Calgary Business Podcast

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Calgary Business Podcast I started the podcast to flush out the “micro” issues faced by companies, executives & educators.

Yo @ Chazzy.88It seems we have some future  players right here in  as these  sponsored girls will attest to as they comp...

Yo @ Chazzy.88

It seems we have some future players right here in as these sponsored girls will attest to as they compete in the “Tim Bits” girls soccer league!!

Who knows, maybe a future stream of on will feature one of these league matches!!

Good morning  I managed to complete the Day 21 challenge with a few pushups to spare with the following results over 5 s...

Good morning

I managed to complete the Day 21 challenge with a few pushups to spare with the following results over 5 sets:

Set 1 (30)
Set 2 (30)
Set 3 (40)
Set 4 (40)
Set 5 (30)

With 2 days left, I hope you reach new heights on your fundraising goals towards supporting mental health and related health matters!

Yo .coaching .88   just thought I would drop this here since Mother Nature is making it very difficult to “drop down” ou...

Yo .coaching .88 just thought I would drop this here since Mother Nature is making it very difficult to “drop down” outside to complete my moving plank challenge!!

.coaching  .88 just thought I would drop this here because Mother Nature is making it very difficult for me to “drop dow...

.coaching .88 just thought I would drop this here because Mother Nature is making it very difficult for me to “drop down” and complete moving plank challenge outside!!

.coaching from push-ups to giant snow ball maker!! This is for you as you “push away” 2023!!

.coaching from push-ups to giant snow ball maker!! This is for you as you “push away” 2023!!

Good evening,Today I decided to look at a common injury in runners – Shin Splints.  I recall when I was working at  back...

Good evening,

Today I decided to look at a common injury in runners – Shin Splints.  I recall when I was working at back in the 1990’s, I suffered from this injury a lot.


What are the causes of shin splints?

RESPONSE from ChatGPT [NOTE: Modified to meet character limits]:

Shin splints, also known as medial tibial stress syndrome, are a common condition characterized by pain along the shinbone (tibia), which is the large bone in the front of your lower leg. The exact cause of shin splints is not always clear; some common causes:

1st | Overuse or Overtraining: Engaging in repetitive activities such as running long distances or participating in high-impact sports can lead to shin splints.

2nd | Incorrect Footwear: Wearing shoes that do not provide adequate support or that are worn out can contribute to shin splints.

3rd | Biomechanical Factors: Foot mechanics, such as overpronation, supination, abnormalities in arch height or foot structure can contribute to shin splints,

4th | Muscle Imbalances: Weakness or imbalance in the muscles of the lower leg can increase the risk of shin splints.

5th | Training Errors: Rapidly increasing the intensity, duration, or frequency of exercise without allowing adequate time for the body to adapt can lead to shin splints.

6th | Running on Hard Surfaces: Running on hard or uneven surfaces can increase the impact on the lower leg and contribute to shin splints.

7th | Flat Feet or High Arches: Abnormalities in foot structure, such as flat feet or high arches, may contribute to the development of shin splints.

8th | Inadequate Warm-up or Stretching: Failing to warm up properly before exercise or neglecting stretching can increase the risk of shin splints.


If you suspect you have shin splints or are experiencing persistent pain, it's advisable to consult with a healthcare professional or a sports medicine specialist for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment plan.


Good afternoon,Back in the day, I frequently sprained my ankle: during rugby in high school, playing ball hockey during ...

Good afternoon,

Back in the day, I frequently sprained my ankle: during rugby in high school, playing ball hockey during University and playing tennis as an adult.  It seems to be a common injury in many sports but I thought I would solicit a comprehensive response from ChatGPT. 

QUERY to ChatGPT (version 3.5):

What are the main causes of ankle injuries?


RESPONSE from ChatGPT [NOTE: Modified to meet character limits]:

Ankle injuries can occur due to a variety of reasons, and they are common in both everyday activities and sports. Some  main causes:

1st | Sprains: Most common and happen when the ligaments stretch or tear due to a sudden twist or turn of the foot.

