If you’re trying to boost views on your Instagram posts and reels, here’s a crucial insight:
I used to believed Instagram users spent most of their time on their feed. However, it turns out time is spent more on DMs and stories.
For businesses and personal brands trying to grow their audience, the focus should be on creating share-worthy content. This approach not only enhances engagement but also aligns with Instagram’s algorithm, which favors content that is shared and saved.
What makes content share-worthy? Based on my approach, it’s content that evokes emotion, whether it’s to inspire, entertain, or provoke thought.
Like this post. It starts with the statement, “Fear does not exist,” immediately challenging conventional thinking. Without further explanation this is an asinine claim. It’s followed by, “False Evidence Appearing Real,” which keeps viewers hooked. By the end of the reel, viewers are left with a transformed perspective on fear, compelling them to share it with others.
For restaurant owners, think about creating content around a dish in such a way that makes someone say, “This is vegan but it looks so delicious we have to try it!” For service providers, imagine creating content that leaves your audience thinking, “This content is so satisfying. If I ever need my carpet cleaned, this is the company to call. They clearly know what they’re doing.”
To summarize, knowing where your audience spends their time on Instagram and providing content that resonates with them can significantly boost your visibility and engagement. Focus on creating content that people want to talk about!!