France: Emmanuel Macron To Suppress French Citizenship - Allowing Foreigners to Vote for Elections
French president Emmanuel Macron ‘’the Great’’, reelected for 5 years by the French to lead France into chaos, is a strong supporter of mass immigration - African immigration in particular, also supports the deconstruction of French history and civilization, to replace it with a diverse and multicultural society and build a global market, ruled by the EU, in the Global Village.
Emmanuel Macron has commanded one of his minions, the young Sacha Houlié, to put on the table a bill to allow foreigners to vote AND be eligible in elections at the scale of municipalities, that is to say, cities. Foreigners from EU countries already have the right to vote for elections, but this bill wants to extend this right to vote to non-EU foreigners, that is to say, our beloved African ‘’refugees’’ from Algeria, Morocco, Senegal and more, and also our beloved ‘’migrants’’ from the Middle-East, Afghanistan, Iraq, and more exotic places. All these migrants and refugees, doctors, surgeons, political science teachers, are very much needed in France and Europe, as we all agree.
This bill plans to allow non-EU foreigners to vote and be eligible in elections at the scale of municipalities, but you can be sure this would only be a first step in that direction, and that it would soon be extended more and more to finally englobe national elections.
That is right, Emmanuel Macron ‘’the Great’’ plans to dispossess the French of their nation and citizenship, granting as much rights to Afghanis and Somalis than to the French when it comes to decide the fate of France.
Allowing non-EU foreigners the right to vote and be eligible in elections would further accelerate the ascension to power of ‘’diverse and multicultural’’ people, to replace ethnic French for good.
And that’s a good thing. We want a woke government that gets rid off White supremacy by empowering ‘’minorities’’ and put them into power, to favor diversity and multiculturalism at all cost, because this is what will save the old and tired European countries. New blood from diversity ! New future in multiculturalism ! Long live the Great Replacement, which is a White supremacy conspiracy theory !
Well, that is now the clearly expressed goal of the globalists advocating for diversity and multiculturalism. Will they have the chance to fulfill their dark purposes ?
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