Morris County Recycling
Where does our recycled materials go?
Cardboard – Goes to Green Bay Packaging Inc - Arkansas Kraft Division they use a combination of virgin wood chips and recycled Old Corrugated Cardboard (OCC) in their products. When they are running ideally, their machines consume 800 tons of recycled occ per day. Their final Kraft liner board contains approximately 45% recycled material. Here is a link to their Sustainability Goals. Sustainability at GBP - Green Bay Packaging
News Paper - This material goes to locations across the southwest and northeast of the United States and is in most cases turned into crate paper items such as egg crates for example.
Magazines - This material is sent to a mill locally in Kansas. It will be repurposed into similar items as newspaper, paper towels, egg cartons, and coffee filters.
Printer’s Mix/Coated Book and Office Mix - This material will end up in Oklahoma in most cases and can be turned into lesser paper items such as toilet paper.
Plastic #2 & #5 Color and Natural HDPE - These materials are sent north to the Wisconsin/Michigan areas. It is usually ground or melted and mixed with virgin HDPE to be remade and reused into its original purpose again.
Plastic #1 Pet - Pet is sent to Georgia and then used in the creation of some carpeting fibers.
Aluminum - Aluminum will be sent to Alabama or Kentucky in most cases and then reworked into aluminum cans once again.
Steel/Tin Cans - These will be sent to a few locations along the east coast states. They can be recycled into new food cans, automotive parts, beams and other steel items.
Pallets - We use these within our own operations if they are good and if unusable, they will be sent to a pallet company in Kansas. They will then rework them back to good pallets or grind them for other purposes.
Gaylords - These will be kept in house and used with various other vendors to facilitate getting loose materials to our warehouse when big roll offs do not make sense for such locations.