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Motto: To Restore The Dignity of Ndigbo
IYM was founded by Evangelist Elliot Ugochukwu-Uko on the 28th of May 1999 To Articulate, Promote, Protect and Defend Igbo interests fearlessly and to wake up the younger generation to demand for justice.

In 1934, 35 year old Baptist Pastor, Rev. Michael King Snr, by faith, believing in a glorious future for his son, change...

In 1934, 35 year old Baptist Pastor, Rev. Michael King Snr, by faith, believing in a glorious future for his son, changed both his name and that of his 6 year old son, from Michael King to Martin Luther King Snr and Jnr, in admiration and honour of the 15th century German protestant reformist Martin Luther.
His son went on to transform America and the world in his 39 short years on earth.
His committed civil rights activism, changed within a dozen years, the racial inequality of 400 years. Faith, vision, and of course God's grace, broke the yoke of 400 years.
The power of faith and vision.


Once a man was shown in a dream the ceaseless intercessory role of our Lord. As three women knelt praying, the Lord approached them one after the other. He knelt with tenderness and love beside the first. Next, He moved to the second, simply placing His hand on her and giving her a signal of approval. But Jesus passed by the third believer without stopping. In the dream Jesus explained His actions: “Without constant assurance, the first woman would stumble and fall. The second woman’s faith is stronger; I can count on her. The third, however, is being trained for the highest calling of all. She knows Me so intimately that she doesn’t need signs of My approval. No circumstance discourages her because she knows that ultimately she can trust Me.”
Christ’s prayer for the disciples shortly before His crucifixion also revealed that He is ever attentive to believers of all classes. Known as The High Priestly Prayer, the intercession was His assurance that even after His physical departure from the world, which was imminent, He would always be there for us. He was teaching us that we could connect to Him in heaven in supplication as He Himself was connecting to the Father in prayer. He prayed for sundry needs including our sanctification and oneness. His pleas to the Father spanned the generations to capture those who would be coming into the Kingdom through the preaching of His disciples.
The Lord is still praying for us as He watches us while seated on the right hand of God, where He is not oblivious of challenges confronting His children. He has also sent us the Holy Spirit to aid us in prayer.
We need such unending multiple layers of supplication to heaven this time, when Satan and his agents are mounting vicious attacks on the body of Christ through persecution and false miracles. They can be routed into defeat and powerlessness as we rest on God’s promises, stay united and focus on holiness and evangelism.

The Lord’s intercession suffices for our battles against the devil.

Today's Daily Manna Devotional


The city and its people will enjoy divine protection because God Himself will be “a wall of fire” round about her and His glory will radiate in it.
God’s promises to enlarge and protect His people from danger are real and still reliable today. The Bible is replete with His promises of divine increase, protection and preservation for those who have received Him as their Father. He is the wall of fire around them. He protects and shields them from danger, hurt or attacks. In fulfilment of the Abrahamic covenant, He defends them in trouble.
God builds an unseen wall of fire around His people. You cannot enjoy the protection of the Wall if your life is not free from sin. Hence, to enjoy boundless increase and continued protection from God, all you need do is maintain a good relationship with Him always.

Those who keep God’s precepts enjoy His providence.

Lifted from today's Daily Manna Devotional


Secret to success is total submission to God, seeking knowledge and commitment to your vision. Learn every day, for every person you meet, knows something you don't know.


As believers, we must understand that our purpose for living is to glorify God. We are to seek to please Him in all things. His glory must be the metric for measuring everything we do. As we make personal decisions and choices, we must do so only to honour God. Where our plans and God’s glory clash, His glory must be held to prevail.

If you aim at God’s glory in all you do, all you do will be glorious.

From today's Daily Manna Devotional


Prayer is, basically, an acknowledgment of our rightful dependence on God. We must do it with faith in God’s goodness and faithfulness. He is able to meet our needs and solve our problems. But we must pray.

Prayer is a privilege, a priority and a power source.

Lifted from today's Daily Manna Devotional


Anything that will prosper and propel you high, keep it private. Anything that will positively transform your life, achieve it silently. Whatever that will empower you, do it quietly.


