(Prophetic Declaration)
In the narrative of Moses and the golden calf, there's a profound lesson about stepping out of the glory—leaving the presence of G-d to descend into the distractions of the world. The Israelites, in their impatience and lack of faith, turned to a tangible but powerless idol, a golden calf, crafted by human hands. This act of worshipping the lesser, of elevating the creation over the Creator, led them into folly and chaos.
Moses had worked so hard on the mountain to receive the gifts of the Glory, only to let the situation below bring him into a place of disappointment and discontent. In an instant, his anger overtook him, and he destroyed what he had worked so hard to attain. He then had to work his way back up the mountain to return to the glory and regain what was lost.
When we step out of the Glory—when we distance ourselves from the true presence of G-d and become entangled in the ideologies and distractions of the world—we risk losing our cool, losing our focus, and losing our way. It's easy to get caught up in the trappings of religion, in the traditions and systems that have been built up over time. These can become idols, just as much as the golden calf did, if they take the place of the genuine relationship with G-d.
Consider the image of someone who has been betrayed, bleeding from wounds of mistrust. These wounds, born out of conflicts, disappointments, and betrayals, can become idols if they are not healed in the Glory. When a person allows these wounds to define their relationships or their walk through life, they risk leading others into the same distractions, the same pitfalls, that have ensnared them.
The call, then, is to stay in the Glory, to remain in the presence of G-d where healing and true worship occur. It's a call to resist the pull of lesser things—whether they are the ideologies of man, the trappings of religion, or the wounds that we carry. When we stay in the Glory, we remain cool, composed, and connected to the source of life and truth. We avoid the pitfalls of idol worship, whether those idols are golden calves or the unhealed wounds of our past. We are called to worship in spirit and in truth, not to descend into the distractions that lead us away from the living G-d.
Much like Moses, we must keep our eyes on the Glory, refusing to be pulled down into the distractions below. For it is only in the Glory that we find our true identity, our healing, and our purpose.
“I declare today that Your people will remain steadfast in the GLORY, refusing to descend into the distractions and lesser things that seek to pull them away from the presence of G-D. They recognize that in the GLORY, they find their true identity, their healing, and their divine purpose. No ideology, no tradition of man, no wound from betrayal will become an idol in their lives. They will not let anger or disappointment destroy the gifts that have been given to them in the GLORY.
They will stand firm, keeping their eyes fixed on the GLORY, knowing that it is in this place that they are connected to the source of life and truth. If they have stepped out, if they have allowed themselves to be pulled down, they will climb back up the mountain, returning to the GLORY to regain what was lost.
In the name of G-D, the POWERFUL, HOLY and UNCREATED ONE
Through and by the BLOOD OF JESUS