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Cheers to the weekend! ✌🏾 Who else can’t get enough of K**e, our Gen Z baddie on  ? 😃

Cheers to the weekend! ✌🏾

Who else can’t get enough of K**e, our Gen Z baddie on ? 😃

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Follow the journey of a jilted photographer and his ex-fiancée who’s about to get married to another man. 💔

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[1/2] I got pregnant after losing a twin pregnancy. 2nd trimester, I was feeling unwell and the clinic diagnosed malaria...

[1/2] I got pregnant after losing a twin pregnancy. 2nd trimester, I was feeling unwell and the clinic diagnosed malaria. I got better but started having breathing issues. 1 night, it got so bad, I began choking. They tested me at the hospital but couldn’t diagnose. 2 weeks later, I was feeling funny, they found out I had malaria and high BP. They tested for protein in my urine/blood. It was positive. I was admitted, my mom had to come get my 5 yr old daughter. I was put on drip instantly and given injection to strengthen the baby’s lungs. 3rd night, my BP was super high; it was an emergency. I was calm but people were running around. The Dr. said she had to give me a strong drip within 15 minutes. She pumped me bit by bit, it was a terrible experience. I hoped it worked but in the morning, my BP wasn’t improving so they staggered my drugs. I was in the hospital for about 2 weeks dragging high BP. I clocked 28 weeks in the hospital.

My leg doubled in size. I was getting bloated. A consultant said to do another Doppler test in a specific lab with heavier machines. I went to the lab but when they told me the price of the scan, I was like what type of scan am I doing? Why is it this expensive? I did the scan and went back to the hospital. The Dr. said madam, we need to bring your baby out NOW. I said, I’m just 28 weeks but he explained the baby is really small and blood flow to the baby has been cut off for a while. The only people that had the facility to take care of a 28 week baby was the General Hospital (UCH) in Ibadan. Still I couldn’t understand the urgency because I was physically fine. I wanted to go the following morning but they said, it was an emergency.

From what they explained to me, there’s no private hospital in Ibadan that could handle my case but at UCH they said there was no space. My dad made some calls and I was admitted to the emergency ward. Once they saw my scan result, they scheduled a surgery for 4am. This was 7pm. They started jabbing me with injections. My leg was huge, like x3. They had to check my leg to ensure nothing had gone wrong with the leg. They told me that my baby was tiny with a 40% survival chance …

[2/2] … It is important to say I hid the details of my pregnancy from everyone including my mom. Well I should say every...

[2/2] … It is important to say I hid the details of my pregnancy from everyone including my mom. Well I should say everyone but my man, my godfather and a friend who’s a pastor. They were the only ones that knew my due date. I lived alone but found my way to the hospital by 11:30pm, thanks to a friend that was a taxi driver.

There were no pains, no contractions, nothing. The midwife took me the maternity ward and inserted her hands inside with gloves to check me before keeping me in a ward. I was chilling until 1:30am when I started feeling pains and the contractions set in. The pain was so unbearable that I wished I never got pregnant. I was shouting. I was alone in the hospital but my godfather and friend were praying for me. I kept doing my rosary recitations but it wasn’t easing my pains.

At exactly 3:30am I started pushing because they had given me injections. Then at 4am labor set in and I was taken to the delivery ward. The midwife guided me through the whole process, I pushed once, twice and the baby was out on the third push. My baby was finally here at 5am on the 26th of January. I had a small cut because that was my first pregnancy. They stitched me up and then moved me back to ward. My breast milk wasn’t following and the Doctor advised to buy formula for them to give my baby because her sugar level was low. I was discharged the next day. My pregnancy story isn’t one of the many stories that I read and listen to. It has been beautiful and perfect if I may say, I give Glory to God for making this possible. Thank you so much for given the audience to share my beautiful pregnancy story. I pray and wish same for every pregnant woman. Keeping my baby was my best decision; my greatest achievement on earth. Thank God I didn’t get rid of it. I’ve learnt to never live life for people’s validation. Just do you, the world will adjust.


