Path to Zion

Path to Zion Join host Joel Spencer as we journey into rediscovering what has been forgotten by the modern religions of men.

This needs no commentary, other than "Amen."

This needs no commentary, other than "Amen."


* This originally aired on June 3rd as a video episode on YouTube HERE. In this episode we’ll attempt to highlight some of the many connections between the giving of the Torah, in Exodus, and the events of Acts chapter 2. If we follow biblical prophecy, we see that one of the primary purposes of H...

For anyone who wonders where we are in this moment, Proverbs chapter 1 lets us know. “Naïve ones”, that are seen all thr...

For anyone who wonders where we are in this moment, Proverbs chapter 1 lets us know. “Naïve ones”, that are seen all throughout the Book of Proverbs, are ones that are easily persuaded and enticed. They refuse to listen to Wisdom’s call and thereby reap the fruit of their foolishness. They rush into believing whatever they are presented. Lady Folly (and all of her trappings) is their source. These eat the fruit of their own ways and are filled with their own counsel.

Friends, let us be sure that this is not us today. I see an alarming crowd running after the deception of this age, with little to no thought whatsoever to pause and consider what Wisdom is saying. Headlines are fact, for many. “Reports” define their reality. Naivety reigns here and the emotion, chaos and madness that follow clearly reveals it. Pull up a chair to the side of the table that you have chosen to sit at, and fill your plate. Many eat with great delight, what has been delivered to them perfectly. They eat their fill, wipe their mouths of folly and stand to their feet, inebriated by Lady Folly's delicacies. Thoughts, imaginations and decisions are then based accordingly. If we believe the Word, destruction follows.

Let us secure now that we will be men and women – households – that will love knowledge, choose to fear Yahweh, receive His counsel *and* His rebuke. This alone will preserve the few that will not engage in the game. These will walk in the sojourning pattern of Abraham, longing for a better country that cannot be forced into the governments of men. Then, and only then will any one of us have a chance to “live securely and be at ease from the dread of evil.”

Guard your gates today, friend. It’s time to awaken from our slumber. Selah.

Although we’ve highlighted this many times over the years, it would do us well to revisit it once more. Most of us have ...

Although we’ve highlighted this many times over the years, it would do us well to revisit it once more. Most of us have been trained to read about “bad people” in the Bible and think about someone else. Then, when encountering “good people”, we assume that whatever they receive surely must apply to us. “These” get judgment. “We” get blessing. “Those over there” deservedly get Yahweh’s wrath and “we” get His favor. It is how we’ve been taught to think. And it is awful.

Many times, when Yeshua encountered the non-believing teachers of His day, the guilt that they desired to place upon Him (and others) actually landed on them. Here, in one instance at least, they actually made the connection and realized this.

So, knowing this is always possible today as well – that we may in fact be the guilty party – let us choose well when harsh words against us come. Words of correction. Words of our guilt. May we not be surprised when we see that we are in fact guilty of what has been brought to our attention. Many of these men remained hard-hearted and stiff-necked. Here specifically, they even wanted to physically grab Him, in their anger.

In the Word we have many examples of men humbling themselves before Yahweh and His Son. We too have the exact same choice. Today, let us not be so fast to assume we’re always the ones on Yahweh’s good side. Perhaps it’s time we start in the mirror and cry out as David, “search me know me and see if there be any wicked way in me.” And then? Let us not be so surprised when there is. Selah.

New episode coming! *Please note date change.

New episode coming! *Please note date change.

Here we see yet another reason why this age is in the condition that it is in. LawLESSness abounds. The Torah has report...

Here we see yet another reason why this age is in the condition that it is in. LawLESSness abounds. The Torah has reportedly “been abolished” in the eyes of those who claim to “know God.” Grace and “freedom” rule and the people self-govern. "We're not under those 'old rules' anymore." Interestingly, the religious majority and the world say the exact same thing.

