defilement and force marriage is just abnormally and absurdly welcomed by the system with open arms.

And Kuär woce

Unity State with that money, lack schools, hospitals and let me tell you, just $2M which is just a small amount from $20M, can magically erect more than 10 schools in seven counties, then let’s try to make it, $4M, and for God’s, Ngundeng or Gatkuri’s sake, the government or people guarding this money can still bag $16M for just one month, channel this $4M to schools, roads, hospitals and other necessities. Unity State in just one serious leadership, Unity State can challenge Juba and Wau, continue this practice of development, and boom Unity State is Dubai of South Sudan. But who cares, no leadership in that State, never to forget that public servants are not paid. Damn it, where did this government get the gut to enslave people like this?

And Kuär woce

President innocently always and monthly give these monies to state government, and then the state government misuse this money in hiring war mercenaries in the name of security, mobilizing young impressionable youth, arming them with guns and then gives them directives to do cattle rustling, communal violence, burning people alive, firing people dressed in civilian clothes with fire squads, that’s true.

Anyway what image does such actions portray? Security? I don’t think.

If they could tie someone, clearly on video camera, tie him up, burn him alive, just imagine what they can do behind the scenes. Horrible.

Was justice served?

Ra**ng of women and young girls, slaughtering and beheading of people in Leer, this recent random killings in April, and in Mayom, the rising insecurity in Southern Unity State, castrations of boys so as not to reproduce. Let me just stop here it is just sad talking about it.

Kuär woce

Unity State is suffering under cartels, money laundering, kleptomaniacs and mafias benefiting from the suffering of our beloved people.

Kuär woce

From far Mayom down to Payinjiar, Unity State is a living hell on earth, with all the oil shares, millions of dollars with nothing to show for it.

Kuär woce

Dear President, I and 99.9% citizens of unity State strongly suggest that remove the governor of Unity State, he didn’t serve your leadership well, please bring new governor, try someone else’s and we see what they will have to offer, it is working for Lake State now, it can surely works for Unity State too.

Kuär woce

Thank you

The Writer is a Poet, Peace Activist, Youth Activist and Campaigner.

Congratulations to Emmanuel Akile!  He is a broadcast journalist at Eye Radio, and has been selected for the Internation...

Congratulations to Emmanuel Akile! He is a broadcast journalist at Eye Radio, and has been selected for the International Visitor Leadership Program, sponsored by the U.S. Government. Emmanuel is participating in the Edward R. Murrow Program for Journalists, along with other media professionals from throughout Africa. While in the United States, the journalists will learn about the U.S. media landscape, the impact of the new technologies in news gathering, and more. The role of journalists and a free press are critical in a well-functioning, democratic, diverse society, and their work should be respected. Join us in wishing Mr. Akile all the best. We look forward to hearing more when he returns to South Sudan.

SUCCESS HAS MANY FATHERS AND MOTHERS Together, and in our own ways, we managed to tie the hands of the Egyptian Beast, s...

Together, and in our own ways, we managed to tie the hands of the Egyptian Beast, stopped Dredging in the Sudd and Revival of Jonglei Canal Project. There is no room for side wars. We still need our collective efforts because ‘tied’ is not the same as ’dead’. DIvided we fall. United we stand.

Angola is constructing a 34 000 housing apartments the biggest housing project in Africa  Angolan 🇦🇴 government is const...

Angola is constructing a 34 000 housing apartments the biggest housing project in Africa

Angolan 🇦🇴 government is constructing a social housing project fall under Angola’s reconstruction projects.

The government is targeting the reconstruction projects to rebuild the country’s infrastructure after the civil war that lasted for 27 years.

The project called K.K social housing projects, about 34 000 apartments buildings were constructed in 14 provinces and cities across country.

The housing project is ranked as the biggest in Africa .

Nyakuma Deng, the CEO of Silicone valley in South Sudan.And the ambassador of South Sudan slay queens to Dubai and the A...

Nyakuma Deng, the CEO of Silicone valley in South Sudan.
And the ambassador of South Sudan slay queens to Dubai and the Arab republic of Egypt.




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