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Back The Blue Media Back The Blue produces Positive Police Productions that honor our nation’s finest in law enforcement.


God bless our cops!


A little about the songs Part 1:

The first track on the Waves of His Love EP is called "He's Just Getting Started"......I wrote this song with the hopes of touching people that were tired, weak, down, feeling like they just cant get ahead, and to those that were wanting to give up and throw in the towel.

I believe each of us have gone through times we have felt like giving up, exhausted from the everyday hustle of life, and just the other all feeling of never getting ahead.

This song was written with the heart of reminding people that God is NOT finished with them. The devil wants you to believe God is done with YOU. As we draw close to our heavenly Father, he gives us the strength needed to defeat the enemy and continue on our course.

Let me conclude by saying this........there is nothing too big and there is NOT a sin that is so big and bad the blood of Jesus Christ will not and can not cover if we come with a humble heart and ask Him to forgive us.

Please remember, HE is Just Getting Started in YOUR life !!!

God bless and as always, remember, YOU are the Difference !!


People talk mess about
🫵🏻YOU🫵🏻 because they see something that God placed in 🫵🏻YOU🫵🏻that they do not have in them !!!

It doesnt mean 🫵🏻YOU🫵🏻 are better than them, it means 🫵🏻YOU🫵🏻 have surrendered to the hand of the one and only GOD and HIS favor and blessing is upon 🫵🏻YOU🫵🏻

Walk in HIS favor, bless those that talk mess, and continue running 🫵🏻YOUR🫵🏻 race without distractions !!!

As always…..

🫵🏻YOU🫵🏻 are the Difference !!


It is hard for God to promote 🫵🏻YOU🫵🏻 to 🫵🏻YOUR🫵🏻 next season, dimension, assignment, level, etc….when 🫵🏻YOU🫵🏻 are hiding behind the staircase !!!

It is time to come out from 🫵🏻YOUR🫵🏻 hiding and allow the “Great I Am” to move
🫵🏻YOU🫵🏻on HIS path of righteousness which will promote 🫵🏻YOU🫵🏻upwards !!!!

Do NOT fear….HE is with
🫵🏻YOU🫵🏻everywhere HE sends 🫵🏻YOU 🫵🏻!!!

It is 🫵🏻YOUR🫵🏻 time…get ready to soar !!!

🫵🏻YOU🫵🏻 are the Difference !!


James 1:5 (KJV)

If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.


I stopped by the Maverick Gym Saturday to watch some future Varsity Mavs and Lady Mavs.

Just before one of the games were fixing to start, it was refreshing and did my soul good to see both teams, coaches, and Refs circle up in the middle of the Gym and pray.

Thank you all who has a part in promoting Jesus and prayer in our younger generation.

YOU are the Difference !!


In the words of Country Artist Coffey Anderson’s:

“Go where you are celebrated NOT tolerated”

Let those words soak in and marinate !!!


Jesus loves 🫵🏻YOU 🫵🏻 !!

No matter what you do..
No matter what you say..
No matter how you act..

Jesus loves 🫵🏻YOU🫵🏻 !!

He’s knocking on your door
He’s saying I’m here
He’s asking please let me in

Jesus loves 🫵🏻YOU🫵🏻 !!


Thank God !!!!


Lamentations 3:22-26

23. It is because of the Lord’s lovingkindnesses that we are not consumed, Because His [tender] compassions never fail.

24. They are new every morning; Great and beyond measure is Your faithfulness.

25. “The Lord is my portion and my inheritance,” says my soul; “Therefore I have hope in Him and wait expectantly for Him.”

26. The Lord is good to those who wait [confidently] for Him, To those who seek Him [on the authority of God’s word].

27. It is good that one waits quietly for the salvation of the Lord.


Proverbs 18:10

The name of the LORD is a strong fortress(tower); the godly run to him and are safe.


