Just saying, would you leave your family behind unattended and hungry to go care for another one?
#newamericana #justsaying
Let’s discuss the ingredients that led to the creation of this lost young man……
1. Mom and dad likely got together not committed to the process of raising a child but committed to their own selfish desires.
2. Mom or dad likely got advice from friends and family that didn’t preach discipline, patience, collective goals, forgiveness, and sacrifice.
3. Dad ends up leaving as most do when there is no commitment to a foundation at the core of the relationship.
4. Child is raised resentful at both parents and searches for “family.”
5. Young man ends up finding his family through boys that are exactly like him so they can bond from trauma.
6. Modern rap music becomes his primary source of inspiration as it has the largest impression on boys in his age group.
All of these factors create the version of the young man that you see. There’s fault to go around equally on the mother, father, and rappers. My issue with rappers is they do all this click clack sniff this and that but most eventually grow up. By the time this happens, millions of souls are split open and leave a trail of pain from the poison they pumped into them. Our children are forced to live through the journey of these modern rappers. There’s also no escape from it, it’s everywhere and on every device. This is where our communities have been torn apart. Our boys lack consistent messages of the realities of their choices. When I was growing up, music was around to teach us when those role models weren’t consistently around. We had tv shows like the Cosby’s, A Different World, Family Matters, Fresh Prince, etc. we had consistent messages to teach us about the realities of the consequences from the choices we made. Today is different, the only lessons that are consistent is to live in the moment as if it’s your last breath without any regard for consequences and those impacted by those choices. Our children need both parents more than ever because two are already outnumbered by every o
This is crucial for both men and women. Women to understand that unnecessary violence is not a sign of strength but a sign of shortsightedness or vision. Avoid this type of man. For men, it’s imperative to choose a woman that would NEVER put you in this situation. The outcome of your future goes through your woman and there is no way around it. It can either end on a good note or you counting sheep and the days that go by on your prison bed. Choose wisely.
#relationship #relationshipadvice
Hey Momma,
I understand your challenges but Gods design wasn’t intended for you to do this alone. Parenting is the hardest job in the world let alone raising a child alone with disabilities to add to it. I don’t know your personal story but I do know statistically speaking, women like you are doing it alone and it’s failing faster than Sexxy Red’s career. This has been an ongoing trend for decades and both fathers and mothers are at fault, never the child. No relationship is perfect but if you take your time to know someone prior to having children, your chances increase drastically to at least have a chance of working at it together longterm. To have a chance at getting married and laying forth Gods design for a family THEN deciding to have children. One thing for certain, the less single mothers, the better off the black community. That’s ownership on both men and women understanding this and growing up to conduct themselves as such. Also meaning for men to grow up too and be more cautious about where you plant your seed and women being more wary about any man and not so easily willing to bear a child for because of the season.
#grownups #disabilities #relationshipproblems
Bring back the belt!!! We must end this Gen Z entitlement behavior. Time to raise kids like we use to get raised in the 80s and early 90s, all it took was that stare from your mom or dad to fill you up with some sense to act right. We all knew what the alternative was and it came with that 15 second delayed scream with that belt. We wanted no parts of that!
#belts #asswhoopin #genz
Where is the lie?
Get out of your feelings and get into reality of how lack of actions and discipline is a pre cursor to failure in our communities. Since a black man could pick up a book to read in American history there was nothing that he did not become superior in….do your googles; literature, business, music, inventions, sports, etc. Everything else created outside of a book is a distraction moving you further from your purpose and surpassing your best self of today. I too have to catch myself every now and then getting caught with these distractions, crazy thing is I am an aware mind. What’s that say for the young man he’s talking about? If parents today don’t teach their children the art of discipline and that it is more valuable than money, social media, cars, and Gucci, there is no future or legacy. Generations will suffer from the miscalculations made from this young man failed by his parents not preparing him to carry that torch of excellence after they’re gone. Hopefully through prayer and divine intervention, someone eventually gets the sense to know and do better to break that cycle of homicidal parenting.
#legacy #drumarjohnson
Please share this with anyone you know who struggles to understand the argument that Black Americans have when it comes to reparations. It is impossible to win at a game that you weren’t intended to play in. Now, after getting reparations, that’s a separate argument. The solution is not giving Black Americans money, ask the Native Americans how that turned out with the high levels of alcoholism and mental illness they experience in their culture. 16% of their people suffer from this compared to the national average of 10%, let that sink in. How could such a small population almost double the national average? If you go the same direction with blacks, the only people benefiting will be luxury designers and luxury auto makers while blacks will get poorer and that’s a guarantee. The solution calls for a mature conversation but the conversation has to include educating blacks on leveraging assets and cash as key foundation builders in acquiring wealth. Just like how they have requirements for government assistance, there should be “uplifting”requirements for reparations. So what happens when Black Americans are entitled to something that was TAKEN from them yet those who are giving it to them don’t want them playing in the same game? Here lies the real problem and why Pac says some things will never change.
#reparations #trevornoah #money #blackculture #payment #2pac
@duskopoppington eloquently yet simply broke down the designed dysfunction of the game. The game is not a game but a set up from jump. Listen to this a few times and start to ask yourself who really benefits from what you’re being told. Whether it’s politics, the media, or your guidance counselor, In the end, the answer is never you.
#politics #blackculture
This 19 second clip expresses more than a billion words that I can ever say to express how fortunate and blessed we are to be out of the dating game. ESPECIALLY TODAY! One time for our married couples building stronger and unbreakable relationships through God!
#marriedlife #datingadvice #thankgod
Barzzzz!!!! One of the best explanations of how to choose a spouse I’ve ever heard. Notice she didn’t say anything about sexual desires or monetary things. These are basic building blocks to building the strongest foundation for your relationship. When we think with our minds before our sexual desires, we are more open to making better decisions when selecting who we take next steps with. That’s a fact not opinion no matter how many times you ignore it to not be true.
#bars #facts #truthhurts #relationshipadvice
A very long and cold summer for @champagnepapi
The weather man, REALLY? 😂
#kendricklamar #lmao #battle #diss #weatherman
What in the real life movie is this?!
#surgery #ai #wtfmemes