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Horoscope World : Date (Tuesday, November 20, 2018)
"Don't be surprised if you run into a few emotional roadblocks today, Aries. People could be quite stubborn and difficult to deal with. You may exacerbate the situation by trying to get a rise out of someone with your boisterous attitude and dramatic flair. If your efforts don't yield positive results, back off. Keep your energy to yourself and share it another time when people are more in the mood to play."
"A group with which you're affiliated with could suddenly seem to grow closer, and a family feeling could develop among its members. One of the members could suddenly appear to you in a new light, Ta**us, and a romantic attraction might develop. Whether you pursue it or not depends on your situation, but you'll still feel closer to your friends now. Some intimate conversations could take place amid discussions of other matters."
"You'll notice that your emotions are coming to a monthly climax today, Gemini. Don't be alarmed, but do be cautious about lashing out at people for no reason. You may feel on edge. Unintended slights from others could push you over that edge in a fury of emotion. Harsh words spoken today can damage other people's feelings for a long time, so remain silent."
Something is currently compelling you to be more of a world citizen than usual, Cancer. You may find this somewhat disturbing. You feel as though the roots of your identity, such as your family background and social standing, are dissolving little by little. Comfort yourself with the knowledge that your family is simply changing and expanding. It will stabilize again on another, higher plane.
Your surroundings are currently changing, Leo. Perhaps your circle of friends has already undergone a major change. The fact is that you no longer have so many prejudices about the people you meet, and no longer seek only a certain type of person as a friend. You accept whoever comes along. You may not realize it, but your attitude is completely different now than it once was. Good for you!
Virgo :
You're demystifying the concept of talent. You used to look enviously at other people and think, "I wish I had a natural ability like that." Now you understand that the person who aroused your envy with is just someone who had the self-confidence to go to work and refine and develop an aptitude. It's a matter of hard work, belief in oneself, and bravery in the face of risk. You can do it, too!
Are you thinking of going into business for yourself, Libra? Being self-employed doesn't automatically mean you will have more freedom. Of course, you will be your own boss, but you will also bear all the responsibility for the success or failure of your enterprise. If you quit, the whole thing will collapse. Think about it. Base your decision on reality and not fantasy.
Within the next few days, you're likely to gain access to dimensions of perception you never suspected, Scorpio. Perhaps you will become aware of certain energy phenomena, peak experiences, or other highly sensitive states of consciousness. Don't be frightened. Instead, investigate what these worlds have to offer. What you learn will help you cope with your sensitivity.
Often fiery temperaments like yours are drawn to fight for great causes despite the better judgment of more down-to-Earth people. As a result, you have great leadership potential that may emerge today. Your courage, enthusiasm, and vigor will be contagious when you climb onto your soapbox.
Your optimism is likely to receive a little boost today, Capricorn. A memorable emotional encounter may be the source of some extra zeal. Or you may derive great satisfaction from being part of a group. The nagging chores of daily life will be forgotten for today at least. The outlook is nothing but positive!
This is the type of day you enjoy. The climate is positive and the energy is flowing. It's as though you have a magic wand. You give it a wave and - presto - the day's tasks and chores are done! By this evening, you've scarcely tapped your energy levels. Your family will be very happy to spend some quality time with you.
This is the type of day you enjoy. The climate is positive and the energy is flowing. It's as though you have a magic wand. You give it a wave and - presto - the day's tasks and chores are done! By this evening, you've scarcely tapped your energy levels. Your family will be very happy to spend some quality time with you.
6th Sep 201
Aries -
You've never had a taste for wastefulness, lavishness or excessiveness -- well, not unless it's called for. The point is right now, and for the next two days, you'll be in the mood to do whatever it takes to make your dear ones feel special. And the more emotionally starved you feel they've been, the more willing you'll be to go out of your way to make them feel better.
Ta**us -
A private matter you've been doing your best to keep under control has just shown the first signs of getting away from you. Does that mean you'll be totally unable to keep the situation where you want it to be? It might -- and that's not a comforting thought for you. But if you let go and let the universe drive the big car, you might be surprised at how well the whole thing turns out.
