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Donald Glover 以「Childish Gambino」身份發行最後一張專輯《Bando Stone and The New World》,同時宣佈「Childish Gambino」音樂生涯正式結束。💿🎶《Bando Stone...

Donald Glover 以「Childish Gambino」身份發行最後一張專輯《Bando Stone and The New World》,同時宣佈「Childish Gambino」音樂生涯正式結束。💿🎶

《Bando Stone and The New World》是Childish Gambino自2020年的《3.15.20》以來第一張全新專輯。這張新專輯他與包括Chlöe、Amaarae、Jorja Smith、Fousheé、Yeat 和 Flo Milli 等才華洋溢的音樂人合作。🎧🎵

這張專輯同樣是一張由 Donald Glover 導演、即將上映的同名電影原聲帶。Donald Glover 於電影裡扮演的 Bando Stone 是一位身處末日世界的音樂家,並需帶同孩子面對外部世界的各種威脅。🎬🙌🏻

隨著Childish Gambino 的音樂生涯即將劃上句號,大家又最喜歡他的那張專輯或作品呢?✍🏻🩶

, the musical persona of has released his final album “Bando Stone and the New World” and announced the end of his Childish Gambino project.

The album is Glover’s first full-length release since 2020’s “3.15.20” and features collaborations with artists like Chlöe, Amaarae, Jorja Smith, and Flo Milli. It also serves as the soundtrack to an upcoming film directed by Glover, in which he portrays a musician navigating a post-apocalyptic world with a child.

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Lisa 早前推出全新單曲〈ROCKSTAR〉的 MV 後立即得到破億點擊率,卻惹上抄襲Travis Scott 的〈FE!N〉MV 疑雲。🎶🎬在〈ROCKSTAR〉MV中,Lisa 在一排穿著白色衣服、戴著頭罩及面無表情的人群中跳舞。 而...

Lisa 早前推出全新單曲〈ROCKSTAR〉的 MV 後立即得到破億點擊率,卻惹上抄襲Travis Scott 的〈FE!N〉MV 疑雲。🎶🎬

在〈ROCKSTAR〉MV中,Lisa 在一排穿著白色衣服、戴著頭罩及面無表情的人群中跳舞。 而〈FE!N〉MV 同樣出現類似場景。 這兩個 MV 在排列、氣氛及相機角度方面都有著相似之處。🎦🎞️

為Travis Scott 的〈FE!N〉MV 掌鏡、來自英國的攝影師 Gabriel Moses 立即表示〈ROCKSTAR〉MV絕對有抄襲之嫌。Gabriel Moses 更聲稱 Lisa 團隊曾聯繫過他的團隊並查詢希望能夠參考〈FE!N〉的 MV 拍攝,想不到拒絕過後,Lisa 團隊仍然照樣使用。🗣️🔊


’s recently released ‘ROCKSTAR’ music video has amassed over 100 million views, but has also sparked allegations of plagiarism, with similarities drawn to ’s ‘FE!N’ video. The two videos share striking resemblances in their composition, atmosphere, and camera angles, leading the “FE!N” cinematographer to directly accuse Lisa’s team of copying, claiming they had previously requested to reference the video but were denied.

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PUMA 與 Rihanna 合作推出 FENTY x PUMA Creeper Phatty 聯乘系列!Creeper Phatty 是 Rihanna 原著 Creeper 最新演繹的版本。飽滿的輪廓、有如橡皮糖的厚鞋底, 設計都比以往...

PUMA 與 Rihanna 合作推出 FENTY x PUMA Creeper Phatty 聯乘系列!Creeper Phatty 是 Rihanna 原著 Creeper 最新演繹的版本。飽滿的輪廓、有如橡皮糖的厚鞋底, 設計都比以往的版本更誇張大膽及型格。今季 PUMA 推出 Creeper Phatty 全新色系,備有全黑和經典紅白配色的燈芯絨鞋面兩款選擇。👟👚

今次由 Philippa Price 為 Rihanna 新鞋履拍攝校園風廣告相集。身兼創意總監的 Rihanna 以乖巧女生「the good gal」姿態在廣告中亮相之外,還有美劇 《高校十八禁》的 emo 女同學 Chloe Cherry 和金像女星 Anjelica Huston 為廣告驚喜客串,眾星雲集的陣容再融合了校園怪誕、懷舊與時尚等玩味元素,為這輯廣告劃上完美句點。🚌📚

FENTY x PUMA Creeper Phatty In Session 系列已公開發售,讀者們可於 Link in Bio 閱覽相關詳情。✍🏻🤝

and have collaborated on the FENTY x PUMA Creeper Phatty collection, which features an updated version of Rihanna’s original Creeper design with a plumper profile and thicker, squishy soles. Available in all-black and classic red and white velvet colorways, the new Creeper Phatty styles were captured in a collegiate-inspired campaign shot by Philippa Price and starring not only Rihanna herself, but also surprise appearances from actress Chloe Cherry and Oscar winner Anjelica Huston, blending quirky, nostalgic, and fashionable elements.

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2024 歐洲國家盃決賽落幕,西班牙以 2-1 擊敗英格蘭,足球未能「回家」,狂牛兵團亦順利成章第四度捧起歐洲國家盃。🐂⚽️首先由 Nico Williams 於下半場接應十七歲超新星 Lamine Yamal 的傳中近門射入,為西班牙打開...