[1/2] My pregnancy story is one of the most beautiful stories I’ve had to witness and go through despite painful stories...

[1/2] My pregnancy story is one of the most beautiful stories I’ve had to witness and go through despite painful stories I heard from family and friends.

Before then I kept telling my man that I was pregnant because my body was changing. I was sleeping and eating a lot yet losing weight. I did a test and confirmed I was 4 weeks and 3 days pregnant. Wow, mixed feelings, I was meant to start a law degree that month, I wasn’t married, I wasn’t ready. What will my family say? What will my friends say? I wanted to abort but my man didn’t want to. I put myself together and flew back to Accra from Bolga to start antenatal. I told my man I still yearned to study as my passion lies in the Law fraternity. He obliged that I should concentrate on the pregnancy and work; I can start my studies when I put to bed but I said hell no I wasn’t going to forgo my studies. Long story short, I deferred my admission to September and had to juggle work with studies and pregnancy. I was 4 months pregnant when I started school but no one knew I was pregnant in my class or at work because my pregnancy was very small. I wasn’t spitting, no morning sickness or vomiting but the baby’s kicks reminded me I was pregnant. Life was so perfect.

My routine was home, work, school. I set off to work by 7:30am, from Nungua to Tema, by 3pm I leave for school; from Tema to Wisconsin. Rinse and repeat. I didn’t miss a day of antenatal in all of this. No complications. It was going to be a girl, I couldn’t wait for 02/02/2020 – my due date. At 8 months, people started noticing I was pregnant but they thought I was 3/4 months in. After my exams in December, I took leave from work to get ready. I was home throughout, dancing, taking morning and evening walks. I was tired and my sleeping posture became a big problem.

On the 25th of January, I wasn’t sick but something within me wasn’t clicking. I was dull all day. Still I took my evening walk and went to bed. Something woke me up like a dream at 10:30pm that I was going to urinate on the bed. The urine started running down my leg but I recollected an antenatal education and realized it wasn’t urine but my water that broke …

As a first time mom, I was happy and scared at the same time. Before birth I was told a lot of things which mostly weren...

As a first time mom, I was happy and scared at the same time. Before birth I was told a lot of things which mostly weren’t what everybody experiences. My labor started while I was in the salon making my hair and the contractions continued for a while. They finished making my hair and I was heading home when a guy stopped me in town to ask me if I was okay. He said I didn’t look well. I didn’t know I wasn’t hiding the pain I was feeling. I decided to go to the hospital where I learnt I was 2cm dilated. They admitted me. I was there for 2 very long days experiencing the intense pain from the contractions. They gave me medication but it wasn’t helping. I was tired, scared and still in pain. I just wanted to meet my baby. Finally I was rushed to theatre for an emergency CS. It’s not how I planned it but it was a bittersweet experience going to the operation room I had to be injected twice my body wasn't responding to the anesthetic but at 2 pm I got my baby and I was 😊😊😊


I discovered I was pregnant 3 weeks after I missed my period. I had been feeling nauseous and had low energy levels but ...

I discovered I was pregnant 3 weeks after I missed my period. I had been feeling nauseous and had low energy levels but I thought it was because my period was on the way coming. My pregnancy was not planned and the first months were hectic. I would vomit anything I ate or drank including water. At 12 weeks, I had to take sick leave from work and visit the hospital where I was given an injection for 5 days and the nausea reduced but came back again. I could only eat sour foods and vomit most of it. I really lost weight. I started my antenatal at 15 weeks and with time the nausea went away which was at about 22 weeks. From that point, I had very strong cravings and my worst experience was when I got an infection UTI but it went away. Going to work was a hassle but I managed to go until 2 weeks before my due date. I was home waiting eagerly for my due date. Due date came and went. Nothing. I waited for another 10 days.

