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Since the start of Israel’s war on Gaza, occupied East Jerusalem has had its share of bloodshed and retaliatory action b...

Since the start of Israel’s war on Gaza, occupied East Jerusalem has had its share of bloodshed and retaliatory action by Israeli authorities.

Between October 7 and November 18, 2023, local and international media organizations have reported that in East Jerusalem, at least:

- 17 Palestinians, including children, were killed at the hands of Israeli forces.

- 567 Palestinians were arrested.

- 49 banning or deportation decisions were issued against Palestinians, including these categories: banning from al-Aqsa Mosque; banning from specific streets or areas of the city in both East and West Jerusalem; banning from the Old City; deportation from the city of Jerusalem; and banning from entering the rest of the West Bank; many of these followed upon arrests.

- At least NIS 150,000 in fines were issued to families of Palestinian prisoners.

Many Palestinian neighborhoods were raided by security forces, including: Shu’fat refugee camp, Beit Hanina, al-‘Isawiyya, Jabal Mukabbir, al-Tur, Suwana, Ras al-Amud, Bilal, Wadi al-Joz, Silwan, ‘Anata, Sur Bahir, and the Old City.

Other punitive and silencing actions Israeli forces have inflicted upon Palestinian Jerusalemites include: confiscating cars; seizing gold from stormed houses; raiding schools and searching students’ backpacks and personal phones; fining business owners, drivers, and families; compelling intrusive public physical searches of students and children; and monitoring Palestinians’ phones and social media activity.

With speed and determination, the Armenian community of Jerusalem has organized itself to stand up to Israeli attempts t...

With speed and determination, the Armenian community of Jerusalem has organized itself to stand up to Israeli attempts to seize historic and vital Armenian communal property in the area of the Cows’ Garden. Since the Armenian Patriarchate sent written notice of its cancellation of a controversial land lease deal last month, aggression against the Armenian Quarter and its residents has only risen as developer X**a Gardens attempts to violently seize the land despite the change in status and the pending court case.

For more on this story, visit

Scenes from around al-Aqsa Mosque today, where Israeli forces continued to impose sweeping restrictions on Muslims wishi...

Scenes from around al-Aqsa Mosque today, where Israeli forces continued to impose sweeping restrictions on Muslims wishing to perform Friday prayers at al-Aqsa Mosque, the third holiest site in the world in Islam.

Chaos erupted at some entry points as worshipers were frustrated at a sixth consecutive week of closure. Entry to mosque was only allowed for those aged 60 and above. And entry to Jerusalem’s Old City was not easy for non-residents.

Fridays normally see 40,000 to 60,000 attending prayers. Since October 7, these numbers have plummeted to an average of 5,000 each Friday.

How is Jerusalem being affected by the war on Gaza? At a Roundtable organized by Daoud Kuttab for Jerusalem Story, four ...

How is Jerusalem being affected by the war on Gaza? At a Roundtable organized by Daoud Kuttab for Jerusalem Story, four Palestinian Jerusalemites reflected on this question, one month on.

Munir Nuseibah

Read the full discussion:

Palestinians in East Jerusalem, as elsewhere, are experiencing an unprecedented clampdown on their freedom of expression...

Palestinians in East Jerusalem, as elsewhere, are experiencing an unprecedented clampdown on their freedom of expression by Israeli authorities. Here are some of their (whispered) voices from this past week, even before the passage of yesterday’s new draconian law criminalizing “consumption of terrorist publications.” The stakes could not be higher: In today’s Jerusalem, the wrong expression on social media can result in violent detention (even from one’s home in the middle of the night), home arrest, fines, or revocation of residency.

As Israel relentlessly bombs Gaza, the situation in Jerusalem is flying a bit under the radar. But Israeli authorities t...

As Israel relentlessly bombs Gaza, the situation in Jerusalem is flying a bit under the radar. But Israeli authorities there are also turning up the pressure cooker in various ways.

One of them is demolition of structures, both commercial and residential, largely private homes.

This carousel provides an update on developments from October 7 to October 31.

This is not the Jerusalem you think you know. Visit our website to learn more.

This is not the Jerusalem you think you know.

Visit our website to learn more.

On this day in 1917, the United Kingdom issued a public statement that the government “view with favour the establishmen...

