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Conscious Socials |For Purpose-Driven Biz|
|Copy designed to connect & inspire| SEO-friendly content| Content Strategy|

Pentru a realiza aceasta cercetare depiata, am intrebat clienti si oameni deafaceri pe care ii cunosc, si am urmaritdisc...

Pentru a realiza aceasta cercetare de
piata, am intrebat clienti si oameni de
afaceri pe care ii cunosc, si am urmarit
discutii pe forumuri de business si pe
grupuri de antreprenori de pe retelele de sociale. 💡

Scopul a fost acela de a identifica
problemele cu care se confrunta acestia
cand vine vorba despre textele de

Te numeri si tu printre ei?

Te astept in DMs sa vorbim despre copywriting si textele de promovare.


Vrei sa-ti maresti vizibilitatea online pe social media si sa atragi mai multi clienti pe site-ul tau, dar nu stii cum?

Te pot ajuta!

Iata cum:

#1 Scrierea de continut + Optimizare SEO

Te ajut sa scrii continut nou sau sa optimizezi articolele vechi, postarile de pe blog si alte materiale pentru motoarele de căutare. Astfel vei atrage mai mult trafic si iti vei creste vizibilitatea online.

Te ajut cu structurarea continutului tau intr-un mod usor de citit si de inteles, pentru a imbunatati experienta utilizatorului si a incuraja mai multa interactiune.

#2 Social Media SEO

Voi optimiza profilurile tale de social media, postarile, cuvintele cheie si hashtag-urile pentru a ajunge mai usor la publicul tau ideal.

Te voi ajuta sa-ti construiesti o prezenta de brand puternica si o reputatie excelenta, care poate duce la mai multi urmaritori, clienti si oportunitati de afaceri.

Indiferent dacă esti o afacere mica sau un brand personal, SEO este o unealta esentiala care te poate ajuta sa-ti atingi obiectivele in peisajul online de astazi.

Aceasta unealta te ajuta sa creezi continut de calitate, care nu numai ca atrage publicul tau ideal, ci se si clasifica bine in motoarele de cautare.

Lasa-ma sa te ajut sa-ti duci prezenta online la nivelul urmator. Trimite-mi un mesaj acum pentru a incepe!

Storytelling has always been a powerful tool for marketers, but it is becoming increasingly important in 2023. ✒️Here is...

Storytelling has always been a powerful tool for marketers, but it is becoming increasingly important in 2023. ✒️

Here is a list of the most common mistakes my clients make when it comes to communicating with their audience:

1️⃣ They concentrate only on their product or service rather than the reason behind WHY they do what they do.

You have to use storytelling to build a community of loyal customers.

2️⃣ They use complicated words and terms on their website or social media platforms.

Communicate simply and clearly, so that your audience can understand the advantages of your product or service.

3️⃣ They struggle to speak to the needs of their target audience because they don't have a brand voice or a clear understanding of their buyer persona.

Consumers are bombarded with more marketing messages than ever and are becoming better at ignoring traditional advertising.

The best copywriting tells an authentic story that speaks to the needs of your target audience.

When you are doing that, you have a much higher chance of getting their attention.

If you want to take your business to the next level, I'm here to help you.

I'll help you craft compelling and persuasive content to reach and engage with your ideal audience.

Send me a DM, and let's start today!

☝ "Daca esti pe retelele sociale si nu inveti, nu razi, nu esti inspirat sau nu interactionezi cu alte persoane, atunci ...

☝ "Daca esti pe retelele sociale si nu inveti, nu razi, nu esti inspirat sau nu interactionezi cu alte persoane, atunci le folosesti in mod gresit. " - Germany Kent

Cam asa este si cu strategiile tale de marketing.

Strategiile orientate doar spre castig material nu mai sunt relevante daca vrei sa costruiesti o comunitate de clienti fideli.

Intr-un peisaj de marketing in continua evolutie, este mai important ca niciodata sa construiesti o conexiune puternica cu clientii tai si sa fii responsabil social.

Tu ce abordare de marketing ai?

Citeste articolul de mai jos pentru a afla mai multe despre beneficiile marketingului orientat spre responsabilitate sociala si sustenabilitate. 🔗

Marketingul social este o abordare inspirationala a marketingului clasic, care pune accentul pe valorile si misiunea unui brand sau afacere.

Cum spui povestea brandului tau?🖋Stii sa creezi o afacere de la zero insa nu stii cm sa spui povesti despre tine si afa...