Have our fathers not told us these great stories of incredible manifestations of God’s power in defence and care of His own from the beginning of time? These were stories of great awakenings and revivals, irresistible pe*******on of the gospel and expansion of the church. We are privileged to have them preserved in the form of printed matter, audio recordings and digital formats. The things we have heard, read, witnessed and experienced are sufficient to solidify our faith. The same God, our help in ages past, is still our God today.

Operate by faith; it is futile to limit God’s mightiness to our knowledge.

Lifted from today's Daily Manna Devotional


Success and greatness are more about where you are headed. Think your actions through. Where are you actually headed?
Watch it, Because, direction is more important than speed.

LISTEN GOOD. Claiming that you know every person's destiny is an avoidable mistake. You are only deceiving yourself. It'...


Claiming that you know every person's destiny is an avoidable mistake. You are only deceiving yourself.
It's very important to stay away from avoidable mistakes.
Stop working against folks who's standing with God is beyond you.
The ocean is so vast that you can comfortably row your boat safely and get to your destination. It's not true that you must puncture, attack, sink or destroy the other person's boat before you can row yours to your desired destination.
The ocean is so large and there's enough space for every boat.
You are simply conceited and evil. Kindly repent.
Concluding that you already know all those who'll make it in life, is so wrong and petty.
Believing that God will only help those you like, is also wrong and amusing.
Assuring yourself that so, so and so, will never make it, is very wrong. And that the people you don't like will never make progress, funny.
You simply do not have the power nor the right to determine people's life, future or destiny.

Many, many people you don't like will become great and successful people.
God will never seek your permission or approval to bless people, answer their prayers or help, assist and deliver them.
You are not in charge of the destiny of the over 8 billion people in the world.
Your assumption that you will determine the future and destiny of all your relatives, classmates, neighbours, homies and friends, is actually insane.

Discreetly blackmailing, sabotaging, undermining and subverting folks whose guts you resent, is petty and unhelpful.
The actuall scenario is usually something close to this:
One, many people you despise will actually succeed in life.
Two, your expectations do not always play out. Things take different turn from your calculations, expectancy and conjecture.
Thirdly, God uses people He wants to work with without informing you.
Fourthly, God’s ways and thoughts are higher than man's.
God sees the whole picture. He is not blinded by prejudice and bigotry.
By concluding on who'll make it or not, you are unwittingly actually playing God.
Secretly plotting the downfall and destruction of people chosen by God, is actually challenging God's plan, will and purpose.
Pretending that you alone, will decide other people's fate and future by blocking their progress, stopping their advancement or destroying their lives, gets you in collusion with God.
You can not know God’s plan and purpose for all the people you hate.
Discreetly blackmailing and fighting who God is using, is kicking the oxgoads.
You'll only hurt your self.
Discreetly subverting and undermining people whose guts you resent, is a dangerous exercise, because you have no way of knowing God’s plan and purpose for the individual you are fighting.
The world is an open field, strive for success and God will bless you.
Convincing yourself that unscrewing the other person's bulb, is the only way your own light will shine, could get you challenging God.
You never know who God is working and walking with.
Be careful.
The ocean is large and expansive enough for every person's boat.
Row your boat and stop wishing your brother's boat to go under.
There's enough space for everyone. Your conceited heart has deceived you for so long. It is not true that you will decide every person's future and destiny.
It simply isn't true.


Whatever costs you your peace of mind is too expensive. It's not worth it. You are a looser, if you lost your inner peace, your joy and true happiness for whatever. Why don't you come out now from that oath and covenant and have peace


Persistence, commitment and consistency always overcomes, uproots and defeats failure. Failure is no option in your life, when you understand tenacity, perseverance and dedication.


Evangelist Elliot Ugochukwu-Uko, founder of Igbo Youth Movement (IYM) and secretary of Eastern Consultative Assembly (ECA) has noted that the refusal of the federal government to pay attention to the underlying causes of agitation in the Southeast is the reason the agitators have persisted for over....

YOU MAY WISH TO CHECK YOUR SELF. It usually starts with a strong feeling of envy and jealousy. When people achieve thing...


