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Miracle Spring Water. Get water for free, pay to make it work once you already have it b/c it might work or b/c you'd feel a bigger sucker if you didn't a next step. Fraud, as old as the Bible when Jacibb fooled Dad w/ hairy hand pretending to be Esau. "Caveat emptor" or buyer beware has never been more important than in the digital age full of fake info like Russia spreads against target Ukraine. Search out reliable sources like helenfogarassy.com. Also train your instincts by consulting what classics learned before you. Cheers.


In a global world of near-200 countries united by social media, the writer has a crucial role that calls for Ukraine courage in standing up to the oppressive tech that aims to wear down the human creative power in order to snag more users enabling greater market share. Writers at all levels have the gift of courage to revise the big tech tyrabby. Expressing feelings is the very essence of being human. It began in cave days when humans turned animal grunts into "hi." Shy or frustrated about imperfect main language English? Take the dare, dive in & say it. Your way of expressing the feeling just may spark a new ange on the feeling in a reader or two anywhere in the world. That's Ukraine courage in its glorious small nation stand against illegal bully Russia. PPl all over the world have been touched to become allies. God bless, internationalist writer helenfogarassy.com.


Artificial Intelligence. All the rage now. Will it take our jobs or get smart enough to turn on us? Meanwhile, wgat happens to our human brains when we stop using it & give its functions to AI? Anybody's who's ever played a wrod game, written a poem or had a heart0to-heart talk w/ a friend in need knows the joy of hf plain old human feeling & thinking. That's the Ukraine spirit inspiring the world as it fights for freedom against the Russian oppressor. Join in support of Ukraine everywhere, including at faithful fan base hekenfogarassy.com.


What a journey, activating the comments function on the website. Seems it may be possible w/ a "setting" adjustment on the WP dahsboard. But, it's taken a month to discover that simple solution. Been thru Godaddy, lists of developers whose numbers no longer work, others who dismiss the puny project & will only take on a retainer client. Just went thru a couple of bad developers like that, will not do it again. And throughout all this, I draw on the Ukrainian tenacity to keep at it. If the can fight the Russians in the cold to defend their homeland against Russian invasion, I can try just one more way to solve the invasion of my creative process by a bunch of philistine techies. Cheers for a spirited internationalist world of good wiil, helenfogarassy.com.


"Slow down, you move too fast" is the 59th St Vridge song that applies more than ever to today's tech age. Full of fly-by-night snake-oil ads. "We'll fix it in 30 minutes," they promise. Call, nobody there. Who's in charhe here? We the peoplemust take it back before we go nuts. "Scream & shout" every time you get duped or suckere. Follow Ukraine w/ the emotional courage to say, "F- you" & post a negative reviews about a bad actor. God bless, internatioalist writer helenfogarassy.com.


Empathy, feel as one w/ another, sympathy, feel together w/ another. Difference? Emotional investment. Feel sympathy for polar bears
& a contribution relieves the sad feeling. Feel empathy w/ the Palestinian woman who just gave birth & you stay on the emotional journey w/ her on not knowing what's happening to her baby w/o an incubator. Wrenching emotional journey that demands action even if just a phone call to a trusted friend to share feeling. That's the depth of emotional courage America needs emergency transfusion from Ukraine right now. It's the B vitamin that emotionally anemic America needs right now from Ukraine ASAP. It'll get Russia out of Ukraine & give the world a happy Thansgiving. Cheers, internationalist writer helnfogarassy.com.


It took mor nearly 200 yrs for humans to realize ill effects od industrial revolution, both social & environmental. Should take less to realize ill effects od tech revolution in loss of vital human nuances that serve as social signals. Body language, fliminiscule facial hints voice fluctuations, exact right words to express an idea. The writer's challenge is to put words into those empty spaces ti give more potency to the experience in comination w/ other sensory data input. That's the stoic nguish of Ukraine front line soldiers that the world lacks enough empathic understanding to make Russia stop its senseless assault. "Til we fix the comments tech snag, please do sgare your thoughts here or un an email spelled out on the site "contact Us". At least we were able to get that done. Cheers from helenfogarassy.com.