2nd | Fractures: Occur when one or more of the bones in the ankle break from a fall, a direct blow or a strong twist.

3rd | Overuse or Repetitive Strain: Continuous stress can lead to injuries such as tendonitis or stress fractures.

4th | Sports Injuries: Sports that involve jumping, cutting, and rapid changes in direction, such as basketball, soccer, or volleyball, can increase the risk of ankle injuries.

5th | Trips and Falls: Uneven surfaces, slippery conditions, or simply losing balance can lead to sprains, strains, or fractures.

6th | Improper Footwear: Wearing shoes that do not provide adequate support can contribute to ankle injuries.

7th | Weak Ankles or Muscles: Insufficient strength or flexibility around the ankle can make the joint more vulnerable to injuries.

8th | Previous Injuries: May increase the likelihood of future injuries, as weakened ligaments or altered biomechanics can persist.

9th | Anatomic Factors: Factors such as flat feet or a high arch may affect stability.

10th | Inadequate Warm-Up or Stretching: Failing to warm up properly can make the muscles and ligaments more susceptible to injury.


Proper footwear, strengthening exercises, and attentive participation in physical activities, can help reduce the risk of ankle injuries.


Hey .coachingThis is part 2 of my “Lower Back” exchange with ChatGPT.  In Part 1,  _ChatGPT._ shared 12 causes of lower ...

Hey .coaching

This is part 2 of my “Lower Back” exchange with ChatGPT.  In Part 1,  _ChatGPT._ shared 12 causes of lower back pain. Today, in part 2, I asked ChatGPT to provide remedies for treating lower back pain.

Part 2 Query:

What are the causes of lower back pain?

RESPONSE from ChatGPT (NOTE: Modified to fit character limits)

I am not a doctor, but I can offer some general suggestions. However, it's important to consult with a healthcare professional for tailored advice. Some common remedies:

1st | Rest and Modify Activities:

Modify activities that may exacerbate the pain.

2nd | Cold and Heat Therapy:

Apply an ice pack in the first 48 hours to reduce inflammation.

After 48 hours, switch to a heat pack to relax muscles and improve blood flow.

3rd | Over-the-Counter Pain Medications:

Non-prescription pain relievers like acetaminophen or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

4th | Exercise and Stretching:

Gentle exercises and stretches can help strengthen the muscles that support the lower back.

5th | Maintain Good Posture:

Practice good posture, whether sitting or standing.

6th | Use Proper Ergonomics:

Adjust your work environment to be ergonomically friendly.

7th | Weight Management:

Maintaining a healthy weight reduces stress on the lower back.

8th | Physical Therapy:

A physical therapist can provide targeted exercises to improve flexibility, strength, and posture.

9th | Massage Therapy:

Massage can help relax muscles and improve blood circulation.

10th | Yoga and Pilates:

These activities focus on core strength and flexibility.

11th | Acupuncture:

Acupuncture involves the insertion of thin needles into specific points on the body.

12th | Sleeping Position:

Choose to sleep in a position that supports the natural curve of your spine.

13th | Hydration:

Staying hydrated is essential for the health of your intervertebral discs.

Remember, it's crucial to consult with a healthcare professional to determine the cause of your lower back pain and to receive appropriate advice and treatment.


Hey .coachingThis week I had an exchange around lower back pain.  In a two part series, I will turn to _ChatGPT._ to (1)...

Hey .coaching

This week I had an exchange around lower back pain.  

In a two part series, I will turn to _ChatGPT._ to (1) Learn the causes of lower back pain and (2) Remedies for treating lower back pain.

The following is a summary for Part 1:

What are the causes of lower back pain?

RESPONSE from ChatGPT (NOTE: Modified to fit character limits)

Lower back pain can have various causes, and it often results from a combination of factors. Some common causes of lower back pain include:

Muscle or Ligament Strain: Overuse, improper lifting, or sudden awkward movements can strain the muscles and ligaments in the lower back.

Herniated or Bulging Discs: The discs between the vertebrae act as cushions, and if the soft material inside the disc protrudes or leaks, it can press on a nerve and cause pain.

