I do respect the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame, but I do have to Respectfully disagree with them over the last several years in their inductees going into the Rock Hall. I know the follow my page and all that I do, as I look at all they do.
Let me say this to the Rhythm & Blues artists you need to thank GOD there is a Rhythm & Blues Hall of Fame even though we don’t have a building as of yet which is on the damn way lol, because the Rock Hall doesn’t care about 50’s 60’s or 70’s artists anymore, they should you that in the last five years. What do The Marvelettes, Dionne Warwick, Patti LaBelle, and others have to do to get in.
I will say this a lot of black artists that have brown nose and have become sellout’s to R&B music and their race and try to crossover to pop you see they still want honor you. Most black artists would rather support the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame than to be inducted into the National Rhythm & Blues Hall of Fame any day of the week, that’s fine with us, and it’s not because we don’t have a building as yet, because the Songwriters Hall of Fame been in existence since 1969 and don’t have a building and black artists will die to be recognize by them, until we get pass self hate and need to be validated by other races The Rock Hall, The Grammys, The Oscars etc. will continue to over look us. Rock Hall you in Country western singer Dolly Parton last year and she told you she didn’t want to go in and Cher just told you the same thing, do what is right and induct The Marvelettes, Dionne Warwick, Patti LaBelle, and Luther Vandross. Also change your name to the National Music Hall of Fame.