Crowned by Leena Lalli

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Crowned by Leena Lalli .

Conversations with God;God I love you, I know you see me, I know I am not alone in my mess or thoughts.I surrender cos I...

Conversations with God;

God I love you, I know you see me, I know I am not alone in my mess or thoughts.
I surrender cos I know I need you, I can’t do this alone.

I’m ready to hear your hard truths.
I’m ready for you to guide me in the way you want me to go.
I’m ready for you to break off the lies and the mental loop of my ideas I get stuck in.
I’m ready for the shifting and shaking of my views, my perspective of what it should look like.
I don’t get it but I don’t need to get it, cos that’s when my brain tends to overthink and overcompensate for the blanks.
I’m ready to wait and to hear directly from you.
I don’t want to judge your ideas with my broken lens.
I don’t want to create my pros and worst case scenario lists.
I don’t want to think I know better, or present what I think is a better idea, cos I know I can’t.

I’m actually excited, happy and joyful to think I don’t have to do it all, I don’t have to figure it all out, cos you will do it. So I get to lean back on your heart and listen to your heartbeat, listen to your love for me, listen to your grace and let you have your way.
I’m ready to take a deep breath of relief that you are in charge now.
I pray you can take a deep breath too.


You're not too much! 🎉🙌🏾

Recently someone gave me this word and I don’t know why I got emotional, and didn’t know until that moment I needed to hear it.
I thought, did I think I was too much, had I tried to dim my light or be more quiet? Had I been affected by other people’s opinions?

These are my thoughts:
1. Its not too much when I’m speaking my truth or opinion, it’s not offensive or annoying to others, offence is their issue not mine.
2. It’s not too much to be a voice for social justice campaigns and repost important matters every day.
3. Its not too much to agree with non popular beliefs.
4. It’s not too much if I have a louder voice and I am agreeing with the preacher on stage with a big AMEN.
5. It’s not too much to blindly follow God and be OK with making mistakes.
6. It’s not too much to be informed on Global matters, with a desire to inform and challenge others to do the same
7. It’s not too much to not agree with leadership and people of authority.
8. It’s not too much to chase my dreams when they go against the cultural conventional path of working, how to get married or owning a home / possessions.

I remember being challenged by my choices, should I stop questioning people's hurtful actions? Shall I just fade into the background? Shall I stop saying I think you're better than that? No. We can believe the best in that person, no matter what and we can forgive that person.

I know that I don’t need to dim my light and I get to be completely me all the time, and I don’t need to conform to the voices in the room or at the table. I’m ok with others not understanding or thinking I’m too much but that’s their opinion: I’m not too much, I’m me!

To all the people who were told to shush or you're extra or you're over the top, I want you to know you are not too much! You are uniquely you!💃🏽💃🏽💃🏽🥂💋🔥

This video is special shout out to all my NOT too much friends! 😜👌🏾


His surprises are better anyways

This month I realised it's been 3 years since I left my apartment in Bondi and I haven’t had a permanent home since.

As much as that is uncomfortable and I have a huge desire to have a home one day, I could never imagine my life when I left Sydney; all the places I’ve been and so many friends I’ve made. I never could have orchestrated that.

In 2018, I didn’t understand why I couch surfed for my last year of Bible college. He was preparing me to be a missionary but I didn’t know it, as He never told me at the time. He always had a plan.

It’s crazy to look back over 3 years and see how He’s always provided meals, clothing and plane tickets. With no income I really thought my trip around Asia was only going to be a few months. How has it been almost 2 years of 45 flights and 25 countries?

Friends often ask, “Do you sometimes feel tired? Do you feel like giving up? Do you ask God if this is gonna be your life forever?”

Yes, yes and yes. I ask Him a million questions. I wish I could say I understand it all but I don’t. He’s God so He doesn’t need to answer all my questions and, to be honest, I don’t think I could handle knowing all of the answers anyway. Instead, He tells me bits and pieces and He encourages me in the areas I need it. Most importantly, He gives me complete peace and joy through it all.

I have decided to accept that this is what my “ALL IN” with God looks like. It’s not like anyone else’s’ cos my calling is just for me.

Accepting it doesn’t mean it’s easy to bear. There has been a lot of dying to my own ways, plans and expectations of what life ‘should’ look like. I have to remind myself that my thoughts and plans are built up of what I was taught in schools in England, workplaces, bad habits and old religion or family traditions. That doesn't include the great abundant future I could have following God.