Degenerative Disc Disease: As people age, the discs in the spine can degenerate, leading to pain, stiffness, and decreased mobility.

Spinal Stenosis: Involves the narrowing of the spinal canal, putting pressure on the spinal cord and nerves.

Osteoarthritis: The breakdown of cartilage in the joints can lead to arthritis in the spine.

Scoliosis: An abnormal curvature of the spine can cause pain.

Osteoporosis: This leads to the weakening of bones.

Spondylolisthesis: Vertebra slips forward over the one below it, causing lower back pain.

Trauma or Injury: Accidents, falls, or other injuries can cause damage to the lower back.

Infections and Tumors: Infections of the spine or tumors in the lower back can cause pain; these are rare.

Lifestyle: Poor posture, lack of exercise, obesity, and smoking can contribute.

Psychological: Stress, anxiety, and depression can contribute.

Lower back pain is a common symptom, and its cause can vary from person to person. If you're experiencing persistent or severe lower back pain, it's advisable to consult with a healthcare professional.

/ End 

Thanks to for the supporting illustrations

Good afternoon .88,I know you had a personal experience with a concussion during your time as a Mascot.////Once again I ...

Good afternoon .88,

I know you had a personal experience with a concussion during your time as a Mascot.


Once again I turned to _ChatGPT._ to gain its view on concussions; this is my exchange (on the free version, GPT 3.5)


What is the best way to treat a concussion?

RESPONSE from ChatGPT [NOTE: Shortened due to IG limits on characters per post]:
I am not a medical professional, but I can offer some general information. It's important to consult with a healthcare professional for advice tailored to your specific situation.
Treatment for a concussion typically involves both physical and cognitive rest. Some general guidelines:

1st | Rest: Get plenty of physical and mental rest in the initial days following the injury. Avoid activities that could worsen symptoms.

2nd | Gradual Return to Activities: As symptoms improve, gradually reintroduce activities. It's essential to listen to your body [NOTE: This is advice I have heard from .coaching ]

3rd | Pain Management: It's crucial to consult with a healthcare professional before taking any medication.

4th | Hydration and Nutrition: Stay hydrated and maintain a healthy diet.

5th | Avoid Stimulants: Limit or avoid alcohol, caffeine, and ni****ne.

6th | Monitor Symptoms: Seek medical attention if symptoms worsen or if you experience severe headaches, vomiting, seizures.

7th | Follow Healthcare Provider's Advice.

Conclusion |  Remember, every concussion is unique, and individual cases may require different approaches to treatment. Always consult with a healthcare professional for personalized advice and guidance based on your specific situation. If you suspect a concussion, seek medical attention promptly.


Good Day .coaching   Since each of you work in and around sports and fitness, you likely come across a variety of injuri...

Good Day .coaching

Since each of you work in and around sports and fitness, you likely come across a variety of injuries on a regular basis.  This past weekend, my daughter injured her knee while playing netball with .  I know from personal experience, a knee injury can be painful for a prolonged period of time.

Once again, I turned once again to _ChatGPT._; the following is a summary of my exchange (on the free version, GPT 3.5)


What are the most common knee injuries in sports?

RESPONSE from ChatGPT (NOTE: Shortened due to IG limits on characters per post):

Knee injuries are common in sports and can range from minor to severe. Some of the most common knee injuries in sports include: 

1st | Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Injury:
ACL is a ligament in the knee that helps stabilize the joint. Football, basketball, soccer, and skiing are sports where ACL injuries are common.

2nd | Medial Collateral Ligament (MCL) Injury:
MCL is another ligament in the knee that provides stability.

3rd | Meniscus Tear:
Meniscus is a wedge-shaped cartilage in the knee that acts as a shock absorber. 

4th | Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome (PFPS):
PFPS, also known as runner's knee. 

5th | Patellar Tendonitis:
This injury involves inflammation of the patellar tendon, which connects the kneecap to the shinbone. 

6th | Iliotibial Band (ITB) Syndrome:
ITB syndrome results from irritation of the iliotibial band, a thick band of tissue that runs along the outside of the thigh.

