R-Shief.org is a virtual lab that collects and analyzes content from the Internet using swarm computing generated analytics. We provide real-time analysis of opinion about late-breaking issues in the Arab world. By using aggregate data from Twitter and the Web, R-Shief can dissect how people in Egypt are reacting to the latest changes to the constitutional process; how Libyans perceive the presenc
e of NATO forces; how Bahrainis perceive the presence of Saudi military; and how pro-regime supporters in Syria are using social media platforms. The organization’s goal is to provide tools and services for innovative research, publication, and cultural production for a global networked audience. The data visualizations crystallize our objective of including the input of a “community-author” in knowledge production. Our interactive visualizations are a form of amplifying expert, popular, and imaginative voices in the Arab world. Configuring ideas and activating virtual landscapes—aggregating, visualizing, reviewing, and building community—R-Shief is a new way to document as well as to mobilize a multilingual practice. To become a hub for research and analysis on these issues, and to connect people in different parts of the world so they can collaborate, R-Shief is developing a program on joint research initiatives and workshops. In this lab environment, we are committed to fostering innovative research on transnational Arab history and culture. The lab provides activists, scholars, journalists, professionals, and artists with tools and methodologies for comprehending the Arab world through the context of procedural literacy—the interplay between human and technically-mediated processes. While there are a growing number of critical solutions to “open” knowledge, such as UShahidi.com, the need remains to make meaning of systematic changes affecting all fields and the technological devices enabling them. We believe that procedural literacy provides a key to 21st century democratic practices.