Check out a writing prompt from draft featured today in the The University of Iowa Pentacrest Museums wonderful Nature Journal Challenge project. Great for kids and adults alike
A special part of this project has turned out to be the interaction with other groups in developing the daily prompts. Today's prompt comes from Draft: the journal of process, featuring first and final drafts of stories, essays, and poems along with author interviews about the creative process. The following was submitted by Draft and adapted from an exercise by artist/writer Lita Kurth:
"Find a leaf. Regard this leaf and describe it in great detail (size—use estimated numbers—color, shape, flaws, all its little parts) until you notice ~something~. Describe the discovery.
Now write TO the leaf, anything from a respectful letter to a rant.
Finally, let the leaf write back.
Save the leaf, closing it between the pages of your journal for safe keeping."
We know these are personal projects and journeys, but would love to see what you wrote to the leaf. Share if you'd like!