Western astrology took its branch from traditional astrology when pompous European Kings started demanding that their fortunes be told, and went so far as to want to know how they would feel or what they would do on a certain day. Astrologers, fearing for their lives, started casting horoscopes, but if the King didn't like it, he still executed them anyway, so they began basically just faking them.. The truth is, Astrology DOES NOT and CAN NOT predict emotions or personalities, only events. All of that stuff about a certain zodiac sign being a "lover" or a "fighter" or whatever is nonsense and completely made up.
To even further bastardize the traditional practice, western Astrologers decided it would be easier for the King and the people to understand if they simplified it, so they divided the sky into only 12 equal spatial units, and based it on the 12-month calendar. This is known as the "Tropical Zodiac". There are actually, however, 13 houses in the sky, and they are not all equal in size. There are also 13 moons per year, known as "lunar months". 13 is a very powerful number for many reasons, and is common in many spiritual things from numerology to certain Wicca practices to Tarot. However 13 is also the number of Venus, representing femininity and oneness, which was often repressed during these ancient times. Because of this 13 was deemed "unlucky" and started being omitted from many things (and still is today). So when western astrologers began developing their own system, they left out the 13th sign (Ophiuchus) and split all the others to be equal, regardless of where the Sun and stars actually are.
Another important thing to understand is that these systems were created a couple thousand years ago, with very little to no updates. In that amount of time, the sky has changed. The stars and planets are not where they were all those centuries ago, not all of them anyway. Some stars move in just a matter of decades, so given a thousand or more years.... What an ancient astrologer may have called Sagittarius at the time, because of the Sun's physical placement within that star sign; might now actually be Ophiuchus, or even Scorpio. It has been proven that our view of the sky has shifted several degrees over time, moving everything by around 30 days. NASA recently released a report about this. This is important, because spiritually you ARE the star sign that the Sun was physically in at the moment of your birth. Not where the Sun was 2,000 years ago on the same day you were born. There is still about a two week overlap, so if you are in the middle of your star sign's cycle, then you might still be that actual sign, but those people at the beginning or end of the cycle may have changed from what western astrology has told them they are. It is also important to know that it is not an equal 30 days between each sign, some are shorter, some are longer.
There are resources available online that can tell you exactly where the Sun and stars were at the precise second you were born. THAT is your star sign, the physical placement of the stars that you were born under. You can't be a Libra if the Sun was actually still in Virgo.... And also remember, Astrology can not predict your moods or personality, but yet that seems to be the biggest reason why people do not want to accept the truth about western astrology. They believe that horoscopes can tell them how they'll feel each day. If you really look at it though, it's rather generic, and the "traits" of almost every star sign can apply to everyone in some way, so that's why western society is so hooked into it now. If you are a true believer or practitioner of anything spiritual, then it is important to understand the history and difference between traditional and western astrology, and how it has been incorrectly used for entertainment purposes.