Gemini -
You've never been famous for your willpower, self-restraint or frugality -- especially when it comes to surprising dear ones. Well, you're planning one of those moments now, and you're going to have to decide whether to respect your budget or follow your heart. It's easy to see which would naturally take over, but do at least try to find a happy medium.
Cancer -
Don't even think about bowing out on that wonderful adventure a dear one has offered. You know you've earned this, and you know you want to go and play -- and it's about time. So why deny yourself? Get out there and have some fun. You can get back to making peace, restoring balance to troubled situations and negotiating treaties tomorrow. For tonight, promise to enjoy yourself.
Leo -
This is a day you won't soon forget. And neither will your lucky companion, who you're determined to spoil beyond belief. The problem is you're after privacy, and they'll want to tell the world what you've done -- which won't appeal to you, not even a little bit. Still, if you make sure you've done the right thing for them, the glare of the spotlight won't scorch quite so badly.
Virgo -
Oh, go ahead and indulge yourself. Whatever you've been offered just happens to be exactly what you want -- and you more than deserve it! Why not have some fun doing exactly what you want to do? Okay, it might be a bit over the top, but so what? When was the last time you gave in and had a totally hedonistic evening? If it's been a while, seize this moment.
Libra -
You're going to be feeling quite extravagant today. Since you've probably spent quite a bit of time lately trying not to indulge in what you love, you may not want to give in. Remember, though, what they say about all work and no play -- because it's true. It's time to unwind, and you deserve to spoil yourself just a tad. Go ahead. Let yourself have a special treat.
Scorpio -
You're not usually this thin-skinned, so even you may be surprised at how easily your feelings are hurt right now -- even though you know darned well that those comments weren't meant to be hurtful. Does this mean you'll automatically overreact, even if someone is just kidding? Not necessarily, but you might want to practice counting to ten -- especially if they could still be a bit cranky over yesterday's goings-on.
Sagittarius -
It's finally time to unwind -- and not a moment too soon, either. You've had it with being proper, dutiful and responsible, and you're about to self-medicate. You're prescribing the only remedy that you know will definitely work: putting some serious distance between you and your job -- and anyone who'll want you to take charge of anything more complicated than driving to the movies.
Capricorn -
Sensitive? You? No way. Well, maybe a little. It started when you realized you were sniffling at sappy commercials. You'd never, ever admit to it, of course -- but if you're going to be spending any time with that certain someone, you might want to think about it ahead of time. Forget about being the alpha person. Let them know you have a great big heart. If one thing's clear, it's that you have nothing else to prove.
Aquarius -
You're supposed to be making plans with your friends... and keeping them, too. Unfortunately for them, you've been less than dutiful. Well, they may let you slide for one more day, especially if they were less than kind to you yesterday. But you'd better make time for them soon. Like tonight. Remember, that's one more day -- no promises about the evening.
Pisces -
It's not in your nature to go overboard. Just this once, though, you're feeling like nothing would be too extreme if it would get the point across to your sweetheart -- the point being that you care an awful lot. Still, if you're not careful, you could actually scare that special someone away, the way you've been scared away by other people in the past: by being a bit too eager. Easy now.
July 2017 (Monthly horoscope)
Aries -
Since about 2007/8 (and yes, coinciding with the global financial crisis) you may have felt under-valued or fearful that your asset base isn't secure. Property issues may well have been a big theme. In any year since then there have been months when these issues demanded particular attention - July being one of those periods. Renovation costs could have your attention during the first two weeks of July 2017. Around the Last Quarter Moon (in your sign on 16th), you may be faced with a dilemma that pits your need for emotional security against career needs. Balancing these could prove expensive and involve the purchase of an extra ticket or other transport cost. The big financial news though is that the Sun and Mars align in your speculative zone on 27th. The temptation then to invest (could be in a holiday or in precious jewels) may be irresistible. Take care though that you're not caught out by currency fluctuation or a guarantee that expires at the end of the month.
