Hannibal Lecture Pt2
The continuation of last month’s tasty topic on cannibalism. Wieners, leg tacos, performance art, and how to know if cannibalism is right for you.
Hannibal Lecture Pt1
The long awaited, at least for your grim hosts, series on cannibalism! We talk about it in passing so much, it’s time to bite into some lesser known stories of “you are what you eat”.
Best Funeral Ever
TLC has given us some of the most chaotic reality television over the years, so is it any surprise there was a show about funerals? The Deputies discuss this and more funeral antics on today’s episode.
Grave Goods
The ancient Egyptians were king when it came to burying their dead with trinkets, but what about other cultures? The trio discuss mementos sent to the grave throughout time.
Trading Trades
A bit of a switch up this week, the deputies talk about some personal development in their own death career paths. A “beach episode” after some heavier topics.
What Can You Say When There’s Nothing You Can
It’s happened to everyone more than once. When someone close to you loses someone close to them, what are you supposed to say or do? Is there even anything you can?
Gruesome Goodbyes Pt2
Content warning! Discussion contains graphic descriptions of death. Was last month not enough goo and gore for you? Fortunately, there’s even more this episode! Brandy and Red delve back into ends most foul from fables to fact.
Gruesome Goodbyes Pt1
Content warning! Discussion contains graphic descriptions of death. The Deputies cover a fan-requested topic for this episode on some of the most brutal deaths, both from fictitious worlds and real history.
Samples Used:Soundtrack https://freesound.org/people/soundstack/sounds/203246/Hello Zepp - Charles Clouser
Death Culture Discourse 102: Victorian Era
Today we bring you another DCDed segment on a time period that has remained influential even to this day: the Victorian Era! See which customs were just a faze and what became a craze 150 years after they took the stage.
Samples used from Freesound.org:
GregorQuendel https://freesound.org/people/GregorQuendel/sounds/716565/