My husband and I had a normal evening, we had just eaten and settled to watch a movie. Around midnight, I started cramping. I ignored it thinking it will go away but it became intense with time. By 3am, it was coming a bit more frequent. I decided to shower and call my hubby as he was sleeping. He called the Uber and we left for the hospital at around 4:50am. We arrived a few minutes to 6am and I was told am 2cm dilated and admitted immediately. By 9:30am I was fully dilated and the nurse came to burst my water as it was still intact. That was the most excruciating pain I've ever felt in my whole life. I was told to say when I feel the urge to push and I did. My baby boy was born at 10:40am and weighed 3.2kg.The midwives were very helpful during and after delivery. I had a tear and was stitched. But it healed pretty quickly. Being a first time mom was quite difficult as I didn't have all the help I felt I needed. My husband had to keep going to work. But it gets better. I hope my story encourages someone.


I had my first child without any complications at all. I was expecting the same with my second child but I guess lighten...

I had my first child without any complications at all. I was expecting the same with my second child but I guess lightening doesn’t strike twice here. The second child was a new experience of motherhood for me. My water broke at 36 weeks around 11pm. I woke my husband up and we headed to the hospital in Accra here. I was there till morning. When they checked me, I wasn't dilating or contracting. I was there – Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday – the contractions will come and go. Then Friday, when they Doctors came to check me, they realized the baby’s movement and heart rate had lessened. I had to go in for an emergency CS.

My baby came out but was so weak that he had to be taken to ICU. He was there for 3 weeks before they found out he had cleft palate. I had no clue what that was but I had to figure it out quickly. We were transferred to a Government hospital and booked for his surgery when he’s 9months old. He is still 4 months old.

He fed though the tube for the first 3 months but now feeds through a spoon as the Doctors have said it is a gradual process.

I’m sharing my story because I believe there should be more cleft palate awareness for Africans. In my short knowledge of this, I have seen and learned of parents who abandoned their babies due to lack of awareness. I believe there should be more education for parents. Thank you.


I was scared to find out I was pregnant because I had a miscarriage a few months back. A friend advised me to stay in th...

I was scared to find out I was pregnant because I had a miscarriage a few months back. A friend advised me to stay in the hospital for the 9 months. But it’s not that deep. Bobo calmed me down. 7 months, I went for a scan and was told if I fall into labor now, my placenta will come out first which is dangerous for me and my baby. They said I will have to do CS. After some meds and traditional rites; things normalized. 9 months, I went to the hospital for normal check-up but the Dr admitted me because I was contracting. I couldn’t feel the contractions but he said I was sweating. Despite my arguments that the weather was hot, I stayed. A scan made the Dr revert to his CS decision. I’ve not overcome this wahala?! He said I’m not so tall and the baby is taller than my pelvic region and it will be dangerous to delay the labor. I wasn’t feeling any pain, I was there for 24 hours, sleeping, eating, on my phone, jumping from one place to the other. They realized the baby was not ready to come. I was induced, it was hell.

The pain was unbearable. I was taken to the labor ward and told to keep pushing. I told the Dr. that shebi we agreed on CS why am I pushing? He said I should keep quiet. I was there for 18 – 20 hours and the Dr. insisted I shouldn’t go for CS. It wasn’t easy. After 21 hours I said this is the last time I’ll push, if the baby doesn’t come out, just go and arrange the theatre. Don’t bother taking me, I will walk there myself. I tried one last time and the baby was out.

I thought it was over but no. The Dr was using his hand to clean my womb; it was hell! Then he said he was going to stich me up, I was like ahn ahn, just leave the stitch. It will heal up and close up with time. He insisted. He started sewing it, then he realized he had sewn my va**na more than he was supposed to. Then he carried blade to loosen the thread again and start all over. I passed out. When I woke up, he was still stitching. I can’t explain the pain. I was sha like do what you want to do and let me go. At least, my baby is alive.

The whole experience, the morning sickness and not being able to go to work for 3 months keeps me from having another baby.

I have sickle cell anemia and people had said I couldn’t have kids or I’d have to wait a long time or go through a stren...

