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Unlimited GrowAbility The mission of Unlimited GrowAbility is to offer practical information and insight about how the hum

***NEW EPISODE ALERT***In this episode, Michelle and Janine delve into the multifaceted realm of artificial intelligence...

In this episode, Michelle and Janine delve into the multifaceted realm of artificial intelligence (AI) and its varied consequences. Join us as we examine real-world examples of negative AI outcomes, such as privacy breaches, discriminatory algorithms, autonomous weapons, misinformation spread by chatbots, unfair decision-making systems, deepfakes, biased hiring processes, cyber attacks, flawed predictions, and the impact of AI on employment. We also shed light on the positive side of AI, showcasing its potential to revolutionize fields like healthcare, transportation, environment, agriculture, education, finance, customer service, language translation, scientific research, and creative endeavors. Additionally, we explore recent news stories related to AI, including the use of AI in preserving endangered species, the ethical concerns surrounding advanced AI development, fascinating AI conversations, and incidents documented in the AI incident database. Don't miss this eye-opening exploration of AI's impact on our world.

What are your greatest fears surrounding AI? Do you think international rules and regulations need to be created for the ethical use of AI? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!

Hello UGA listeners it's Michelle and Janine with another podcast episode coming at ya! This episode was a fun little ex...

Hello UGA listeners it's Michelle and Janine with another podcast episode coming at ya! This episode was a fun little experiment as the research, artwork, and below description were all generated with AI:

In this episode, we explore the world of artificial intelligence (AI) and its diverse applications. We cover the basics of AI, including machine learning, deep learning, and natural language processing. We discuss how AI is revolutionizing healthcare, education, transportation, personal finance, and environmental efforts. We also examine how AI enhances personal experiences, improves accessibility for individuals with disabilities, and promotes safety in various domains. While acknowledging the immense potential of AI, we emphasize the importance of addressing ethical considerations and challenges such as bias, privacy, and accountability. Lastly, we glimpse into the future of AI, highlighting its growth in robotics and natural language processing and the need for ongoing ethical considerations to ensure its' responsible and beneficial use.

What are your thoughts and feelings about AI? Do yo use it in your everyday life? Or does it freak you out? Let us know in the comments!

Join Michelle and Janine for a discussion about Astrology including an overview of how a horoscope chart is created; the...

Join Michelle and Janine for a discussion about Astrology including an overview of how a horoscope chart is created; the signs, qualities, elements, placements, houses, and planets and how they all work together to create a look into you, astrologically. What will the stars predict for you based on the location, date, and time of your birth? More importantly, will you actually be able to decipher your chart? In Janine’s opinion, they are not easy and she still can’t read her chart…maybe one of our listeners can help her. This episode only scratches the mere surface of this topic though as Janine and Michelle are absolutely not experts; they are simply like all the other Millennials searching for meaning and purpose without the rigidity of organized religion. Plus, it’s fun, and both Michelle and Janine love stargazing. So, come along with us on an auditory journey, ripe with sound effects, singing, accents, and a few references to previous UGA episodes (bonus if you can tell which ones ;)

Special thanks to for making Astrology so much easier to understand and for breaking down the houses so magnificently! 💫❤️


Don't worry UGA peeps, everyone is safe. Life just gets the best of us sometimes, completely catching us off guard and s...

Don't worry UGA peeps, everyone is safe. Life just gets the best of us sometimes, completely catching us off guard and sending us spiraling further into the burnout abyss. So, the preemptive decision was made to prioritize our mental health and families NOW over anything else.
We really appreciate all of our loyal listeners and want to ensure that we are delivering a quality production. Taking a bit more time with this episode will be worth the wait.🤞🏻
Thank you for your patience and understanding. 💖✌️

*****NEW EPISODE ALERT*****Join Michelle and Janine for more of a surface level overview of Tarot, Astrology, Numerology...

