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Fr1zzl_gaming Hello guys and girls. Welcome to my gaming channel my names matt and this is Fr1zzl_gaming, just st

Happy new years guys!Like the photo says let’s try this again, this year has been a hell of a long year for me personall...

Happy new years guys!

Like the photo says let’s try this again, this year has been a hell of a long year for me personally it’s been a real test on me physically and mentally!

I just lost my way with a lot of things, I let myself go and tbh I’m not happy about it. So this year I’m gonna stick to changing things up, get back into streaming properly, get back into shape and be more head strong to not let the tiniest of things throw me off the edge again!

It’s not a New Year’s resolution it’s a reality check for me! This year is gonna be a “BE BETTER” year with everything I do with work, gym, rugby, streaming! So that’s how it’s gonna be it from now on is BE BETTER!

Hope you guys had a great 2022, let’s make 2023 a better one!

Love you all❤️

Hey!Sorry for the no stream today had some audio issues with the pcs so had to sort that out!But I just got these beauti...


Sorry for the no stream today had some audio issues with the pcs so had to sort that out!

But I just got these beauties in the post today and I can’t wait to play them!!! Wanting to get resident evil 1 before I jump into the series again playing each game from the console it was released from!

But for now I’m gonna crack on with resident evil 0! I will be live tomorrow for a longer stream as well!

Sorry again guys! Tryna get back into it as much as I can!

See you tomorrow ❤️❤️


Hey guys!

Will be back live tomorrow had a few things to sort out and had to work over the weekend too!

I’ve got resident evil 1,2 and 3 nemesis, all the originals no remakes!on the PlayStation 1 disc so I’m looking forward to be playing that when we get to them!

Will probably run through all the resident evils again just for fun whilst also playing some other games through out the week if not on the weekend!

Hope you guys are well!!

See you soon

Peace and love!❤️❤️

SO GUYS!!Here is our streaming schedule! So Saturdays are for twitch streams or a day off depending how I’m feeling but ...


Here is our streaming schedule!

So Saturdays are for twitch streams or a day off depending how I’m feeling but twitch will to be grow out like I’ve said before and to play and stream either multiplayer games or different style of games.

Sunday to Friday we will be streaming the main bulk of it on here, Monday to Friday will be horror games and story games.

Sunday is for a chilled stream day playing assassins creed Valhalla, random games or even just sat talking for a few hours.

Wednesday will be the main day off for me, Saturday is optional depending how we are feeling either need a little break or got something else to do off stream!

Looking forward to see how this all works out for us I’ve got a good feeling about it!

Hope you guys are well and we will see you live from tomorrow on our new schedule!

Peace and love❤️❤️


Hey guys

Sorry for the no show today, stomach was feeling dodgy and wasn’t feeling up to it.

Will be live tomorrow with some days gone challenges and then some resident evil 0 on the pc again! I’ll be live earlier too to make up for lost time and to get my stream back up again!

Is there any suggestions from you guys on what I should play I’ll put a poll up after this post and you guys can vote or even add some recommendations to it as well!

See you guys tomorrow!

Peace and love!❤️


Hey guys it’s been a while again....

I’ve had to sort out loads of things with the pc and yet again I’m having to go get it looked at I thought I solved it but it still seems dodgy to me, it’s crashing and lagging on games so it’s no good for me to try and stream on.

I’m also mentally drained atm, not in the best of places mentally, I’m not happy with how I am or how I look it’s effecting me a lot and I’m just stuck in my head atm with it all. Just feel like I can’t do anything right at all for myself.

I’ve started writing down a lot of notes on what I need to do and where I need to go with it all just to get myself motivated again to do anything.

I’m trying to get back to where I was with everything and being happy with it all but it’s a long road to get there but that’s why I’m taking it step by step.

Hope you guys are well, miss you all and hopefully see you soon🤞🏻

Peace and love❤️❤️


Hello guys!

We are now sorted, I think🥴 the pc had a malfunction but seems to be all good now ran diagnostics everything seems fine!

So we will be back live tomorrow with outlast part 2 as I said before😂👀 been busy with work as well as stuff at home too.

Hope you guys are all well and enjoying the weekends awesome weather!!

See you guys tomorrow!

Peace and love ❤️❤️


Okay even bigger problem!

My pc is none stop continuously freezing! I don’t get why as it’s been perfectly fine the past few days and now suddenly it’s acting up massively!!!