Cum spui povestea brandului tau?🖋

Stii sa creezi o afacere de la zero insa nu stii cm sa spui povesti despre tine si afacerea ta? Si din acest motiv, abandonezi aceasta parte esentiala din comunicarea cu publicul tau? ☝

Daca raspunsul este DA, continua sa citesti.💡

Un brand story nu este doar despre povestea ta personala.

Este despre a fi vulnerabil si a arata cm ai ales tu sa transformi experienta ta personala in misiunea de a-i ajuta pe altii.

Mai mult, brand story-ul este despre clientii tai ideali. Ce ii emotioneaza, ce apreciaza ei, de ce au nevoie.

Este un instrument prin care iti servesti clientii, nu doar le vinzi un produs sau un serviciu.📍

NU este despre faptul ca preturile tale sunt mai mici ca ale concurentei, ci despre cm ii poate ajuta produsul sau serviciul pe care il oferi, despre a cunoaste ce probleme au si cm le poti rezolva.

Daca si tu vrei sa ai o poveste de brand autentica, lasa-mi un mesaj in privat si hai sa o scriem impreuna.📩

Daca afacerea ta ar fi o persoana, cm ar fi aceasta? Ce limbaj ar folosi pentru a se exprima? Ce trasaturi de personali...

Daca afacerea ta ar fi o persoana, cm ar fi aceasta? Ce limbaj ar folosi pentru a se exprima? Ce trasaturi de personalitate ar lua?

Un simplu exercitiu prin care sa raspunzi la intrebari este acela de a numi trei valori umane care reprezinta modul prin care ai vrea ca oamenii sa experimenteze produsele sau serviciile tale.

O greseala pe care am observat ca o fac clientii mei este aceea ca nu au un brand voice.

Iar brand voice-ul este modul in care alegi sa te prezinti publicului tau. Te ajuta sa te diferentiezi de competitorii tai si sa creezi o legatura mult mai emotionala decat crezi.

De aceea este foarte important ce si cm comunici cu publicul tau tinta.

Tu ai un voice brand bine definit?

Hey, you!  👋- Stiai ca 57% dintre consumatorii globali sunt loiali brandurilor si companiilor centrate pe valori morale ...

Hey, you! 👋

- Stiai ca 57% dintre consumatorii globali sunt loiali brandurilor si companiilor centrate pe valori morale si probleme sociale?

- Ai muncit atat de mult sa iti transformi ideile in produse si servicii pentru clientii tai ideali. Iar scopul tau este sa creezi o afacere transparenta, responsabila si cu valori etice? 🌱

- Petreci zeci de ore pe zi pentru a scrie postari pe Social Media sau pe site, insa la finalul zilei realizezi ca tot ce ai scris nu iti reprezinta afacerea. Sau nu stii sa scrii un text care sa converteasca si sa atraga clientii ideali, nu mai zic de fidelizarea celor deja existenti si cresterea vanzarilor?

Sunt Carmen, creator de cuvinte pentru afaceri si branduri orientate spre responsabilitate sociala si transparenta, si care vor sa aiba un impact pozitiv in comunitatea lor.

Ma implic emotional pentru a conecta oamenii cu produse si servicii care le imbogatesc viata. Poate chiar le schimba felul de a gandi. 💫

Desi sustenabilitatea si stilul de viata sanatos sunt specialitatile mele, imi place la fel de mult sa scriu pentru alte industrii, fie ca este vorba de postari pe Social Media, descrieri de produse sau copy pentru website-ul tau.

Te ajut cu servicii de copywriting si content writing, care sa inspire, sa educe, si sa creeze conexiuni puternice intre tine si afacerea ta si clientii tai ideali.

Un brand memorabil nu creste printr-o promovare automatizata, ci prin conexiuni umane, empatie si autenticitate. Si asta iti voi oferi prin serviciile mele.

Pe langa acestea, uite alte motive pentru care sa lucrezi cu mine:

1. Te ajut sa iti transformi gandurile si ideile in continut care sa se adresese atat publicului tau tinta cat si sa converteasca si sa atraga clienti noi;

2. Te ajut cu scrierea textelor de care ai nevoie pentru afacerea ta, ca tu sa ai timp pentru tot ceea ce iti ofera placere si sa nu te mai gandesti la termeni gen copy, research, sau conversie;

3. Cuvintele sunt un instrument puternic, insa nu sunt suficiente. Combin strategia, psihologia vanzarilor, marketingul si brandingul pentru a creea o strategie de continut care sa se alinieze cu etapa in care se afla afacerea sau brandul tau;

4. Sunt alaturi de tine la fiecare pas pentru a oferi clientilor tai ideali o experienta de cumparare unica, bazata pe incredere si credibilitate;

5. Te ajut cu optimizarea SEO, pentru ca website-ul sau magazinul tau online sa fie vizibile in motoarele de cautare sau pe retelele sociale;

6. Beneficiezi de consultanta pe tot parcursul procesului de copy sau content writing pentru a raspunde la orice nelamuriri pe care le ai.

