As most who know me will be well aware I rarely if ever use this platform to voice my personal opinions on political stories. Yet holding a PhD in Irish History and Politics, I feel that this is a day that I have to pass comment on.
I was born into a Working Class Republican background and retained that philosophy throughout most of my life. While studying in Trinity College Dublin I was lucky enough to Study under and be Tutored by Prof. W.E. Vaughan IMHO the greatest unionist historian of the modern age. He challenged me to see beyond status quo and search for the facts behind events rather that believing only the 'rhetoric' that I would previously have been presented with. It lead to a great deal of personal growth and a greater understanding of the entirety of Irish life across the divides.
Growing up during the troubles, maturing during the peace process and growing into adulthood and raising children in a post peace process Ireland. My opinions on Queen Elizabeth have changed and matured over the years. On her death today I find myself stuck with just a single thought in my mind.
Chuid Eile I Síochaìn