2024 歐洲國家盃決賽落幕,西班牙以 2-1 擊敗英格蘭,足球未能「回家」,狂牛兵團亦順利成章第四度捧起歐洲國家盃。🐂⚽️

首先由 Nico Williams 於下半場接應十七歲超新星 Lamine Yamal 的傳中近門射入,為西班牙打開記錄。及後英格蘭領隊 Southgate 換入 Cole Palmer,他隨後以一記遠射入球為英格蘭扳平比分。但及後英格蘭在右邊線路失手,未能防守傳中球下讓 Mikel Oyarzabal 為西班牙射入奠勝球並贏得賽事!這亦是西班牙繼1964、2008和2012年後,歷史性第四次奪冠,他們的主力球員 Rodri 於賽後獲頒發本屆賽事最佳球員,更有可能問鼎今屆的金球獎!🇪🇸🏆


The final saw defeat 2-1. and scored for Spain, while equalized for England. This was Spain‘s historic 4th European title, with Rodri named Player of the Tournament. England will be disappointed to have reached the final for a second straight Euros without winning.

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2024 年溫布頓 Wimbledon 網球公開賽男單決賽上演去年同樣的戲碼西班牙小將 Carlos Alcaraz 對陣塞爾維亞球王 Novak Djokovic,前者力爭衛冕,後者向第25個大滿貫賽事冠軍出發!🏆🙌🏻最後 Carlos ...

2024 年溫布頓 Wimbledon 網球公開賽男單決賽上演去年同樣的戲碼西班牙小將 Carlos Alcaraz 對陣塞爾維亞球王 Novak Djokovic,前者力爭衛冕,後者向第25個大滿貫賽事冠軍出發!🏆🙌🏻

最後 Carlos Alcaraz 以盤數 3:0,場數 6-2、6-2、7-6(7-4)擊敗 Novak Djokovic,成功奪得個人第二座溫網冠軍,為生涯增添第四座大滿貫獎杯。🎾🇪🇸

品牌 Nike 就旗下這位西班牙小將衝冠成功感高興,並以一句嶄新的字句「Risk everything or win nothing.」意味著網壇的新世代將要來臨!☄️🔥

The 2024 Championships men’s singles final saw a rematch between young Spanish sensation and Serbian superstar , with the former defending his title. Alcaraz emerged victorious in straight sets, 6-2, 6-2, 7-6(7-4), claiming his second Wimbledon crown and fourth Grand Slam trophy overall.

Alcaraz’s sponsor, celebrated the triumph with a new slogan, “Risk everything or win nothing,” signaling the ascent of a new generation in tennis.

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2024年歐洲國家盃的決賽隊伍正式誕生,將由英格蘭對戰西班牙!🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🇪🇸 在剛過去的比賽日,英格蘭憑藉前鋒 Ollie Watkins 補時階段的妙射入球,為英格蘭奠定勝局,以2-1 比數戰勝荷蘭並取得決賽入場券。去屆歐國盃,英格蘭...


在剛過去的比賽日,英格蘭憑藉前鋒 Ollie Watkins 補時階段的妙射入球,為英格蘭奠定勝局,以2-1 比數戰勝荷蘭並取得決賽入場券。去屆歐國盃,英格蘭於決賽飲恨並落敗於意大利,今年英格蘭是否能夠終於問鼎冠軍?⚽️🥅

另一邊廂,西班牙同樣以2-1的比數戰勝法國,於比賽射入精彩入球、年僅16歲的Lamine Yamal 表現備受好評,而西班牙近四屆歐國盃賽事取得兩次冠軍,這次將力阻英格蘭取得冠軍。👦🏽🔥


The final will be battled between and , playing at Berlin on 14 July 2024.

England booked their spot with a 2-1 win over the Netherlands, while Spain defeated France 2-1. The final will take place this weekend, with England seeking their first European title since a heartbreaking loss in the previous final, and Spain aiming for their third championship in the last four editions.

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時隔五年日本歌手 Aimer 再次來到香港演出!從當時只能容納一千多人的麥花臣場館到亞博十號展館。力證這位未來名人堂歌姖的里程碑!🎶🏟️今回巡唱主題「3 nuits tour 2024」意指「三個夜晚」,三個巡迴城市分別是上海、台北和香港。...

時隔五年日本歌手 Aimer 再次來到香港演出!從當時只能容納一千多人的麥花臣場館到亞博十號展館。力證這位未來名人堂歌姖的里程碑!🎶🏟️

今回巡唱主題「3 nuits tour 2024」意指「三個夜晚」,三個巡迴城市分別是上海、台北和香港。然而「夜」的主題經常地貫穿在 Aimer 的作品之中,而這次的演唱會同樣充滿「夜」的元素,讓樂迷們度過了畢生難忘的一夜。✨🌒

耳熟能詳的「TWINKLE TWINKLE LITTLE STAR」音樂響起,Aimer 亦隨登上舞台宣告演唱會的開始。第一首歌曲是收錄於《SLEEPLESS NIGHTS》的〈星屑ビーナス〉,背景燈光頓時變藍色,就像是夜空出現的星星!及後的〈Ref:rain〉、〈I beg you〉、〈800〉與〈Re: I AM〉等,全場氣氛相當均相陶醉!然後,當然是兩首讓全場感動至極的一慢快演出!整個場館幾乎跟着一起唱的手本名曲〈Kataomi〉,還有讓全場站起來的「鬼滅之刅 一 遊郭篇」的片頭曲,被譽為熱血神作的〈Zankyosanka〉!🔥💪🏻

Aimer 於整場演出都在不同階段以廣東話答謝香港樂迷,這兩年被譽為日本樂壇的三位新生代歌姬 Milet 、Lilas Ikuta 與 Aimer 都方便以不同的形式來港獻唱,見證日本流行樂的新世代降臨!🫂🇭🇰

Japanese singer has returned to Hong Kong for a concert after 5 years! From the time when she would only perform at the 1,000-seat plus MacPherson Stadium, she has now graduated to the . This milestone cements her status as a future Hall of Fame artist!

The theme of her current “3 nuits tour 2024” refers to “three nights”, with the tour visiting Shanghai, Taipei, and Hong Kong. However, the theme of “night” is a recurring motif in Aimer’s work, and this concert series is similarly steeped in the elements of “night”, allowing fans to experience an unforgettable night.