I have sickle cell anemia and people had said I couldn’t have kids or I’d have to wait a long time or go through a strenuous process but I got pregnant as soon as I got married. I was excited and shocked and scared. My pregnancy was high risk and I instantly attended weekly antenatal. I couldn’t take iron tablets which the baby needed because of my health. It was all good till the 7th month when I went to Kaduna for work. I had a crisis that night. Then preterm contractions started. I went to my mom in Zaria. The Dr checked me and thought I’d have the baby that day but I was just 2cm dilated. The contractions continued for 2 weeks and then I had another crisis. The baby got stressed.

This was the peak of Covid so we were scared to go to the hospital as I was SS, besides most of the Drs had Covid at the time. Eventually I had to go for better care. I was there for 3 weeks. Due to the baby’s positioning, I had pain in my hips and was told to have CS as I won’t be able to push naturally. Oya surgery time, Drs didn’t want to operate on me for fear something might go wrong. Everyone just dey jump and pass. I was frustrated, I cried. It was the most difficult month of my life. Time for CS. 1st, I had a surgery to put a central line in my chest for medication in case something went wrong during CS. I did plenty tests and had blood on standby. My CS was over in 15 minutes. Then I started shivering. They cared for me but I was scared because a new mom died, the previous night, presumably from the cold. The shivering stopped and I rested.

Next day, I had severe crisis. My legs and bones started aching. They brought my son to me and it was the best feeling ever even through the pain. I battled the pain for days. I couldn’t sleep. They doubled my medication. My baby was in neonatal for proper care. I was drained but had to go there to breastfeed. I had to be transfused because the Drs needed to be sure my blood levels were fine. It was the most stressful period of my life. I got better after 4 days. This was over 1 year ago. My baby is healthy. It is a privilege especially for people living with sickle cell anemia. I’m happy and blessed.


My husband was travelling 1 early morning and something whispered to him that I’m pregnant. He told me and even gave me ...

My husband was travelling 1 early morning and something whispered to him that I’m pregnant. He told me and even gave me the baby’s future name. I did a test and tested positive. Our joy knew no bounds. As the months went by, there was no vomiting, spitting or any popular pregnancy symptom. 40 weeks gone and there was no sign of labor. 41 weeks, nothing. My Dr told me to drink castor oil. I felt a bit of pain, it was as if my baby was pushing through, searching for a passage yet nothing. 42 weeks, my Dr. suggested we go for lateral pelvimetry and they discovered by baby was too big. The Dr. didn’t want to gamble so opted for CS. Haaaa!!! CS ke?!

We sha signed the necessary documents. You should have seen my husband’s hands shaking while signing the documents. He couldn't properly write his name. Lmao. It wasn't funny then o. We didn’t know where we’ll see the money. 11am, I was prepped for surgery and taken to the theater. I told my husband "baby hold on for me, I will be with you shortly". I think those words made him strong. In the theatre, I saw the surgery equipment and my heart started pacing. I went under the anesthetic and saw myself in a long tunnel like in a rollercoaster kind of way and later saw myself standing in front of a black gate asking the man there to open the gate for me to pass but he ignored me.

When I regained consciousness, I was in a lot of pain and felt the stitches. As they wheeled me to the postnatal ward, my husband tried talking to me but the effect of the drugs were so heavy that I couldn't open my eyes. When I finally opened my eyes, my baby was brought to me and I won't lie, I didn't feel that joy people do talk about the moment they set their eyes on their baby maybe mine was because I was still in a lot of pain. 5 days later, I was discharged. My husband was able to pay the bills and to be honest with you, it was nothing short of a miracle cos I lost hope already and was in tears in the hospital because of how we were going to settle the bill. It’s been 4 months, I’ve recovered fully and I have an adorable child. I respect every woman who births another human. May our labor not be in vain.


I got married and was pressured into looking for a child immediately. I questioned my fertility but my Dr. told me to gi...