It usually starts with a strong feeling of envy and jealousy.
When people achieve things you want for yourself.
Especially, when you didn't expect them to get there before you. You are suprised and shocked.
The ill feeling turns into disappointment with your self.
It then results to anger and bitterness. The frustration transform into acrimony and animosity. It slowly metamorphoses into hatred.
Soon you are plotting their downfall and destruction.
They usually don't even know you are unhappy with their blessing.
He or she doesn't see you as a threat, never attacked you, blocked your progress nor ever wished you ill. Infact, they could see you as family, because they are friends with you, relatives, co-worker, sibling or neighbour.
But their progress hurts you, their gifts and talents gets them applause that offends you. Their success pain you, makes you bitter and sad.

You thought they shouldn't succeed in life, so you'll always feel superior to them. You convince yourself they will always remain beneath you. You are so sure you'll always out-achieve them and therefore out-shine them.

You told yourself they have no business succeeding in life. You also assumed nothing good will ever come their way without your permission. You believe you alone are more gifted, more talented and better prepared than anyone else. You also believe you are better educated, better connected and better equipped to succeed before them.
Therefore, you unconsciously begin to dislike, resent, despise and hate people who didn't hurt you in any way.
Simply because they are happy with themselves or because they are making progress.

You begin to demarket them, attack their reputation, write petition against them or discreetly hinder their progress in order to bring them down.

You are unaware that your envy and jealousy has slowly turned you into a destroyer.

Witches and wizards aren't just sorcerers and warlocks who fly at night sucking people's blood. No, witches and wizards are people who are angry at other people's success.
Yes, they are people who hate other people's progress. They are people who destroy other people so they only could be regarded and noticed.

They are people who convinced themselves they have to black out some one else's light before their own light can shine.
You see, you have unknowingly turned into a monster because you allowed envy and jealousy to grow and fester in your soul.
It started by elevating yourself higher than who you really are, and looking down on others, telling yourself you are better than them.
When realities and facts of life play out according to God's will, plans and purpose for every individual, you take offence and struggle to place your will over and above God's will.
That's how people become witches and wizards, destroying everyone else they see making progress, until they themselves are eventually destroyed.
Evaluate your soul. Are you aggrieved over people's progress?
Do you secretly work against people's success?
Repent today. Quit challenging God's will, plan and purpose for other people's lives.
It usually starts from envy and jealousy.

I pray God helps us to overcome envy and jealousy with it's attendant evils.


Wole Olanipekun said the Constitution is a fake document that should just scrap that unworkable, divisively flawed


Christ’s teaching here does not negate being concerned about the necessities of life or necessary planning for the future. It is against fretting about the things of this life and in the process distrusting the providence of God. It is an established fact that so many health complications that afflict people today are traceable to needless worries. Many people do not only worry about these basic issues, but they worry so much about what other people think or say about them.

Christ gave a perfect prescription: “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness…” If you sincerely do, He says: “all these things shall be added unto you.”

To stop the inner warring, stop the needless worrying.

From today's Daily Manna Devotional


We should be concerned with the plight of the men and women in the world who are lost in sins, and are headed to a doomed eternity.

We should show compassion towards them and give them the message of salvation through Christ. We must be passionate and urgent with the task of reaching as many as possibly as we can before time runs out on them. This is the reason God left us on earth after saving us from sin.

We are called to beam, not dim, the gospel light.

Excerpt from today's Daily Manna Devotional

KINDLY MEDITATE ON THIS. When a sports and physical education teacher pairs two kids in boxing, judo, karate etc, in fiv...


When a sports and physical education teacher pairs two kids in boxing, judo, karate etc, in five minutes combat and they spend ten minutes without any of them bringing down the other, the teacher usually pairs them again the following week, and again and again.
If after several attempts, including allowing them more time results in both standing and panting, it becomes clear to all that none of them can bring the other down.
Students A does not have the strength and capacity to defeat student B and vice versa.

Similarly, when you secretly and consistently undermine, subvert and sabotage someone due to whatever reason for a long, long time and still isn't able to bring the fellow down, it should be clear to you that you simply cannot bring him down.

You are only tormenting your soul, when you continue hating, discreetly blackmailing, demarketing, discrediting and fighting same person for ten, twenty, thirty, forty years. But your hatred fired by envy, resentment, malice, jealousy and rivalry etc still cannot bring him down.