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時隔五年日本歌手 Aimer 再次來到香港演出!從當時只能容納一千多人的麥花臣場館到亞博十號展館。力證這位未來名人堂歌姖的里程碑!🎶🏟️今回巡唱主題「3 nuits tour 2024」意指「三個夜晚」,三個巡迴城市分別是上海、台北和香港。...

時隔五年日本歌手 Aimer 再次來到香港演出!從當時只能容納一千多人的麥花臣場館到亞博十號展館。力證這位未來名人堂歌姖的里程碑!🎶🏟️

今回巡唱主題「3 nuits tour 2024」意指「三個夜晚」,三個巡迴城市分別是上海、台北和香港。然而「夜」的主題經常地貫穿在 Aimer 的作品之中,而這次的演唱會同樣充滿「夜」的元素,讓樂迷們度過了畢生難忘的一夜。✨🌒

耳熟能詳的「TWINKLE TWINKLE LITTLE STAR」音樂響起,Aimer 亦隨登上舞台宣告演唱會的開始。第一首歌曲是收錄於《SLEEPLESS NIGHTS》的〈星屑ビーナス〉,背景燈光頓時變藍色,就像是夜空出現的星星!及後的〈Ref:rain〉、〈I beg you〉、〈800〉與〈Re: I AM〉等,全場氣氛相當均相陶醉!然後,當然是兩首讓全場感動至極的一慢快演出!整個場館幾乎跟着一起唱的手本名曲〈Kataomi〉,還有讓全場站起來的「鬼滅之刅 一 遊郭篇」的片頭曲,被譽為熱血神作的〈Zankyosanka〉!🔥💪🏻

Aimer 於整場演出都在不同階段以廣東話答謝香港樂迷,這兩年被譽為日本樂壇的三位新生代歌姬 Milet 、Lilas Ikuta 與 Aimer 都方便以不同的形式來港獻唱,見證日本流行樂的新世代降臨!🫂🇭🇰

After a 5-year hiatus, Japanese singer has returned to Hong Kong for a concert! From the time when she would only perform at the 1,000-seat plus MacPherson Stadium, she has now graduated to the . This milestone cements her status as a future Hall of Fame artist!

The theme of her current “3 nuits tour 2024” refers to “three nights”, with the tour visiting Shanghai, Taipei, and Hong Kong. However, the theme of “night” is a recurring motif in Aimer’s work, and this concert series is similarly steeped in the elements of “night”, allowing fans to experience an unforgettable night.

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阿根廷足球國家隊以「Not Like Us」標語嘲諷Drake!🇦🇷🦉在剛過去的美洲國家盃四強賽事,阿根廷憑藉 Julian Alvarez 及 Lionel Messi 的入球,以2-1 比數戰勝首次參加美洲盃的加拿大。而於賽事前,Dra...

阿根廷足球國家隊以「Not Like Us」標語嘲諷Drake!🇦🇷🦉

在剛過去的美洲國家盃四強賽事,阿根廷憑藉 Julian Alvarez 及 Lionel Messi 的入球,以2-1 比數戰勝首次參加美洲盃的加拿大。而於賽事前,Drake於社交平台分享自己以30萬美金下注加拿大贏取賽事,結果賽後遭到阿根廷足球國家隊的嘲諷。⚽️🇨🇦

阿根廷足球國家隊賽後於社交平台上載勝利圖片,並附上「Not Like Us,Not With Us」的標語,以及 Kendrick Lamar 的《Not Like Us》背景音樂。有網民更直言這是歷史以來第一次出現一支足球國家隊Diss饒舌歌手的情況。🎶💸

亦有網民笑說 Drake 不用氣餒,因阿根廷仍需於美洲國家盃決賽對戰哥倫比亞。若然哥倫比亞取勝,Drake 就可以作出反擊了。🔥💪🏻

football team mocked with the ‘Not Like Us’ slogan after defeating 2-1 in the recent semi final. Prior to the match, Drake had bet $300,000 on Canada, only to be taunted by Argentina’s victory celebration featuring the “Not Like Us, Not With Us” slogan and ’s ‘Not Like Us’ music. This is reportedly the first time a national football team has DISSED a rap artist, though some commentators noted that Drake may still have a chance for retaliation if Argentina loses to Colombia in the final.

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NewJeans 早前於日本發行出道單曲〈Supernatural〉並登上音樂節目《Music Station》宣傳新曲,更與 Billie Eilish 驚喜互動合照!🎧💿這次是 NewJeans 首次在《Music Station》表演...

NewJeans 早前於日本發行出道單曲〈Supernatural〉並登上音樂節目《Music Station》宣傳新曲,更與 Billie Eilish 驚喜互動合照!🎧💿

這次是 NewJeans 首次在《Music Station》表演。儘管 HYEIN 因受傷而缺席,四位成員仍能夠於節目傾談及表演。除了演唱新曲〈Supernatural〉外,NewJeans 亦演繹知名作品〈OMG〉。🎶🎤

Billie Eilish 也於《Music Station》驚喜現身,他們曾經一起參與 Lollapalooza 音樂節的演出,雙方見面立刻開心地向對方打招呼,Billie Eilish 更與 NewJeans 成員HANNI 開心自拍!🫂🙌🏻

recently released their debut single ‘Supernatural’ in Japan, appearing on to promote the new song and having a delightful interaction and photo opportunity with , who also made a surprise appearance on the program.

Though HYEIN was absent due to injury, the remaining four members performed ‘Supernatural’ as well as their well-known track ‘OMG’, marking NewJeans’ first time on Music Station. The two acts had previously shared the stage at Lollapalooza, and they happily greeted each other, with Billie Eilish even taking a cheerful selfie with NewJeans member HANNI.