This is annoying me a lot as I was looking forward to streaming tonight and now I can’t seem to fix my pc! Gonna do some tests to see what’s up but for now I can’t do anything😭😭😭

Sorry guys will keep you posted!❤️❤️



Epic fail, every time I try to run outlast it crashes my pc😂 spooky👀👀

So instead I’m gonna attempt to run days gone on pc now!!

See you soon❤️


Yo guys!!!

We will be back live tomorrow with outlast part 2!!

I’m gonna be looking at testing to see how days gone runs on pc👀👀👀 so that’ll be awesome! Then I will be looking at playing some other horror games too!

Gonna be looking at some new star alerts too! Had the past few days off just enjoying my weekend and some tidying up too etc.

Will be back tomorrow at 7pm with outlast part 2!!

Hope you’re all well!

Peace and love ❤️

Hey fam!We will be live later tonight it’s gonna be a late stream on resident evil 8! So should be fun😂😂Hope you’re all ...

Hey fam!

We will be live later tonight it’s gonna be a late stream on resident evil 8! So should be fun😂😂

Hope you’re all good and shall see you soon!!

Peace and love❤️

Some more Mamba love from today, she is a baby😂❤️


Hey guys!

Gonna be an earlier stream today as I’ve finished work! I’m aiming for around 3:30 onwards!

Aiming to finish resident evil 7 and either jump into the 8th instalment the village or go through 7 again but speed run it or look at the doing the add ons!

Just want to say thank you for the best streams this week they’ve been super fun for me as well as you!😂 (if you want to know why my streams are hilarious atm here’s 2 clips I got of last nights stream)😂

I’ll see you all again today for some more laughs while playing scary games😂

Peace and love!!!❤️


Hey guys!

Unfortunately no stream tonight, got some stuff to sort out setup/stream wise so I’ll be getting round to those little things.

Just want to say thank you to everyone for welcoming me back with big arms, or should I say by giving me a heart attack nearly every minute😂 these star alerts are amazing and I’m glad you guys enjoy them!

Hope you guys are well! We will be live again tomorrow 100% 👌🏻

Peace and love❤️❤️

Here’s some mamba content for you as well, think she’s a good mascot for our stream?😂

Hey fam!! Meet our new family member, MAMBA!! She’s absolutely ace and we will be seeing her a lot during streams as she...

Hey fam!!

Meet our new family member, MAMBA!! She’s absolutely ace and we will be seeing her a lot during streams as she is a needy girl😂

Hope we are doing well, I’m gonna be going live at 7:30 pm with resident evil 7! Gonna be kicking off the resident evil series again with the 7th instalment of the series! Then we will be jumping into resident evil 8!

So many new things are happening when we get back up and running on here! Scare stars are now made and there’s a few scare alerts too!

We have a PlayStation 2 so we will be playing some absolute classics of mine from when I was a kid and even the original versions of resident evils!

So we are back live tonight 7:30pm BST!

See you guys soon!

Peace and love ❤️

Soooo guys hope you are all well!As I’ve seen and most of you have seen that resident evil village, the 8th instalment h...

Soooo guys hope you are all well!

As I’ve seen and most of you have seen that resident evil village, the 8th instalment has come out and yes I had to make the purchase I wasn’t gonna miss out on this game😂

So my question to you is do I play it on Monday? Or do we start and finish resident evil 7 biohazard starting Monday then hop into the resident evil 8 village hype?! Help me out guess🤙🏻

Also I have purchased a gaming classic as well for us to start on as well which is purely based on game classics from this console and the previous console too🙌🏻

Hope you guys are well and doing great whilst everything is opening up again! (In the uk)

New scare stars are in place but we will have to re earn those rights for stars when we get back to streaming 👌🏻

Peace and love ❤️

I owe you guys an explanation.I'm really sorry for not constantly streaming like I use too, I've made all these promises...

I owe you guys an explanation.

I'm really sorry for not constantly streaming like I use too, I've made all these promises about streaming more and hitting goals etc. and I've pretty much let you all down. ill explain right now as to why I haven't.

1) I have been working proper hours again at my current job and tbh I get home and I'm knackered and i come home and literally either sleep or just lay around doing nothing so its my fault.

2) I saw a lot of negative things happen in the streaming community and really it dampened it for me so I kinda just waited and waited for it to sort itself out but I should've ignored it and just carried on so again its my fault.