Specializarea mea este sa lucrez cu afaceri sau branduri carora le pasa de oameni si de mediul inconjurator.

Rolurile noastre sunt diferite, insa scopul nostru este acelasi: vrem sa jucam un rol in a face mai bine.

Daca si tu ai aceasta misiune, lasa-mi un mesaj in privat pentru a stabili o sesiune 1 la 1 si hai sa lucram impreuna. 💬

Did you know waste increases 25% between Thanksgiving and New Years?With a few small changes you canshow gratitude to Mo...

Did you know waste increases 25% between Thanksgiving and New Years?

With a few small changes you can
show gratitude to Mother Earth this year and opt in for a zero-waste Thanksgiving.

How to do that?

Here are some tips:

- buy only what you need ( check your pantry, plan you recipes and shop accordingly)

- buy fresh, local ingredients ( opt to support local producers whenever possible to cut down carbon emissions from travelling and packaging)

- avoid single-use plates & flatware

- use natural decorations ( I'm sure you can find some corn husks, seeds, browning leaves and teeny tiny gourds around your neighborhood)

- take care of leftovers ( plan out your serving containers to use things like casserole dishes you can easily store)

How are you organizing your Thanksgiving Dinner? Are you existed to try something different this year and have a more eco-friendly holiday?

image description: a basket full of squashes and flowers

9 easy ways to be an eco-conscious consumer:1. Do some homework: - learn more about the products you buy or the brands y...

9 easy ways to be an eco-conscious consumer:

1. Do some homework:

- learn more about the products you buy or the brands you love.

- understand the ingredients of a product (make a list with harmful or toxic ingredients and avoid them next time you buy a product).

- read labels and look for certifications.

2. Make better choices.

We hold the cards for the types of products that are being sold in the world.
Ask yourself questions like :

- is this safe/healthy for me and my family?

- is it harming the planet in any way?

- what is the impact on society?

3. Start ditching disposables: it can take up to 1000 years for plastic to degrade.

4. Discover sustainable alternatives: educate yourself on reusable materials.

5. Be willing to pay more sometimes. And be aware that even if you pay more for a reusable item now, on long term you are saving money.

6. Follow conscious brands for sales: save a budget for sale season and invest in conscious, durable items.

7. Consume less. Start a zero-waste meal plan (link in bio).

8. Shop secondhand when possible.

9. Demand transparency and authenticity from brands.

Definition of eco-conscious : marked by or showing concern for the environment// eco-conscious consumersBeing eco-consci...

Definition of eco-conscious

: marked by or showing concern for the environment
// eco-conscious consumers

Being eco-conscious means being aware of the impact you have on the environment.

Are you eco-conscious? Fill the blank in the comment section and let me know what eco-conscious habits you have.

Let's inspire each other and share ideas. 💚🤍


It's  Get involved and use your voice to raise awareness and ask for transparency from your favorite brands.This week, I...

Get involved and use your voice to raise awareness and ask for transparency from your favorite brands.
This week, I'm asking to tell me:
1. Under what conditions are your garment workers living and working?

2. How did you helped your workers during Covid19 pandemic in 2020?

In a recent study which interviewed 400 garment workers across 9 countries, Worker Rights Consortium found that even those employees who still have their jobs reported a 21% decrease in income between March and August 2020, with monthly wages falling from 187$ to 147$.

Which brands are you asking this week?


shoes 🤍


I know it's only April but beach days are upon us. And we all have to be mindful about our carbon footprint, even when w...

I know it's only April but beach days are upon us. And we all have to be mindful about our carbon footprint, even when we are in vacation.

How to be an eco-friendly beach goer?

• don't leave anything behind (what you bring with you, leaves with you)

• pack snacks in reusable containers ( plastic can get easily blown away and pollutes the water)

• use eco-friendly sunscreen (certain sunscreens damage coral reefs by speding up the coral bleaching effect)

• don't collect shells ( are important for to beaches, providing shelter for animals and anchoring seagrass)

• don't touch or feed animals

Are you ready for beach days?
Do you have any other tips to be more eco-friendly this summer?