The result? Men hate their neighbor. Brother kills brother. Actions are from stony hearts of volatility, revenge and insurrection. For a lengthy list of reasons, the Torah of Yahweh is not upon the hearts of many men today. Whether by sheer Garden of Eden rebellion or due to an ignorance of what the New Covenant even is. (Jeremiah 31, Ezekiel 36)

Let us join in with David and declare, the Torah of Yahweh is perfect, reviving the soul! Remember, our Messiah told us how simply the Torah and the Prophets can be understood – do unto others as you want them to do to you. It seems to me that the world could use a heavy dose of this truth right now. How about you? Selah.

Not much to say this morning, as a vast ocean of distracted and carnal/worldly opinions abound. I would propose that thi...

Not much to say this morning, as a vast ocean of distracted and carnal/worldly opinions abound.

I would propose that this statement in, John chapter 15, is: 1) How Yeshua was able to reside and remain in His Father’s love and… 2) Why humanity as a whole does NOT reside and remain in Yahweh or His Son’s love.

Love and law are inseparable, biblically. LawLESSness leads to chaos.

Please consider clinging to Father’s perfect Ways and sojourn through here, looking for a better country. Only the seed of Abraham will keep moving. Selah.

Every so often someone will ask me how I go about studying the Word. What is my process? Let’s take these few verses and...

Every so often someone will ask me how I go about studying the Word. What is my process? Let’s take these few verses and demonstrate a simple way to dig deeper, simply by taking frequent pauses to ask questions about what we see, instead of presuming that we already know..

“Yahweh loves justice.” What is justice? What does it mean to be “preserved forever?” How will the wicked “be cut off” and how are the wicked even defined? Who are they, biblically? Next, we see, “the righteous will inherit the land.” What makes one righteous? What land are they going to inherit and dwell in forever? Where will this land be? What doctrines of men does this seem to disagree with?

“The mouth of the righteous utters wisdom.” How does one, if deemed righteous, utter wisdom? What is “justice” in the eyes of Yahweh? And, in conclusion, today’s brief text wraps up with “The Torah of his Elohim is in his heart.” If the Torah has been fulfilled and removed by Yeshua, how does this apply to me? How is the Torah “in my heart” today, in Messiah, or is all of this text irrelevant and merely not applicable to me? If only part of it is, which part and who determines that?

This is a small peek into how I believe we can truly study the Word and meditate towards It. I hope that we all move from merely casual reading to slowing down and rightly understanding what we see within Its pages. If I can help you, in any way towards this, please contact me and let me know. Do you know that this Book is living and active today?

What is Yahweh’s purpose for you? Do you know? What is it, both individually and in general, as a human created in His i...

What is Yahweh’s purpose for you? Do you know? What is it, both individually and in general, as a human created in His image?

While declaration has surely been mishandled and misused, time and time again we see biblical authors declare many wonderful things, both to Yahweh and men.

Personally, I Iove the closing line of this chapter, “Do not abandon the work of Your hands.” I often find myself, in my ongoing journey of the ups and downs of life, saying this gentle reminder to my Father. Oh Yahweh, please remember me. Help me. My life is your handiwork. I trust that You will fulfil Your purposes for me. Your lovingkindness endures forever. Selah.

After a time away travelling, I'm wrapping up an interesting study of the biblical use of "holy convocation." Should get...

After a time away travelling, I'm wrapping up an interesting study of the biblical use of "holy convocation." Should get it wrapped up and recorded soon!

It would do us well to realize that righteousness is not merely morality. One does not wake up one morning righteous bec...

It would do us well to realize that righteousness is not merely morality. One does not wake up one morning righteous because of some mental decision. Also, we must properly know how the only righteous One defines it, righteousness. Then, we must embark unto learning it and yielding our will to His.

It would seem that a religion that demands no real code of living equally demands a righteous people and nation. What one eats, joins himself with and partakes in really just doesn’t really matter, in this age of belief. The line between the world and the church is quite gray, at best. The fruit of this has ripened in this generation. It has matured upon the tree of unrighteousness and we are beginning to reap a harvest that will be vast.

