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Last week the Holy Spirit reminded me that a lack of prayer can be an issue of pride. Everything we do is by the grace o...

Last week the Holy Spirit reminded me that a lack of prayer can be an issue of pride. Everything we do is by the grace of God who gives us the breath in our lungs and without Him, we achieve nothing. So if we aren’t praying regularly, we are relying on our own strength to get through each day instead of looking to God.

Have you fooled yourself into thinking you don’t need to pray very much? Or that you are too busy? Remember, God is the one who gave you the opportunities you have that make you ‘busy’ and we do often make time for things we see as a priority. Maybe you’re not currently seeing Him as a priority? A relationship with God should never be neglected and a relationship can’t work without good communication - prayer.

This verse reminds us that we are to be in continual communication with the Lord. Are you? Keep an eye out for posts this week to help you incorporate more prayer into your day. But first, start with asking God for a desire to commune with Him more and have a go at this week’s challenge 👀⭐️

What an encouraging verse for those of us who have not had the start to 2024 that we expected. Or to those of us who hav...

What an encouraging verse for those of us who have not had the start to 2024 that we expected. Or to those of us who have been suffering for a while with problems in life and hoped the beginning of a new year would bring a fresh start in these areas.

This verse reminds us that although sometimes things don’t go to plan, our Heavenly Father is watching out for us. He will never let the righteous be shaken when we cast our burdens onto Him. I am personally so grateful that when I have been suffering and going through a difficult time, I have been able to place my worries in God’s hands knowing that they will be taken care of - our God is faithful 🙌🏾

Verse 16 of this chapter encourages us when do not even feel able to give our burdens to God - it says “but I call to God and the Lord will save me”. Simply call out to Him today. You don’t have to have a sophisticated prayer ready explaining all your problems and how you are feeling, just cry out to Him and He will be there 🤍

Boost your quiet time this week with Challenge 2 🙌🏾🙏🏾

Boost your quiet time this week with Challenge 2 🙌🏾🙏🏾

Here we go… first quiet time challenge of the year 📝Many of us made plans a week ago and some of us may have already fac...

Here we go… first quiet time challenge of the year 📝

Many of us made plans a week ago and some of us may have already faced challenges and struggles while executing those plans. It’s okay if the first week of the year didn’t go as planned, keep taking it to the Lord in prayer. Remember, God’s will for your life is always the best option 🙌🏾

HAPPY NEW YEAR!I hope everyone had a restful transition into the new year. Am I the only one who is excited but also a b...


I hope everyone had a restful transition into the new year. Am I the only one who is excited but also a bit tentative to see what God store for 2024?!

I’m sure we’ve all got our own plans and goals for this year but let’s not forget the most important thing - our relationship with God and our life-long quest to be more like Him. No matter what your goals are, in everything we do, we should strive to be righteous and pleasing to our Heavenly Father. Nothing - including achieving every goal on our list - could ever satisfy us the way the Lord can 🙏🏾🤍

In this verse we are told to trust God and pour out our heart to Him. Why should we do that? Because He is a Refuge for ...

In this verse we are told to trust God and pour out our heart to Him. Why should we do that? Because He is a Refuge for us, a Safe Place, a Comfort.

I don’t know what you have been going through recently, but you have not stumbled on this post by accident. God wants you to know He is trustworthy and He can be your place of safety if you allow Him to be. If you open up and pour out your heart.

But, I know it can take a great level of faith to put your trust in God. He already thought of this though and has provided us with many examples in the Bible of how He has helped others. I’m sure you have also heard testimonies from family and friends of how God has protected and guided others. See them as encouragement for what God can do for you.

Remember: these reflections are most effective when you are truly honest with yourself, pray beforehand and ask for God to reveal the truth to YOU.

What has God given to you to look after? Back after a bit of a break with challenge 10 🙌🏾

What has God given to you to look after? Back after a bit of a break with challenge 10 🙌🏾

Regardless of how busy we get, we must not neglect gathering with other believers to worship together, to learn and to e...

Regardless of how busy we get, we must not neglect gathering with other believers to worship together, to learn and to encourage each other. This can be applied to attending a local church, studying the Word with friends, meeting with others to pray and more!

Use the prompts this week to seek God’s will for your life in this area and even after this week, continually ask God to show you who you can encourage and how. Ask Him who you should gather with and in what context. And if you do not regularly attend a church, it is essential that you ask God to lead you to a local, biblical fellowship where you can get stuck into Godly community.