So when I‘m wrestling with myself I choose to trust:
1. He still has a plan like He did 3 years ago
2. His plan is good and better than I could ever come up with. He's proven that through the endless adventures and people I have met
3. He will guide me and show me how to get there. It’s not my responsibility and there is no pressure on me
4. There isn’t any hurry in God’s kingdom. He can change my life and accelerate years in one moment because His pace is the best

We were never meant to make plans without God. We were never meant to run ahead of Him.
We were never meant to think we could do it and then ask if He would bless our plans and make it work out.

What I know is that His plans are full of surprises and are better anyways. Surprisingly, lockdown hasn’t stopped God; if anything, He’s been moving more. I’ve seen salvations and beach baptisms, and prayed for many new people as I moved from home to home in Melbourne. And I’m expectant that wherever I end up next, I’m sure I will have 1000’s of new surprises and miracle testimonies to share. That truly is the abundant life he promised me.

More than a conquerorI will never forget September 2018, sitting in an Italian cafe with this amazing, godly woman stari...

More than a conqueror

I will never forget September 2018, sitting in an Italian cafe with this amazing, godly woman staring into my eyes and telling me, “You are more than a conqueror.” I’m like, “Wow, sounds like someone who won a prize, conquered a mountain or something. Sounds great!”

Then she proceeds to tell me what it really meant. During the war, men and women would fight battles and they would win. They would win the land, the fight and the reputation of conquerors, but being more than conqueror meant that they rode on horses into the town with the whole town out cheering, praising and celebrating them on their victory. Yet, not only did they win the battle, but they brought back gifts of gold jewellery, plunder and the defeated army’s gold armour that they proudly wore and paraded over their armour. People looked wide-eyed in awe and said, “Truly they are more than conquerors. Not only did they conquer, but they brought back more than we could have imagined, including gifts and riches that will bless so many more people.”

When I’m in a battle in my thoughts or dealing with identity lies or human conflict, I remind myself that God calls me ‘more than a conqueror’. Not only am I overcoming my situation, my old mindsets and my bad habits or emotional challenges as a human, but I’m bringing gifts and blessings for others. I’m bringing courage, strength, resilience and empathetic advice, comfort to others in challenges as well as, telling them that they also can be more than conquerors.

“No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.”
‭‭Romans‬ ‭8:37‬ ‭NIV‬‬

This verse encourages me by reminding me that my struggles and battles are not just for me but for all those who I can bring those battle gifts and blessings to for years to come.

I pray in this Covid time you would see yourself within that vision on a horse and coming back from your battle as more than conqueror.

Disappointment isn’t what it seems So I’ve been pondering, am I disappointed about plans being stopped or am I just not ...

Disappointment isn’t what it seems

So I’ve been pondering, am I disappointed about plans being stopped or am I just not happy cos I don’t get to plan and have control? Am I annoyed cos I expected things to go my way?

I often go to God with complaining or having a stomping ‘it’s not fair’ big girl tantrum. I tell Him I’m frustrated, hurt, disappointed and generally not happy, expecting Him to give me the ‘Santa Claus God’ response. But often this is how the conversations really go:

Me: It’s not fair this happened.
God: I know. I see you and I love you. It’s not fair. I’m not a God of fair, I’m a God of justice. Will you let Me handle it? I redeem things and I make all things new. I will restore it. Will you let Me do that for you?

Me: It’s not fair this didn’t happen.
God: Did I say that? I’m sorry but that’s not My will. Can you trust Me again? I really do have a great plan. I know you and I know what you need more than you do. I will guide you and I will show you when and how. Will you let Me show you?

Me: It’s not fair this person hurt me.
God: I know. I see your pain. Let Me in, let Me heal you. I know, but can you forgive them anyway? I will restore things. You are better than this. You can forgive them. Can you see they are broken? Can you see they don’t know another way? Can you see them like I do?

I love that my God is a God who doesn’t let me play the victim.

He won’t let me think less of other people. My disappointment is hurtful but God gives me a constant invitation to know I’m bigger than my disappointment. I’m bigger than my hurt and I can choose Him and join Him to live a higher and loving life where I continue to love others in Him. I let Him choose a better path and a better plan than I ever could.

Has anyone else found disappointment led them to think bigger and raise the standard?

I’m choosing to not be disappointed and instead dream of boat trips on Sydney harbour. I’m sure these days aren’t far away.


