We're proud to be sponsored by BanquetZone Productions! Check out this preview of what WILL be the #1 movie of the summer! "The Pullout 2" It had us clenching our cheeks, both sets of them! We haven't seen anything like it since "The Pullout 1"
Stinky Pillow
Heres the thing, we would never try to sell a product we haven't tested ourselves, and nothing gets us out of bed faster! You'll never oversleep again with Stinky Pilliow! They were kind enough to sponsor our latest episode. Give it a listen using the link below!
Corn Nuts
Everybody loves Corn Nuts (but only the ranch flavor), so I'm happy to announce the sponsor of our latest episode! Thanks so much and check it out!
Rad Salad brand Croutons! A beloved sponsor of the podcast!
Pundamentals is proud to be sponsored by Rad Salad brand croutons! Razor Sharp flavor and a Rock Hard Crunch that you’ll love!
Pundamentals Teaser 001
Here's a sneak peak of the podcast! This clip was taken from the 'Faking Your Own Death' episode! Enjoy!