I got married and was pressured into looking for a child immediately. I questioned my fertility but my Dr. told me to give it a year. 2 months later, I was pregnant. Yes! Work was a lot; wake up at 5, resume at 8, back home at 11pm. I was stressed. 3 months in, I had a bike accident but we were fine. 7 months in, I almost fainted and had to be admitted for severe malaria. All the rooms were occupied so they kept me in the postnatal ward. I always wanted to do CS but being in a room with people that did CS and va**nal birth, I changed my mind. My husband who was taking care of me fell ill and was admitted as well. Toh! I had early contractions and they wanted to bring out my baby at 7 months and put him in an incubator. I cried. I prayed. Thank God I was able to carry him to full term. I needed to rest so I applied for leave but was told I had 60 days maternity leave. I decided to take my leave 2 weeks before my EDD.

39 weeks in, my contractions were 15 minutes apart but the Dr. said I should come in when they are 1 minute apart. That night, mucus plug broke. Next day, contractions were 10 minutes apart. I was in a lot of pain. Next morning, 3 minutes apart. I couldn’t take it anymore and went to the hospital. I was just 2cm dilated. I was admitted. 4pm, 3cm. 6pm, 4cm. 11pm, 5cm. My water broke. I was shouting, screaming. 10cm where art thou? 4am, 7cm. I passed out and woke up to with an oxygen mask on. My cervix wasn’t dilating. Baby’s breathing was off. During antenatal, my Obgyn had said he’ll be around during my delivery if there was an issue. I saw him and started wailing.

I had a big cyst that was preventing my cervix from dilating and my baby from coming out. 3 years ago, I learnt I had a dermoid ovarian cyst. It was treated and told it’ll flush out on its own but here we are. I had to have an emergency CS at 5am. I had the baby and they removed the 8.5cm cyst out at 7am. The cyst is still in the lab as they check if it’s cancerous. God forbid! I should get the result this week. They said if I pushed, it might have been a stillbirth and I might have died. I’m alive and my healthy baby is a month and a week


[2/2] … There’s no way to describe the immense pain. Let me try; it felt like I was stabbed in my spine by several ninja...

[2/2] … There’s no way to describe the immense pain. Let me try; it felt like I was stabbed in my spine by several ninja swords, like I simultaneously had hot lava in my intestines, the muscles in my feet felt like they were being woven into asooke. I was thirsty and hungry and tired of shouting but the more I shouted, the better I felt but only for a minute. I screamed the entire hospital down. I didn't dilate as quickly as the Dr would have liked but they could tell that keeping me informed helped me. God bless all of them. 4 hours later, I was just 5cm gone and ruptured my membrane.
I was in a lot of discomfort and kept having the urge to push. Per my countless research, I knew that was a very dangerous thing to do. Oh! I screamed. The last 3 hours of the entire experience felt like I was watching someone else. Like it wasn't me on the bed. My husband was worried, my mom was praying, my sister-in-Iaw joined her and in the same breath encouraged me. I still can’t believe that women would experience that manner of pain and still willingly decide to do it all over again.
In those 20+ hours, I laughed, cried, talked like I was in a lecture room (talking calms me) prayed, sang worship songs, pleaded with the nurses and Dr to end my suffering and a host of other things that now feel like a bad comedy skit. Like 10 days after delivery, I started battling excruciatingly painful migraines. Everyone took turns with my baby so I could sleep as much as possible. The migraines were so bad, I thought it was COVID. My Dr couldn't give me pain meds that were too powerful because I was breastfeeding. Eventually, my mom and husband decided that maybe sleeping for more than 3hours at a go will help. It did. I think I slept for almost 7hours uninterrupted that day.
I could type endlessly. I just know that growing a human isn’t a walk in the park and honestly, no matter how many birthing stories you read, or how many YouTube videos you drown yourself in, you might still feel under-informed like I did. People say we forget the pain with time. It's been 6 months and I haven't forgotten anything. I am waiting to forget. God was sooooo merciful to me.