Join Michelle and Janine for more of a surface level overview of Tarot, Astrology, Numerology, and the Elements; from history to present day and the current statistics revolving around these spiritual industries. (Because, let's face it, anything can--and will be monetized these days--especially in the good old U S of A). Not surprisingly, Millennials and Gen Z are taking the lead on making Tarot and Astrology even more trendy and mainstream today and the industry is expected to double in volume in the next decade. Not to mention that the pandemic really set things into motion as people were experiencing great change, isolation, and times of uncertainty. Nothing like good old fashioned worldwide chaos to bring humans closer to their spiritual roots, in whatever capacity that means to them. Tarot and Astrology are both spiritual practices that aren't based on gender and are more inclusive than other more traditional religions. All spiritual practices have a form of ritual to them and Tarot and Astrology are no different. We acknowledge that not everyone will be as open minded to this conversation as others and that is perfectly okay. We respect your views and opinions and invite you to come along a mystical journey as Michelle and Janine begin the explore the depths of the universe. 🎴 ✌️ 💖 💫
♈️ ♉️ ♊️ ♋️ ♌️ ♍️ ♎️ ♏️ ♐️ ♑️ ♒️ ♓️
Astrology Apps we use: @⁠timepassagesapp⁠ @⁠costarastrology⁠

Everyone take some time today to wish a Happy Birthday to our UGA host Janine!!!!

Everyone take some time today to wish a Happy Birthday to our UGA host Janine!!!!

****NEW EPISODE DROP**** And, no, we aren't foolin'! Join Michelle and Janine this week for our continued conversation s...

****NEW EPISODE DROP**** And, no, we aren't foolin'!

Join Michelle and Janine this week for our continued conversation surrounding alcohol use including anonymous answers from our audience regarding their relationships with alcohol use at the end of the episode--A huge thank you to everyone who shared their experiences and perceptions with us! We loved being able to interact with other people on this topic and would love to be able to continue doing this. What do you think? Drop us a comment with your thoughts.

We also tie up some loose ends as Michelle answers questions that we had in the previous couple of episodes: why there are alcohol tolerance differences between the s*xes; medications and alcohol use; societal double standards between males and females; Alcoholism vs. Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD) vs. alcohol abuse; developing coping skills; the PDA profile with Autism. Janine freestyles a musical rhyme for us (just a small taste of the inner going ons inside her brain always) and Michelle paints a graphic picture describing how alcohol treats males and females differently. Just a reminder that Michelle and Janine support anyone's journey towards recovery including rehab and AA and also do not judge anyone who uses alcohol. Just make good choices and try to think about the impact of something before taking action. Remember, only you can prevent stupid arguments. ✌️💖


****NEW EPISODE DROP****It was St. Patrick's Day 🍀 when we recorded this episode so we thought it apropos to discuss alc...

It was St. Patrick's Day 🍀 when we recorded this episode so we thought it apropos to discuss alcohol usage.
In this episode, Michelle and Janine discuss some facts and figures surrounding alcohol use in the USA mainly, but some global facts as well. Fun fact: alcoholism is now called Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD) in the DSM so Janine has multiple As or as Michelle would say, "Janine is an A+ student." 🤣
Of course, as with anything, there are benefits and risks associated with alcohol usage and different levels of consumption. Michelle and Janine both describe their personal experiences and relationships with alcohol. Janine is dry since she doesn't consume any alcohol anymore, but not fully sober as she still uses cannabis. Michelle is a moderate drinker who can switch between a few drinks a week to some nights falling into the binge drinking category.

We would love to hear from you, our lovely audience, about your experiences with alcohol. Are you on the wagon or off the wagon? Why do you drink alcohol or why don't you? How many drinks do you typically consume? Do you have any drinking stories we can share on our next episode (anonymously)? If you would be willing to share, a Google form has been created:


Next week, we will be sharing stories with alcohol use involved, both from Michelle and Janine's lives, and from our listeners who filled out the Google form.

Continue along with Michelle and Janine as they delve further into   and how it shows up differently based upon  *x (mal...

Continue along with Michelle and Janine as they delve further into and how it shows up differently based upon *x (male vs. female).
Focusing this week on , Janine shares with us just some of her many research findings obtained down many a rabbit hole after discovering from how is expressed in women, and the lack of or being conducted with . So much of what these creators said resonated with Janine. Being inspired by the stories of different women speaking up about their experiences living with ASD for so long, being chronically for other mental disorders, medicated incorrectly for years, told how to act and conform into society's standards, learning how to and script their way into a vague acceptance from peers and loved ones alike; Janine knew it was her mission to begin our 2023 surrounding mental health, invisible disabilities, research, advocacy, resources, etc. Michelle has a background supporting and advocating for individuals with a range of disabilities and provides a wealth of great insights from her experience and education.

