I did not sleep properly the last two days as I kept on feeling this heaviness in my spirit.
We are NOT at the beginning of the Tribulation, we are amid tribulation. The point of Rapture and the Great Tribulation are about to happen! Prepare, it is only going to get worse - economies crashing, war spreading, volcanos erupting, earthquakes hitting, PREPARE!!!
God, our Heavenly Father and Creator is forever and He will not be mocked. Us turning our backs to Him in arrogance and deluded self-sufficiency, is exactly why the world looks chaotic, disease ridden, facing extreme climate changes, economies collapsing, we are witnessing the so-called interfaith hypocrisy, many leaving the church and fighting their pastors, surveillance, control, war and a New World Order rising to dominate the world, as a 'solution' to the mounting problems faced by the entire world. Sorceries ~ And a strong propaganda of fake news, lies, deceit and twisted truths, 'That they may believe the lie' and to get the mark, to prove and serve the father of all lies... Let those who have ears, hear!!!
The saints of the Christian church are about to be Raptured out of here and for those left behind, a Great Tribulation and darkness is to follow! We will see calamities rising, misery, pain, wars, famines, pestilence and chaos, as never seen before.
A great revival will follow and many will turn to Jesus Christ and split the world in two camps. The so-called 'Aliens' will come to the 'rescue', (which is why UFO awareness has hit the news lately) and through their effort and false promises, they will be put in charge, not for our salvation, but a planned destruction on a scale unimaginable. So if our Heavenly Father & Creator YAHWEH, didn't shorten the time, no one would survive, no flesh would be left...
Feb/Mar was the the beginning of dread, delusion and panic; and the beginning of 3½ years of evil versus good, will start at Rapture, pointing to final Tetra-blood full-moon (started in May 2022!) The devil versus God and sides will be chosen... Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth and the Life! Choose wisely! The seal has already been opened for Rapture to take place at the 6th seal. and the white horse has been riding for more than 3 years already, this is the a mystery!!!
This is not a joke people, do prepare, because all hell is about to break loose - world economies crushing, serious nuclear threats coming (great terror) and more viruses coming!!!
But God’s people will flourish like palm trees!!!