"To be or not to be." One of the greatest questions of all time that is the province of every writer since W***y Shakespeare. We contemplate, reach some conclusions & put out into the world only to make better. Trust is the word to contemplate in the global world of todat. Ukraine & US dems prove that we can trust in the attainment of democratic ideals. They fight for those ideals using democratic tools. Russia van be trusted to destroy them "& Israel at present can be trusted to ignore the democratic principle of compassion for Palestinians. Ponder, conclude & post conclusions here as we repair helenfogarassy.com to receive your comments. Happy thinking, cheers.


Apologies to all visitors who have tried to leave a comment at helenfogarassy.com. Just realized the "leave comment" buttons got lost somewhere in the process of galso directing comments to a communal page. Will be fixed ASAP. Anyone w/ suggestions about techies interested in working on an internationalist website can contact us at [email protected] or [email protected]. Teamwork. Ukraine has certainly shown us the power of that amazing energy generator. Cheers, thanks & hang in.


The world has its hair on fire over the poor Palestinian peple. Big bad Israel is to blame but there seems no mention of the real issues involved but as usual and like Charlie Brown in the Peanuts cartoon, the US is the fall-guy. Arab countries meetin in a Ryadh Summit are accusing the West of hypocrisy for quickly denouncing Russia's violation of international law while not denouncing Israel for the same crime....

The world has its hair on fire over the poor Palestinian peple. Big bad Israel is to blame but there seems no mention of the real issues involved but as usual and like Charlie Brown in the Peanuts cartoon, the US is the fall-guy. Arab countries meetin in a Ryadh Summit are accusing the West […]


Global world of near-200 countries in a tizzy, up in alarm. vut internationalist writers see a an exciting swirl of guests at parties rubbing elbows & finding new possibilities for resolving global conflicts. Arab countries in Riyadh call out Western countries for not condemning Israel treatment of Palestinians in hunting Hamas. They stay mum on Russia committing same crimes as Israel in Ukraine. Next week 40 Pacific rim countries meet w/ China & US at center. That's a quarter of the world's countries, most on the fence about supporting Ukraine. Ah, can these two groups push for the obvious first need of getting Russia out of Ukraine? Geather in the cap for somebody finally bringing about the Salva Ukraine so Ukraine can help ham-fisted Israel get rid of Hamas without alienating the whole world. Ah, humans, what a delight to internationalists @ helenfogarassy.com.


Russia invaded Ukraine b/c he figured the soft "West" would never hold out against the brutality of yrttotist forces. Ukraine proved him wrong by inspiring the world w/ its courage & savvy. Ukraine roused the sleepy empathy of the West, brought out its forgotten ability to be resilient& durable. Important lesson for internationalist writers at helenfogarassy.com. Empathic pain w/ another who suffers can relieve or lesses the discomfort you experience w/ your own pain. That's b/c pain receptors throughout the body don't register as "hurt" until they reach the brain. So So toss out your pain med scrps. Reach out to a Ukraine front line real sufferer instead & visit helenfogarassy.com.


Carns now drive themselves abd a crash gets personal injury hacks running with ready lawsuits. Just found out the links on this site don't work but negligence lawyers don't handle website woes, which puts me in the same legal boat with Ukraine. The lucky developed West has the infrastructure to make laws protecting their citizebs but the luckiest leading US not only resists new laws but has few enforcers willing to handle anything other than easy cookie-cutter cases....

Carns now drive themselves abd a crash gets personal injury hacks running with ready lawsuits. Just found out the links on this site don’t work but negligence lawyers don’t handle website woes, which puts me in the same legal boat with Ukraine. The lucky developed West has the infrastructure to ...


Platitudes. Lip service. Happens when a society gets stale. Like 7-yr itch in marriage w/ partners bored, take comfort of companionship for granted. "Democracy," God bless America" & "LI love you" jave become platitudes in America. No question that Ukrainians really mean what they say w/ "Slava Ukraine" as they slog on through mineRussian minetraps in defending our American democratic values. Support them here
& at helenfogarassy.com.


Like many artists, American writer Truman Capote was a troubled man. Je had a skill-set under-appreciated in modernworld even more acutely troubling in a global world of near-200 countries. Their senses areare tuned to the most sensitive reading. "Most ppl go out & feel & notice sunshine," Capote said. "I go out & my senses are on fire w/ sounds, smellsa hundred colliding images." That's a paraphrase but the experience is true for the gifted superhuman. Internationalist writers nurture the gift & find ways to make it socially useful & appropriately compensated, whrther in the poorest refugee camp or inthe swankiest Swiss chalet. Join us at helenfogarassy.com. Cheers.