So, what will we do? Will there be a remnant People that are truly set apart unto Yahweh, in righteousness? Will we literally modify our behavior to pursue righteousness or just assume that it’s an imputed state that we are mere recipients of? Through the words of the prophet Isaiah, Father told us – if we listen to His commandments, we will have peace like a river and our righteousness will be like the waves of the sea.

As you likely know, “listen” here in Hebrew (shema) is inseparable from obedience. If you did not obey, you’re not listening. So let the nations of men do as they will. Let the religions of men declare “everything is holy now” so “just be free in Jesus.” But, let those who are longing for a better land set our gaze straight ahead and love Father’s commandments. Perhaps then we will have any chance at walking in righteousness until the promise that is set before us comes in its fullness. Selah.

If anyone truly desires to know what every nation upon the earth needs in this hour, read this and repent from our wicke...

If anyone truly desires to know what every nation upon the earth needs in this hour, read this and repent from our wicked and rebellious ways.

A new episode is live. What, if any, connections can be found when we set the observance of Father's Day beside the keep...

A new episode is live.

What, if any, connections can be found when we set the observance of Father's Day beside the keeping of Yahweh's Feasts?

Let's find out!

What, if any, connections can be found when we set the observance of Father's Day beside the keeping of Yahweh's Feasts? Let's find out!

I think that it would do us all well to sit down and take the necessary time to solidify that any biblical reference of ...

I think that it would do us all well to sit down and take the necessary time to solidify that any biblical reference of “us” is actually applicable, scripturally. The entire Word speaks to a division among men. There are evil. There are righteous. There are lawless and lawful. There are those who are set apart unto Yahweh and His purposes and there are those of the world.

One cannot be both.

How do we today be confident, and yet fair, to determine if the statements and promises made within the Word actually do apply to us? How do we know the camp that we reside in? How can we avoid assuming that we’re always the “good guy” that Father is for and not against? The same way that men always have. We must know Yahweh’s criteria. We must study His Ways, learn Them and then deliberately choose to obey.

Then, and only then, will we begin to move towards rightly viewing the many uses of “us” personally. So, the next time that you read “we” and “us”, or “them”, please take the time to be sure which camp you reside in. Blessings and favor are not automatic, friend. This is a lifelong endeavor. Selah.

What an incredible chapter! It holds examples of lifting our highest praise up to Yahweh for all that He has done. It in...

What an incredible chapter! It holds examples of lifting our highest praise up to Yahweh for all that He has done. It includes physical responses – clapping of the hands. Shouting! Now many will quickly rush to say that one doesn’t *have* to do these things to praise Yahweh and that is, of course, true.

But if we catch a glimpse of the theme, we see why one might want to. Yahweh is to be feared. He is mighty. He is a King. He subdues one’s enemies. He chooses an inheritance for His People. There is mention of a shout and the blast of a trumpet. Reminiscent perhaps of the events of Mt. Sinai when the creator met with humanity and gave them His Torah, which David had already stated that he loves because it is “perfect, reviving the soul.”

He remembers that this Elohim is the Mighty One that Abraham served. All is under His feet and He alone is highly exalted! Perhaps it would do us well to simply declare all that Yahweh has done today. Who He has been. Who He is to us, in this present moment. Who He will be in the prophesied age to come. Clap your hands all you Peoples! Shout to Elohim with a voice of joy!

Do *you* want to praise Him today?

Do you celebrate and memorialize Shavuot/Feast of Weeks/Pentecost? If not, why not? Biblically, it is absolutely impossi...

Do you celebrate and memorialize Shavuot/Feast of Weeks/Pentecost? If not, why not? Biblically, it is absolutely impossible to disconnect the Feast of Shavuot from the "Pentecost" events in Acts chapter 2.

In fact, if the people were not gathering “in one accord” to celebrate the Feast, Acts chapter would not have unfolded how it did. Like it or not, according to biblical prophecy, one of the primary purposes of Holy Spirit’s coming is to empower men to "walk in Yahweh's statutes and obey Yahweh's rules."

This must cause us to ask, what then was the purpose of the Holy Spirit being poured out on the Feast of Shavuot? Why there? Why then? What does it even mean to "walk according to the Spirit?" T Let's find out!