There is still a lot of work that needs to be done to continue bridging the gap between the differences in our humanity. The resources in this country are still very much inequitable.

To all our neurodivergent ladies, you are NOT too much! Your voice matters, your feelings are valid, and your authentic self is absolutely perfect!!! Keep learning, keep growing, and let's continue to do better, and be better each and every single day. Knowledge is power. Listen to understand another perspective. Let's rewrite our stories, let's live our lives how we see fit, while not harming anyone else, being as mindful as possible of the others around us and their needs, too. Let's bridge the gap and reconnect to the human spirit! 🧬 👯‍♀️ 💖

"We are all different flavors of human. There is no one “correct,” “right,” or “standard” way to be." -Jenara Nerenberg ...

"We are all different flavors of human. There is no one “correct,” “right,” or “standard” way to be." -Jenara Nerenberg

There is an array of brain makeups found in the species, and today's explores how the play a huge role in a person with neurodivergencies. Also, exploring the reasons women have been left or instead of recognizing the that tend to exhibit with ADHD, Autism, or other are in different ways than their male counterparts.

Janine decided to choose this topic today because she is a woman who wasn't properly diagnosed with ADHD (and possibly Autism or other sensory processing sensitivities) until the ripe old age of 36.

Janine did tons of prior to her actual diagnosis and has a lifetime of experiences living with neurodivergencies. Michelle has a whole wealth of knowledge of neurodivergence from her formal education, but also from life experience working with individuals with including SPDs. We both suspect that she also has some form of undiagnosed sensory processing sensitivities.

Women have spent their lives , usually without even knowing it, because of the way women have traditionally been to “fit in” and pick up on social cues. An entire demographic of is now being referred to as a “lost generation” because an extensive amount of and surface as a result of internal that don’t match up with what the world expects or how the world views such women - since they appear to function “normally” on the outside.

We are hoping that by having this conversation and exploring our own neurodivergences, we can create a world that will begin to recognize and incorporate every human being's needs and how each person experiences the world into all facets of society.

Come take a walk down neurodivergent lane with us during part one of our towards our overall end goal of , , , and .

Are you ready to get down with the SAD sickness again this week with Michelle and Janine? This episode is very SAD. Our ...

Are you ready to get down with the SAD sickness again this week with Michelle and Janine? This episode is very SAD. Our own mental health struggles come out hard in this episode while discussing possible symptoms and treatments of Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). We are in no way medical or psychological experts and this discussion is based off of our own personal experiences and perspectives. If you believe you might be afflicted with SAD, please talk to your healthcare provider for diagnosis, treatment, and prevention. The human experience sure is wild! 🥴

Happy New Year Everyone and welcome to the first UGA episode of 2023! Join Michelle and Janine for part 1 of their discu...

Happy New Year Everyone and welcome to the first UGA episode of 2023! Join Michelle and Janine for part 1 of their discussion on Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD): what it is, who it affects, and common causes. Janine tries to guess the symptoms of SAD which will be discussed in part 2 next week. You will also find out how we got the title of this episode towards the end...we definitely went off on a few tangents...but that's what you love about us! :)

*NEW EPISODE ALERT* Join Michelle and Janine in discussing 2022: how we grew as people, what we learned from each other'...

Join Michelle and Janine in discussing 2022: how we grew as people, what we learned from each other's episodes, and reviewing our Podcast's . Thank you to our avid listeners who joined us along this journey-we couldn't have done this without your support! We are so grateful for all of our listeners and can't wait to create even more content for you in 2023! :)

In 2022, we published 1,166 minutes of new content (not including this episode) -- that's 92% more than other creators in the Society & Culture category! Unlimited Growability Conversations was in the top 25% most shared globally and most followed podcast. Our listener's personality type is "The Devotee" -- you all are quick to listen to our new releases and play your favorite episodes over and over again -- 42 of our fans have UGA in their top 10 list, 35 of our fans have us in their top 5, and 17 of our fans have us ranked as their #1 podcast! We appreciate each and every one of you! Thank you for making 2022 unforgettable -- we learned a lot and we hope that you all did too! Keep growing fam!
We hope you all have a wonderful holiday season and the happiest new year! 💖✌️👯‍♀️ 💫

****NEW EPISODE ALERT*****DISCLAIMER: This episode is not suitable for anyone under the age of 18 as we talk in depth ab...

