In a society that is dedicated to helping victims, like ours, there is great incentive to feign victimhood. When there are less victims of systemic wrongdoing, like we have today in this country, the false accusations and false claims of victimhood start to outnumber and distract from the true problems/true victims.
We are well past the process of acknowledging the shortcomings of our society, it is time to forgive and move on to better relationships. Unfortunately that won't happen because to forgive and move on is to give up the power that false victims have over those they accuse. They will never forgive, never acknowledge the new, better, society... and they will never ever admit to their own wrongdoing, the lies and false witness that they bear against others in their nation. They want the power and they have no problem lying about the rest of society to keep it. So we must do the difficult and loving thing and confront the so called "victims" which is not an easy thing to do in a society that truly cares for real victims. Enough is enough.