3) the move to the new place kinda fu**ed everything up for me because I just couldn't get my setup right and things were going wrong but I've sorted it now I've made some massive new additions which you guys will love as well, ill post about that tomorrow so keep your eyes peeled!

4) I've been mentally drained atm, just not been myself at all and I've kinda been in pilot mode where I just let myself go and then I just sit and think all the time what did I just do for like 8 hours today its not the best at all.

so yeah that's been my life atm not the best but we are changing that!

We do have a new overlay now and then our new alerts will be coming at the end of this month so that'll be awesome!

We are gonna get a schedule sorted for here and on twitch too so we can branch out like others have, so I will have that with you soon!

Other then that i hope you guys are good i have missed you guys a lot and we will be back with more and different content too!

I'll see you guys hopefully very soon!!

Peace and love ❤❤


Hey guys!!!

Hope you are all well and had a good Easter!

🥳Today is my birthday🥳

Unfortunately I was gonna stream but my pc has been broken and I’ve been waiting on a new power supply as that broke and to get windows re installed as it uninstalled for some reason🤷🏻‍♂️

So it’ll be a while before I’m back but the plan is now that we are gonna be doing some split streams so we will be doing story games etc. On here and then transitioning on to twitch to do multiplayer/supporter streams potentially!!

I’ve seen a lot off other streamers do this so I thought I will too so we can expand our family and reach further out!

We may potentially go to twitch mainly but I’ve been looking into YouTube as another platform which would be so convenient for when we do stream highlights videos or short videos or compilation of the stream!

I will be looking into things a lot more but for now stay safe guys and enjoy the rest of Easter eggs if you have any left 😉

Peace and love❤️❤️❤️

Yooo Fr1zzl_fam!I’ve seen some big issues on Facebook atm I’ve seen people get there streams fixed and then some people ...

Yooo Fr1zzl_fam!

I’ve seen some big issues on Facebook atm I’ve seen people get there streams fixed and then some people completely ignored!! I want to know what you guys think? LET ME KNOW YOUR THOUGHTS BELOW PLEASE!

Do we keep going on this platform or make the switch there’s pros and cons to both platforms but how I’ve seen Facebook treat us streamers it’s disheartening!

I know I’m not a big streamer but I still feel like we make an impact on the platform as I’ve known how good our streams can get and how quick we’ve grown too at the start!

Either way it’s a decision I’ll look at very very closely!

I’ll leave the link to my twitch below so then when we move we have you guys with us!


FR1ZZL_ streams live on Twitch! Check out their videos, sign up to chat, and join their community.


Hey guys let’s talk....

I’m sorry I’ve been a ghost this month had a lot going on especially the new job too! It’s hectic lots to think off but don’t worry we will be back probably next weekend or the start of the following week, I promise!

I’ve had a lot of things go on mentally I’ve just not been positive about myself and everything but atm I’m getting back to it step by step! Next step for me is streaming obviously! I’m going to be getting the setup done by next Friday I hope!

Anyway here’s a sneak peak at the new stream setup!!

Heyyyyy fam!No stream tonight got some stuff to sort but will be back Wednesday with the last of us again!Doing some mor...

Heyyyyy fam!

No stream tonight got some stuff to sort but will be back Wednesday with the last of us again!

Doing some more work at the new place tomorrow and got some stuff to sort out tonight etc.

Here’s some progress pics! We have put in a whole new window, plastered the ceiling, sorted the walk in wardrobe and finished off the wall feature just needs a little more sorting on the walls around the window, then painting and new carpet then boom time to move in!

Also new stream overlay is looking awesome!! I’ll post a sneak peak soon👀👀

Hope you guys are well! The consistency will be slow at the moment due to work and then whole renovation stuff too but trust from April onwards we will be on the right track!

See you guys soon!

Peace and love❤️❤️❤️❤️



Yeah guys no streams really tryna push the new place at the moment!! So close to getting it done so tryna put max effort into it so then we have no problems in the future!!

But I will be back Monday with the last of us either the perma death challenge or the other game modes and setting etc. Just for fun!

We will be doing mostly challenges this entire month on the games we have already played and once we move I will have a new stream, logo, setup, alerts and stars! And going straight into the resident evil 7 game too!

Going to get my pc looked at soon too because I want to stream pc games too as there is a few I’ve seen that are really good to play too!

Hope you guys have a good weekend and see you soon!!!!

Peace and love❤️❤️❤️❤️

Hey guys!No stream today as I finished work today I went straight to the place and cracked on with plaster boarding it o...