As always, our DMs are open for prayer in this area or in any area, we would love to pray alongside you!

Keep going, God is with you 📝1. Lord, grant me Your peace that transcends understanding during this season. Remove anxie...

Keep going, God is with you 📝

1. Lord, grant me Your peace that transcends understanding during this season. Remove anxiety from me that I may prepare adequately and think clearly during the exam

2. Thank You Lord that whatever I need, You will provide. Help me to trust that You have given me all I need to succeed in this season

3. Lord help me trust in you and not rely on my own abilities. In my weakness, please be my strength. I give You glory and praise for who You are and all you have already done for me, thank You

“What He requires of you”Thankfully, God does not require us to be perfect to have a relationship with Him. However, He ...

“What He requires of you”

Thankfully, God does not require us to be perfect to have a relationship with Him. However, He does have high standards for how we should live as His children.

We should seek to do the right thing (according to what God says) at all times in all situations.

His mercy covers us when we fail and repent and we should be merciful to those who wrong us.

And even when we are confident we are on the right track with our walk with God, everything we do must be clothed in humility. We should remember that without God, we are nothing and that, though we may do good deeds, we need the blood of Jesus to be acceptable in His sight.

Which of these do you struggle with the most? I have struggled with each at different times but at the moment I know I could be seeking God more about the right thing to do in different situations rather than relying on what I think!

“and to put on the new self, created after the likeness of God in true righteousness and holiness”With a new month comes...

“and to put on the new self, created after the likeness of God in true righteousness and holiness”

With a new month comes a nice reminder that God has done a work within us to make us new. Though we don’t forget the other months, we can look forward to what the future holds, allowing God to shape it. It is the same with us. Though we may not forget our past, as Christians, we live knowing that we have been transformed by God and we have a hope in our future.

This verse reminds us to walk in the identity God has given us. It reminds us that we should be striving for righteousness and holiness. We find our perfect example of this in Jesus. Let’s remember to be asking the Holy Spirit daily to continue working in us so we can be more like Him.

I hope this week’s challenge reminds you that no matter what your past is, in Christ, we are a new creation and by actively pursuing righteousness, we can be pleasing to God 🙌🏾🙏🏾🤍

Do you know the promises of God but struggle to believe them for your life? Maybe God has promised you something specifi...

Do you know the promises of God but struggle to believe them for your life? Maybe God has promised you something specific but you’ve been waiting a while and haven’t seen any results. Don’t ever forget that it is impossible for our God to lie (Numbers 23:19). The same God who fulfilled His promises to the people of the bible, is the same God who will fulfil His promises to you, no matter how extraordinary.

He sees the bigger picture, He knows what we need and His promises will be fulfilled in His perfect timing. You will be blessed if you believe ✨🤍

Happy Resurrection Sunday 🙌🏾🤎

Happy Resurrection Sunday 🙌🏾🤎

A slightly different type of challenge for Holy Week 🤍💙

A slightly different type of challenge for Holy Week 🤍💙

Think about this question very carefully…Are you doing your absolute best when it comes to your relationship with God? O...

Think about this question very carefully…

Are you doing your absolute best when it comes to your relationship with God? Or are you coasting?

Perhaps you’re doing the bare minimum…a quick prayer in the morning and at night time or quickly reading a few verses without reflecting on them and seeking the Holy Spirit to understand how it applies to your life. Settling in this way will leave your relationship with God mediocre at best or just completely ruined at worst - both of these options are not great and God has SO much more for us. But…you know this, don’t you?

I get it, sometimes we don’t feel like studying the word or talking to God but we cannot let our feelings dictate our actions. James 4:17 reminds us that simply knowing the right thing to do should be enough to spur us into motion and if not, we are giving into sin. This. Is. Serious.

So, if you can relate to what I have spoken about, put your phone down, and seek God’s forgiveness. Ask for a heart of repentance especially in this area. Ask Him to show you where you are settling and accepting less than your best in regards to your relationship with Him.

Have you seen that Challenge 04 was posted yesterday? Join us as we explore how God moves in our lives with these identi...

Have you seen that Challenge 04 was posted yesterday? Join us as we explore how God moves in our lives with these identities 🙌🏾 He is so merciful!

Aaand the LIO Challenges are BACK! I finally feel like I have a little bit of time to start pouring into this ministry a...

