Eerie Valley

Eerie Valley 🕸 Wanna get spooked?🕸
Join your fav femme trio as we explore your favorite stories involving true crime, the paranormal, supernatural, and more.


Nature is full of wondrous and strange things, and Rena's story today explores one of those strange things. She's telling us all about the West Texas Permian Basin Superorganism also known as the Mysterious Flesh Pit. An enormous, primordial being, that was discovered living under the Permian Basin....

On today’s episode Tiffany is telling us about the Roswell of Pennsylvania, the Kecksburg crash. In 1965 hundreds of peo...

On today’s episode Tiffany is telling us about the Roswell of Pennsylvania, the Kecksburg crash. In 1965 hundreds of people across six states and at least one providence witnessed a fireball flying across the sky in the middle of the day before crashing into the forest near Kecksburg Pennsylvania. The Air Force searched the area and claimed they found nothing but that’s not what the residents of Kecksburg saw. Rena follows this up with a story of obsession, this is the case of Maribel Ramos. She was an army veteran who was just looking for a roommate but this ended up being the worse decision of her life.

1. The “Acorn” ship replica outside the Kecksburg Fire House
2. A close up of the replica
3. Maribel in her Army uniform
4. Maribel and KC


On today’s episode Tiffany is telling us about the Roswell of Pennsylvania, the Kecksburg crash. In 1965 hundreds of people across six states and at least one providence witnessed a fireball flying across the sky in the middle of the day before crashing into the forest near Kecksburg Pennsylvania....

On today’s episode Rena starts us off with a the tale of Sister Maria Crocifissa della Conezione. A young woman who was ...

On today’s episode Rena starts us off with a the tale of Sister Maria Crocifissa della Conezione. A young woman who was suffering mentally and physically with something no one at the time understood. She believed she was possessed and through her the Devil pen a letter to the world. Tiffany follows this up with the death of Judy Smith. A mother and wife, she went missing while on a business trip with her husband. The real questions begin though, when Judy is found over 600 miles away.

1. A painting of Sister Maria being tormented by the Devil.
2. The letter the Devil wrote
3. Judy with her signature red backpack.
4. Jeffrey Smith (Right) and Judy’s son Craig.



On today’s episode Tiffany is telling us about one of the most verifiable cases of reincarnation in history. This is the...

On today’s episode Tiffany is telling us about one of the most verifiable cases of reincarnation in history. This is the story of Shanti Devi and her struggle to live in the present. Rena follows this up with the story Doretha Puente, an awful women who took advantage of the most vulnerable people in society while getting praise for doing so.
1.Shanti Devi as a young girl, taken for a newspaper article on her.

2. Shanti Devi at 9 when she went to Muttra to visit Kedar Nath, sitting in her father’s lap.

3. Tenants who were murdered by Dorothea Puente
(Left to right, top to bottom) Ruth Monroe (61), Everson Gillmouth (77), Alvaro “Bert” Montoya (51), Dorothy Miller (64), Benjamin Fink (55), Betty Palmer (78), Leona Carpenter (78), James Gallop (62), Vera Faye Martin (64)

4. The house the murders took place in.

5. Dorothea as she was fleeing the scene.


On today’s episode Tiffany is telling us about one of the most verifiable cases of reincarnation in history. This is the story of Shanti Devi and her struggle to live in the present. Rena follows this up with the story Doretha Puente, an awful women who took advantage of the most vulnerable people...


Today Rena starts us off with the story of a weird hole, but get your head out of the gutter because this isn't any old weird hole this is Mel's hole. Come along as she tells the story of this bottomless hole in rural Washington state. Next Tiffany brings us way down with the brutal mass murder of t...

This weeks episode Tiffany talks about the Stanford Kentucky abduction of 3 lovely middle aged ladies just trying to hav...

This weeks episode Tiffany talks about the Stanford Kentucky abduction of 3 lovely middle aged ladies just trying to have a nice night out. Rena follows that up by telling us about the horrible crimes of the Vampire of Sacramento, Richard Chase.

1. From left to right Louise Smith, Elaine Thomas and Mona Stafford.
2. From left to right Evelyn Miroth, Jason Miroth and David Ferreira
3. Richard Chase mug shot and the police officer’s pen mustache sketch.