7th | Knee Bursitis:
Bursae are fluid-filled sacs that cushion the knee joint.

8th | Fractures:
Fractures of the bones around the knee can occur due to high-impact collisions.


It's important to note that the severity and treatment of these injuries can vary. Athletes should always seek medical attention for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate management.

Good day .coaching  and Since each of you work in and around providing fitness advice to a variety of people of varying ...

Good day .coaching and

Since each of you work in and around providing fitness advice to a variety of people of varying ages and body types and varying fitness levels, I thought I would turn to _ChatGPT._ to see what response I could obtain when I asked for myself. This is my exchange (on the free version, GPT 3.5)


What is the best exercise for a 57 year old male?

RESPONSE from ChatGPT (modified to fit the character limit):

The best exercise for a 57-year-old male depends on various factors, including overall health, fitness level, any existing medical conditions, and personal preferences. However, a well-rounded exercise routine typically includes a mix of cardiovascular, strength training, flexibility, and balance exercises. Here are some recommendations:

1st | Cardiovascular Exercise:

✅ Activities like brisk walking, cycling, swimming, or low-impact aerobics.

✅ Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise per week, or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity exercise.

2nd | Strength Training:

✅ Incorporate resistance training.
✅ Use bodyweight exercises, resistance bands, or light weights.
✅ Focus on major muscle groups.

3rd | Flexibility Training:

✅ Stretching exercises can help improve flexibility.
✅ Include dynamic stretches.

4th | Balance Exercises:

✅ Incorporate activities that enhance balance, such as yoga or tai chi.

5th | Joint-Friendly Activities:

✅ Choose activities that are gentle on the joints such as swimming, elliptical training, and cycling.

6th | Consult with a Healthcare Professional:

✅ Before starting any new exercise program, it's advisable to consult with a healthcare professional or a fitness expert.


It's crucial to listen to your body and progress gradually.


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Good morning .coaching .88  A few weeks back I requested a list of push-up types (along with a diagram of the correct fo...

Good morning .coaching .88

A few weeks back I requested a list of push-up types (along with a diagram of the correct form) either from one of you or perhaps from the databases of – it seems this appeal went unanswered.  No problem, I turned, once again, to ._ to help facilitate this request.  This is my exchange (on the free version, GPT 3.5)


What are the different types of push-ups?


The accompanying slides were crafted courtesy of

NOTE: The limit is 10 photos per post.  See next post for slides 11 and 12

Good day @.coaching,This is post 2 of 2 highlighting the 12 recommendations of _ChatGPT._;  these are recommendations 11...

Good day @.coaching,

This is post 2 of 2 highlighting the 12 recommendations of _ChatGPT._; these are recommendations 11 to 12 plus ChatGPT’s concluding remarks

Please refer to my earlier post for recommendations 1 to 10.


Good day @.coaching,I wanted to see what ChatGPT thinks about my push-up challenge.  The following 12 recommendations pl...

Good day @.coaching,

I wanted to see what ChatGPT thinks about my push-up challenge.  The following 12 recommendations plus concluding remarks that came directly from my exchange with _ChatGPT._ (on the free version, GPT 3.5). Much of the advice is spot on from what you have been saying since I started my challenge on 21 September!  Coincidence?  I think not! 


What is the best way to 100 push-ups? 


See accompanying slides that were crafted courtesy of

NOTE: The limit is 10 photos per post. See next post for slides 11 to 13

Yo   .88 just thought I would drop this here reflecting Week 4 of my push-up challenge. Nothing creative or jaw dropping...

Yo .88 just thought I would drop this here reflecting Week 4 of my push-up challenge. Nothing creative or jaw dropping like the BEFORE and AFTER photos .coaching has been sharing! Hopefully I can inspire 1 or 2 persons out there to start their own challenge!

Yo   just grabbed this   from my  mailbox here in  and I immediately thought of a jumble of   podcasts including “…as we...

Yo just grabbed this from my mailbox here in and I immediately thought of a jumble of podcasts including “…as we go more Jetsons, people who act like the Flintstones are going to win…”

Yo .coaching I think this  baby can teach me a lot about my form as I move into week 3 of my push-up challenge!!

