The Climate Buzz is excited to welcome City of Asheville's Urban Forester, Keith Aitken, this Monday, 12/30, @ 9am on @103.3ashevillefm . Keith became Asheville's first Urban Forester in March of 2023 after serving as the recreation program leader for Asheville Parks & Recreation. In this leadership role, Keith is charged with enhancing the Tree Canopy Protection Ordinance Amendment and providing cross-departmental coordination and engagement with community partners to ensure the health and well-being of our city's trees. I hope you can join us and have a listen this Monday, 9am-10am, on Asheville FM!
The Climate Buzz is co-hosted by Bob Hanna, Lisa Raleigh (RiverLink), & Brad Rouse (Energy Savers Network). We're committed to sharing the stories, the people, the science, the challenges and the solutions for a warming planet. We hope you can tune in locally on 103.3FM and streamed at www.ashevillefm.org; you can also check out the AshevilleFM App. And don't forget to follow/like us on FB and Instagram to keep up with all the latest climate buzz!