In this episode we’ll attempt to highlight some of the many connections between the giving of the Torah, in Exodus, and the events of Acts chapter 2. If we f...

In Genesis chapter 15 we read a very important phrase, “Then [Abram] believed in Yahweh and He reckoned it to him as rig...

In Genesis chapter 15 we read a very important phrase, “Then [Abram] believed in Yahweh and He reckoned it to him as righteousness.” Here we have biblical first mention of both “believe” and “righteousness.” Believe here, in Hebrew, is understood to be quite active. You don’t just believe in your head, but rather your belief causes action based upon your absolute trust and confidence. Biblical belief is simply the precursor of obedience.

As we see with Abram, true belief causes one to move. To act in response. Abram’s belief here is one that moves him unto righteousness, in Yahweh’s eyes. Righteous deeds are the fruit (how one lives as a result of belief).

To “believe” biblically is to be absolutely persuaded! This gives proper context and understanding to verses such as John 3:16 – whoever “believes in Yeshua.” This is so much more than shrugging of the shoulders “Yea…. I ‘believe’ in God.” It is not merely mental ascent. It must look like something. I would propose that this is why Yeshua scolded the non-believing teachers that if they were, in fact, the children of Abraham, they would be doing the works that Abraham did. (John 8:39) Instead, they were laboring in vain, only exalting their own law and ideas above His Father’s.

Next, we see Abram recognize and declare that Yahweh is his Master and then he asks for a sign of sorts. “How will I know that this is true?” is what he’s basically asking. In verse 8 Yahweh says “bring.” In verse 9, “Abram brought.” He is directed to gather animals and he responds with obedience and actions. Again, he “believed” therefore he did. This will absolutely be true for those in the pattern of Abraham – Abraham’s prophesied seed.

Belief alone is not the goal. It is merely the beginning!

We must rightly read the entirety of the goings on here. Abram played an active role in bringing, preparing, preserving and covering the burnt offerings. Despite the endless fragmentary sermons that we’ve all heard throughout our lives, that tell us that “God did it all because Abraham was just sleeping”, we must realize that Abraham’s belief, that led to righteousness, moved him to action *first.* We must learn from this.

Yes, Abram believed first. Yes! And his belief, that brought about his righteousness, moved him to action!

Abraham’s actions to obediently assemble and prepare the animals, as well as his efforts to keep them from being carried away by the birds, is a clear depiction of Abram’s part in the covenantal process. We must hear instructions towards what to “do” and then respond with doing. True belief is only fully realized when one obeys what he believes and places his confidence within it entirely, just like Abram in Genesis chapter 15.

Yahweh will ALWAYS keep His covenantal responsibilities. Will we?

In Acts chapter 2 we see covenant prophecies beginning to unfold. We see specifics take place in order to solidify that ...

In Acts chapter 2 we see covenant prophecies beginning to unfold. We see specifics take place in order to solidify that we make the connection. At Sinai Yahweh gave the Torah written by His finger on tablets of stone. At Shavuot/Pentecost (Acts 2), He poured out His Spirit to empower men to obey.

We, of course, also see this in Ezekiel and reiterated in Hebrews. Where was the fire? Upon their heads. Upon who’s heads? Individuals. What individuals? Individuals that had gathered together in one accord. What had they gathered together in one accord to do? To celebrate Yahweh’s Feast! Shavuot! Feast of Weeks! Pentecost!

Yahweh's timing is precise and purposeful. He has given us His Torah to show us how to walk. He has sent us His Son to give us an example of what complete obedience looks like. Then, He sent His prophesied Spirit to empower us to obey!

We are surely without excuse. Father is so good. In the latest video that posts this evening, we will discuss that it's time to biblically define what it means to "walk according to the Spirit", as we examine the wonderful Feast of Shavuot.

Praise Yahweh for His mighty acts towards men!


If I told my Christian friends and family that I was going to start calling the "God of the Bible" Allah, they'd write me off even more than they already have. Interestingly however, when asked why they only say "God", many would also say that His Name just doesn't really matter. After all, "He know...