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F1 賽車手 Lewis Hamilton 事隔近三年在英國大獎賽上奪冠!效力平治車隊的 Hamilton 在賽後接受採訪時難掩激動情緒動情緒:「這是我以平治車手的身份在英國的最後一場比賽,我非常希望能夠為車隊勝出。我非常愛他們,也非常感激...

F1 賽車手 Lewis Hamilton 事隔近三年在英國大獎賽上奪冠!效力平治車隊的 Hamilton 在賽後接受採訪時難掩激動情緒動情緒:「這是我以平治車手的身份在英國的最後一場比賽,我非常希望能夠為車隊勝出。我非常愛他們,也非常感激他們。」✨🙌🏻

這是 Hamilton 在銀石賽道舉行的英國大獎賽上取得的第九場勝仗,打破了法拉利傳奇車手舒麥加在單站大獎賽中奪冠次數最多的世界紀錄。🏎️🏁

Formula One driver Lewis Hamilton won the British Grand Prix on July 7, marking his first win since 2021. The world champion, who is on the Mercedes team, was emotional during his post-race interview, stating this was his last race with the team and he wanted to win it for them. This was Hamilton’s ninth win at the British Grand Prix, breaking Ferrari legend Michael Schumacher’s world record for the most wins at a single Grand Prix.

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TIAB 以現場樂隊加上全新改編演繹最新專輯 《ADAM》,展現多元風格帶來好評。💿🎶TIAB 過往憑藉〈Why You So Beautiful〉、〈W.R.U.N〉和〈Reserve〉等歌曲為大眾所認識。這次TIAB的最新專輯《ADAM...

TIAB 以現場樂隊加上全新改編演繹最新專輯 《ADAM》,展現多元風格帶來好評。💿🎶

TIAB 過往憑藉〈Why You So Beautiful〉、〈W.R.U.N〉和〈Reserve〉等歌曲為大眾所認識。這次TIAB的最新專輯《ADAM》更突破以往風格,除了樂迷熟悉的Auto-tune外,TIAB 於《ADAM》融合 Jazz 的優雅擺動、 Drill 的強烈節奏、Jersey Club的獨特韻律及Emo Trap 的複雜情感,各項作品〈LIFE IS A MOVIE〉、〈Get used to 習慣〉等於音樂探索帶來突破。🎵🎧

另外,TIAB 亦將舉行《ADAM》個人演唱會,他將與近年積極推動 Hip Hop 音樂會的創意工作坊 Slept Base 聯手,雙方早於《芳華絕代》音樂節合作過,該活動以破紀錄三小時之多的製作成樂迷福音!《ADAM》已於各大平台同步上架,樂迷們絕對不容錯過。💼🙌🏻

showcases their diverse musical style with live band renditions of their latest album “ADAM”, earning critical acclaim.

Known previously for hits like ‘Why You So Beautiful’ and ‘W.R.U.N’, TIAB’s new “ADAM” album ventures beyond their signature Auto-tune sound. Blending Jazz, Drill, Jersey Club and Emo Trap influences, tracks like ‘LIFE IS A MOVIE’ and ‘Get used to’ demonstrate their musical progression.

TIAB will perform a concert tour for “ADAM”, collaborating with creative house after their successful partnership at a previous music festival.

The “ADAM” album is now available across platforms, a must-listen for TIAB fans.

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Jay-Z 宣佈收購香港奢侈手錶交易平台Wristcheck 的股權!⌚️💰初步估算Jay-Z投入約500萬美元融資。 Jay-Z 除了於音樂上取得崇高成就,並奪得過24次格萊美獎外,亦是一位相當成功的 Hip Hop 企業家,包括擁有涉足...

Jay-Z 宣佈收購香港奢侈手錶交易平台Wristcheck 的股權!⌚️💰

初步估算Jay-Z投入約500萬美元融資。 Jay-Z 除了於音樂上取得崇高成就,並奪得過24次格萊美獎外,亦是一位相當成功的 Hip Hop 企業家,包括擁有涉足音樂及體育人才的 Roc Nation、自己創立的洋酒品牌、以及多樣藝術品及房地產投資。Jay-Z 亦是擁有多支 Richard Mille、Audemars Piguet 及Patek Philippe 的名錶收藏家。🕐✨

Wristcheck 創辦人、來自香港的 Austen Chu 表示,作為一名企業家,Jay-Z一直是他的靈感來源。Jay-Z 的音樂除了陪伴他的成長外,Jay-Z 的品味更彌合了名錶和流行文化之間的差距。 作為二十一世紀最有影響力的名人,Jay-Z 這次融資操作帶來龐大的影響力及支援。🇭🇰⚫️

Invests in Hong Kong Watch Platform Wristcheck. Rapper and entrepreneur Jay-Z has acquired a stake in the Hong Kong luxury watch trading platform Wristcheck, investing around $5 million.

In addition to his music success, Jay-Z is known for his business ventures spanning talent management, spirits, art, and real estate. He is also an avid watch collector.

founder .chu views Jay-Z as an inspirational figure who has helped bridge the divide between high-end watches and popular culture. The musician’s investment is expected to have a significant impact given his influential status.

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在帶領葡萄牙擊敗斯洛文尼亞後,隊長 Cristiano Ronaldo 宣佈今屆將會是他參與的最後一屆歐國盃。🇵🇹⚽️Cristiano Ronaldo首次參與歐國盃是2004年,橫跨20年後他仍然是葡萄牙國家隊的絕對主力。在剛帶領葡萄牙對...