Ta**us -
Be prepared for large expenses throughout July. Transport costs could rise and, for some, include the purchase of a new vehicle. From Thursday 6th major costs seem linked either to overseas travel, or, for a few, legal matters. Investments through this period and which are linked to expanding your knowledge base should prove financially sound. The most expensive action however looks to be from the New Moon on July 23rd. This is when the need to improve your asset base is at its strongest. First though, pay attention to insurance costs. You may not have found the best deals - either on this or on utility costs. With savings made here you should then be in a better position to make serious investment after 27th. Investing in services and products which you yourself use (ie don't be distracted by other people's ideas of what is a good investment) could yet prove super-wise and bring reliable dividend.
Gemini -
Your birthday may have been last month but you could still be in line for a few gifts in July - especially after Venus reaches your sign on 5th. True, financial threats are everywhere and you may have real and justifiable concern as to how you'll cope. The art may be not to over-react around either 2nd or 10th when pressure looks to be great. Yet all is far from lost. True, you may still have high (legal? Or other expert?) expenses for some time. Extra cash could be headed your way following the conclusion of an important deal around 27th however. It might help to know that though it's October before Jupiter leaves the speculative zone of your solar chart, that hints of extra work and earning potential should be apparent before the end of July. This is not to suggest that you build up debt but to point out that ease could yet come. As always, putting your health and well-being at the forefront of all expenses is essential. Indeed, investing in health and even in companies providing healthcare is something to be considered: especially after Mercury changes signs on Wednesday 26th.
Cancer -
The Full Moon on July 9th coincides with Mars' transit of your sign and Pluto's alignment with the Full Moon itself. It's probable then that the first nine days of the month will be particularly action packed. Indeed, by Monday 10th you might wonder if resources are adequate. It could be argued however that these are early days and that finding your financial feet and feeling more secure in this area won't occur until Jupiter changes signs in October. It's not that this month is all bad - simply that cash flow may be faster than usual. You're probably right in thinking that costs could be pared. The art though is likely in the timing. Achieving this before the end of the month might not be easy. With a partner or close associate dealing with their own slightly fraught financial arrangements it might be best to view July as simply a turbulent month. The good news however is that after Mars leaves your sign on July 20th and slightly ahead of the New Moon on 23rd opportunities for you to increase earnings should appear. Indeed, an offer made around the 21st could give you much to think about. You might though need to make a decision before the end of the month.
Leo -
Mars reaches your sign just slightly ahead of the New Moon (also in your sign) on 23rd. It might be as well to think of this as a starter pistol shot. Financially the period from the 20th could be extremely busy indeed. That needn't be a bad thing: you may be quite happy to invest in certain items, products and services that feel worthy of your hard earned cash. However, bearing all that in mind, it would be as well to be particularly prudent in the first five days of July when you could be tempted to overspend. July's Full Moon on Sunday (9th), could bring an after-shock that shakes all financial markets on Monday 10th. Insurance matters too could have your attention between Thursday 6th and Tuesday 25th as Mercury passes through your sign. These few weeks should be viewed as excellent but checking deals and ensuring you are on optimum tariffs. Bearing in mind that the next New Moon is a solar eclipse (a sophisticated type of New Moon), undertaking regular risk assessments and ensuring you have a safety net in place would be wise.
Virgo -
This month's full moon on July 9 is extra important for all signs in that it aligns with Pluto. This cosmic event highlights the speculative zone of your solar chart. It's highly likely that you will feel impelled to invest. This should work particularly well if it involves the purchase of a large piece of equipment related even to a hobby. It's perhaps also true that this would work well if you determined to have a holiday or even just a one day break. Factors that with Venus moving over the apex of your solar chart from July 5 the need to experience another perspective becomes imperative. Soon after the last quarter moon on Sunday 16th a financial relationship could move to new phase. This might well involve someone born under Aries or whom you see as being action driven. There were degree of risk may be involved and that in itself could be unsettling around Friday 21st, you may feel that their suggestions on this occasion should be followed. Marketing, distribution and networking could all have your attention in the last four days of the month. Whether you invest in companies offering these services or determine this is the best time to show your wares, action could result quick profit even before the end of the month.
