A few people are saying “sad” or “disappointed” to see myself and others playing different games from usual. DONT LET THAT RUIN YOUR VIBE, CAUSE IT AINT SHAKIN MINE ❤️
I know most of you know this, but so you all know where I’m at if you’re new.... everyone enjoys different games, respect that. That is the greatest thing about how many unique kinds there are, and I won’t dump on you for what u like.
If u see this happening to myself or others (on my page at least), don’t retaliate, just keep it calm and move on, cause it will never stop. I try to pay as little attention possible to it, cause it ain’t worth the time arguing about to me. I got content to create and am just here for a good time.
Don’t like a game I’m playing? The best news is it’s a great opportunity to check out other streamers who are playing the game that YOU enjoy (go to Fb.gg or the game section on app) and there are many great dedicated ones there or even starting out! They would LOVEEEEEE to hang out and that’s across many games. I know I was extremely grateful when I started out to get a few people to come by and see what I was up to on my channel and it meant the world to me, still does.
If u don’t see something you enjoy and you think you know what’s best, prove it! Maybe that means you should be out creating yourself in some way 👀 (That’s one of the main reasons I got started and still create, as I want to put the content in the world I personally want to see). That’s the reason many of you clicked that follow, to see what I’m creating.
I’ve been at this for 9 years now, and heard NONstop the whole time to “go play (game)” or “go back to (game)”, and I KNOW listening to those messages would not have got me to where I am at today. This is not a new thing to me.
I would have never played Battlefield, PUBG, Division, Sea of Thieves, and SOOO many other games I have LOVED, and millions have been able to enjoy content because of it. Would have definitely never done my YOLO series nor AWAL, and definitely would have never streamed on Facebook. So many told me to stop or give up on here 4 years ago when I started and go elsewhere... even laughed in my face when I told them.
I have this strength because I have experience, and because so many of you understand this and support what I’m doing. Not everyone will, that is okay. Those that come back though, whether thats daily, weekly, every few months, or even years later... is STILL part of why I can do this full time. Part ways for whatever reason, it won’t hurt my feelings... and come back whenever cause ur always welcome here. Maybe that’s waiting 1 day till I’m back on the game u like or months later if I get stuck on a game, but u also may be down for some of what else I am working on! I do it with you all in mind and best intentions if u give it a chance.
Growing pains can be hard, but I love you guys. I know this is long post, but hopefully a good read and leaves you optimistic, because I am. If u need to, bookmark this post and send people on my page to it if they need to read it
(Apologies for grammar and typos as always. )
Edit: the reason I’m posting this is because the channel has SO many new people who never heard this or are new to the streaming world. I know this is old news to many. 🙏