Tao, the ancient Chinese road to wisdom. The value of wisdom has been overrun by the global digital rush for heaven on earth right here and right now, but Ukraine reminds the world of near-200 countries that the timeline of history does matter. The nuclear bomb that decided the outcome of WWII is still very much in play as WWII questions simmer and boil unresolved....

Tao, the ancient Chinese road to wisdom. The value of wisdom has been overrun by the global digital rush for heaven on earth right here and right now, but Ukraine reminds the world of near-200 countries that the timeline of history does matter. The nuclear bomb that decided the outcome of WWII is st...


Writers are artists who notice things about life that more pragmatic ppl miss. In the global digital world when everybody Writes," writer on the prowl for tright word to go w/ a thought can be irnored or put dowm as ""pretentious." Hah! That's the hard scrabble of of public opinion that builds a writer into a gourmet wordsmith w/ impeccable confidence in the accurate correlation of thought, word & reality. Keep at it, scrines, at internationalist writer helenfogarassy.com.


Global world of near-200 countries is full of development opportunities, Impediment worldwide is conflict wgen there is no legal system in place or when it is defied or challenged as is happening now in US by Trump MAGA, in Ukraine by Russian invasion
& in Mideast Gaza where Palestinians are caught in ?Israe-Hamas crossfire. Addressing all those trouble spots starts the same way everywhere, in your own backyard. See lawlessness? Find out just how hard it is to clean it up but do take the first step & sfeel empowered, grandest feeling in the world. Then continue, one ste after another 'til you have a workable internationalist world as at helenfogarassy.com.


Internayionalists at helenfogarassy.com say "Let's bring back human." AI just don't cut it. Beatles last song just released finished by AI. Ain't got the spirit. Microsoft replaced human editors w/ AI months ago, turns out fake news all over. Writers strike & actors strike settled w/ studio profit aims in the mix. See anything exciting on TV of late aside from gunmen driven to violence due to frustration? Come on humans, use your smarts. Natural law is the bottom line. If it doesn't feel right, it isn't & that's a call to set it straight. Happy Ukraine invaded by nasty Russia for no reason & Russia allowed to commit war crimes there for 3 yrs w/o world able to stop it? That's wrong. Vomplain to country heads of near-200 countries.Hey, the digital/social/I world is insane. Marie Osmond was reported as dead , then she got Tik-tocked that she wasn't/ Unscramble this frazzled world one step at a tim. Free Ukraine from invader Russia, all else falls into place. Cheers.


Emotional courage. Global world of near-200 countries can find it now by speaking out over violations of intenational law in the Mideast & Ukraine. Clearest test is illegal Russian invasion of Ukraine followed by non-stop shelling of civilians as now also happens in Mideast. Care about achieving a rational world beyond platitudes , name calling & blame? Join internationalists @ helenfogarassy.com.


Nobody knows why the dinosaurs died out but we know humans will die out when machines take over the delightful hu brain functions that makr life worth living through all its agonies. Westerm tech headed by US pushes easier way to riches & dominant power but it misses the central human codefault signal ling that something is wrong. Israel missed warning signs of Hamas attack, now lashes out lawlessly vs Palestinians thought to be human shields for terrorist Hamas, How 'bout wglobal world of near-200 countries staying on message to see the hand of Russian mischief behind the global mess? Can't see it? Look at courageous Ukraine, keeping faith w/ global allies as they ebb & flow in tending to their own ongoing domestic pressures. It's a global world full of near-200 different national challenges but all united by one central, universal psychologigal question. Do you want to be happy & free like Ukraine or do you want to be safe under the yoke of fear like Russia & US Rebub MAGA?


The Mideast conflict between Israel and Hamas has turned into a global wilfire. Maybe that's because Russia couldn't make Ukraine become one. Russia straddles Europe and Asia. It has been trying to lasso both into its stavle for the last 100 years. It basically owned half of both continents for for near-50 years during the Cold War with Russian Communism battling Western Democracy all over the world....

Ukraine has saved the US from falling for Russia's set-up. Ukraine can do that for the US in the Mideast if set free from Eussia.


The Vible is not just a Holy Book but a book of wisdom, as all holy books should be. The Old Testament advised ppl to not bother w/ throwing pearls (of wisdom) to swine. But "Animal Farm" showed that swine are actually very smart so project that wisdom into the social media world of today as a writer. Wriyers love words & the art of matcging the right word w/ the deepest, newest angle on an idea. Such good writing may be ignored or scoffed by social media swine at first. But the smart ones will respond & your flocherd of smart swine starts to swell & grab the attention of the farmers in charge of world affairs. Join us at helenfogarassy.com.