[1/2] I’m very grateful that my pregnancy was medically uneventful but I struggled with everything else. I had a new pre...

[1/2] I’m very grateful that my pregnancy was medically uneventful but I struggled with everything else. I had a new pregnancy symptom every other week. I had to constantly adapt quickly to the new changes. I knew birthing a human wasn't child’s play but I still struggled with how much work it was. I’m a pretty active person but sometimes, getting out of bed was a chore. I had no issues with my appetite but actually enjoying the meal became an occasional thing. I had a community of new moms to guide me and I always wondered how people who weren't so lucky were coping with their respective experiences. Sharing my week with a friend who was pregnant too became the highlight of my week.

I had a lot of questions at every antenatal, I distrust the Nigerian system as a whole so I did a scan like every month. I read everything and anything about pregnancy and this also made the experience much better. I still think that with the number of humans roaming the earth, the childbirth information online isn't as detailed and honest. During the last 8 weeks, a part of my belly would beat rapidly about the same time every day. My Dr. said it was nothing but I still worried. There were little moments of uncertainty and anxiety where I felt very in the dark. In my 2nd trimester, sometimes I had difficulty breathing. They felt like asthma episodes. I hadn't had those in several years so I mentioned it to the Dr. and I told God that I didn't have the energy to deal with asthma on top of everything else. It stopped bothering me shortly after.

By the 3rd trimester, I was over it. I just wanted the baby to come out, to be myself again, to meet my baby. I marked my calendar daily. I made declarations about what I wanted the delivery and post-delivery to be. I told God I didn't really care how it would happen but I wanted everyone to be fine. I didn't want panic. I didn't want to be caught in Lagos traffic. I didn't want to have to wake anyone at 1am. I didn't want to be caught unawares but I didn't care how the child comes out. I just wanted me and my baby to be healthy. I labored for 20+ hours. I was induced - THE MOST PAINFUL EXPERIENCE OF MY EXISTENCE …

Even after bed rest and cerclage, I lost 2 pregnancies in 2016 and 2018 to cervical incompetence. I lost my jobs to acco...

Even after bed rest and cerclage, I lost 2 pregnancies in 2016 and 2018 to cervical incompetence. I lost my jobs to accommodate my bed rest but still nothing to show for it. I felt pressure from a few friends, family, Instagram where people posted their child. I had to keep on with life. I got a new job. 5 months after my loss in 2018, in 2019, I got pregnant. I didn’t want to lose another job and I was like see ehn God, I’m choosing my job over the child. I did cerclage. I was told to minimize work but I kept working. Actually, I wanted the child and the job. I spent like N4,000 daily on Uber to and from work to reduce the stress. It was financially stressful but I had a supportive husband. Even my MD let me work from home when I couldn’t make it to the office.

At 36 weeks, I went to the hospital ready to deliver. I was scared because the 2 pregnancies I lost, I still had to push out the baby. This time, I didn’t want to hear things I heard in the past like umbilical cord is around the baby’s neck, baby can’t breathe, internal bleeding. I opted for CS. They brought out the baby. No sound. Oh my god, 3 times isn’t a charm. I’ve lost this baby. The anesthetic drug was wearing off and all I heard myself saying was ‘where is my baby’? My husband whispered the baby is fine. I was like Father thank you. Finally I did it. Finally I’m a mother. Finally I can testify. Finally I can remove all those thoughts clouding my brain that I could never have a child. All the things people were saying.

As my baby was clocking 1, I got pregnant and I was like yee! The birth of this one, I wanted to die. I did CS but the CS wound from the 1st child hadn’t healed. I remember the anesthetic drugs wearing off and I was burning inside. I thought I was going to die. I said my final wishes, I told my husband to take care of my son. He told me I’ll make it through. Gosh. I forgot to even ask if the baby was okay, I was fighting for my life. They gave me a lot of injection to cool the pain. It didn’t subside. I eventually pulled through. Just like that, I have 2 sons. Father, you are too good. Thank God for supportive systems that prayed and stood by me - Adetutu

[3/3] … On the day of her naming, I had to return to the hospital because I was bleeding from the CS cut. The CS wound w...