Aaand the LIO Challenges are BACK! I finally feel like I have a little bit of time to start pouring into this ministry again and I’m excited to see what God will do 💃🏾

In case you’ve forgotten, Living.It.Out challenges are an opportunity to focus on scripture and find practical ways to apply it to our lives just as we are called to (James 1:22). Join me this week as we look at some of the characteristics of God…

Nearly 4 months into 2023! Have your output (words/actions etc.) this year so far been positive? Why/Why not? We know th...

Nearly 4 months into 2023! Have your output (words/actions etc.) this year so far been positive? Why/Why not?

We know that what's on the inside in our hearts will manifest on the outside through our words (Matthew 15:18) and we also know that words have the power of life and death within them (Proverbs 18:21). This means that we must take guarding our hearts very seriously and ensure whatever we allow in will not defile us.

There are lots of ways we recieve input e.g. music, tv shows, films, books, even the people we hang around with and the conversations we entertain. Is it time for you to have a spiritual check-up? Consult with God and ask Him what you are allowing into your heart that does not lead to an output that glorifies Him. We should be seeking to do all that we do and say all that we say for His glory (Colossions 3:17) not simply for our entertainment and enjoyment.

Comment one thing that you would like to change or even stop to attain a more positive output. Personally, I would like to spend more time in God's Word than aimlessly scrolling social media. I've started with aiming to read the bible both in the day AND at night.

I’m back!! Albeit with less frequent posts than before my son was born.. Since having a baby, I haven’t set a single goa...

I’m back!! Albeit with less frequent posts than before my son was born..

Since having a baby, I haven’t set a single goal whereas this was something I was doing weekly at the beginning of my maternity leave.

To be honest, some days just felt like survival mode - setting goals would have honestly been pointless and probably would have made me feel awful for not achieveing them even though it would have been unrealistic. BUT with the start of a new month, I feel ready to try…

☑️ Post on this account 2x this week

☑️ Record pregnancy, labour + post partum testimony video (DM if you have any specific questions you want my husband and I to answer)

☑️ Seek to actively encourage someone with God’s Word each day

☑️ Get creative again (not sure what this will look like just yet but I miss creating posts for this account, I want to get back into writing anddd I want my house to look pretty so it’ll be 1 or more of those!)

In the caption about Eternal Mindset last week, I spoke about denying ourselves and choosing to do what God wants us to ...

In the caption about Eternal Mindset last week, I spoke about denying ourselves and choosing to do what God wants us to do. This will lead us to have eternal impact. This week’s challenge helps us break down Matthew 16:24 into tangible actions that can help better position us to surrender to do God’s will rather than our own.

When reflecting on examples of Jesus’ character, try using the following questions:
- Who did He display this characteristic to and what is significant about this? Do I have anyone similar in my life who needs serving in this way?
- Why did He choose to act according to this trait? Is there additional scripture (Old or New Testament) that encourages us to do so?

As always, let me know how you get on in the comments or send me a DM if you would like me to help keep you accountable! 🙌🏾🤍

If you knew Jesus was coming back tomorrow, how would your plans change? Would you decide to give your life to Him so yo...

If you knew Jesus was coming back tomorrow, how would your plans change? Would you decide to give your life to Him so you could go to heaven? Would you sit all of your friends and family down and warn them that they need to repent because the judgement of God is coming?

Sometimes it takes 'extreme' thinking to show us what is truly important. In everything we do, the aim should be to glorify God as opposed to pleasing man (Colossians 3:23) and hence our actions should positively impact eternity.

May I recommend that you do something different today that you didn't plan to do in order to positively impact eternity? Prayerfully consider what God would like you to do; it may be reaching out to a friend who is not saved and speaking to them about the gospel message - this could help lead them to Jesus or plant a seed. You may choose to serve your husband his favourite meal to brighten His day - strengthening the unity of your relationship which is the exact opposite of what the devil wants. Or perhaps watching an online sermon rather than a film tonight - filling your mind with God’s Word rather than a worldly mindset.

Though these things on their own may not seem to amount to much, remember God will always guide us in the best direction (Proverbs 3:6). The war we are fighting as Christians is spiritual and our actions have spiritual consequences that may remain hidden in the physical realm (what we can see) for now. This is why we MUST be led by God in what we do and say 🙏🏾

I have spoken about my own struggles with doing the right thing on this page before and how I don't always choose to do ...

I have spoken about my own struggles with doing the right thing on this page before and how I don't always choose to do what God wants me to do. However, one thing that I regularly come back to is the thought of judgement day. If I was to stand before God and He brings up the times when I chose to ignore His instruction, what would my exucse be?