When in doubt, pull out the classicsfables, legends, parables, saings/ TThe rale of the "3 little pigs" speaks to us now. TEach of two little piggies built quick houses of sticks stones, the big bad wolf bblew them down & little piggies ran to the sturdy brick house of third. There squealed in united delight as the big bad wolf outside huffed & puffed but couldn't blow down the house. Choose you friends wisely & pay attention to their works. China's belt & silk plan has hit snags, including 3 train wrecks in India on tracks & trains made vy China. West may be suspect for past behaviors but its vut itthe democratic process demands constant learning. Ukraine savvy is the best barometer for whom to trust. Its values are solid gold like the brick house of the third little piggy. God bless internationalists @ hekenfogarassy.com.




The US is giving a lot of money to help Ukraine defend itself afainst an illegal Russian invasion that began 10 years ago. But the US is not fighting that war with boots on the ground. It doesn't know how thin that money must be spread and how much ingenuity Ukraine uses to make up the shortfall. Ukraine's engineen pilots have been described as quick studies on sophisticated F-16 fighter jets....

The US is giving a lot of money to help Ukraine defend itself afainst an illegal Russian invasion that began 10 years ago. But the US is not fighting that war with boots on the ground. It doesn’t know how thin that money must be spread and how much ingenuity Ukraine uses to make up […]


"People,who need ppl are the luckiest in the world" and "Only the lonely." Two songs expressing Western concerns alien to much of "the Rest." The joys of rugged individualism vs the security of tight-knit community. Those are not opposites but two polar options to be negotiated by communities at all levels but not imposed at any level, certainly not on others. Russia may like a sheeplike flock mentality for its ppl, It has no right to impose it on freedom living Ukraine. Help us spread such messages by supporting helenfogarassy.com w/ comments & donations. It's helen's b'day & she's one of the luckiest ppl in the world b/c she needs you. Thanks, God bless.


"We're the new owners. We're nice people and we're here living the American dream," That was the head of the Mexivan fanily at the start of the pandemic after buying the double-lot house for a song from an absentee landlord who didn't want to deal wit the paperwork of tenant rent abatement. "We want no rent. We just want you out," the new owner continued, adding that he'd assumed the electrical account....

“We’re the new owners. We’re nice people and we’re here living the American dream,” That was the head of the Mexivan fanily at the start of the pandemic after buying the double-lot house for a song from an absentee landlord who didn’t want to deal wit the paperwork of tenant rent abateme...


Writers like all artists see things others don't. They see connections, similarities, details & funny accidents, Let us know what you think about the Middle East & especially about Ukraine's valiant fight against Russian aggresssion, the same violations of international law that is being used in Gaza right now. hWe want to hear from you, thanks at hel helenfogarassy.com..


"The one thing a writer needs is a 100% accuratebs detector Hemingway. He also wrote that what is written is the visible part of an iceberg. 99% od riting is the thought that goes into the finished product. Useful tools for a global world of near-200 countries. Ukraine's defense of itself against lawless invader Russia is a good example of those at work. Good guide for unraveling the more complex Gaza crisis. The internayionalist way at helenfogarassy.com where we prove that the metaphorical pen really is more mighty than the sword. Cheers.


End of October is anniversary of 1956 Hungarian Revolution. Hungarians fought bravely for 2 wks against Soviet oppressors confident America had their back. Then Suez crisis intervened, America was distracted & Hungarian fight was crushed by Soviets. Since then, America has made similar mistakes, in Vietnam, Somalia & Itaq, as examples. But what makes America great is that it learns from its mistakes. Not easy, but good forces prevail until they win. Russia has not learned, as obvious from its invasion & doubling down on atrocities in Ukraine. China has not learned, as judged by "disappearance" of top biz moguls & poliyicos. Hot tip for global up-and-comers. Put your money on America. Might have to work hard to get your share among the grubbing "too big to fails." Vut rest assured that w/ your input, America will learn, just as it is doing in alliance w/ aHungarian0American writer at helenfogarassy.com, 100^ behind Ukraine defending itself against Russian invasion. Cheers.