*DISCLAIMER: This episode is not suitable for anyone under the age of 18 as we talk in depth about s*xual kinks, fetishes, and fantasies. Listener discretion is advised.*
This week, Janine and Michelle continue to discuss s*x—specifically kinks, fetishes, and fantasies. We invite you to learn along with us all of the nasty and naughty things humans have s*xualized for thousands of years. We will explore specifics, all while trying really hard not to judge what others might be into in--and out--of the bedroom to appease their s*xual desires. We of course look at all fetishes from a psychological perspective as well. Janine butchers the pronunciation of many words in this episode and also tells us some personal details of her own s*xual kinks. Come laugh, cringe, learn, possibly cry, and explore your deeper feelings regarding your own s*xuality with us! Do you consent?🙋🏻‍♀️ 😉 🤖 🦹 🤡 🧸 🐝 🌳🔝↕️ 👠

*x *xualDeviance **M *xy ***ge

**NEW PODCAST EPISODE ALERT** ***DISCLAIMER: This episode contains discussion regarding s*xual assault, r**e, abortion, ...


***DISCLAIMER: This episode contains discussion regarding s*xual assault, r**e, abortion, and s*x. Definitely NSFW nor for listeners under the age of 18. You have been warned.***

This week, Janine gets real, raw, and emotional while discussing her own s*xual experiences -- particularly around feelings of shame. Join us for a riveting conversation discussing a brief history of s*x, slt shaming, s*xual energy, and so much more! Remember, consent is s*xy and necessary before embarking upon any s*xual journey. Use protection and make sure to have open and honest discussions with your partner about your boundaries -- and then be sure to keep them! Trust Janine, she knows!

*xTalk *xBaby *x *x *xHistory *xualEnergy *xy *xShame *xualAssault +

Hey UGAers join Michelle and Janine for Part 2 of our discussion regarding Maslow's Hierarchy of needs. Last week, we di...

Hey UGAers join Michelle and Janine for Part 2 of our discussion regarding Maslow's Hierarchy of needs. Last week, we discussed who Maslow was and what his famous pyramid of needs entails. Today, we are discussing how to implement the concept for individuals with disabilities and society itself. Let’s help everyone get to the top of the pyramid, build connections, give people what they need, and be happy. Come along with us as we continue seeking the top of the pyramid and reaching the goal of self actualization. 💫 💖 ✌️

***NEW EPISODE ALERT***Join Michelle and Janine as they discuss Maslow's Hierarchy of needs. Who was Maslow? What are th...

Join Michelle and Janine as they discuss Maslow's Hierarchy of needs. Who was Maslow? What are the needs that Maslow determined to be integral for human prosperity? How can we as humans achieve each level of the pyramid? Climb the proverbial ladder along with us to the top. 🪜🔝 Hope to meet you up there! 💖

We are so honored to be able to be among the ever growing community of Podcasters! It's been a fun-filled, rewarding jou...

We are so honored to be able to be among the ever growing community of Podcasters! It's been a fun-filled, rewarding journey and we have sure learned a lot and are going to continue to grow and improve as we continue this journey. Happy International Podcast Day everyone! 💖🎙✌️

***NEW EPISODE DROP***That's right fans, part 2 of our discussion about UBUNTU is live now on Spotify, Google Podcasts, ...

That's right fans, part 2 of our discussion about UBUNTU is live now on Spotify, Google Podcasts, and Apple Podcasts -- link tree with all links in bio :)

UBUNTU: “I am because we are; we are because I am.”