Yo .coaching I think this baby can teach me a lot about my form as I move into week 3 of my push-up challenge!!

Good evening,In what started out as an idea to upload different challenges for the “Powered by Streakers” solution simil...

Good evening,

In what started out as an idea to upload different challenges for the “Powered by Streakers” solution similar to the Barrie Mixed Slo-Pitch League that Craig Weissenfels – .88 – participates in or the 10-pin Ambassador Bowling League that Brian Weissenfels – – shares his passionate at the in Peterborough, Ontario turned into a week of trying to outperform myself in each and every push-up attempt..

All in all, it was a fun 7-days in which I managed to solicit responses from some former colleagues, including Ed Church from Qatar and from Turkey, and some “locker room” banter from current colleagues, Stephen Clarke of and of .  

Of course, an unexpected benefit came from down under (Australia) when Jonny Cainer – .coaching – submitted completion of his own challenge by “pushing up” his age! Well done young lad!

Stay tuned for Week 2!


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Good afternoonToday’s workout was a spur of the moment after .88 informed me that the  partnership with    for the “Blue...

Good afternoon

Today’s workout was a spur of the moment after .88 informed me that the partnership with for the “Blue Mountain Trifecta” is 99% settled!!  This is amazing news for the team including and


The added energy from such a terrific announcement was spurred on by the starting playlist I selected from titled “Workout Experience 128 BPM” to cover 4 reps of sit-ups and 4 reps of side to side shuffles followed by a lap around the park.  

The finisher comprised 4 reps of jumping jacks and 4 reps of shoulder taps from plank position accompanied by the “Workout Rock Mix” with none other than “Thunderstruck by AC/DC” as the lead song.

Sorry to disappoint my colleague from .coaching with such a mid-weak workout (mispelling intended)!  I overdid the cardio on the first two and had to stop to avoid overexertion!  “Next time, Jonny!!”


Just had a wonderful lunch at  while attending the presentation of Stephen Clarke from   together with Atul Bir and Moni...

Just had a wonderful lunch at while attending the presentation of Stephen Clarke from together with Atul Bir and Monica Arora Bir ( ) and Katelyn Bullock ( ). Sorry we missed you

Just completed a great     using this   timer — 3 sets with the 1st jumping jacks & plank holds; 2nd skaters & plank hol...

Just completed a great using this timer — 3 sets with the 1st jumping jacks & plank holds; 2nd skaters & plank holds; 3rd squat jumps & plank holds. Reminded me of workouts with and !!

Good afternoon,This screen shot provides a look into the   of  — a future that is now!!  it is hard to believe that in J...

Good afternoon,

This screen shot provides a look into the of — a future that is now!! it is hard to believe that in July 2022, the app only had major sports available for and now the current version reflects a separate element and the latest level engagement with folks like and the Barrie Golf and Country club that and his mates can create challenges for!!

Yo   had an amazing time last night at the   event sponsored by    — amazing to see the  lads up close attempting to mee...

Yo had an amazing time last night at the event sponsored by — amazing to see the lads up close attempting to meet the 8 Second ride or achieve an 80+ score!! Top notch event! In my view, the PBR circuit would be perfect for a “white label solution” for riders, their coaches, trainers,
Family and friends!! Craig let’s reach out!!

Yo  these lads from  really know how to get   of folks in   on the patio of

Yo these lads from really know how to get of folks in on the patio of

Yo  in today’s  matchup I took the  and the 2 ½ map spread over the  on the Streakers   app in the  .                   ...

Yo in today’s matchup I took the and the 2 ½ map spread over the on the Streakers app in the .  

Good morning,My first podcast episode of 2023 took me down memory lane as I traversed the off-piste streets of  with Ang...