I feel led to share the following word. NO, I am not mad and I am not singling out any particuliar group My heart is to deliver a difficult word with and in the Love of Jesus Christ.

👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻Some people believe YOU have to be “perfect” (without fault) to get to heaven.

The church in general has made people believe YOU have to be “perfect” to come to church and/or go to heaven, YOU have to attend the brick and mortar everytime the door is open, pay YOUR tithes along with other things man made ideologies.

I am here to say the church has pushed out and/or kept away alot of people that need and want to come but have felt unworthy, unaccepted, and judged because they are still struggling with a sin or sins in their life or just maybe they dont fit the mold of what the church has defined in their own eyes as a christian or what they should look and talk like.

The church needs to repent and drop their rocks because their isnt a cotton picking one of us without sin. If we were, then we would have never needed Jesus Christ to come pay the ultitmate price and die a criminals death so that we might have the opportunity to believe in HIM and receive eternal life by faith!!!

I believe the church in general needs to get back to being a hospital for the broken, a University teaching line upon line, book by book, chapter by chapter, and being an Equipping Agent training people to go out into the fields and teach the unsaved about Jesus Christ !!

We have ALL got to do better in 2024. Jesus is coming soon and their are alot of people going to hell unless we as a church do our part. Be the Church away from the building in Jesus name !!! Lets quit being distracted by satan and lets get back to fullfilling our calling….making disciples and baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit

As always, YOU, are the Difference and God has anointed and appointed YOU for such a time as this !!!

Matthew 6:33

But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you


The Peace and Power of God can and will be experienced through times in prayer, praise, and worship !!!

When YOU pray, praise, and worship…..YOU will receive the Power of God that destroys the yoke, removes the burden, and sends the enemy running like a scalded dog yielding the Peace of God that transends all understanding which will guard YOUR heart and mind !!

Blessings to YOU and as always……

YOU are the Difference !!!


Stop settling for a Pinto when God has awaiting a Mercedes !!!!

God’s way is the only way and it takes time for HIS best to come to fruition

Trust the process !!

Rememebr YOU are HIS child and YOU deserve HIS best !!!

Have a blessed one knowing YOU are the Difference !!!


Psalm 34:4-5

And delight thyself in the Lord, and he shall give thee thine heart’s desire. Commit thy way unto the Lord, and trust in him, and he shall bring it to pass.


Psalm 37:1-4

1. Do not worry because of evildoers,Nor be envious toward wrongdoers;

2. For they will wither quickly like the grass,And fade like the green herb.

3. Trust [rely on and have confidence] in the Lord and do good;Dwell in the land and feed [securely] on His faithfulness.

4. Delight yourself in the Lord,And He will give you the desires and petitions of your heart.


I wanted to give a quick update to my 10 fans.

The “Waves of His Love” EP is a work in progress. One song is done instrumentally and awaiting vocals.

I sent the second song to the producer a couple of days ago.

This will be a 5 song collection of three songs I have written and two songs Rebecca Allison Wylie and I wrote together a couple of years ago.

I want to give a special “Thank YOU” to the members of Church on the Way in Eastland for helping me pay the cost of two of the five songs. I greatly appreciate each of you !! This has expedited this project greatly !!!

I will wait until all 5 songs are done instrumentally until I make the trip to Tulsa to lay down the vocal tracks. I am hoping this will be done by the end of January 2024.


God bless America



Earlier today, officers responded to the Bank of America in Montebello regarding a patron who was causing a disturbance. Upon officer’s arrival, they discovered that a 92 year old man was trying to withdraw money from his account, however his California identification card was expired. Per the banks policy, because his identification card was expired, they were unable to fulfill his request. The gentleman was upset and the police were called.

Once officers arrived, Officer Robert Josett decided to take the man to the DMV in town to help him renew his identification card. With the assistance of the DMV, his identification card was renewed and he was taken back to the bank at which time he was able to withdraw money from his account. He thanked Officer Josett and went on his way.

Credit: Montebello Police Department




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