在帶領葡萄牙擊敗斯洛文尼亞後,隊長 Cristiano Ronaldo 宣佈今屆將會是他參與的最後一屆歐國盃。🇵🇹⚽️

Cristiano Ronaldo首次參與歐國盃是2004年,橫跨20年後他仍然是葡萄牙國家隊的絕對主力。在剛帶領葡萄牙對戰斯洛文尼亞時,Cristiano Ronaldo 於加時階段射失十二碼並抱頭痛哭。而於十二碼對戰階段時,Cristiano Ronaldo 主射第一球十二碼並取得得分,最終帶領葡萄牙戰勝斯洛文尼亞。🙌🏻✨

賽後Cristiano Ronaldo表示這將是他最後一屆歐國盃,同時成功透過這場比賽展現出永不放棄的精神,誓言帶領葡萄牙複製2016年奇蹟,取得歐國盃錦標。🌟🏆

After leading to victory over Slovenia, team captain announced that the would be his last visit competing The UEFA European Football Championship. Ronaldo first participated in the tournament in 2004, and 20 years later he remains central to the Portuguese national team.

Despite missing a penalty kick in extra time against Slovenia, Ronaldo scored the opening penalty in the shootout, ultimately guiding Portugal to victory. In the post-match interview, the legendary forward stated this would be his final European Championship, while vowing to lead Portugal to recapture the title they won in 2016.

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以下那一部電影的經典畫面最能觸動您們的心靈?🎬🍿Which film’s iconic scene has most moved or resonated with you emotionally?魔間傳奇| I Am Legend月黑高飛...


Which film’s iconic scene has most moved or resonated with you emotionally?

魔間傳奇| I Am Legend
月黑高飛 | The Shawshank Redemption
獅子王 | The Lion King
一個快樂的傳說 | Life is Beautiful
烈火焚身| Incendies
失憶大道 | Mulholland Drive
風河谷謀殺案 | Wind River
不可逆轉 | Irréversible
豪情四兄弟 | Sleepers
舒特拉的名單 | Schindler’s List

十年前,Richard Linater 橫跨12年拍攝的電影《Boyhood》登上大銀幕,成為影壇經典之作。🍿🎬《Boyhood》講述一個男孩從六歲到十八歲的成長歷程,而導演 Richard Linater 為了電影更貼近現實及讓觀眾產生共...

十年前,Richard Linater 橫跨12年拍攝的電影《Boyhood》登上大銀幕,成為影壇經典之作。🍿🎬

《Boyhood》講述一個男孩從六歲到十八歲的成長歷程,而導演 Richard Linater 為了電影更貼近現實及讓觀眾產生共鳴,一共花了12年時間並使用同一班演員陣容來完成這部作品,通過三小時的時間令觀眾感受歲月流逝的痕跡及當中的各項人生課題。⏳🕰️

《Boyhood》捕捉了美國家庭面對的矛盾波折、青少年天真爛漫而又充滿迷惘的青春日誌。當中的一切意義,或許像電影中 Ethan Hawke 飾演的父親所說,人生不過是一場即興表演。👨🏻🧑🏻

A decade ago, Richard Linklater’s “Boyhood” - filmed over 12 years - became a cinematic classic.

The film follows a boy’s maturation from age 6 to 18, with Linklater using the same cast throughout to authentically capture the passage of time. The 3-hour runtime allows viewers to intimately experience the boy’s journey and the complexities of American family life.

As the father character reflects, perhaps life is simply an improvised performance.

17年前的今日,Disney 與 Pixar 推出電影《Ratatouille 五星級大鼠》,時至今日不同圈內外影評均指出這部可能影史上是最具影響力的飲食電影!🍿🎥《Ratatouille 五星級大鼠》講述 Remy 是一隻具有高度敏銳味覺...

17年前的今日,Disney 與 Pixar 推出電影《Ratatouille 五星級大鼠》,時至今日不同圈內外影評均指出這部可能影史上是最具影響力的飲食電影!🍿🎥

《Ratatouille 五星級大鼠》講述 Remy 是一隻具有高度敏銳味覺和嗅覺的老鼠,夢想成為一名傑出的五星級大廚。然而,老鼠的身份令 Remy 只能過著與垃圾為伴的生活。一次偶然的機會讓 Remy 結識 Gusteau 餐廳學徒Alfredo。Alfredo 於廚藝上完全沒有天賦,甚至很大機會被解僱。結果 Remy 與 Alfredo 忽發奇想,讓 Remy 躲入 Alfredo 的廚師帽,透過自己的靈敏天賦操作Alfredo的煮食技藝。🐀🧑🏻‍🍳

Anyone Can Cook,這個像極廣告宣傳的字句於電影最後帶來莫名的感動。一隻老鼠成為法國最好的廚師,一切夢想都蘊含著無限的可能性,等待我們用汗水及才華去發掘。💭💥

17 years ago, and released the film “Ratatouille,” which many critics now consider one of the most influential food-themed movies in cinematic history. The film follows Remy, a rat with an exceptionally refined sense of taste and smell who dreams of becoming a renowned Michelin-starred chef, despite the societal barriers imposed on his rodent identity. Remy serendipitously meets Alfredo, a kitchen apprentice at the prestigious Gusteau’s restaurant who lacks culinary talent. The two form an unlikely partnership, with Remy secretly guiding Alfredo’s cooking skills from inside his chef’s hat.

The poignant message “Anyone Can Cook” resonates profoundly, reminding audiences that with dedication and talent, even the most unexpected dreams can be realized.

XXL Magazine 釋出2024年度Freshman Class名單!📊🎤2024年度 Freshman Class 帶來了11位新生代 Rappers,他們準備在這個 Hip Hop 新生代搖籃留下自己的音樂印記。十一位成員包括Bi...