Good morning,

My first podcast episode of 2023 took me down memory lane as I traversed the off-piste streets of with Ange Helie, the proprietor of a life-style coaching business, .AfterGlow.  There was no matte finish on episode 404 of the Calgary Business Podcast as “Banffite” native Ange Helie explained:

[6:22}...honestly I am still like “pinch me”...I get to walk down Banff Avenue and Cascade Mountain is lit up and then walk into my office

[8:15] two siblings went to the Olympics for cross-country skiing…we grew up in an active, fitness oriented family

[20:16] girls were skiing at age 1 because my husband is one to push them…”If you can walk, you can ski”

[21:13] husband is from Quebec and it is all steep and ice…to him, is like a dream

[32:55]...I also built out the “Glow Method” – a 4-phase method 

[33:01]...I call my clients the “Golden Girls”...through this method, you get your Golden GIrl mindset

[33:39]’s the most beautiful thing…when the client comes in here versus when they leave…I can see their glow; I can see them feeling lighter 

[35:47]...I do monthly workshops called “Soul Food”


You may need a chair lift to carry you through the entire episode |

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Good morning,Earlier this week I had the pleasure of chatting with Hanif Joshaghani, the CEO and founder of .  Selected ...

Good morning,
Earlier this week I had the pleasure of chatting with Hanif Joshaghani, the CEO and founder of .  
Selected highlights:
⭐️ [3:40]...expanded beyond initial problem of past due customers…protecting company brands; improving consumer credit ratings; more company engagement 
⭐️ [4:45]...if behavioral science can help with most difficult interaction (collections) we viewed that it could do well elsewhere
⭐️ [7:25]...we built a harmonized insights engine that sits under all of the use cases…all interactions are going to “feed” a single insights engine
⭐️ [12:20]...trigger (for Symend) was conversation with Alexander Popa, co-founder of .AI...”this is still a big problem…if you think you have a unique perspective…this is going to be a big thing if you can make a dent in it…”
⭐️ [22:45]...I have seen Black Swan extreme events play out at least 6 times in my career
⭐️ [26:00]...I think priority in your 1st job is to up-level your skills and learn from the best…one piece of advice: “outwork everyone; use your time productively”
⭐️ [37:50]...we have people with PhDs, neuroscience, psychology and behavioral science degrees 
Illustration supported by
The full 40 minute chat on episode 403 of the Calgary Business Podcast can be captured via “Link in Bio” courtesy of

When  issued the 2022 Wrapped for my “Year in Podcasting”, they provided highlights on total minutes (2,529) and total c...

When issued the 2022 Wrapped for my “Year in Podcasting”, they provided highlights on total minutes (2,529) and total countries my listeners were located (14).  What they did not outline was my fun and dynamic chat with Tammy Phan, the CEO and founder of – episode 335 of Calgary Business Podcast on 9 February 2022. 
Selected highlights:
[4:35]...we started in my basement
[5:09]...I remember “Bag one”...we focused on bags that actually hold some value; stand the test of time
[5:42]...some bags are amazing investments…people would be shocked to learn that some returns have beaten the stock market or the value of gold
[6:10] example was sale last year of a Hermes Himalayan Birkin for $160,000
[11:58]... was full of scammers; fraudulent payment schemes
[12:23]...local consignments took up to 40%;
[12:45]...6 years ago, took photos, posted on Instagram; found out my bag was worth double
[13:45]...this is when I had the transition…I now dedicated a lot of my time to learn the history of these bags
[30:17}...”Bag Spa” is repair and restoration; I flew myself to Malaysia to learn the skill and then bring it to Canada; they had never even heard of someone wanting to learn [about repairing / restoring luxury bags] 
[40:18] 2021, we launched “Lux Bag Rentals”; we let client’s monetize their luxury bag collections
Capture the full 1 hour+ exchange |
Illustrations supported by
Videography support from Apple (via I-Movie)

It seems that Dr Seuss needs to write a new verse about Sam:“I don’t like Due Diligence with My Scam, Sam I am!”. In the...

It seems that Dr Seuss needs to write a new verse about Sam:

“I don’t like Due Diligence with My Scam, Sam I am!”.

In the meantime, this from a while back is fitting during this reflection period:

“I will not be a GOAT because I lost my MOAT!!”


80 Strathlea Place SW






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