Part 2 of our discussion about the fundamentals of UBUNTU looks into the transitionary phases necessary to begin creating circular contributionism communities here in the United States. We will explore what is needed to begin the transformation into an UBUNTU contributionism way of living. Starting with the creation of the Council of Elders, establishing a currency trust to fund the projects initially; and setting up new systems for water, food, energy, housing, and education. We need to begin the change by having conversations with everyone about getting outside of the matrix and into ever evolving communities, run by the people, for the people, self-funded and sustained by the contributing members of that community. What would you do with 100 truly free hours of your time, per week, to do what you want? What if you could contribute your natural skills and talents to the benefit of the community, for the benefits provided by the community, no longer needing to worry about where your basic needs will be coming from? This can be accomplished so listen up and open your hearts and minds to the endless world of opportunities that an UBUNTU community can provide.

"Do you have dreams? I know I do. I'd like to talk to you...both...about an exciting opportunity that people are talking...

"Do you have dreams? I know I do. I'd like to talk to you...both...about an exciting opportunity that people are talking about." -Garden State


U B U N T U is an ancient idea steaming from South Africa meaning “I am because we are; we are because I am.”

Come along on a journey that began thousands of years ago with the system of money and currency as we still know it today. This system is inherently broken and is perpetuated by a handful of people in power controlling the money and all the resources. This system is not for the people. We are living in a matrix and it's time we broke out and stepped into true freedom.

This episode is the first part explaining the background as to why we are where we are as human beings currently and how we can embody simpler, community driven and focused systems designed for the people, by the people. We promise it will be thought provoking and if nothing else, there are some parts that will be entertaining. 🙏 💫 ✌️

Here are some examples of Diet Culture being used in advertisements. To learn more about what each of these images repre...

Here are some examples of Diet Culture being used in advertisements. To learn more about what each of these images represents and how long diet culture has been impacting humans, listen to our podcast Episode 09. "The Muscle Pulp of Beef, Wine & Eggs, Placenta Pills, and Low Carbs, Oh My!" Tell us some of your experiences with Diet Culture in the comments below. Let's talk about it!

Image sources: https://archive.org/details/c100_2015_mch_002

Remember we are not licensed medical professionals and everything we speak about is coming from our personal experiences only. If you or someone you know struggles with disordered eating, please find a medical professional to assist you.
*Episode Trigger Warnings: Disordered eating, diets, diet culture, restricted eating, smoking, etc.*


***NEW EPISODE DROP***That's right avid UGA fans, part 2 of our Diet Culture discussion is now available for your listen...

That's right avid UGA fans, part 2 of our Diet Culture discussion is now available for your listening pleasure on Spotify, Google Podcasts, and Apple Podcasts.
Michelle and Janine dive more into how diet culture plays out in today's society. We discuss following your ebbs and flows to gain a better understanding if losing weight is something you want or something society influences.
Just a reminder, we’re not perfect and still use some diet culture phrases but try to catch ourselves.

We are still learning, but isn't that the whole point of living? 😉 💖 ✌️

That's right it's another new episode drop coming at ya! Join Michelle and Janine for a riveting discussion all about th...

That's right it's another new episode drop coming at ya! Join Michelle and Janine for a riveting discussion all about the timeline of dieting and diet culture. Journey back in time with us centuries ago to where the madness all started through today. Human beings have had some strange trends over the years that's for sure!
We will talk about how diet culture has had an impact on our lives personally and will dive into how diet culture has grown over the years.

Remember we are not licensed medical professionals and everything we speak about is coming from our personal experiences only. If you or someone you know struggles with disordered eating, please find a medical professional to assist you.
*Episode Trigger Warnings: Disordered eating, diets, diet culture, restricted eating, smoking, etc.*


***NEW EPISODE DROP*** Part 2 of our France vs USA conversation is now live on Spotify, Google Podcasts, and Apple Podca...

***NEW EPISODE DROP*** Part 2 of our France vs USA conversation is now live on Spotify, Google Podcasts, and Apple Podcasts. If you haven't listened to the first part, you will be very confused so be sure to go back and listen to last week's episode ("France, I Hope Our Paths Croissant Again") before you embark upon this one as it literally picks up right were we left off. 🇫🇷 🇺🇸




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