Libra -
This might not be what you want to hear, but key decisions may need to be taken before the Full Moon on July 9. The urgency of all this may be apparent when Mars opposes Pluto on the 6th. All this happens across the backbone of your solar chart and is likely to shake you at both the domestic and career level. A major expense could be involved. For some, a potential reunion and realignment between the Full Moon and Last Quarter on 16th may be hugely important. It could be that this marks the next stage in your career journey. Investments of time and money made over the last few years could show signs of potential reward. Note however, that as of the 26th Mercury enters your neighbouring sign of Virgo for an extended stay. It won't reach your own sign until closer to your birthday. From July 26th until October should be viewed as an editing and preparation time. Your focus is likely to be excellent. The good news is that by your birthday cash flow could be much improved. Bottom line for July then is that time and energy and cash invested could yet prove rewarding even if temporarily you have to tighten your belt.
Scorpio -
Though July could bring financial treachery to many, those born under your sign are arguably best equipped to deal with the volatility. Just a few days before the Full Moon on 9th, Mars and Pluto your two ruling planets oppose one another. This is a time when you could truly flower. Given that many may be pushed to the brink by the Full Moon, there may be bargains to be had on Monday, July 10th. Yes, some of these aspects are difficult but this though is where you could excel seeing bargains and possibilities that others have either ignored or dismissed. Between 6th and 26th Mercury transits the apex of your solar chart and could spur discussions about your long-term aims and objectives. In being more voluble than usual you should also attract support. It's entirely possible that by the time the Sun reaches the apex on 23rd that others will be asking how they can invest in you. An alignment of the Sun and Mars on 26th is rare. Career development is probable and with that could come financial opportunity. Yes that might not be realised until after next month's Full Moon but negotiations could begin before the end of July.
Sagittarius -
Later this month Mercury enters another of the Mutable signs and for an extended stay at the top of your solar chart. This, coupled with the Sun's arrival in another of the Fire signs suggests a change of pace. Financially this could prove an expensive time. A large purchase might be discussed or investment in either your career or domestic circumstances. True, you might not implement all these ideas until after the solar eclipse next month. July could be about comparing prices and gaining estimates. The first week may be expensive as you consider either a long-distance trip or a series of short journeys which, after meetings have taken place, would leave you more time to concentrate on what really brings you pleasure. The main key however looks to concern a close partner or colleague whose financial affairs could change direction around the Full Moon on July 9 and have considerable impact on your plans. Note that Saturn leaves your sign on December 20. Through these next months you could be under considerable physical pressure so that some cash may be needed for equipment to boost your physical fitness.
Capricorn -
This month's Full Moon is in your sign. It's a powerful Full Moon in that it aligns with Pluto and occurs only a few days after Mars opposes Pluto.. A marked change of pace is indicated. It's entirely possible that you will be offered the possibility of getting in on the ground floor of a new business or project. Though offering little immediate reward, this could provide a silver lining later in the year when Saturn enters your sign. In short, much of July may be about self-investment. As of Wednesday 26th Mercury enters another of the Earth signs and for an extended stay. Between then and mid-September improving your knowledge base - though expensive in terms of both time and money, - could be a long-term sound investment. It's entirely possible too that through a close partnership that a new enterprise will quickly take form before the end of July. A networking event - again in the last few days of July - also promises much. Though you might not be in a position to follow through on this until mid August, the potential for this to develop looks good.
