Here we go! This history is meant to be a primer, by which one can jump start their own exploration into deeper and more specific history based on their own cultural or traditional background. Otherwise we would need 100 episodes rather than 2! So, I hope this offers some insight and inspiration to start your digging. With Part One, we're starting off with practices from the Stone Age Eras, moving into Ancient civilizations, proceeding into the Middle Ages and finally ending with the Witch Trials that spanned the Middle Ages, Renaissance and Early Modern Era.
Next week, we'll pick up at the Renaissance, where intellectual knowledge in the occult absolutely flourished, while also covering the pagan and magickal practices of the common folks and some communities that have been heavily borrowed from, but aren't acknowledged frequently enough.
*I should note - individuals who were persecuted and executed during the witch trails were very very rarely actual witches and I will be going into detail about that fact next week! For now, Happy listening!! ♥️
#witchcraft #historyofwitchcraft #witchcraftpodcast #ancientwitches #stoneagepagans #shamans #animism #thewitchtrials #medievalwitches #witchcraftdeities
Patreon did a nice little thing for me, which is more than I can say for a certain platform that rhymes with shmenshmaster today... Anyway I typed up 40 pages of notes so I could barely scratch at the surface of the entire History or Witchcraft and will be releasing this new series in two parts, tomorrow and next week.
Here's a couple small glimpses of what the Patreon members get to see first. Check it out at ❤️
#witchcraft #historyofwitchcraft #witchcraftpodcast #magickandwitchcraft
A little snippet of the latest episode # 59 - The Fours of the Tarot and Basil, the Witch's Herb... I used to do these regularly but have fallen off a little bit. So, here's to getting back on the snippet wagon with a taste of fiery, Mars-ruled, lucky, protective, abundant and love-inducing BASIL! 🌱♥️
#tarot #tarotmagick #fourofwands #fourofswords #fourofcups #fourofpentacles #plantmagick #basil #basilmagic #basiliskos #witchcraft #witchcraftpodcast
April Recap. Another solar return and all I have to show for it is this soul sucking alpaca baby. ♥️
**Also, that was not one of my own chickens coming out of the oven 😉
#aprilrecap #aperilmagic #taurusseason #solareclipse #scorpiomoon #lambs #blacksheep #witchcraft #witchcraftpodcast #witches
... and since ole Facey isn't letting me post a video and images together... Audio courtesy of rain, crows and blue jays.
A little bit on the magick of Clove, which is covered in my latest Episode 53: Fortune & Flora - The Tarot Aces & Clove. There is so much magic, medicine and lore associated with this powerful plant spirit. Grab a fresh brew and have a listen. ❤️
#tarot #tarotaces #aceofcups #aceofwands #aceofpentacles #aceofswords #tarotmagic #clove #clovemagic #plantmagic #plantmagick #witchcraft #witchcraftpodcast #snowmoon #virgomoon
Just a little bit from the latest episode # 43 on The Moon Tarot card and the Belladonna plant, also known as Deadly Nightshade...
❗ And, just a reminder, that Atropa belladonna has earned that name because it is, in fact, deadly toxic! I enjoy learning all about the medicine, mysteries and spirit of poison plants, but, in the case of Belladonna, I don't physically engage with it directly, so as to avoid accidental poisoning and I would encourage most spiritual and magickal practitioners to practice the same amount of caution. ♥️
#tarot #tarotmagic #themoon #themoontarotcard #plantmagic #plantmagick #belladonna #deadlynightshade #poisonousplants #witchcraft #witchcraftpodcast #witches #witchypodcast
🎃 The Legend of Stingy Jack, Jack of the Lantern, or Jack-o-Lantern, from Episode 41: Halloween: History, Legends, Traditions, a Recipe & a Spell... ❤️🗝
#stingyjack #jackofthelantern #jackolantern #halloween #halloweentales #witchcraft #witchcraftpodcast
🌼 Cheerfully resilient Dandelion (taraxacum officinale) has so much magick and medicine to offer -- and is sacred to a Goddess that you probably know of 🌑🗝🐍
Listen to Episode 39: Fortune & Flora - The Star and the Dandelion wherever you find your favorite podcasts ❤️
#dandelion #plantmagic #hekate #thestar #tarot #witchcraft #witchcraftpodcast
🔔 As witches, our ability to protect ourselves, to protect our energy, to create peace and balance around us, and to assert our free will, should be second to none!
