In 1775, a sharp minded lawyer From Virginia’s Hanover County, whose name was Patrick Henry bravely gave a heart moving speech at Richmond's St. John's Church where all the Virginia’s "who's who" of that day were in attendance. At the time, America was colonized(controlled) by the British. Most of the people, the likes of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and Henry were unhappy with the system. One of their main frustrations was that Britain was taxing Americans but Americans didn't have any voice in the United Kingdom’s Parliament. So in 1775 when Patrick Henry gave this speech, it was right before the revaluation erupted and America claimed its freedom.
Today, the words of Patrick Henry crossed my mind as I witness the current situation of the place I call home (Shabeellaha Hoose) If I am given the honor to share with you his words of wisdom, it was written like this " Is life so dear or peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty or give me death"
That's my stance today and that alone should be the mentality of Today's younger generation who are from this region. Life is not so sweet that we have to give up our rights only to live like slaves. We can’t afford to watch our children being mistreated at schools, harassed at playgrounds, and insulted in hotel halls just because of our cowardice. If a young lawyer called the British government's bluff at a time when the British army was very huge in number that the sun couldn’t set on the British empire, we can say “NO” to these immoral land grabbing thieves.
We should say NO to any divisive language that they use and face them with unity. When we talk about SOUTH WEST STATE OF SOMALIA, that's what we are talking about. We are not talking about Rahanweyn or Biimaal or Tuni or Galadi or any other tribe that resides there. We are talking about the people who get their segment of the parliamentary seats from there. We don't call for any unjust war but when the justifiable one comes, we must stand like men and give it all!