We read of the human reaction to God's awsesome, majestic, powerful presence (His glory needed to be hidden from Moses so that Moses could endure His presence!) and I just know I would not be able to stand there and defend myself. We need to be accountable for the choices we make. We need to not just focus on the here and now but the future... E T E R N I T Y (John 6:27)

If you are reading this, God has spoken. We have to choose Him above ourselves (Matthew 16:24) and now, more so than ever, you have no excuse.

How did you get on with Challenge 01 last week? As promised, a new week brings a new LIO challenge 💃🏾 swipe for some pra...

How did you get on with Challenge 01 last week?

As promised, a new week brings a new LIO challenge 💃🏾 swipe for some practical actions you can take this week to live out this week’s encouraging scripture. As always, please do as much or as little as you are led to.

In addition or perhaps as a stand alone activity you could also consider these questions:
- Why do you think this is in the bible?
- What words can be used to describe the nature of God?
- Are you walking in conformity with His will and purpose? Why/why not?

Let’s keep each other accountable again this week, comment with your progress or send a DM 🤎

Did you set goals for 2023? For some of us, the idea of a new year is super motivating and gives us the drive we need to...

Did you set goals for 2023?

For some of us, the idea of a new year is super motivating and gives us the drive we need to really get our lives in order. But, some people find the new year to be an overwhelming time - to have clear goals for all you want to do over 12 months is not something that's necessarily easy to plan. And, if you miss the 1st of Jan cut off, it feels easier to just give up until next year.

But, the truth is, January 1st is just a day. It's as good a day as any to set new goals and decide the direction you want your life to go in. January 14th is also a great day to do this by the way 😉. If you haven't set some goals yet but you want to, set aside some time today or in the upcoming week to evaluate where you are and where you want to be at the end of the month, year or even just at the end of the day. This is also a good opportunity to practice accountability - perhaps send your goals to your accountability partner who can regularly check-in to make sure you're on track.

Growth is key in many areas of life, very few of us want to stay stagnent but we must be INTENTIONAL in order to achieve it.

Scroll for some tips with goal setting and share some of your goals in the comments to inspire others!

I don't know about you, but for me there have been times in my life I have known the right thing to do and I simply have...

I don't know about you, but for me there have been times in my life I have known the right thing to do and I simply have not done it. Not necessarily with just the big things but also the ‘small’ e.g. recognising a need to come off social media to spend more time with God but ignoring it. There have been many moments, I have to confess, when I have deliberately chosen my selfish desires over what God wants for me simply because there was 'no one' looking or I knew I could get away with it.

I know for sure that had I confided in someone about my thoughts, it would have made me more likely to do the right thing. Do you have an accountability partner? Tag them in the comments if you do! If not, consider sharing your thoughts with a trusted friend/family member/mentor to keep you accountable for the decisions you make.

I have been sharing my progress with the LIO challenges so you are now all my accountability partners 😂 DM me if you want me to be yours too, let’s get together 🤎

Okay here we are, the very first LIO challenge!Spend some time prayerfully reflecting on Joshua 1:8 today and/or this we...

Okay here we are, the very first LIO challenge!

Spend some time prayerfully reflecting on Joshua 1:8 today and/or this week. You could consider some of these questions:

- Why do you think this is in the Bible?
- Do you currently meditate on God's Word day and night? Why/why not?
- What does prosperity and good success look like in your life?

Now, perhaps assign a specific day/time to complete each action - write it down so you don’t forget! Perhaps tell a friend as well to help keep you accountable.

Does anything else come to mind when reading this verse? Perhaps a different set of actions that better suit your circumstances? This challenge is simply a guide, ultimately we must allow God to lead us 🤎

Enjoy and feel free to DM me your plans and progress if you don't currently have an accountability partner!

One of the main purposes of this ministry is to begin to put God's Word into action in our lives and the Challenges aim ...

One of the main purposes of this ministry is to begin to put God's Word into action in our lives and the Challenges aim to help us do just that!

Every Monday (starting tomorrow) we'll take a look at scripture and use it to inspire some concrete actions we can apply in our lives straight away. It's up to you whether you do them all in one day or perhaps take time over the week to prayerfully reflect on the scripture and pick a few to focus on. Maybe you want to do something in between - anything goes! I will be doing the challenges right alongside you so please do DM if you have any questions or just want to have a chat about God's wonderful Word! See you tomorrow ☺️👋🏾




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