With lockdown continuing again and again, you definitely go through a rollercoaster of days and emotions. So I go through a rollercoaster of thoughts, too.

When I’m feeling anxious, concerned about my future and unable to see what’s next or feeling like maybe I didn’t take the right path, I know it’s a lie, so instead I make lists like this.

I’ve accepted:
*I don’t need to know it all
*I don’t need to know what to do
*I don’t need to have all the answers
*I don’t need to have a perfect plan
*I don’t need to control
*I don’t need to understand to believe
*I don’t need to see success in my finances and my career to be successful in my life
*I don’t need to compare my pace to anyone else's'
*I don’t need to see where I am going to move forward daily
*I don’t need to have a 1-year or 5-year plan
*I don’t need to justify my choices
*I don’t need approval on my God-decisions
*I don’t need to get it right all of the time
*I don’t need to listen to opinions
*I don’t need to rush myself

I am choosing to believe in a greater God who has so loved and chosen me, I choose His truth and kindness for myself.

I am remembering this beautiful sunset outside my old flat and dreaming of when I can return to this again.

Asking for help? Over the years I’ve suffered from anxiety and clinical depression, read so many self help books, and ha...

Asking for help?

Over the years I’ve suffered from anxiety and clinical depression, read so many self help books, and had counselling. Now I’m coaching people, I'm a missionary praying for people out in the world and I have a great life with great mental health, thank you Jesus!

In recent months, being in constant isolation and lockdown has really made me question my mental health.

My thoughts vary from, "Am I just suffering from COVID and life stress or do I have anxiety? Am I an anxious person? I’m super sad and upset today, does that mean I am depressed? I don’t feel like talking to anyone or being around anyone," to, "I want to go see my friends and hug people!"

No doubt it’s been an emotional rollercoaster. I texted a friend the other day and I felt like needed to laugh, to cry, to scream and to die to my need to control my life all within 45 secs.

What I learnt is:
1. I don’t need to put labels on the day. Being upset or crying for a hour can be just an hour or a moment, it doesn’t need to be a bad day
2. I need to be kind to myself
3. Just because things around me are not going right doesn’t mean I am failing. I am not my circumstances
4. I am not my feelings. I feel upset but I’m not depressed. I feel annoyed but I can still be grateful
5. I can be upset during the day and then find a bit of energy to be productive in my coaching business
6. Little steps help me move forward
7. Celebrating small wins are better than no wins
8. Checklists are overrated
9. My feelings matter but greater is God's comfort and peace. I can ask God for what I need
10. I can ask for help, I can vent, I can complain, people do care and I’m not alone, even if my feelings say I am

If you are suffering within this season, you are not alone. I am here writing to you, people care about you and you can ask for help. I pray this helps you.

Please feel free to PM me if you need help. I would love to pray for you or connect you with local people who can help.

Prophetic wordI don’t know who needs to hear this but I felt God wants me to share this prophetic word.God says, "Will y...

Prophetic word

I don’t know who needs to hear this but I felt God wants me to share this prophetic word.

God says, "Will you help Me and stand tall for Me? I love you, princess, and child of Mine. You make Me smile and joyful. I love you. Stand tall and be brave and courageous."

You ask, "What does it mean to be brave?"

God replies, "I will show you. Stand tall. I love you, so I will show you. Do you know I looked for you for so long? I want you to stand strong and not move. The past mistakes and lies had you trapped for so long, but no more.
You are changed.
You are healed.
I promise it’s more over than you think. Watch the change today and tomorrow. I love you so much. I gave My son for you and would it do it all over again for you.
Stand firm and tall.
Do not be shaken.
You are fierce and loud and you should be proud of yourself because I am.
You will fight many more battles, and conquer them all."

Being in Melbourne lockdown in what feels like week 157,042, and being restricted to an 8pm curfew and a 5km radius has ...

Being in Melbourne lockdown in what feels like week 157,042, and being restricted to an 8pm curfew and a 5km radius has really made me think about my freedom. Am I free, really?

What is freedom?

*Freedom doesn’t mean that I get to do what I want when I want.
*Freedom is that peace and that joy of knowing I am free to think without anxiety and stress and not carry burdens of others or my past.
*Freedom is the opportunity to share my faith and experiences without persecution.
*Freedom is the ability to have ideas and dreams and then see them come to life.
*Freedom is being able to have the confidence and space to express how I feel and be heard.
*Freedom is being able to choose my good thoughts over my negative thoughts.
*Freedom is choosing who is in my life and who makes a difference to my world.
*Freedom is being able to choose God and His ways over mine.
*Freedom is being able to trust that God is on my side and He’s got a great plan for me.