Aquarius -
The first 10 days of July could offer a bumpy ride for all signs. You may feel the need to invest in better security: whether that's a lock for a suitcase, a torch or an improved insurance policy. In fact, you could be nagged to do all of this after Mercury reaches your opposite sign on Thursday 6th. Financially what might also be important to you is either redecoration or repair. This could be a matter of some urgency and bring increased expense if it's left until after the Last Quarter Moon on 16th. On Monday 24th , and just after the New Moon in your opposite sign, a financial breakthrough is possible. In partnering with someone on a grand adventure and yes, this could be a holiday - but it might also be in a small business - you could move your financial affairs in a new direction. True, you might have some qualms about this. That disquiet might not be assuaged until after the September Full Moon. Even so, you may feel you have little choice other than to get involved and yes, take an educated risk.
Pisces -
As you know, your sign is often depicted as two fishes swimming in opposite directions. It seems to others that you have fingers in many pies and that though gifted at multitasking you can easily drift from one thing to another without finishing anything. On 26th Mercury will enter your opposite sign for an extended stay. Mercury is the planet associated with commerce and it's highly likely that between July 26 and mid-September that your financial affairs will be even more turbulent than usual. Having a safety net in place would of course be wise. That in fact should be top priority before the Full Moon on 9th. That Full Moon comes hard on the heels of an opposition of Mars and Pluto that could prove treacherous for many. You may be reminded of the importance of insurance and of checking statements regularly. Between 6th and 26th Mercury passes through a sector of your solar chart associated with busy-ness. Cash flow is likely to be fast. There may be greater than need than usual to buy health and cleaning products. Another twist on this would be investing in companies providing these products and services. With the strong possibility of a change of career direction from mid-September another useful investment to make in July would be to check that you have all the basic essentials needed to make smooth transition from one daily routine to another.
February 2017 (Monthly horoscope)
Aries -
For a variety of reasons, the weekend beginning Friday 10th February could prove expensive. True, this might be linked to Valentine's Day early the following week. It's as likely though, that there is a significant expense on the horizon. Before making payment, and perhaps around Tuesday 7th, it would surely be wise to do a final risk assessment and ensure that there is an adequate safety net in place should there be difficulties later. The temptation to speculate could be greater than usual. There's perhaps nothing wrong with that approach, provided that you are as well informed as possible and that you don't bet the ranch. The last 10 days of the month could find you significantly financially challenged. This is where you may have reason to be particularly grateful to an adviser whose experience and caution could yet save you from difficulty. Over the last weekend of February it would be as well not to overspend on fashion items or on investments linked to either oil, pharmaceuticals or media.
Ta**us -
With an excess of activity in neighbouring Aries, you could experience a surfeit of hidden costs which, by the last week of February threaten your financial stability. True, some costs may not be at all displeasing. In fact, between 7th and 14th you may feel you're making several sound investments. At least one of these may be linked to overseas interests or investments in items and services designed to make routines easier. You could even make some gain through these by Tuesday 21st. From that date and through to the end of the month attention should surely be given to long-term investments pensions and perhaps tax considerations. It might be wise to seek some professional advice as it's entirely possible that you've run up a bill that would be challenging to pay off before the end of the year. What might be suggested is that you enrol on a savings plan - perhaps with a cooperative bank or institution. Offset against all this, is the probability between 7th and 25th of increasing income through a second revenue stream.
Gemini -
Travel and general communication costs are likely to be the subject of much discussion over this next month and beyond. An important solar eclipse takes place on 26th. It may be some days after that however and possibly into March, before you arrive at conclusions as to where you want to live and work. A determining factor may well be increased travel costs both in terms of fares and time. Of course, much depends on your actual birthday and it isn't necessarily the case that you will change career entirely. Even so, developments mid-month could both take you by surprise, whilst delighting you that there are opportunities for you to at least consider. Exciting as all this may be, and particularly whilst the Sun is travelling through another of the Air signs until Friday 17th, practicalities, valuations and hard-hitting discussions are probable in the last 10 days of the month. Armed with new information however, and perhaps around the solar eclipse which may be thought of as a sophisticated New Moon, you could take the first steps forward on a slightly altered career path with probable and near immediate effect on your finances.
