Episode 5 I’m sat down with rising badminton star Leona Lee and her dad, Ming, who’s also her coach.
Leona is only 15 yrs old and was recently promoted to U19 England team playing against people 4yrs her senior. Hugely talented and determined she hopes to rise to the very top of her game 🏸
It was a great to hear how Leona copes with the pressure’s of training, playing at such a high level and balance her school life. We also get to see things from a parents perspective via her dad, about the decisions they make as a family together, how to support Leona and how having the correct mentality is vital.
I’ll like to thank them for taking time talking with me and hope you all enjoy this episode 😉
Finally check out Leona sponsor Victor for professional badminton equipment
You can follow Leona on FB, search for Leona Lee Badminton and cheer her on as she continues her badminton journey ⭐️⭐️