This weeks episode Tiffany talks about the Stanford Kentucky abduction of 3 lovely middle aged ladies just trying to have a nice night out. Rena follows that up by telling us about the horrible crimes of the Vampire of Sacramento, Richard Chase. Thanks for listening and please subscribe, rate and re...

This week Rena starts us off with a very cool concept, time slips. A paranormal phenomena where individuals inadvertentl...

This week Rena starts us off with a very cool concept, time slips. A paranormal phenomena where individuals inadvertently slip into the past. Tiffany follows this up with the gut wrenching story of the Simmons family massacre. During Christmas time in 1987 Gene Simmons, no not that Gene Simmons, would go on to murder 14 members of his family, 2 members of the public and wounding 4. 

1. Gene and Becky early in their relationship
2. Sheila in her early teens
3.The Simmons family (back row) Gene, (middle row left to right) Rebecca Lynn, Becky, Loretta, Sheila (front row left to right) Eddy, Marianne.


This week Rena starts us off with a very cool concept, time slips. A paranormal phenomena where individuals inadvertently slip into the past. Tiffany follows this up with the gut wrenching story of the Simmons family massacre. During Christmas time in 1987 Gene Simmons, no not that Gene Simmons, wou...

Rena starts us off this week with a story that shows why mental health is so important and should never be shamed. Dena ...

Rena starts us off this week with a story that shows why mental health is so important and should never be shamed. Dena Schlosser had a hard time growing up and when she met her husband John all she wanted to be was a wife and mother. This would not end up being possible for her and the words of a snake oil salesman would bring tragedy to her and her family. Tiffany follows this up with a good ol' fashion conspiracy. Did governments all over the world participate in a body snatching conspiracy they called Project SUNSHINE? 

1. Dena Schlosser
2. Maggie Schlosser at 11 months old
3. Doyle Davidson
4. Dr. Willard Libby, Commissioner of Project SUNSHINE
5. Castle Bravo blast
6. The crater it left in the atoll
7. Fallout and contamination areas of Castle Bravo


Rena starts us off this week with a story that shows why mental health is so important and should never be shamed. Dena Schlosser had a hard time growing up and when she met her husband John all she wanted to be was a wife and mother. This would not end up being possible for her and the words of a s...

On today's episode Tiffany is talking about Ana Mendieta, a Cuban-American artists whose life was tragically cut short. ...

On today's episode Tiffany is talking about Ana Mendieta, a Cuban-American artists whose life was tragically cut short. Come along as we answer the question, Dónde está Ana Mendieta? Next up Rena takes us to Ohio, and how some government sanctioned land thieves do some thieving and how that doesn’t work out too well in the end. She’s talking about Punderson Manor.

1. Ana Mendieta
2. “Anima”, Silueta de Cohetas, 1976, super 8 film
3. One of Ana’s earth sculptures, “Silueta de Arena” 1978, super 8 film
4. A series of still photos, “untitled” glass on body imprints face, 1972
5. A poster created by the Gorilla Girls
6. Punderson Manor while under construction in 1929
7. Aerial view of the Manor today
8. captured this image inside the manor while doing a ghost hunt there. At the top of the image you can see what appears to be part of an apparition.


On today's episode Tiffany is talking about Ana Mendieta, a Cuban-American artists whose life was tragically cut short. Come along as we answer the question, Dónde está Ana Mendieta? Next up Rena takes us to Ohio, and how some government sanctioned land thieves do some thieving and how that doesn....

On today's episode Tiffany is talking about one of our favorite felons who may or may not have actually existed, she’s t...

On today's episode Tiffany is talking about one of our favorite felons who may or may not have actually existed, she’s talking Valiant Thor! Come along as she tells us the story of this problematic fave, and how he puts the gatekeep in, Gaslight, Gatekeep, Girl boss. Following this up Rena reminds us that online actions can have real life consequences and we should all strive to just be nice to one another. This is the story of Gabriel Kuhn who was tragically and brutally assaulted by his neighbor before being killed.

1. Valiant Thor (right) attending one of Eisenhower’s speeches
2. The picture of Valiant (middle), Don (left) and Jill (right) at the convention in New Jersey.
3. Dr Frank Stranges
4. Gabriel Kuhn
5. Daniel Petry
6. Brazillian police removing Gabriel’s body from his home.


