Three takeaways about this piece.
1) "We did have a breach, as the surge came over into my backyard in December. Then the next day, they put the berm up, and I had no worries after that."
••• We should continue building berms AFTER damage is done?
2) ".... the reason the berms are coming down this week is due to a tiny endangered species of bird which uses parts of the county’s beaches for nesting."
"San Buenaventura State Beach, McGrath State Beach, Mandalay...both the state and the city of Oxnard side...and Ormond Beach are all very popular nesting locations for the snowy plover," said Wilson. "That's just about it as far as the county goes."
••• If the areas mentioned above are the common nesting grounds ----- why were Pierpont Beaches flattened?
3) "Unfortunately, there's only about 2,000 of their species left on the Pacific Coast."
••• Does anyone who makes these decisions consider the destruction of the habitat of the critters SNOWY PLOVERS EAT???
[Apparently: NO]
The timing of the removal project is intended to restore beaches in time for breeding season for some endangered birds which nest in the sand.