Happy Sunday!🤍

Happy Sunday!🤍

How sustainable is the furniture in your home?When it comes to furniture, I just love IKEA.But it kills me to see how mu...

How sustainable is the furniture in your home?

When it comes to furniture, I just love IKEA.
But it kills me to see how much plastic they use in wrapping their packages. I got one today and it literally took me 5 minutes to unwrapp all the plastic my package came in.

So, how sustainable is IKEA? I admit I knew nothing about it so I looked on their website and found this info:

- "Well with home solar, veggie hot dogs and kitchen fronts made of recycled plastic bottles, we want to inspire change. Because, as Ingvar Kamprad said: ‘No method is more effective than the good example.’ ".

- They are also committed to replace all plastic used in their products with renewable or recycled material by 2030.🙌

I love you. Please hurry up and make these changes. This planet needs it. 🙏🙌


In my eco-conscious journey I'm also focusing on building a sustainable and cruelty-free wardrobe. So today I'm going to...

In my eco-conscious journey I'm also focusing on building a sustainable and cruelty-free wardrobe.

So today I'm going to start a series of Instagram posts called: "SUSTAINABLE FASHION GUIDE" where I will share tips about the fashion industry and what to look for when building a minimalistic and sustainable wardrobe.

Let's start by talking about fabrics!💚

Here is a list of the best sustainable fabrics to look for:

•LINEN: comes from the flax plant so it's a natural fiber


• DENIM: avoid stonewash, rips and tears: look for BLUESIGN or STANFAR 100 BY OEKO-TEX marks

• PEACE SILK: silk is made by silkworms which are killed by boiling their COCOONS. Peace Silk is made by collecting empty COCOONS.

• CUPRO: made from recycled garments, but with a troubling part in the making process (can be harmful and toxic to workers because of the chemical needed)

• WOOL & CASHMERE: natural materials, but with a few things to consider- treatment of wool-growing animals and higher emissions associated with cultivating wool

• RECYCLED NYLON / ECONYL: made of recycled plastic

• BAMBOO/ECOVERO/LYOCELL/ MODAL/ TENCEL/RAYON/VISCOSE : derived from tree-pulp and then processed chemically until they become soft, wearable fibres.

•HEMP: has a very similar feel to linen, although is often mixed with cotton or lyocell to produce a softer fabric.

Do you know any other sustainable fabrics that I should also mention?


A couple of facts about the environmental impact of cars:• Production. Cars consume a lot of energy before they ever mak...

A couple of facts about the environmental impact of cars:

• Production. Cars consume a lot of energy before they ever make it to the open road. Think about the materials that must be created to make a car.

• Fuel costs. Extracting and shipping fuels consume a lot of energy and create environmental disasters such as oil spills.

• Air quality. The smog, carbon monoxide, and other toxins emitted by vehicles leave tailpipes at street level, and people breathe the polluted air.

• Infrastructure. Road building has a big impact on emissions and wildlife.

Do you use your car every day?
Let me know in the comments!💚


Are you living a sustainable life?--------------

Are you living a sustainable life?



One eco-swap you can make in your kitchen today: bamboo bowls insted of plastic bowls. Why? • bamboo is much more durabl...

One eco-swap you can make in your kitchen today: bamboo bowls insted of plastic bowls.


• bamboo is much more durable than plastic

• bamboo is eco-friendly thus it is biodegradable

• there are no harmful chemicals used to create bamboo bowls (maybe just paint but today there are many alternatives to chemically produced paint)

• bamboo is lightweight (so you can carry it with you when you go picnic on sunny summer days)

Do you use bamboo bowls or any other kitchen utensils made of bamboo?



Are sheet masks kind to the environment? Sheet masks are almost always designed to be single-use products. The pouches t...

Are sheet masks kind to the environment?

Sheet masks are almost always designed to be single-use products. The pouches that hold sheet masks are often made of a combination of aluminum and plastic. That means each time we use one, we’re generating some sort of waste.

Here are some tips in being more sustainable when choosing sheet masks, according to Caroline Jacobs-Graf, founder of A Little Find, a platform for conscious brands:
- make sure the mask does not include plastic polymers in ingredients because these will break down in micro-plastics, a material that will not decompose

- biodegradable masks should be made from natural fibers that aren’t blended with plastic microfibers

- look at the packaging it comes in. Check if the sleeve is recyclable

Sheet masks tend to come in tearable plastic packets which might have the 'recyclable' logo on but also may not be widely recycled.

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