So many people ask me, "How do you still keep going and move from home to home in COVID? Don’t you want to give up?"

I reply, "Never. God gave me the freedom to follow Him and I know He’s worth it. I know He’s good so I can have freedom to choose to trust God even when I don’t understand."

I was wondering, how are you navigating your freedom to choose in these restrictions?

📸 PS I’m dreaming of wide open doors to new adventures with God ...

Give yourself permissionI was sharing about mistakes and grace with the girls I am coaching right now and I believe that...

Give yourself permission

I was sharing about mistakes and grace with the girls I am coaching right now and I believe that someone else needs to hear it, too.

Give yourself permission to make mistakes. The truth is, you are going to make a billion mistakes from now until the day you die! 🤦🏽‍♀️😜🙌🏾

*God is not surprised by your mistakes
*God covered all your mistakes at the cross
*God knows all the mistakes you will make
*God loves and accepts you with all your mistakes
*God has a solution to every mistake and problem, you don’t have to figure it out alone
*God wants to partner with solutions
*God wants to empower you to overcome with His voice and His grace
*God's grace is sufficient for every hard and difficult situation; His grace will get you through it
*God will still choose you and call you to serve others and encourage others while you make mistakes
*God is never offended or disappointed by your mistakes; He’s not a human teacher or parent
*God already forgives you for all your mistakes, so all you have to do is receive that forgiveness for yourself

I pray you know that no matter what mistakes you make today or tomorrow, God's already in your future, God is already making a way in future plans, and God is proud of you even when you don’t feel He is or you can’t be proud of yourself.

So give yourself permission to make mistakes!

Does this resonate with anyone else?
If it does, please leave a 🙌🏾 below:

FriendshipsI was thinking how during this COVID time real friends are needed more than ever. In a world of independence,...


I was thinking how during this COVID time real friends are needed more than ever. In a world of independence, trusting people and relying on others to guide or support seems like a such an old and tiresome thought.

Society can sometimes teach you to be independent, to be wary of friendships and of people backstabbing you. Of course, have wisdom, but sometimes it means you can end up creating unnecessary walls or false expectations before you even meet anyone. You can have friendships for fun and community, yet even after a period of time, you don’t really let them in and you don’t share your dreams, visions, troubles or fears.

I have seen so many people surrounded by lots of people yet feeling so lonely cos they don’t really feel seen or heard. They feel empty and walk away from conversations wishing that someone really knew their heart or struggles.

This is what I learnt a good friendship looks like:
1. It encourages you, even when you are self-deprecating, it interrupts you to speak truth
2. It values you for what you can bring to a friendship and not constantly pointing out what you don’t or can’t bring
3. It inspires you to run your race no matter what your race looks like
4. It tells you the truth with grace even if it’s uncomfortable; the truth will and does set you free
5. It calls out the future you even when you can’t see it yourself

I have been so blessed with amazing friends across the world and I love these girls who still inspire me from afar

What qualities do great friendships have for you?

Please comment below:

Trust Me againWith so many thoughts and so much heaviness in my heart during COVID and not being able to celebrate bdays...

Trust Me again

With so many thoughts and so much heaviness in my heart during COVID and not being able to celebrate bdays or see friends or just walk further than my local park, I have asked God, "Where are you? What’s your plan, God?" and He’s been consistently present and comforting.

This is what He said:
I am making a path for your career, for your future and for your future family. Your plans are important to me. I’m preparing you.

Press in.
Press on.
Press forward.
Lean on Me and trust Me.

You don’t need to know what I am doing to trust Me.

I see you.
I know you.
I know what you need.
I won’t and can’t fail you.

Trust Me again.

I’m laughing at the future to come cos I know I can trust Him.

I pray that this will speak to someone and encourage you to seek Him again.

“Keep trusting in the Lord and do what is right in his eyes. Fix your heart on the promises of God and you will be secure, feasting on his faithfulness. Make God the utmost delight and pleasure of your life, and he will provide for you what you desire the most. Give God the right to direct your life, and as you trust him along the way you’ll find he pulled it off perfectly!”
‭‭Psalms‬ ‭37:3-5‬ ‭TPT

Conversations with GodMe: God, things aren’t how I want them to be. I can’t fix the people around me, I can’t change my ...

