All Things Social Media - Preston McClellan

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All Things Social Media - Preston McClellan I've been on social media since 2006 when I sent my first text-only tweet from my Motorola RAZR phone. Join me for info on all things social media.

I've been on Instagram so long that my username is just .

  to my  experience back in 2013, when wearing undershirts was apparently still a thing.

to my experience back in 2013, when wearing undershirts was apparently still a thing.


Ah, putting practice. I’ve always had trouble making myself do this because I find it so boring. But, I’ve been leaving a ton of strokes on the course by missing 4-10 foot putts. ⁣

This is my favorite drill. Reps on reps on reps. My course has these smaller cups that barely fit the golf ball and simulate making a putt dead in the center. I make 100 of these (not in a row) just to get used to making putts and hitting the center of the hole. After these, the cup on the course seems a whole lot bigger.

March 30, 2020 (left) —> March 29, 2021 (right). ⁣⁣Change. Takes. Times. When the pandemic hit last year, a lot of thing...

March 30, 2020 (left) —> March 29, 2021 (right). ⁣

Change. Takes. Times. When the pandemic hit last year, a lot of things were uncertain. I knew I was unlikely to travel for work for a while, and I needed something to fill the time. I’ve lifted weights fairly consistently since 2011, but I had never really committed and definitely never focused on my nutrition. I figured I’d do it for a few months and see what happened.⁣

I got hooked, and I realized it’s really not that hard. And, it’s FUN! I’ve learned so much along the way and had so much help from so many people. And I’m excited to see how far we can go. ⁣

The crazy thing in this photo is that I actually weigh 10 pounds less today than last year but look significantly bigger. ⁣

Bring on the next year of change! Thanks to , , , and many others who have been a huge help.


A year ago 315 was my one rep Max. Today, I repped it for 6 reps with plenty more in the tank. Amazing what your body can do with some dedication and consistency. Super excited to see what the rest of the spring and summer hold for me, including my first powerlifting meet later this summer.


Getting in a little bit of golf for myself before I watch a whoooole lot of golf next week at !

That “it’s 80 degrees out and I haven’t looked at my email in 48 hours” kind of feeling. Loving exploring Treasure Islan...

That “it’s 80 degrees out and I haven’t looked at my email in 48 hours” kind of feeling. Loving exploring Treasure Island and St. Pete Beach with !


Bad golf happens, too. Instagram tends to be our greatest hits (me included), so I wanted to post what my swing looks like after a month off with no swings. ⁣

Florida rain/weather + my work schedule have limited my golf practice time (first world problems, I know). I VERY quickly fall into bad habits if I don’t hit range balls at least once per week, and it’s time for me to see . A quick summary of what’s wrong in this swing:⁣

- Starts with set up. I’m lined up left of my target with my feet and right of my target with my shoulders. Recipe for disaster. ⁣
- I have no motion/loading into my back leg (you’ll see my left leg remains bent the whole time where it should be almost completely straight at the top) ⁣
- No release of my front leg on the back swing to free my hands to fall into the proper plane⁣

Result is me leaning to far into the shot on the backswing and getting way, way stuck behind it at impact. This cause a massive dispersion in my misses with some going 100 yards left with a high block cut and some 100 yards right with a low duck hook. ⁣

Upward and onward!

  to meeting this legend in 2018. On the 25th anniversary of Happy Gilmore, I can assure you the Shooter is still shooti...

to meeting this legend in 2018. On the 25th anniversary of Happy Gilmore, I can assure you the Shooter is still shooting. Oh the stories could tell from that man.

Bulking. Isn’t. Fun. But it’s necessary to grow and get stronger. More on what I’ve been up to this winter and plans for...