On today's episode Tiffany is talking about one of our favorite felons who may or may not have actually existed, she’s talking Valiant Thor! Come along as she tells us the story of this problematic fave, and how he puts the gatekeep in, Gaslight, Gatekeep, Girl boss. Following this up Rena reminds...

On today's episode Rena takes us back to one of our favorite locations, West Virginia. We aren't talking Mothman though,...

On today's episode Rena takes us back to one of our favorite locations, West Virginia. We aren't talking Mothman though, today she's telling us all about the Flatwoods Monster. When two brothers follow a bright light in the sky they couldn't have imagined what they would find. The official story is it was a barn owl, but we'll let you decide. Next Tiffany tells the harrowing tale of Alison Botha's attack and survival. Her story is terrifying and inspiring in equal measure. This story by nature is also very graphic so please use your best discretion when listening. 

1. Gene Lemon and Kathleen May with a drawing of the Flatwoods monster
2. A closer look at the drawing
3. Alison Botha around the age when she was attacked
4. Christia Visser (left) who plays Alison in the movie ‘Alison’ and Alison Botha (right)
5. Theuns and Frans


On today's episode Rena takes us back to one of our favorite locations, West Virginia. We aren't talking Mothman though, today she's telling us all about the Flatwoods Monster. When two brothers follow a bright light in the sky they couldn't have imagined what they would find. The official story is....


Happy New Year everyone! Tiffany is sending out 2021 with one of her favorite topics, UFO's! She's talking about the Falcon Lake incident that happened in Canada in 1967, one of the best documented UFO sightings in Canadian history. Then Rena closes out the year with a cautionary tale of sorts, the....

Happy New Year everyone! Tiffany is sending out 2021 with one of her favorite topics, UFO's! She's talking about the Fal...

Happy New Year everyone! Tiffany is sending out 2021 with one of her favorite topics, UFO's! She's talking about the Falcon Lake incident that happened in Canada in 1967, one of the best documented UFO sightings in Canadian history. Then Rena closes out the year with a cautionary tale of sorts, the murder and cannibalization of cabin boy Richard Parker on the Mignonette.

1. Stefan’s sketch of the craft
2. Stefan’s burnt shirt
3. Stefan in bed, burn injuries clearly shown
4. The “W” piece of metal found my Stefan at the landing site.
5. Sketch of the Mignonette drawn by Tom Dudley
6. Photo of the life boat the med escaped on
7. The inscription written on the inside of the sextant case by Tom Dudley.

This week Rena starts us off with a historical ghost story, that of the Red House or as it is also known the House of Wi...

This week Rena starts us off with a historical ghost story, that of the Red House or as it is also known the House of Witches. It's an abandoned house in Italy that over the years housed some prominent people but now sits run down and boarded up. Tiffany follows this up with the awful retelling of the murders of Stephen Delecino and Robert Haney. Two men murdered a year apart while working at the same rural farm. 

1. The Villa as it looked during its prime with the fountain going off
2. Inside the now run dilapidated Villa
3. The intricate carving work done on the high walls of the Villa
4. Robert Haney and Jesse Haney
5. Stephen Delecino
6. Susan Monica
7. The barn where the remainder of Robert’s body was found
8. Some of the garbage and debris that was covering the farm


This week Rena starts us off with a historical ghost story, that of the Red House or as it is also known the House of Witches. It's an abandoned house in Italy that over the years housed some prominent people but now sits run down and boarded up. Tiffany follows this up with the awful retelling of t...


Hey everyone today’s episode is not for the faint of heart, so be warned! New Orleans is known for many things, Mardi Gras, the French Quarter, and of course hauntings. Did you there is one house that’s just called The Haunted House? Today Tiffany tells us all about this haunted house, the Lalau...

Hey everyone today’s episode is not for the faint of heart, so be warned! New Orleans is known for many things, Mardi Gr...

Hey everyone today’s episode is not for the faint of heart, so be warned! New Orleans is known for many things, Mardi Gras, the French Quarter, and of course hauntings. Did you there is one house that’s just called The Haunted House? Today Tiffany tells us all about this haunted house, the Lalaurie Mansion. This is a true haunted house of horrors. Rena follows this up with the horrible murder of Farah Noor.