XXL Magazine 釋出2024年度Freshman Class名單!📊🎤

2024年度 Freshman Class 帶來了11位新生代 Rappers,他們準備在這個 Hip Hop 新生代搖籃留下自己的音樂印記。十一位成員包括BigXthaPlug、That Mexican OT、Lay Bankz、BossMan Dlow、Rich Amiri、ScarLip、Hunxho、4Batz、Maiya the Don、Cash Cobain 以及 Skilla Baby。🎶🎧

XXL Freshman Class 一直為大量日後的Hip-hop超級明星帶來亮相機會,如Kendrick Lamar、Wiz Khalifa、Future、Travis Scott 等。2016年的 XXL Freshman Class 更被譽為改寫 Hip Hop 歷史的陣容,Kodak Black、21 Savage、Lil U*i Vert、Lil Yachty 和 Denzel Curry 透過4分鐘的XXL Cypher 定義了2010年代中後期 Hip Hop 音樂發展。🕐📝

各位又最期待今年那一個XXL Freshman Class 新生代 Rapper的表現呢?🎵🤔

Magazine Unveils 2024 Freshman Class, the 2024 Freshman Class features 11 rising Rappers poised to make their mark on the new generation of Hip Hop. The lineup includes , , , and others.

The XXL Freshman Class has long launched the careers of future Hip Hop stars like and . The influential 2016 class, featuring , , and more redefined the genre in the late 2010s.

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來自美國的創作才女歌手 Billie Eilish 在首爾舉行她生涯第三張專輯《HIT ME HARD AND SOFT》的宣傳活動,大會巧妙地安排了 Billie Eilish 的好友來自 BLACKPINK 的 Jennie 作主持!🎶...

來自美國的創作才女歌手 Billie Eilish 在首爾舉行她生涯第三張專輯《HIT ME HARD AND SOFT》的宣傳活動,大會巧妙地安排了 Billie Eilish 的好友來自 BLACKPINK 的 Jennie 作主持!🎶💿

訪談期間 Jennie 更大談自己最愛就是邊駕車邊聽 〈Birds of a Feather〉,最後結束 Billie Eilish 更是牽起 Jennie 的手大方告白:「我愛Jennie!」兩人之間的好交情令眾人感陶醉!✍🏻🫂

held a promotional event for her third career album “HIT ME HARD AND SOFT” in Seoul. The organizers cleverly arranged for Billie’s close friend, from , to serve as the host!

During the interview, Jennie gushed about how her favorite thing is to drive and listen to “Birds of a Feather”. At the end, Billie Eilish even reached out and took Jennie’s hand, openly declaring, “I love Jennie.” The close friendship between the two left the audience enraptured!

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Travis Scott近日於邁亞密海灘被捕後,「LA Flame」立即推出印有自已被捕的相片 T-Shirt,「讓T-Shirt說話」回應被捕事件!👕⚫️Travis Scott 於週四因酗酒和非法侵入而於邁亞密海灘被捕後,幾個小時後已交...

Travis Scott近日於邁亞密海灘被捕後,「LA Flame」立即推出印有自已被捕的相片 T-Shirt,「讓T-Shirt說話」回應被捕事件!👕⚫️

Travis Scott 於週四因酗酒和非法侵入而於邁亞密海灘被捕後,幾個小時後已交了保釋金處理。有趣的是,Travis Scott立即釋出印有自已被捕的Mug Shot T-Shirt,並寫上「This is Miami」字句,於網站以USD 35美金作公開發售。🏖️📸

T-Shirt 的Travis Scott樣貌同時被修改,添上Travis Scott 的標誌性微笑,讓人聯想起電影《The Unusual Suspect》 的大笑 Mug Shot畫面,大家有興趣購入這件 T-Shirt 嗎?😬✨

After being arrested on Miami Beach, with his clothing collective known as LA Flame, quickly released a $35 USD t-shirt featuring his mugshot, with the image edited to include his signature smile in a nod to the iconic grinning mugshot from “The Usual Suspects.” The t-shirt, captioned “This is Miami,” allows Scott to respond to the arrest for public intoxication and illegal trespassing, which occurred just hours before he posted bail and was released.

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舞台劇《SCHOOL OF ROCK》香港站結束,再次喚起老粉與新生代的搖滾夢!🤘🏻🎸《SCHOOL OF ROCK》首先以電影方式於2003年呈現大螢幕,當時由 Jack Black 領銜主演,擔演一個先後被所屬樂隊踢出組合的成員。誤打誤...

舞台劇《SCHOOL OF ROCK》香港站結束,再次喚起老粉與新生代的搖滾夢!🤘🏻🎸

《SCHOOL OF ROCK》首先以電影方式於2003年呈現大螢幕,當時由 Jack Black 領銜主演,擔演一個先後被所屬樂隊踢出組合的成員。誤打誤撞下,冒充好友出席工作面試並成為了代課老師。本來只希望騙取薪金的他赫然發現這群學生的音樂天賦,便暗地裏與他們合組樂隊挑戰 Battle of the Rock 賽事。🎶🥁

舞台劇的故事內容跟電影設置大致相同,但引人入勝的地方卻是每一場演出都為在場的看似為樂迷再一次度身訂製,因為是現場演出,場次之間的小設計、跟現場觀眾的互動等都造就了這場歷時將近三小時的史詩級作品的着眼點!到訪 Link In Bio 閱覽完整演出的回顧。✨✍🏻

The movie “School of Rock” first hit the big screen in 2003, starring Jack Black as a band member who gets kicked out and accidentally impersonates his friend to land a job as a substitute teacher. Intending just to collect a paycheck, he discovers his students’ musical talents and secretly forms a band with them to compete in the Battle of the Rock.

The stage musical has just ended the tour in Hong Kong followed a similar plot from the classic movie, but its appeal lies in how each performance is customized for the audience of music fans. As a live production, the small details and audience interactions make it an epic, nearly 3-hour experience.

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JJJJound 再度與 adidas Originals 合作,推出致敬三間標誌的 7 件聯名系列。系列包括黑色運動服套裝、白色球衣及黑色週末包等單品。亮點是重新設計的 Samba 鞋款,採用奢華的駝色麂皮鞋面,搭配同色系細節設計,彰顯收...