NEW EPISODE!If I told my Christian friends and family that I was going to start calling the "God of the Bible" Allah, th...


If I told my Christian friends and family that I was going to start calling the "God of the Bible" Allah, they'd write me off even more than they already have.

Interestingly however, when asked why they only say "God", many would also say that His Name just doesn't really matter. After all, "He knows Who I'm talking to", right? So which is it? Does His Name matter or not?

This brief episode challenges us to remember that Yahweh's great Name is a reminder that He wants us to intimately know Him, and address Him specifically. Do you declare His mighty Name? Let's find out!

If I told my Christian friends and family that I was going to start calling the "God of the Bible" Allah, they'd write me off even more than they already hav...

Few things stir up trouble like discussing the role and function of the Son of Elohim. Was He super-human deity? Was He ...

Few things stir up trouble like discussing the role and function of the Son of Elohim. Was He super-human deity? Was He co-equal with His Father, despite His telling us that He was not? Who was He and why did He come? Many people cannot handle mature discussions that are solely based on THE ENTIRETY of the Bible, free from offense. Trust me. I’ve seen this first-hand more times than I could ever count.

But for those that can lean upon the Word and not our religious heritage, and who only want what the entire Word reveals as true, this is a wonderful topic to examine. I’ve spent the better part of 18+ months now specifically investigating the Word for answers to questions that my Christian upbringing could never answer.

The results are incredible. I like to ask questions. One of the best is “why do we have such a problem with acknowledging that Yahweh is Salvation?” The answer is somewhat complex and most don’t even know why. We will not tackle that today.

Hebrews 5:9, that some use to remove Yahweh from the equation, actually supports the rest of the Word. “And being made perfect, [Yeshua] became the source of eternal salvation to all who obey Him.” This actually supports my point today. Yeshua became the source of salvation to those who obey what? His new commands? No. Of course not.

To obey the subservient Son is to obey the Father, the One who bestowed unto His Son the gift of becoming “the cause” (Greek: aitios) of His (the Father’s) salvation extended to those who obey Him (the Son.) Yeshua was constantly making it clear that He had no initiative and agenda of His own. He was the cause of His Father’s Salvation. The physical manifestation. Yet again, this is why His Name matters. Yahweh Who is Salvation came and dwelt among us!

We just recently discussed the void of Believer’s literally speaking and declaring Yahweh’s Name. Today’s topic goes hand in hand with this concern as the majority equally do not properly understand the importance of the Name Yeshua. Friend, Yahweh is Salvation! Is that OK with you? Ever… single… time I declare the Name of Yeshua, I’m telling all of Creation that Yahweh alone is Salvation!

I could speak towards this all day, so I will bring today to a conclusion with this. When I began to biblically see the function and role of Yeshua, set beside all of His instructions to go and live as He, something in me changed. I saw that I *can* be like my Messiah in the here and now! Really! We too can be vessels of our Father’s wonderful Salvation! This is good news friend! Blessed be the Name of Yahweh! He is my Salvation!


Using a popular Christian song from 1983, we'll discuss the dangers of forsaking a proper theological foundation. In an effort to "be free" from legalistic behaviors, many have traded in the necessity of Bible study and knowledge for encounters and experiences alone. So where do we go from here? Let...


In the Gospels we read of Yeshua sleeping in a boat alongside His wide-wake disciples. He is at rest. They are in great turmoil and distress. He is awakened and corrects them for their "little faith." And then He calms the storm. Here we see our story. We need to admit that we're in need of help and...


Can we just read the Bible and then interpret whatever we see however we wish, in order to make it personally applicable? When we take the time to stop and rightly think towards the biblical authors letters, we see that they were speaking to a specific people, within a specific context. Do you know....


This short episode highlights the value of making it a habit to recall the awesome works of Yahweh in our lives. Do you do this? Let's find out!

New audio episode!Using a popular Christian song from 1983, we'll discuss the dangers of forsaking a proper theological ...

New audio episode!