1. The LaLaurie Mansion some time before 1895.
2. Madame LaLaurie
3. 1st and 2nd floor layouts of the mansion
4. 3rd floor layout of the mansion
5.&6. Interior of the LaLaurie Mansion
7. Farah Noor
8. Charlotte and Linda Mulhall (the Scissor Sisters)
9. Kathleen Mulhall

Scotland is a beauty place, full of rich history and legends. Truly a place where myths come to life and ghost stories a...

Scotland is a beauty place, full of rich history and legends. Truly a place where myths come to life and ghost stories are real. Today Rena is telling us about one such ghost story, that of the Edinburg vaults. Tiffany follows that up with the Santa Rosa Hitchhiker Murders, a series of murders that have remained unsolved. At a time when people thought they could trust a stranger some jerks ruined it for everyone.

1. Inside the Edinburg vaults
2. The cubbies inside the vault cut outs.
3. The bridge and the vaults underneath
4. Mr. Boots photobombing some tourist!
5. From top left to bottom right, Yvonne Weber, Maureen Sterling, Kim Allen, Lori Kursa
6. From left to right Carolyn Davis, Teresa Walsh and Jeannette Kamahele
7. A map showing where the bodies were located courtesy of



Scotland is a beauty place, full of rich history and legends. Truly a place where myths come to life and ghost stories are real. Today Rena is telling us about one such ghost story, that of the Edinburg vaults. Tiffany follows that up with the Santa Rosa Hitchhiker Murders, a series of murders that....

Hey everyone, Yuri had to set away from the podcast for a little bit so it’s just Rena and Tiffany holding it down Yuri ...

Hey everyone, Yuri had to set away from the podcast for a little bit so it’s just Rena and Tiffany holding it down Yuri is due to return soon though!
Have you ever seen mysterious lights in the sky and wondered what they could be? Have you considered they could be birds? Well today Tiffany tells us all about the Lubbock Lights, are they birds? Are they moths? Let’s find out! Next up Rena reminds us why the girls here at Eerie Valley are inside people. She tells us the terrifying story of some teens just out having an adventure together when they stumble upon something not fun.

1. A screen shot from the original TikTok showing the location of the suit case was found.
2. The victims, Jessica Lewis and Austin Winner
3. Carl Hart’s photo of the Lubbock Lights
4. Lt. Rupert
5. A comparison of the lights that were seen over Texas


Have you ever seen mysterious lights in the sky and wondered what they could be? Have you considered they could be birds? Well today Tiffany tells us all about the Lubbock Lights, are they birds? Are they moths? Let’s find out! Next up Rena reminds us why the girls here at Eerie Valley are inside ...

Hey everyone, the team over here at Eerie Valley had some personal business come up so were posting one of our Little Mo...

Hey everyone, the team over here at Eerie Valley had some personal business come up so were posting one of our Little Month of Horrors Patreon episodes. Don't worry though next week we'll have a brand new episode for you.
Today Yuri tells us about a family being terrorized in their Indiana home. Zac Bagans would later come do deem this the "Gary Demon House." But is everything as it seems or is the whole thing a hoax? You decide. 

1. The Gary “Demon House”
2. Latoya Ammons
3. Father Michael Maginot, who performed the exorcisms.
4. Dramatization of the son walking up the wall in the hospital.
5. Zac being affected in the house
6. Zac posing dramatically in the house
7. The stairs from the Demon House now in an exhibit in Zac’s museum.



Hey everyone, the team over here at Eerie Valley had something come up so we're posting one of our Little Month of Horrors Patreon episodes. Don't worry though next week we'll have a brand new episode for you! Today Yuri tells us about a family being terrorized in their Indiana home. Zac Bagans woul...


The Hawaiian Islands are beautiful places full of rich culture, and wonderful people. They have myths and legends going back hundreds of years because of this. One of these myths is of the Nightmarchers or as the native Hawaiians refer to them huaka'i pō. Yuri is telling us all about this fascinati...

The Hawaiian Islands are beautiful places full of rich culture, and wonderful people. They have myths and legends going ...

The Hawaiian Islands are beautiful places full of rich culture, and wonderful people. They have myths and legends going back hundreds of years because of this. One of these myths is of the Nightmarchers or as the native Hawaiians refer to them huaka'i pō. Yuri is telling us all about this fascinating myth and why you should always respect the local customs when traveling. Next we find out that ghost hunting groups have been around longer than Zac Bagans. Rena tells us about the famous 1840's haunting, possession and exorcism of Gottliebin Dittus. Finally in 1994 this case rocked the world when 13 year old Eric Smith brutally murdered 4 year old Derrick Robie. Tiffany tells us this heartbreaking tale today. It's rough so buckle up. 