You have secretly attacked him, for decades, spread evil report about him, plotted his downfall over and over, cooked up and spread horrible lies to defame him and turn the world against him.
You have unwittingly tuned up your self to where only his failure in life or even his death can make you happy.
Kindly watch your health, especially your blood pressure and heart beat.
You could be hurting yourself.
Acrimony, bitterness and rancour sometimes blinds us to the truth: that we are erroneously fighting a battle we cannot win.
You see, every individual's life, future and destiny is in God's hands.
God does not need your permission to bless, uplift and promote any body.
God will never join you in your jealousy and hatred towards anyone.
He has plans for every one. Plans you know nothing about.
God does not prosper only people you like. He doesn't need your approval to bless people.
Your hatred for someone will not force God to join you in hating the person.
The envy and jealousy in your soul, blinded you to the truth that your imperfections, acrimonious resentment of others, could actually be hindering your blessings from God.
The bitterness in your heart, may keep you down for years, going round in circles, without making any progress.
Think about it, folks you hate so much are living their lives, impacting their generation, inspiring millions, and you are busy monitoring them to bring them down.
If you could destroy them, you would have achieved that in the many, many years you've been working against them.
Can't you see that God is with them and that you simply don't have the capacity to destroy them.
You are trying in vain.
Develop your own dreams and vision and work hard on it. That way, you won't spend your time energy and vitality plotting someone else's downfall.
If you could destroy all the people you hate, and work against, you would have destroyed them long before now.
Stop plotting evil. Ask God to remove envy and jealousy from your soul. It has destroyed many. It leads to rancour, bitterness, animosity and hostility.
It doesn't pay.

Remove evil thoughts from your soul. Work on your vision and your dreams. Let others be. Stop acting God.
No man is God.


To monitor, blackmail and discreetly fight someone, suggests you have no vision in life. If you had plans and purpose in life, you'd be occupied and busy with your dreams.


Admiring someone else's light, won't extinguish your own. Putting out someone's light, won't make yours shine brighter. Envy and jealousy in your soul, means you don't have a purpose.

The greater the tests, the bigger the testimony. It's the things you go through, that stands you out.

The greater the tests, the bigger the testimony.
It's the things you go through, that stands you out.





OBINNA EZUGWU Evangelist Elliot Ugochukwu-Uko, founder of Igbo Youth Movement (IYM), has noted that separatist agitation in the southeast worsened because some politicians wanted to use the development to advance their political careers. Uko, the secretary of Eastern Consultative Assembly (ECA)...


Evangelist Elliot Ugochukwu-Uko, founder of Igbo Youths Movement and Secretary, Eastern Consultative Assembly, in this interview reflects on causes of current anger and killings in the South-East and other national issues. He spoke with GEOFFREY EKENNA   You have been active in human rights, agitat...


With profound humility and appreciation, I humbly thank all the kind souls who posted sweet words of love and encouragement to me on my 60th birthday yesterday.
I appreciate all the kind words through email, Watsap, DM, calls, chats and SMS.
May the good Lord bless and reward you all.
I'm very grateful.


It's with deep gratitude that I thank the Lord for the grace to see my 60th birthday. 60 is a remarkable milestone, granny age and retirement age.
Though I'm not yet a granny, I am grateful to God for a helluva of a life.
Taking a stand on the future of my land as a teenager, remaining consistent on that stand, surviving and enduring grave persecution and torment, over the years, convinces me that the mercies of God alone, has been sustaining and keeping me these many decades. So, so, so, grateful for God's grace and loving kindness.
The Lord inspired all my activities and blessed all my efforts. To Him alone be all the honour and glory. As I retire from activism, it's important to restate that I remain very grateful for all that the Lord has done for me.
I was born to a technical officer Dad, with the Railways and a school teacher mum, at about 11 p.m. on Wednesday, 30th May 1962, at Offa, Kwara State.
Lived through the civil war as a kid. Formed my first group, the Igbo Youth Council as a teenager in 1981, at Delimina Club, Adelabu street, Uwani Enugu in August 1981, changed the name to Igbo Youth Congress at Ajakaiye street Ikeja, Lagos in 1991, which metamorphosed to Igbo Youth Movement on 28th May 1999.
Remained consistent and focused for 41 years, inspite of the blackmail, assault, attacks and persecution of the adversary and his numerous agents and quislings.
God has been extraordinarily good to me.
I glorify his holy name.
I exalt the Lord, I praise and magnify the Lord for his goodness and mercies upon my life.
It truly feels good to clock 60. To God alone be the glory.



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