Conversations with God

Me: God, things aren’t how I want them to be. I can’t fix the people around me, I can’t change my circumstances, I can’t make people be nice to me, and I can’t change my thoughts. I need Your help.

God: You don’t need to do it alone, who said you did? I’m sorry. I see you. I know. I’m not a faraway God. I’m with you and I see you. Will you let Me show you My way? My way is easier without the pressure and stress you feel for yourself.

Me: Ok, God, how do I do this? I clearly don’t know. I feel stupid not knowing this before but I need to get over myself and let You in. I need Your help. I choose to let go of my pride and humble myself to hear Your truth, even though it hurts. I will trust you can heal me.

God: Be still my beautiful girl. Be patient with yourself. I’m not that hard on you and you don’t need to be either. I have grace for you; will you take it? Have grace for yourself.

Me: So, tell me, what do I need to do?

God: You don’t need to work it all out on your own and that was never My expectation for you. Trust Me one day at a time. Let Me guide you and show you step by step. Let Me into your heart. Give Me your disappointments and your hurt and let Me do the rest.

So often I want God to give me orders and a task list or tell me where I went wrong, yet His focus is on loving me and reminding me He’s going to do it. I just need to surrender my anxious thoughts and open my heart again. To be kind to myself and have grace for myself to make mistakes and not know it all.

Yes, He’s got steps and things I need to know later on, but first I let go and let Him in.

I pray this speaks to you and that you can let His grace in for yourself.

A sent this text to a friend a few months ago when she couldn’t see the light at the end of the tunnel. I think it might...

A sent this text to a friend a few months ago when she couldn’t see the light at the end of the tunnel. I think it might help someone today.

I know it’s hard right now but this timing is going to be so worth it. You can handle everything God says you can.

My best advice:
1. Every morning write good things that happened the day before, even if it's as simple as eating a good meal or walking in the sun, they're both a blessing.
2. Accept your season and accept that you won’t know when the end will come, so just be present daily and ask God what His will is for that day.
3. Be kind to yourself. It’s ok to be upset and cry and ALWAYS tell God how you feel and ask Him to comfort you and give you what you need.
3. Ask for prayer from faithful, Spirit-led Christians, even getting a prayer buddy. Don’t always do it alone.
4. Schedule fun and "joy stuff" for your soul, the joy of the Lord will strengthen you.
5. I know it’s hard, but try not to complain as it grieves the Holy Spirit. Instead, tell Him how you feel, your frustrations and concerns, and ask for His wisdom, peace, and comfort in specific areas.
6. Confess His goodness every day, because even if you feel awful, He’s still good. Some days you need to remind yourself of that (i.e. "I feel awful but I know You are doing a great work in me. I hate this feeling of pain and frustration but I know You are a good God and you have a good plan, etc.).

Yes, you are growing and changing all the time, even if you can’t see it.

So proud of you for saying yes! You are fierce and amazing and you can do this in Him! Don’t let the enemy push you back or tell you otherwise! You are on track!! Right on the Jesus track!!

God: I’m so proud of you.Me: Really?God: When did you stop believing what I said, when did you stop thinking I wouldn’t ...

God: I’m so proud of you.

Me: Really?

God: When did you stop believing what I said, when did you stop thinking I wouldn’t lie to you, when did you stop listening to Me? When did others' voices become louder than My voice?

Me: Things haven’t turned out how I thought they would. God, you are good so I must of done something wrong. It must of been my fault. It can’t have been God so it must be me.

God: That’s a lie, the truth is ...
*You are not defined by your mistakes
*You are not defined by what did or didn’t happen to you or others
*You are not defined by people’s opinion or comments about you
*You are not defined by what you don’t know
*You are not defined by your knowledge
*You are not defined by your status
*You are not defined by the names people call you
*You are not defined by anything but who I call you to be

God: I call you ...
1. My son/daughter, adopted and accepted
2. My beloved
3. My treasure
4. My joy
5. My hope
6. My light
7. My brave child
8. My good child
9. My chosen child
10. My loved child

I love that when I talk to God about my mistakes He often doesn’t even address them, He addresses my identity and who I am.

This is who you are: loved!


I believe God is calling us to deep rest with Him, a deep opening of our hearts and opening of our thoughts and being completely open to Him.

In the past (pre-COVID), we have been too busy and too fast-paced to find the time to listen to our heart, to notice people on the streets, and to notice our friends and family struggling. Not because we didn’t care or we didn’t want to see, but because we didn’t have the emotional and mental space to stop and notice these things.