[3/3] … On the day of her naming, I had to return to the hospital because I was bleeding from the CS cut. The CS wound was healing outside but not on the inside so they had to open me up again to prevent infection. I was scared as they took me back to the theater. They couldn’t give me painkillers so imagine having someone use a knife to cut into you. I was screaming! I felt the scissors go through my flesh. It was crazy. They opened me up and admitted me as they cleaned the wound for 5 days. Then I went back into the theater to be closed up. For like a week, my belle was open.

My mom broke down one day when they came to clean me up. They gave me a reduced type of painkillers. I went back home and slowly began to heal. They didn’t tell me that my baby might not develop properly because of what happened. But I noticed they kept asking with caution every time we went for checkup. Is she hitting her milestones? Are you sure? It was after a year that a nurse broke it down to me. That’s when I went to read about what I went through and realized that sometimes the children have delayed development. I just thank God that she’s doing well. She is sharp, strong, healthy and very energetic.

You’d think I’ll be happy that I didn’t die and my baby is fine but for the first 3 months I didn’t have it in me to love my baby. The whole experience scarred me and I went into depression. I was just eating and working. I wasn’t happy. It was only after some months that I started to love her. I’m grateful for my parent’s support. They were phenomenal, my dad especially. I lost my dad 6 months after her birth and it worsened the whole thing. Then I had a cancer scare. Thankfully it was benign.

Everything was happening at the same time. I avoided going to hospitals because it made me sadder. Thank God, I’m out of it today. When people say when is the 2nd one coming? I feel like slapping them. I hope my story doesn’t scare people. This is only the 2nd time I’m talking about it. My daughter will soon be 4. I hope people appreciate motherhood more like I do. The experience changed my view on life. It helps me forgive people more and live my life better – Ebehi

[2/3] … I tried to sit up. Wrong move. Blood gushed out like they were pumping it. Poom. Poom. Blood everywhere, my hair...

[2/3] … I tried to sit up. Wrong move. Blood gushed out like they were pumping it. Poom. Poom. Blood everywhere, my hair, the bed, my nails, the floor, everywhere! Drs were confused. They had to take me to the labor ward immediately. My husband carried me himself as others were doing sme sme. I could literally feel life leave my body. I knew I was dying. I held my husband and said I don’t want to die. The humans around me looked like ghosts. Drs. said I don’t have enough blood to go for a va**nal birth. Anyone o! No more ‘I don’t want CS’. My baby’s life was at stake. So was mine.

I didn’t have enough blood but they had to knock me out completely and told my husband that only one of us might make it – me or the baby. I was knocked out. It seemed like a dream. I was walking on this very long road. Like a tunnel. Like going round and round, get to a door and try to open it but it won’t open. Some say if I had opened the door and crossed, that might have been the end. At some point I was playing in the place. I didn’t know they were fighting to keep me alive in the hospital. My baby came out flat. Pale. No heartbeat. Like white paint on the wall. No blood.

They tried resuscitating her but she wasn’t responding. Only God and the Drs. made her start crying when they had almost given up. They took her to the ICU and did all the tests. She was perfect. After stabilizing her, they continued with me. After surgery, they tried to wake me but nope. I was still strolling in the tunnel. My husband had to donate blood. Same with my brother who had to rush down from Uni in the middle of the night.

A few hours later, I woke up on my own. I was so pale. Hmm. It was a journey. Hmmm. Apparently I had complete placenta abruption. The painkillers they gave me were affecting my head and I was acting cray cray so they stopped because they feared it’ll affect my brain. I started feeling all the CS pain. The matron said she had only seen this once and the mother didn’t survive. We became hospital celebrities because people didn’t believe me and/or my baby survived. How?! Are you sure? I was discharged and you’ll think that’s the end …




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