Hey guys!

No stream today as I finished work today I went straight to the place and cracked on with plaster boarding it out and sorting the walls out etc. Little bits that are gonna help the next steps become really easy and be done really quick too!!! Here’s a few pics to show what it is gonna look like!!

I can’t wait to show you guys the finished product!!

I will be streaming tomorrow at 6pm doing the last of us 2 perma death challenge again and if we fail the first act again I will do days gone challenges instead!!

See you tomorrow!

Peace and love❤️❤️



Hope you had a great weekend!!!

I’m sorry for no streams this weekend was sorting more work out for the new setup/place yesterday and then today I was putting some more work into the alerts and getting scare stars + alerts and also adding meme stars + alerts for when we play other types of games too and suddenly streamlabs erased the whole lot so not only do I have to redo the work I just did but I have redo the entire stream itself by connecting to Facebook etc. which is annoying because I’ve setup multiple stream overlays with different alerts and stars and it’s all gone🤦🏻‍♂️

But I will be back tomorrow night for our first night stream together after work!! I’m gonna take the rest of this day spending my time re do every single thing that has gone 🤦🏻‍♂️

All these new alerts were sat waiting for when the new overlay and logo come in hopefully within March if not at the end of it which would be perfect as that’s when I will have moved out by!

Hope you guys are good!!!!

Peace and love❤️❤️❤️❤️


Hey guys!❤️

No stream today taking a bit of a day off just sort myself out been a bit mentally drained recently due to personal things but don’t worry I’ll be fine just want to make myself right so we always have great content!

I’ll be back tomorrow with a double stream starting of with The Last Of Us Part II then going back to days gone to finish of some more challenges🙌🏻

Hope you guys are well!!

And always.....



Let’s talk....

How we all doing?

Personally I’m not so sure myself, my head has been up and down and it’s upsetting me a bit. I enjoy streaming so much and it’s been annoying me that every time I take steps forward I get knocked back!

It’s annoying me how I’m struggling to get these star alerts sorted, streamlabs is so fussy with things for some reason!

I was hoping to have the whole stream and page re done too but times have been hard and everything has been a mess! Hopefully I can sort it out this week when I get paid!

Also I enjoy pushing the survival horror and horror games it’s really fun! But I want to ask you guys what else do you want to see any other genres or other type of games?

Just laying it all out there as you guys are my family too!

Anyway I will be doing the days gone challenges again today from 1pm as I know have 5 days off till my new job! Was supposed to do it yesterday but I ended up sleeping most of the day as I worked the shift the night before till gone 5am so it was a long one so I just slept then finished my last shift at that job last night!

Peace and love guys❤️❤️❤️❤️



Who else enjoyed the days gone content today?!?!? It was awesome I thought and you guys killed it with all the love!! Big thanks to the main Po-tay-toes dropping in as well appreciate you being in chat mate🙌🏻❤️ all of you are absolute legends and I love it! I know what my main goal is now🤙🏻🤙🏻

You guys really do make a massive difference to my day and I wouldn’t change it!

Same again tomorrow but earlier with more days gone challenges!!!!!

Peace and love❤️❤️



Sorry I’ve not been active with streams or posts lately I’ve been working a hell of a lot this week but only because it’s my last week at that job before I start my new job in March!!

Which means I will be doing night streams which is a hell of a lot more convenient for us all! I do miss you guys in chat so I will be live next week on Monday with some random games mostly horror! As we all love a bit of horror, still sorting scare stars some audio clips aren’t agreeing with the stream so we will be finding alternatives or something similar!

Hope you guys are well and doing great!

Miss you all and.....



Pete is 8 away from 600 go smash the follow button for him! He’s a great guy and does some great streams!

Hey guys and gals!!!!No stream today focusing on the extra stuff for the stream sorting scare star alerts and all that j...

Hey guys and gals!!!!

No stream today focusing on the extra stuff for the stream sorting scare star alerts and all that jazz gonna be looking into other things too like streamloot see if that’s any good! But I’m really tryna push my stream forward mainly because we are going to be streaming resident evil 7 and I want it to be the best one yet and I know already I’m gonna sh*t my pants so I thought why not get the scare stars and make it even worse😂😂😂

But will be live tomorrow later on in the day with the last of us 2 permadeath run and maybe some days gone challenges to mix it up a bit before the big one 🤙🏻

Hope you guys are well!

Peace and love❤️❤️




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