JJJJound 再度與 adidas Originals 合作,推出致敬三間標誌的 7 件聯名系列。系列包括黑色運動服套裝、白色球衣及黑色週末包等單品。亮點是重新設計的 Samba 鞋款,採用奢華的駝色麂皮鞋面,搭配同色系細節設計,彰顯收藏價值。👟💫

項目今回更邀請了 José Mourinho 擔任代言人,這位影響一代球壇的傳奇領隊,凸顯 Samba 在球場內外的魅力。這個聯名系列將於 6 月 27 日發售。⚽️♠️

The x collaboration features a 7-piece collection that pays homage to the iconic Three Stripes, including terrace-ready black tracksuits, a fresh white jersey, a sleek black weekender bag, and a reimagined Samba in luxurious khaki hairy suede with detailed touches like co-branded sock liners.

The launch campaign stars , highlighting the Samba’s timeless and versatile appeal, and the collection will be available on 27th June.

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2023-24 年度 NBA 總決賽落幕,Boston Celtics 以 4-1 紳士橫掃 Dallas Mavericks,事隔16年過後重奪 NBA 總冠軍。🍀🏆Celtics 於 GAME 5 賽事可謂清風送手,完半場經已領先至十九...

2023-24 年度 NBA 總決賽落幕,Boston Celtics 以 4-1 紳士橫掃 Dallas Mavericks,事隔16年過後重奪 NBA 總冠軍。🍀🏆

Celtics 於 GAME 5 賽事可謂清風送手,完半場經已領先至十九分的差距,最終比賽以 106:88 作結,綠軍奪得對史第18座冠軍,超越宿敵 Los Angeles Lakers 的17座冠軍記錄!另外賽會亦於賽後宣佈 Jaylen Brown 奪得 FMVP 獎項,肯定了對他於這個系列賽上傑出表現。⁠🥇🏀

The 2023-24 finals came to an end, with the gentlemanly sweeping the 4-1 to reclaim the NBA championship after a 16-year drought.

In Game 5, the Celtics were dominant, leading by as many as 19 points at halftime. The final score was 106-88, giving the storied franchise their 18th NBA title and surpassing their historic rivals, the Los Angeles Lakers, who have 17 championships. Additionally, the league announced that Celtics star was awarded the Finals MVP, recognition of his outstanding performance throughout the series.

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憑〈24/7, 365〉在 Instagram、Tik Tok 病毒式爆紅,專訪加拿大獨立歌手 Elijah Wood!隨著社交媒體興起,過去十數年音樂產業的遊戲規則可謂起了翻天覆地的變化,從前每個歌手都以簽約唱片公司為目標,但現在每個人都...

憑〈24/7, 365〉在 Instagram、Tik Tok 病毒式爆紅,專訪加拿大獨立歌手 Elijah Wood!隨著社交媒體興起,過去十數年音樂產業的遊戲規則可謂起了翻天覆地的變化,從前每個歌手都以簽約唱片公司為目標,但現在每個人都變成了自媒體,只要有創意點子,便可在網絡推廣營銷自己。

今次編輯團隊訪問的加拿大獨立歌手Elijah Wood是最佳範例,他憑〈24/7, 365〉一曲在網絡爆紅,在香港、台灣和許多亞洲站巡迴演出全院滿座,卻依舊選擇保持獨立身份。想知道他的音樂創作故事以及不簽約唱片公司的緣由?馬上到訪 Link In Bio 閱覽完整文章!

Canadian indie singer ’s hit song ‘24/7, 365’ went viral on Instagram and TikTok, leading to sold-out shows across Asia. Despite his online success, Wood has chosen to remain independent rather than sign with a record label.

Learn the story behind his unconventional musical path, read the full interview at the link in our bio.

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  父親節快樂!Hip Hop 音樂自70年代末起源,一直走來由美國、台灣到香港,一眾前輩級饒舌歌手今天都有了家庭和兒女。👨🏻👶🏻各位最喜歡那一位說唱歌手父子 / 父女檔呢?👨‍👩‍👦👨‍👩‍👧Happy Father’s Day! Hip...

父親節快樂!Hip Hop 音樂自70年代末起源,一直走來由美國、台灣到香港,一眾前輩級饒舌歌手今天都有了家庭和兒女。👨🏻👶🏻

各位最喜歡那一位說唱歌手父子 / 父女檔呢?👨‍👩‍👦👨‍👩‍👧

Happy Father’s Day! Hip Hop music originated in the 70s, from the US, Taiwan to Hong Kong, a lot of early pioneers are now fathers. Which father and sons / daughters duo are your favorite?

Travis Scott 被拍攝到現身今年度 NBA 總決賽的 Game 2 一 Dallas Mavericks 對陣 Boston Celtics 的賽事,他除了繼續穿搭並未釋出的綠色Air Jordan 聯乘系列外,他還低調地穿上 1...

Travis Scott 被拍攝到現身今年度 NBA 總決賽的 Game 2 一 Dallas Mavericks 對陣 Boston Celtics 的賽事,他除了繼續穿搭並未釋出的綠色Air Jordan 聯乘系列外,他還低調地穿上 1995-1996 球季 Tokyo Verdy 的球衣,頓時迎來日本球迷的注視!🇯🇵🍀

讀者們又認為 Travis Scott 這一身拼搭好看嘛?🏀⚽️

was spotted attending Game 2 of the 2023 finals between the and the In addition to continuing to wear the unreleased green Air Jordan collaboration series, he also quietly donned a jersey designed by Junko Koshino from the 1995-1996 season of the soccer club, instantly drawing the attention of Japanese fans!

What do readers think of Travis Scott’s outfit combination?

