A Message for Humanity. Un Mensaje para la Humanidad.
Dear friends, Dr. Mike S. Ward, Superintendent of the North Carolina Public Schools 1996-2004, here offers a testimony about my work and about my book Uprooting Fear - The Heart's Accidental Journey to the Divine. Take a look!
https://www.auracamachomaas.com/.../52faa1... offers a review of the that provoked the narrative for my book. I invite you to read Uprooting Fear. Thank you and lots of LOVE.
Queridos amigos, en este video el Doctor Mike S. Ward, Superintendente de las escuelas Publicas de Carolina del Norte, 1996-2004 ofrece su testimonio sobre mi libro Uprooting Fear - The Heart's Accidental Journey to the Divine.
https://www.auracamachomaas.com/.../52faa1 ofrece una resena del trabajo que provoco la narrativa del libro.
Les invito a ser parte de mi camino de vida leyendome. Gracias por su tiempo y apoyo. Con AMOR.
Witnessing interconnectedness, the passing of time. #Consciousness & #Self-Healing Trauma.
Presenciando interconexion y el paso del tiempo. #conciencia & #AutoSanandoTrauma
Breathing Stillness. Love. Eternity.
The world is a mass of ego. Humans are a collection of physicality and consciousness.