Just a note guys, Eric Smith is still awaiting release as of this posting. He has yet to secure housing and is being held until he does so.

1. Precious Derrick Robie
2. Eric Smith during his trial
3. A more recent picture of Eric Smith
4. Johann Blumhardt
5. Gottliebin Dittus

'ipō ’i #

They say what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. Well today Yuri is telling us about some ghost that took that saying to h...

They say what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. Well today Yuri is telling us about some ghost that took that saying to heart, she’s telling us all about the haunted Luxor Hotel on the Las Vegas strip. It is said to be one of the most haunted places on the strip, is this because all of the accidents during construction or could it be a curse brought on by the used of Egyptian imagery? Maybe it’s both! Some people move mountains for love, others break out of prison and commit fraud. Tiffany tells us all about the latter in her coverage of the king of con, Steven Jay Russell. This man escaped prison four times to be with the men he loved, he also scammed, defrauded and stole the identities of others all in the pursue of love. In the day and age of internet tabloids and drama channels it’s easy to think exposing someones private affairs is a new phenomenon, Rena’s story today flips that notion on its head though. She’s telling us about the unsolved mystery of the Circleville letters. These letters started showing up in 1976 and they certainly stirred the pot in the small Ohio town of Circleville.

1. The light of the Luxor on the Vegas strip
2. A closer look at the Luxor and one of the Sphynx
3. An inside look at the Luxor. The elevator inside the hotel travels upward at a 39° angle
4. Steven Jay Russell
5. Phillip Morris
6. Steven today locked behind plexiglass
7. Mary Gillispie and Gordon Massie
8. One of the Circleville letters
9. Another one of the original letters addressed to Mary
10. Crime scene photos of Ron Gillispie’s auto wreck


They say what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. Well today Yuri is telling us about some ghost that took that saying to heart, she’s telling us all about the haunted Luxor Hotel on the Las Vegas strip. It is said to be one of the most haunted places on the strip, is this because all of the accident...

!!Content warning!! At the end of the slide show, image 6, there is an image that some may find disturbing involving leg...

!!Content warning!! At the end of the slide show, image 6, there is an image that some may find disturbing involving leg bones sticking out of a shoe. Please use your best discretion when viewing the images.

We've all had the experience where we like someone more than they like us, or maybe you've been on the other side and have had someone like you more than you were into them. Usually these situations dissolve and it's nothing more than some hurt feelings. There are other times that it becomes more than that though, it becomes an obsession and people end up getting hurt. Yuri tells us about one such case today that of the murder of Tanya Tarasoff. A smart, funny and fiery young woman who was not protected by the authorities that should have kept her safe. Rena follows that up with another not so fun story with a twist of mystery, that of the disembodied feet that wash up in the Pacific North West U.S. This is a phenomenon that has been going on for decades. Is there a killer lose in the area or is it just unfortunate luck for those that live in the area. Finally Tiffany rounds us off and she's not bumming us out this week. She's telling us about some folklore and how it may have evolved over time. 
1. Tanya Tarasoff
2. The gross garbage that took Tanya’s life (prosenjit poddar)
3. A map of the shoes that contain feet and the places they were found
4. The Kallikantzaros cutting down the tree of life or world tree.
5. A possibly Greek depiction of a Kallikantzaro
6. The foot and connecting leg bones found in British Columbia in 2017


We've all had the experience where we like someone more than they like us, or maybe you've been on the other side and have had someone like you more than you were into them. Usually these situations dissolve and it's nothing more than some hurt feelings. There are other times that it becomes more th...


Happy Halloween everyone! We made it! We hope today's story lives up to the spookiness of today and scares some of you. Of course Tiffany is telling this one, dolls are her specialty at this point and even this one scared her so get ready for it. That's right were talking Peggy the Doll today. How c...


Slenderman is a cryptid that has popped up in the last decade but did you know there was a tall dapper cryptid in a suit before Slendy got on the scene? It is true and Rena's telling us all about it. She's talking Walking Sam today. A story that comes out of the Pine Ridge Reservation. Are they a gu...



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