"93 years old in 2047" summary of the story:
In 2047, 20 years after a nuclear conflict, a 93-year-old man who has an ordinary life describes his daily environment, the functioning of society, what new technologies exist at that time, his robot butler, and his household robot. How is society organized with the huge advances in artificial intelligence that run many things? The possibility of prolonging life.
He is confronted with the adventure after contact on Earth with an extraterrestrial coming from the planet Kanakan named Garakan.
He falls in love with an android made by Garakan's company, especially for earthlings.
He will participate with other extraterrestrial beings in expeditions based on commercial prospecting in several areas of the galaxy by becoming an advisor to Garakan.
In 2047 the famous laws of robotics will have to evolve.
"121 ans en 2075" résumé de l'histoire:
Le "héro" Yann Sorel nous entraîne dans une quinzaine d'aventures totalement incroyables.
La rencontre avec les Draconiens. Les mystères de la lune d'Ycratos. Une description de la vie quotidienne en 2075, les modes délirantes sur les super héros. Les psychocybernéticiens et leurs soucis. La vie dans les villes de l'espace, les "tores". L'échec de l'androïde Andréa.
Les revendications androïdes de 2070. Le mécontentement des Arcturiens. Le contact avec 4 races et civilisations nouvelles. Le congrès exceptionnel de le fédération galactique en 2072. La rencontre avec le souverain de Kana. Une mission bizarre vers l'inconnu. Les transformations du vaisseau Kanalana. Une fête épique et le choix d'un modèle transgenre.
La suite de 93 ans en 2047 (édité il y a 1 an), "121 ans en 2075" est disponible sur Amazon.
Il est possible de lire le 2ème livre sans avoir lu le 1er, il y a un résumé. Le mieux est d'avoir les deux bien sur.
Format Kindle 5,99 Euros : https://www.amazon.fr/dp/B0CW1NKJF1
Format broché 316 pages 19,90 Euros : https://www.amazon.fr/dp/B0CXY5P7V7
"93 years old in 2047" summary of the story:
We are in 2047, 20 years after a nuclear conflict, a 93-year-old man who has an ordinary life describes his daily environment, the functioning of society, what new technologies exist at that time, his robot butler, his household robot. How is society organized with the huge advances in artificial intelligence that runs a lot of things. The possibility of prolonging life.
He is confronted with the adventure after a contact on earth with an extraterrestrial coming from the planet Kanakan named Garakan.
He falls in love with an android made by Garakan's company especially for earthlings.
He will participate with other extraterrestrial beings in expeditions based on commercial prospecting in several areas of the galaxy by becoming an advisor to Garakan.
In 2047 the famous laws of robotics will have to evolve.
ENGLISH Version :
Kindle $ 7.99
Paperback edition : $ 22.00
Hardcover deluxe edition : $ 41.86
"93 years old in 2047" summary of the story:
We are in 2047, 20 years after a nuclear conflict, a 93-year-old man who has an ordinary life describes his daily environment, the functioning of society, what new technologies exist at that time, his robot butler, his household robot. How is society organized with the huge advances in artificial intelligence that runs a lot of things. The possibility of prolonging life.
He is confronted with the adventure after a contact on earth with an extraterrestrial coming from the planet Kanakan named Garakan.
He falls in love with an android made by Garakan's company especially for earthlings.
He will participate with other extraterrestrial beings in expeditions based on commercial prospecting in several areas of the galaxy by becoming an advisor to Garakan.
In 2047 the famous laws of robotics will have to evolve.
ENGLISH Version :
Kindle $ 7.99
Paperback edition : $ 22.00
Hardcover deluxe edition : $ 41.86