With a lockdown and lack of distractions, it gives us an opportunity to not just slow down but to truly rest. Rest isn’t just watching copious amounts of TV or working on hobbies or talking on video chats, but rest is finding space away from the noise of everyday mental clutters. Rest to hear your inner thoughts, rest to process your emotions and rest to hear your heart's desires.

In this season of rest you will revisit old dreams and visions and things that maybe you put aside, thinking it was too big of a dream or goal for you to process. Maybe you thought you were not ready for that dream/goal or you didn’t have the time for it. Maybe you thought you don’t have the capacity or skill set. However, I feel God is saying, "Rest in Me. Let Me show you how it is all possible in Me, how you can still reach those desires and goals without the heaviness and stress you thought it would bring."

In the rest there will be new ideas, new processes, new businesses, new strategies and new pathways mapped out, not by you, but by God. He will speak to you, He will show you, He will give you visions and dreams.

In the rest you will get deep peace and emotional healing which leads you to notice friends and family members who may be struggling and how to support and love them in their needs.

In this rest you will be closer to God like never before. You will feel a strength on the inside that will build great confidence for the days ahead God has planned for you.

It’s time to rest. I pray deep rest will be your focus and I pray for all doors of distraction and confusion to be closed as you focus on sitting and being still in meditation and prayer.

“Surrender your anxiety! Be silent and stop your striving and you will see that I am God. I am the God above all the nations, and I will be exalted throughout the whole earth.”
‭‭Psalms‬ ‭46:10‬ ‭TPT‬‬

“And then GOD answered: “Write this. Write what you see. Write it out in big block letters so that it can be read on the run. This vision-message is a witness pointing to what’s coming. It aches for the coming—it can hardly wait! And it doesn’t lie. If it seems slow in coming, wait. It’s on its way. It will come right on time.”
‭‭Habakkuk‬ ‭2:2-3‬ ‭MSG

Daily journaling helps me get through every day life on the road. I refuse to hide or pretend I’m ok. This is what my jo...

Daily journaling helps me get through every day life on the road. I refuse to hide or pretend I’m ok. This is what my journaling looks like:

My heart is breaking.
My heart is crying.
My heart is bleeding.
Do You see it?
Do You hear it?
Do You know it?

I don't have the words. I don't know how to tell You how much it hurts. My tears seem pointless running down my face; my cries seem to echo back to me.

I feel lost.
I feel empty.
I feel sad.
I feel angry.
I feel pulled by my own heart to give up.

But I wait.
I wait.
I wait.
I will trust You again.
I will believe You hear my cries.
I will trust You collect every tear.
I will know again that You are for me, so I am never alone.
I will believe You love me even when I can't see it.
I will choose to find Your presence again.

As a new Christian, I kept hearing this word, ‘surrender,’ yet no one explained to me how to do it. Do I just say it? Do...

As a new Christian, I kept hearing this word, ‘surrender,’ yet no one explained to me how to do it. Do I just say it? Do I let go of all responsibilities and sit and wait to see what God does? Do I go off on a holiday with God and see if He shows me in nature? Or is it just an old war term that I don’t understand?

Letting go of my career, home and comfortable way of life to follow Jesus meant I had to surrender my plans and thoughts about what my life looked like. It was worth it cos it meant more of God and more of His goodness.

In a COVID time where life isn’t working the way we would expect it to, I pray these tips might point someone to surrender to feel God's comfort and peace.

1. Surrender starts with a heart decision to want more of God
2. Surrender is a choice to let go of your plans and desires
3. Surrender is a desire to want a bigger and more abundant life that will bring a greater impact to you and others
4. Surrender is saying, “Here are my plans, God, but I could be wrong. I let You delete them all and exchange them for Your plans.”
5. Surrender is choosing to believe that God's decisions and ways will lead to a greater life for you and everyone in your life
6. Surrender is being uncomfortable at times to have greater peace and joy

My daily prayer is:
“God I want to do this ... I really want this ... but what do I know? I know You know everything so I choose to surrender to Your way; I don’t want my way. Close all the doors that are not Your will cos I know you don’t want me to waste my time and efforts. I choose to trust You and let go of everything I have if that’s what You decide is best for me. You are good and everything You have for me is going to be good for me, so I say YES to surrender.”

I pray this speaks to you. I would like to know what helps you surrender. Please comment below:



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