Listen to Chris Poh on Fridays from noon to 3:00 pm and Dave McBride on Wednesdays from 2:00 - 5:00 pm over WDVR-FM @ https://www.wdvrvolunteers.org/
On this Friday’s Bleecker Street Café, October 15th, we will feature an interview and music with guitar virtuoso Beppe Gambetta at 2:00 pm. After an extended lockdown in Italy due to the COVID pandemic, Beppe has returned to his home in New Jersey and is once again touring extensively throughout North America. But he is taking a short break from the road in order to lend his profound talents to a benefit concert on Friday, October 22nd at the New Hope Winery. All proceeds from this performance will go toward the rebuilding and re-equipping of the Canal Music Studios in Lambertville, NJ which were totally destroyed during the recent historic flooding caused by Hurricane Ida.
For more information and ticketing for this event visit: http://newhopewinery.com
To learn more about Canal Music Studios and Ida’s impact on our area you can listen to a free downloadable podcast recorded at Mitchell’s café in Lambertville. The interview conducted by Bleecker Street Café host, Chris Poh, and Bourbon Street Bistro host, David McBride, also includes a live performance on classical violin by Adrienne Walsh, the founder of Canal Music Studios, and Miss Coco, a former student and now teacher at the school.
The podcast is available at: https://sitdownsandsessions.podbean.com
For more information about Beppe Gambetta go to: https://www.beppegambetta.com