A little more of Episode 38 - Part 2 of the Magickal Maintenance Series on all things Protection Magick! ❤ Link in bio.
#protectionmagick #wards #warding #protectionmagic #witches #witchcraft #witchcraftpodcast
Yarrow (Achillea millefolium) has shown up for me in times when I needed to dig down and find the courage to face some of the most difficult challenges in my life. No wonder it is sometimes referred to as the "Warrior's Herb"... But, it has even more to offer than courage in the face of adversity or hardship. It's truly an extraordinary plant ally.
Intentions/Powers: protection - including psychic protection, psychic abilities, courage, healing, purification, love
Planetary Ruler: Venus, Mars
Elemental Ruler: Air, Water, Earth
Listen for more: Episode 37: Fortune & Flora - The Tower and Yarrow
#yarrow #plantmagic #witchcraft #witchcraftpodcast #plantmagick
Digging through my own grimoire, in preparation for upcoming Episode 36: Mabon, the Autumn Equinox and an Anahata's Recap, inspired me to do an extra highlight on Episode 34: Grimoires, the Book of Shadows & Everything In Between... Give it a listen, if you haven't yet, and stay tuned for Friday's upcoming episode about the Second Harvest and the celebration of the Beginning of Fall! Link in bio ❤🍂🍁
#grimoire #bookofshadows #magickaljournal #autumnequinox #mabon #secondharvest #newepisode #witchcraftpodcast #witchcraft #witchypodcast
#bluemoon #supermoon #bluesupermoon #piscesmoon #supermooninpisces #bluesupermooninpisces
#grimoire #grimoires #bookofshadows #witchcraftbooks #witchcraftpodcast #witchcraft
In Episode 33, we cover the many uses for Chamomile in both historical and modern traditional medicine as well as how it has aided witches and magical practitioners in their workings, through history and today.
We also draw connections between the energies of Chamomile and the Temperance card - even in some unexpected ways! Listen to Episode 33 wherever you find your favorite witchy podcasts! ❤
#witchcraftpodcast #witchypodcast #chamomile #chamomilemagic #plantmagick #Tarot #temperance #tarotmagick
It’s time to revisit the Daily Magick Series and discuss Tuesdays & MARS. How can we benefit from embracing the planetary bruiser, rather than shying away from it? Let's go over all things Tuesday and Mars, magickally and astrologically, and then I'll share a Prayer to Mars, as well as a Spell to Release Anger. Link in bio. ❤️
#marsenergy #dailymagick #tuesdaymagick #marsmagick #newmooninleo #leonewmoon
"We are all inextricably connected to our mother planet and to the food she gives us, but many of us have forgotten that the connection is a sacred one. When we remember, then food may become the key to sacred experience. Our bodies will open the door and show us the way through." -- Cait Johnson, Witch in the Kitchen: Magical Cooking for All Seasons
#firstharvest #kitchenwitchery #hearthwitchery #kitchenwitch #witchcraft #witchcraftpodcast
In discussing five legendary witches, along with the With Archetype, I examine how Circe by Madeline Miller @madeline.e.miller , portrays the character of the mythical Sorceress as very human in her development as a flawed yet compassionate individual who grows into a uniquely powerful being who is governed only by her own self-possessed will.
Listen to A is for Agrimony, Episode 28: The Witch Archetype & Five Legendary Witches from Mythology & Folklore wherever to find your favorite podcasts. ❤
Artwork shown:
🖼 Circe 2 – Wright Barker
🖼 Circe – Wright Barker
🖼 The Sorceress – John William Waterhouse
#WitchArchetype #circe #witches #witchcraft #witchcraftpodcast