Internationalist world of near-200 countries calls for changes in attitude on the part of all. Ukraine defending itselg against Russian invasion is good template. Innovative smarts, courage & media savvy have won it the allied support needed to be happy in freedom. Gives opportunity for other countries to step forward & declare their own aims. Is the creativity of freedom worth the fight or would we rather get by under powers aggressive enough to win the right to rule over us? Weigh inw/ other internationalist writers at helenfogarassy.com.


Hooray. United Nations Security Coulcil waking up, speaking out, getting heated. Rule of law at stake. Who is violating human rights law more, Israel or Hamas? Is intention harm worse than collateral damage? Great issues for debate of global world's near-200 countries. The answers are clear in Russia's invasion of Ukraine & its continued targeting of civiliansm clearly a violation of international law. Any country worth your salt, weigh in to make Russia stop its crimes in Ukraine. Out in your two-cents worth at helenfogarassy.com.


I was just finishing a post here when Microsoft started sending messages & when I dismissed them, I was cut pff, lost the entire post. That makes me very angry. The post was all about how big biz/big tech is leading us around theby the nose like Russia wants to do to Ukraine. When did Google get the right to tell me I can't use words than five letters long if or it won't pick up what I have to say. We the peple of America must take our cue from Ukraine, get the courage & fury to say "get offa my cloud," y, googleyou glutton. Gottago now. Microsoft's muddling again. cheers from helenfogarassy.com.


Got something to say about current affairs, whether in the Mideast, Ukraine, the US or Russia? Find the courage to do it & then do it safely at helenfogarassy.com. We;re writers. We don't judge, just sstate our views based on our observations about all that happens. Self-expression is a great joy to us. An appreciative audience is priceless to us as we get better at what we do by sharing. Ukraine does it best w/ its courage to state its struggle for freedom against Russian invasion w/ a happy s, innovative spirit that inspires. God bless.


Truth. Subject of human exploration from Garden of Eden forward. Writers are specialists in searching for truth through the most precise way possible, the correlation of thought w/ word rendered in a form comprehensible to another person. Spread that search across a global world of near-200 countries, that's a big job. But given the breain & heart power of ppls in near-200 countries, the challenge is inviting, not daunting. Join us at helenfogarassy.com. Cheers.


Sublimate. Turn the energy of raw emotion into a higher goal for social good. Global demonstrations ober Israel Hamas conflict center on outrage on either one side or the other. In contrast, Ukraine defense of itself against Russian invasion is a well planned & executed action plan for defense of global democracy. In a global world of near-200 countries at all stages of economic & social development, choose allies based on higher goals & not on primitive emotions like lust for power. That's the modern internationalist way at helenfogarassy.com.


Relativity in a global world of near-200 countries, means the life you're used to living in context of social media digital reality mixing fantasy w/ realistic goals. Litmus test id plan of action for acieving the future envisioned. Calls for laying out of steps to get from here to there. In Mideast current dynamite powdwe keg, global outrage at Palestinian outrage inflicted by Israel under threat from Palestinian based terrorists sponsored by outside parties. Democratic benevolent supporters of painstaking dialogue are now turned into a dangerous mob by social media w/ algorithms set for trigger happy base reactions rather than boring long-range solutions. Want a clearer model? Ukraine is fighting ior freedom from aggressor Russia.


Ryssia/China boast of a peace plan for the explosive Mideast crisis still unfolding.Based on track record, their solution is to shoot everybody who didn't comply w/ a cease-fire order. Vased on portfolio of associates, this would leave nothing but cowards, todies & zombies. The democratic peace plan takes a lot of work, smarts, learning to trust courage to take a chance on trust & having the framework of allies to recover from betrayal. Make. Leads to a country of happy ppl w/ helpful friends like Ukraine able to fight off physical bullies like Russia, financil bullies like China, nutty bullies like N Korea & unknown variables like currently many of world's near-200 countries. Join us writers for a better world at helenfogarassy.com.


Mediocrity vs middle class applies to ppl as well as to world's near-200 countries. Mediocrity means accepting things as they are, having no higher aspirations. Communist & totalitarian countries like China & Russia aim to mak zombies. US Big Tech & Big Biz aims to do same. But "we the ppl" of America are bold like Ukraine. We love our cultur, love our fune
& love our freedom. The last thing we want is to be terrorized by anyone for any reason. We're internationalists like visitors to helenfogarassy.com.e their ppl mediocre, milk-toast, malleable, docile.



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