Cancer -
With both Venus and Mars moving across the apex of your solar chart, career-wise you could be more energised than usual. With that energy could come a fast-moving revenue stream. True, costs might also be high. The tricky dates are the first two days of the month and 22nd through 24th. Caution is advisable on these dates. That said, decisions taken over the weekend of 11th and 12th could yet prove wise. This would surely be particularly so, if financial 'homework' is undertaken in the early part of that week. You would be an unusual Cancerian if you adopted a high-risk strategy. Yet it is likely that this month will find you reaching out of your usual comfort zone. By the solar eclipse on Sunday 26th, turbulence (and not necessarily of the negative kind) could be experienced in your financial affairs. Those involved in financial partnership may also find that around the 22nd, a partner's decision-making has impact; prompting thoughts about spending more on service providers to release you both from certain chores and enabling you to focus on a strategy that would save money by the end of the year.
Leo -
The temptation to go on a wild spending spree could be great - at least until February 19th. Whether this is through the purchase of luxury items or investing in shares whose prices you feel are ever-soaring, it could be very hard indeed to apply any kind of caution. And yes, you could make some extremely wise and exciting choices - particularly in the week beginning Monday 6th. Technology products and services may be particularly attractive. That said, it might be as well to take a good friend or financial minder with you if shopping around the Full Moon in your sign on 11th. The cosmic weather is set to change after the Sun changes signs on Saturday 18th. From then until the end of the month challenges in the form of essential repairs and rising transportation costs could threaten financial stability. Indeed, soon after the solar eclipse on Sunday 26th you could draw the conclusion that you need to find other sources for items or products given that an exchange rate could be moving against you.
Virgo -
On Monday 6th, Jupiter appears to stand still in the sky and in one of the financial zones of your solar chart. From that date and all the way through to mid-June, reviewing expenses would be wise. Of course this is true at any time, - yet over the next few months, there are periods when you could arrive at excellent deals by being clear about what's on offer. There is a solar eclipse in your opposite sign at the end of the month. You may have already felt the effects of this: indeed perhaps from Neptune's station at the end of last year. Many may have already made career or domestic changes. Turbulence seems likely for some months yet however though these conditions could bring out the best in you. Where others may be significantly challenged in the last nine days of February you could yet excel. Indeed, your ability to adapt to changing conditions and make the best of them will surely be commented upon before the end of the month. With the support of colleagues born under the Fire signs of Aries, Leo or Sagittarius you could also make significant and productive investment mid-February.
Libra -
It would be wholly understandable if you felt you were riding the crest of a wave - especially around 6th and 7th as Jupiter stations in your sign. With Mercury moving into another of the Air signs on 7th, the temptation to speculate could be strong in the lead into the Moon's arrival in your sign on Tuesday 14th. Whatever the romantic climate, February could prove a very special month. Deals could be struck particularly in the week between the 14th and 21st. It might be as well though, to be prepared for your scales to be destabilised in the last days of February. The solar eclipse on 26th, could, on this occasion, coincide with you feeling that one area of your life is under acute stress. It may be that you've taken a brave step into the unknown and need to accept that it will be a few months before you know whether or not you've made the correct move. Doing nothing may not be an option! There is though, high probability that the last few days of February will find you concerned about your financial position and eager for an expert to give their opinion on where you're at. Rebalancing those scales could then be done in April.
Scorpio -
The solar eclipse at the end of this month is in another of the Water signs. This sophisticated New Moon takes place in the most speculative part of your solar chart. It might help to think back to 1998, the last time such an event took place. Of course, the difficulty is that the cosmos never does exact repeats. Circumstances will no doubt have changed since then. What does seem likely however is that significant action will take place and most likely after the Sun has moved into the sign of Pisces on the 18th. Though it's not in your nature to be overly optimistic, the early part of the month could find you excited to know that things are happening and eager to get final figures by the end of the month. It would be as well to remember, that for a variety of reasons a bottom-line might not be reached even by the solar Eclipse. It could be a couple of months before you know exactly where you stand. That said, the fact that others are addressing issues should be comforting. It should also be apparent especially between 7th and 25th as Mercury passes over the base of your solar chart, that attention is being given to your resources and assets and that every attempt is being made to ensure that these are not compromised in any way.
