This album is a perfect blend of Relient K's influences
From the pop-punk, to the Beach Boys, we think Five Score and Seven Years Ago is a perfect blend of the band's influences.
Kyle forgot which year he got married
Shh, don't tell his wife
We wish our music teachers would have taught us this
Yes, of course it's important to know the "rules" of music - but sometimes its best to break them.
Forgive Kris' tangent on "Thick Boy"
Paramore = Whitney Houston vibes
On this specific track, anyway
Shout out to the old dudes with actual lighters at concerts
We're all getting Zippos for the next emo concert we go to, now that we're in our forties
Are album interludes always crap?
Outside of the exception of this record, we think so. Can you name another that has good interludes? We're sure some exist, but they seem like unicorns.
Hayley Williams is a G.O.A.T.
Paramore's lead singer is an all time great - change our minds.
We would abandon our families to go tour with Paramore
Sorry, kids. Dad got called up to the big league.
Did Paramore change the album cover for spite?
We certainly hope so. It'd be super on brand.
You can hear Hayley smiling
Interludes are generally crap, but not this album's! I'm Not Angry Anymore has more streams on Spotify than any song other than the singles, so we're obviously not alone in our opinions.
Why are we talking about Hoobastank?
Seriously, Kyle. Why?