Bulking. Isn’t. Fun. But it’s necessary to grow and get stronger. More on what I’ve been up to this winter and plans for the summer:⁣⁣⁣⁣
Pictures of me from today on the right (peak of my bulk) and start of October 2020 on the left (at my most shredded). 142 pounds in the photo on the left, 159 pounds today in the photo on the right.
Loved the way I looked shredded, but I peaked in my strength gains. Deadlift, squat, and bench progression stalled. I still looked small in clothes and was wearing size small. I knew I would need to get uncomfortable this winter and put on size.⁣⁣⁣⁣
So, I put on 17 pounds in about 3 months. Intentionally. Eating between 3,200 and 3,900 calories per day. ⁣⁣
Now, it’s time to cut this back down and hopefully sit around 150lbs and get back to 5-8% body fat while maintaining all of my powerlifting gains. Currently at about 12.5% body fat after the bulk. ⁣⁣I also want to hit a 1,000 pound powerlifting total (squat, bench, deadlift) while sitting at a lower weight. 2021 goals established. ⁣⁣
Shout out to for the help so far and can’t wait to see what 6 weeks from now looks like. ⁣⁣My man helped me unlock a ton of strength gains and as always shoutout to the OG for all his help. ⁣⁣
But is always the real MVP! She’s such an inspiration and it’s so much easier for me to reach for my fitness goals when I see everything she’s accomplished and continues to accomplish. ⁣⁣
The point of this post is to remind everyone that changing your body is really hard, but it’s 100% possible if you put in the work. I have the worst genetics of all time. My natural weight if I ate intuitively would be about 115-120. That’s what I weighed my senior year of college 8 years ago. I’m now 40 pounds heavier, and it’s a slow process. ⁣⁣⁣⁣
But, it’s so much fun once you realize everything is in your control. ⁣⁣⁣

Bulking. Isn’t. Fun. But it’s necessary to grow and get stronger. More on what I’ve been up to this winter and plans for...

Bulking. Isn’t. Fun. But it’s necessary to grow and get stronger. More on what I’ve been up to this winter and plans for the summer:⁣⁣⁣⁣
Pictures of me from today on the right (peak of my bulk) and start of October 2020 on the left (at my most shredded). 142 pounds in the photo on the left, 159 pounds today in the photo on the right.
Loved the way I looked shredded, but I peaked in my strength gains. Deadlift, squat, and bench progression stalled. I still looked small in clothes and was wearing size small. I knew I would need to get uncomfortable this winter and put on size.⁣⁣⁣⁣
So, I put on 17 pounds in about 3 months. Intentionally. Eating between 3,200 and 3,900 calories per day. ⁣⁣
Now, it’s time to cut this back down and hopefully sit around 150lbs and get back to 5-8% body fat while maintaining all of my powerlifting gains. Currently at about 12.5% body fat after the bulk. ⁣⁣I also want to hit a 1,000 pound powerlifting total (squat, bench, deadlift) while sitting at a lower weight. 2021 goals established. ⁣⁣
Shout out to for the help so far and can’t wait to see what 6 weeks from now looks like. ⁣⁣My man helped me unlock a ton of strength gains and as always shoutout to the OG for all his help. ⁣⁣
But is always the real MVP! She’s such an inspiration and it’s so much easier for me to reach for my fitness goals when I see everything she’s accomplished and continues to accomplish. ⁣⁣
The point of this post is to remind everyone that changing your body is really hard, but it’s 100% possible if you put in the work. I have the worst genetics of all time. My natural weight if I ate intuitively would be about 115-120. That’s what I weighed my senior year of college 8 years ago. I’m now 40 pounds heavier, and it’s a slow process. ⁣⁣⁣⁣
But, it’s so much fun once you realize everything is in your control. ⁣⁣⁣


One week of some small progress after a bit of feedback from . On the left is last week. You can see the club at the top going a bit across plane, and my wrists don’t really shallow out. ⁣⁣
On the right, I keep a much better angle at the top of my swing that allows my wrists to more easily shallow a bit. I still need to make the shallowing move a bit more noticeable and then also continue to open my hips a bit more at impact. But we’re getting there! ⁣
# golf ⛳️


Still working with on getting taller in my backswing (straightening my back leg) and flexing my lead wrist a little more, but this is the most consistent move I’ve had at the ball since my competitive days. ⁣

Excited for what 2021 holds for my golf game. Might have to try out a few tournaments to test myself and my swing! Goals for this year include breaking 70 for the first time since I was a teenager and finishing top 10 at a competitive local amateur event. ⁣

What are your golf goals in 2021?

Thankful for our first Christmas in Florida in a real home! I’ve lived here since 2015 but have only spent one Christmas...

Thankful for our first Christmas in Florida in a real home! I’ve lived here since 2015 but have only spent one Christmas here (was always going to Ohio or TN) and even that one was spent at a rental home with ’s parents. The ability to cook our own food, get lifts in at , and still see our family and get in the holiday spirit is something I didn’t know how much I’d appreciate. Merry Christmas to you and yours today! Go lift some heavy things and eat a lot of food.


Full send only. Love being confident enough in my driver these days to give it a rip when the chance presents itself!