Sagittarius -
Your ruling planet, Jupiter, stations on Monday 6th just slightly ahead of Mercury's move into Aquarius. This suggests a significant switch of energy. True, it may be that a financial partner is affairs are involved. Whatever, you may be excited, and by Saturday 11th have something to celebrate. Yours is not a sign that is generally risk averse. However, since Pluto entered Capricorn in 2008 you may have been more cautious than in the past. With both Venus and Mars passing through Fire signs this month, the temptation to make interesting investments will surely increase. In particular, you may be drawn to technology but might also consider investing in leisure pursuits. Before the Sun moves into Pisces on the 18th, you could consider a major investment which could in fact be a holiday for later in the year. Fact is that with so much planetary attention in Fire signs presently, your adventurous spirit will surely not be far from the surface. And yet: the solar eclipse on Sunday 26th is in one of the Water signs and accents the very base of your solar chart. It may be that a certain amount of cash will be required for property purchase or even renovation. Though this could be seen as a long-term investment, for a few days at least you could feel financially destabilised.
Capricorn -
You could be knocked off your financial axis in the first couple of days of the month when expenses may be particularly high. From Saturday 4th however, and with Venus joining Mars at the base of your solar chart, strong attention is likely to be given to both family, property and insurance affairs. In these areas you could make great strides and do much to secure your long-term position. It might also be that in the week beginning Monday 13th, there is opportunity to accrue extra cash. Whilst it's not the case that things go from positive to negative from the 18th, it does seem likely that the latter days of February will find you challenged - and at many levels. This though, is where your ability to compare prices and to negotiate should come to the fore. In particular, you could excel between 22nd and 25th. A solar eclipse on Sunday 26th heralds variations on the challenges faced at the very start of the month. As with the first few days of February, the last few could prove unexpectedly expensive. It might even be necessary to draw on reserves. Yet simultaneously, the opportunity to develop your entrepreneurial skills and perhaps gain through an unexpected source is also possible.
Aquarius -
February could get off to an expensive start. It may be that there is an emergency where you assist someone in the purchase of travel tickets. Though that may be a loan that is repaid quickly, it would surely alert you to the potential for long-term difficulty. On Monday 6th, Jupiter stations in another of the Air signs. This planet often brings good news, and in your case, suggests that overseas investments or indeed, links with those from other cultures could bring benefits before Tuesday 14th. Then, with both the Sun and Mercury travelling through your sign between 7th and 18th, you could strike some lucky deals or find happy bargains. The financial picture however could change in the last days of the month. It's then that the craving to do something different, or perhaps to invest in new technology, could be such that you overspend or perhaps don't spend wisely. It would be very wise indeed, - particularly over Monday 27th and Tuesday 28th, to ensure that receipts and guarantees are kept in a safe place.
Pisces -
At the end of February there is a solar eclipse in your sign. This particular eclipse aligns with one of the four Royal stars of Persia. Since a solar eclipse is a special kind of New Moon, it's reasonable to think that this will bring a new beginning. Of course, many of you may have been waiting for this for the better part of a decade. With Neptune having stationed on this degree back in November, it is entirely possible that unbeknownst to you, that developments have been taking place in the background and that the stage is being set for your entrance. As with all eclipses, the effect could take place ahead of the actual event. There seems little doubt that the first three weeks of February will find you exceptionally busy. Cash flow could be fast as a result. The really big changes though are likely to happen after the Sun enters your sign on Saturday 18th. It's then that you may be made aware of just how much is been going on in the background and the financial implications. Shocks and surprises may be the order of the day around this very special eclipse. A strong possibility is that you will be the beneficiary of funds created through an emergency. Whether this is from an insurance pay-out or a community bonus, this could be the needed sum to enable you to move forward with a savings or investment strategy.
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