法國網球公開賽 2024 落幕,決賽上演賽事三四號種子的對決!由西班牙超新星 Alcaraz 對陣首圈擊敗傳奇球手 Nadal 來自德國的 Zverev,Alcaraz 一度落後局數 2-1 下上演大逆轉!最後以 6-3、2-6、5-7、6...

法國網球公開賽 2024 落幕,決賽上演賽事三四號種子的對決!由西班牙超新星 Alcaraz 對陣首圈擊敗傳奇球手 Nadal 來自德國的 Zverev,Alcaraz 一度落後局數 2-1 下上演大逆轉!最後以 6-3、2-6、5-7、6-1 和 6-2 局數 3-2 翻盤贏得生涯首座法網冠軍!🎾🏆

然而,在 Alcaraz 落後 2-1 時,他大腿出現異常需要團隊的物理治療師進行治理,甚至在全場觀眾眾目睽睽下服食疑似止痛藥,讓球迷憂心他是否效法八強負傷取勝,卻因傷被迫退賽四強的 Djokovic。縱使現階段 Alcaraz 未有透露其受傷情況,但這也絕對無阻球迷們替這位超新星拿下法網寶座的喜悅。🙌🏻✨

The 2024 final saw a clash between the 3rd and 4th seeds. Spain’s faced Germany’s , who had earlier defeated Rafael Nadal. Alcaraz fell behind 2-1 in sets but stormed back to win 6-3, 2-6, 5-7, 6-1, 6-2 and claim his first French Open title.

However, when trailing 2-1, Alcaraz appeared to suffer a thigh issue, requiring treatment. He was also seen taking what looked like painkillers, leading to concerns he was playing through injury like had done previously. Alcaraz has not disclosed the extent of any injury, but this has not dampened the joy of his fans witnessing his Roland Garros triumph.

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Ronaldinho、Central Cee 和 Clint 419 分別在足球、音樂和設計領域擁有自己的才藝。最近體育品牌巨頭 Nike 把三位都帶到位於 London 的 Nike Town 大樓,場面墟冚!據報三人同為Nike 出演廣...

Ronaldinho、Central Cee 和 Clint 419 分別在足球、音樂和設計領域擁有自己的才藝。最近體育品牌巨頭 Nike 把三位都帶到位於 London 的 Nike Town 大樓,場面墟冚!據報三人同為Nike 出演廣告項目。⚽️🎶

, , and each with their own talents in soccer, music, and design, have reportedly come together for a high-profile campaign, with the Brazilian soccer legend Ronaldinho leading the charge in a Nike-branded Rolls Royce and the trio being spotted in coordinated black Nike outfits, hinting at an upcoming advertisement shoot in London.

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Apple Music 近日推出史上百大最佳專輯榜單,掀起樂迷廣泛討論。🍎🎶Apple Music已說明這張榜單不是根據串流數字形成的,而是由業界專業的音樂團隊評選而成,包括 Pharrell Williams、Maren Morris、C...

Apple Music 近日推出史上百大最佳專輯榜單,掀起樂迷廣泛討論。🍎🎶

Apple Music已說明這張榜單不是根據串流數字形成的,而是由業界專業的音樂團隊評選而成,包括 Pharrell Williams、Maren Morris、Charli XCX 等音樂人。這張榜單首位由 Lauryn Hill 首張單飛經典專輯《The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill》所奪得。✨📊

在頭十位內,千禧年後的專輯佔據四位,分別是 Frank Ocean 的《Blonde》、Kendrick Lamar的《good kid, m.A.A.d city》、Amy Whitehouse的《Back to Black》及Beyoncé的《Lemonade》,有網民表示Apple Music這次大膽將比較新世代音樂人的作品放諸前列,令這張榜單更適合及貼近年輕樂迷。🗣️💬

然而,亦有不少人垢病這張榜單的排位,例如 Kanye West 的《My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy》只位列26位而引起爭論,只能說音樂是一種很主觀的情感投入。各位又最喜愛這張榜單上的那支專輯呢?🎵💿

Apple Music recently unveiled its list of the 100 greatest albums, sparking discussion among fans. The list was curated by industry professionals, not based on streaming data. Lauryn Hill’s “The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill” topped the ranking.

The top 10 includes several 2000s releases like Frank Ocean’s “Blonde” and Kendrick Lamar’s “good kid, m.A.A.d city”, making the list more relevant to younger listeners. However, the placement of albums like Kanye West’s “My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy” at #26 has drawn criticism, reflecting the subjectivity of music opinions. What’s your favorite album on the list?

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法國網球公開賽 2024 進行得如火如荼,於年頭奪得澳網冠軍的意大利籍超新星 Jannik Sinner 繼續強勢,並以躋身八強階段!🇮🇹🎾同樣來自意大利高端時尚品牌 Gucci 與 HEAD 品牌攜手,為Jannik Sinner 設計全...

法國網球公開賽 2024 進行得如火如荼,於年頭奪得澳網冠軍的意大利籍超新星 Jannik Sinner 繼續強勢,並以躋身八強階段!🇮🇹🎾

同樣來自意大利高端時尚品牌 Gucci 與 HEAD 品牌攜手,為Jannik Sinner 設計全新球袋。這款球袋以簡約時尚的白色皮革製作,並飾有 Gucci 經典的綠-紅-綠 Web 織帶,致敬品牌網球配飾的歷史。👜✨

球袋一側印有 Gucci x HEAD 的聯名標誌,展現兩大品牌的合作。Jannik Sinner 將在本季餘下的賽事中使用這款特製球袋。✍🏻💫

, the rising Italian star, continues his strong performance at the 2024 , reaching the quarterfinals. and have collaborated to design a new tennis bag for Sinner. The bag features Gucci’s classic green-red-green Web stripes on white leather, honoring the brand’s tennis history. The Gucci x HEAD logo on the side represents their partnership, and Sinner will use this custom bag for the rest of the season.

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