Trying to get as many range reps in as possible this winter before I start traveling again in January. Stoked on the progress and I have made in just three session over about 10 weeks. Better position at the top, slight shallowing of my hands (still needs a bit of improvement), and finally getting to my right side and rotating my hips. ⁣

This is me hitting a low bullet cut with my driver...on purpose! Something I’d never thought I could do. Back at it later today on the range.


Little deadlift work from yesterday. Standing on one plate for a deficit that makes the initial pull off the ground more challenging. 355 lbs is my top set here - more than I’ve ever pulled even without a deficit. I also only weighed 145lbs yesterday.⁣

Hoping to get to 4 plates (405lbs) by the end of this year which should be attainable with the increased food I’m adding in for this bulk.


Still working on get my hands to shallow at the top, but we’re getting there. I’ve started to see my ball flight come down a bit - one of my goals currently. ⁣

New course today for me with Eagle Harbor down in Fleming Island. Fun track and in great shape with all the rain we’ve had down here. ⁣


“You ready to go back to Florida and eat all the food?” - me ⁣⁣“Duh!” - ⁣⁣Excited to head home tomorrow after a solid tw...

“You ready to go back to Florida and eat all the food?” - me ⁣

“Duh!” - ⁣

Excited to head home tomorrow after a solid two week trip. We’re coming back with two top-5 national finishes for Kiki and a whole lot of motivation to get after it for the rest of the year. ⁣

Nothing like a little trip out of the city and to Kiki’s farm to reset and get some perspective. 2020 has been weird as hell, but I’m so proud of what we’ve still been able to accomplish. Let’s roll!


Anyone used ’s before? Been trying it out to get the right feel of shallowing out my down swing and reducing wrist flexion. It feels pretty good!


Ohio golf man. Nothing like bent grass fairways and greens and the confidence of not having water on every hole (ahem, Florida). Still working on shallowing things out but pretty happy with this move with the driver. Finally getting some consistency!


Continuing the lifting protocol up here in Ohio. Here’s an ugly but successful PR from me on Tuesday. Pulled 340lbs while weighing in at 142 that morning. ⁣

I need to work on setting my lats/shoulders back a bit, but at least I got it off the ground!

Good luck to this babe tomorrow at ! I know she’s going to kill it on the stage for the 2nd time in four days. Then, it’...

Good luck to this babe tomorrow at ! I know she’s going to kill it on the stage for the 2nd time in four days. Then, it’s time for 🥯🌮🧆🍛🥟🍦🍩(emoji talk for alllll the food)!


Going after one with the driver today while on some vacation time in Charleston. Feels great to have some confidence with the driver again.


Little action from yesterday evening’s post work range session. I’m heading to Ohio next week and so excited to get back on Bent grass greens for a little bit. Bent > Bermuda. Who’s with me?

A day late but happy   to these two goobers. They run our lives but we wouldn’t have it any other way! Gemma —> Brutus. ...

A day late but happy to these two goobers. They run our lives but we wouldn’t have it any other way! Gemma —> Brutus. @ Isle of Palms


Getting closer to getting that new wrist set position at the top!


Not all swings are good! Here’s a good example of what I’m trying not to do. Backswing gets short and I get stuck behind it with almost no lateral hip movement. Progress to come - peep the Gary Player step through at the end to stop it from going left.


First time in 17 this year. Did I hit the green?


First practice session after my lesson yesterday with . Working on 2 main things: ⁣

1. Once I get to the top, making my first move to be a little curl with my left wrist to flatten the plane and create room for my hips to move through the ball. ⁣
2. You’ll see this in that Wolff style pre shot trigger. Working on not having my right hip bend outward but instead clearing out of the way for my hands to have room to get to the ball.⁣

More rotation. Less bend. A little flatter. Should be an interesting few weeks of practice

Swipe ➡️: My current swing sequence. Working on a few things but excited to work with  today and see what improvements w...

Swipe ➡️: My current swing sequence. Working on a few things but excited to work with today and see what improvements we can make. @ Jax Beach Golf Club

How do I know I’m 30? Because this picture gives me so much damn happiness. When we moved into this house, the yard was ...

How do I know I’m 30? Because this picture gives me so much damn happiness. When we moved into this house, the yard was 100% dead and brown. ⁣

Finally got it to where I want it this summer. Being a golf nerd, I of course decided to grow zoysia grass. 🤷🏼‍♂️⛳️



(901) 351-7322



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