Using a popular Christian song from 1983, we'll discuss the dangers of forsaking a proper theological foundation. In an effort to "be free" from legalistic behaviors, many have traded in the necessity of Bible study and knowledge for encounters and experiences alone.

So where do we go from here? Let's find out!

Using a popular Christian song from 1983, we'll discuss the dangers of forsaking a proper theological foundation. In an effort to "be free" from legalistic b...

Anyone who has truly studied the Bible knows that it is overflowing with reminders to be patient and endure well. It wou...

Anyone who has truly studied the Bible knows that it is overflowing with reminders to be patient and endure well. It would seem that both the Author and the writers knew that mankind would be awful at both.

I believe that it is always time for a reminder to be found enduring this life well, in patience. We, of course, know that biblical patience and waiting are both quite active. We’re not attempting to simply idly sit upon a “decision” that we made when we were twelve years of age. Rather, there is a race to be run.

If we are in fact in the heritage of men of faith that went before us, we must be moving along this life with the future in mind. Now this in no way makes us of no effect here but rather points to something greater. This is all sanctification time given to us by the mercy of the Father. There is a reason we’re not all sucked up out of here when we repent and turn back to Father’s Ways.

Now is the time to be changed. Now is the time to prepare. Now is the time to establish our hearts and endure well.

As a child of the 70’s and 80’s, I grew up listening to the band Petra. I can still clearly remember picking out their 1...

As a child of the 70’s and 80’s, I grew up listening to the band Petra. I can still clearly remember picking out their 1981 record, Never Say Die, at the Christian book store. I still enjoy much of their music today and it’s, of course, quite nostalgic for me. A couple of years later, in 1983, they released a record that I loved, as a ten year old boy.

On that record they have a song titled, “Lift Him Up.” Even after all of these years, I can sing every line. The song was in my head the other day, so I’ve been thinking about what it says. Some of the lines are as follows.

They don't need no more elevated speeches
We're keeping Jesus just beyond their reaches
Can't see the forest for all of the trees
They won't see Jesus till we fall on our knees

Lift Him up, higher and higher
Lift Him up, set the world on fire
It doesn't take much theology
Just lift Him up so the world can see
Lift Him up, tell the Gospel story
Lift Him up, left them see His glory
It doesn't take any Bible degree
Just lift Him up so the world can see

While I have no interest in being harsh or questioning their motives within this song, at fifty years of age now looking back, I have concerns about what this mindset has produced. I inherited a religious era that was leaving behind the necessity of Bible knowledge. Perhaps you did too.

Emotions and “experiential encounters” pretty much removed the need for Bible study and theological stability. The need for boring sermons and deeper knowledge of the Bible was faded out. Deemed just not cool for the latest and greatest Christian church. The Jesus movement had begun to accomplish its purpose and see some fruit on its young tree.

Fast forward to today. Despite the admirable attempt to take the varnish off of fake religion, what it has produced has been downright awful. Now pretty much anything goes. As the song stated, theology has little to no place for most. What one believes just doesn’t really matter, right? Do you “love Jesus?”

Now I’m sure no proponent for seminary degrees and lofty positions of men, so please hear me well. That’s not at all what I’m talking about. I never promote some clergy/laity division within the Body. That too has done its fair share to destroy the Body.

But what I am saying is that we’ve swung out so far from legalistic religion that now preachers with little to no biblical knowledge ride motorcycles onto stages on a Sunday morning. Sword-swallowers are used as “ministry outreach tools.” Lights, smoke and entertainment-fueled nonsense rules in the Assembly.

Sadly, many do not even truly know the biblical Gospel story nor what it even means to biblically “Lift ‘Him’ up.” And therein lies the main problem. What Gospel are we preaching and what in the world are we even presenting? If it is not the Almighty Yahweh, His Son and what the full Gospel even is, then the entire endeavor is futile. It is a false Gospel.

So may we not overcorrect and allow the pendulum to swing so far out that we have forsaken the need for study of the Word and a proper demonstration of how to live, as set apart ones unto Yahweh. Lift Him up? Yes! But, we must first know what that even means. And friend, that does take a healthy dose of theology. Selah.



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