On this day in 1917, the United Kingdom issued a public statement that the government “view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people.” It was called the Balfour Declaration after the name of the British Foreign Secretary Arthur Balfour, in whose name it was signed.

By 1929, Palestinians and many Arabs were commemorating November 2 with a day of mourning, as indicated by the black flags seen in these photos taken in the Old City of Jerusalem in 1929. It was called Mourning of Balfour Day.

In the first photo, the second man from the left wears a prominent sash across his chest, which says “honor thy martyrs,” signifying deep respect and remembrance. In the backdrop, the iconic Old City of Jerusalem stands tall. Meanwhile, the same man holds a collection box on behalf of the Emergency Relief Committee, offering support to afflicted Palestinian families during challenging times.

The controversial land deal made by the Armenian Patriarch and vehemently rejected by the Armenian community in Jerusale...

The controversial land deal made by the Armenian Patriarch and vehemently rejected by the Armenian community in Jerusalem has been cancelled by the Patriarch as of October 26, it was announced today. A continuous campaign of community protest was instrumental in making this happen. The deal would have sold about a quarter of the Armenian Quarter’s land to an Australian developer and resulted in the destruction of invaluable historic properties and areas in the Armenian Quarter of the Old City of Jerusalem.

The Save the Armenian Quarter’s legal team announced that they filed a suit in Israeli courts against the Israeli development company X**a Gardens, the Jerusalem municipality, and other defendants concerning this matter on October 30, 2023.

According to a 2018 study by the Palestinian Ministry of Health, prevalence of breast cancer in the West Bank alone doub...

According to a 2018 study by the Palestinian Ministry of Health, prevalence of breast cancer in the West Bank alone doubled from 2000 to 2016. “Breast cancer is the most common cancer occurring in Palestinian women . . . In 2017, there were 859 breast cancer cases in Palestine (503 in the West Bank and 356 in Gaza). Although breast cancer survival rate statistics have not been reported since 2011, the same trend is still valid, and the survival rate is estimated to be as low as 40%. This is very low considering that in other countries the 5-year survival rate is as high as 90%.”

For Palestinians who develop breast cancer, their pain is exacerbated by the fact that they are not allowed access to basic services, many of which are in . Access to the city requires a military-issued entry permit, creating all manner of complexities. Permits can be too late; they can be too limited in duration; they can be flat-out denied; and very often they are denied for any companion. Before October 7, Palestinian patients with breast cancer from Gaza were even less likely to get permits for such care; now they will have no access for the foreseeable future to any care.


Israel is using administrative detention increasingly frequently these days to silence and subjugate Palestinians in Jerusalem and beyond. With additional types of emergency laws in effect since October 7, the scope of arrests is rapidly expanding.

Here we provide a full definition and the latest available data on this extreme measure.

Visit the Lexicon on our website to learn more terms related to the Jerusalem Story.

This United Nations Day, as we witness a massive continuation of the ongoing Nakba raging before us, we draw attention t...

This United Nations Day, as we witness a massive continuation of the ongoing Nakba raging before us, we draw attention to Palestine refugees. The phrase “Palestinian refugee” is so commonplace as to be almost a cliché. But who actually qualifies for this status, and what does it mean?

The answer requires delving into a long and complex history dating to 1948, when an estimated 750,000 Palestinians were displaced from their homes in Palestine, followed by an additional 300,000 displaced Palestinians during the 1967 Naksa, and another 300,000 following Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait in 1990. Up until the recent assault on Gaza, the UNRWA had registered 5.9 million Palestine refugees who are eligible for its services in 68 refugee camps in the region.

Palestinians are not the only refugees in the world, but their plight set a precedent for the UN to legislate laws protecting refugees everywhere. The 1951 Refugee Convention defined the term “refugee” as a person who “…owing to well-founded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion, is outside the country of his nationality and is unable or, owing to such fear, is unwilling to avail himself of the protection of that country…”

Learn more about the legal and institutional complexities of what it means to be a Palestine refugee on our website.


Human rights organizations are raising the alarm about what is happening on the ground in East Jerusalem and the rest of...

Human rights organizations are raising the alarm about what is happening on the ground in East Jerusalem and the rest of the occupied West Bank.

For the full story, visit our website.

Palestinians in East Jerusalem are reporting high levels of police and settler abuse and violence since October 7. This ...

Palestinians in East Jerusalem are reporting high levels of police and settler abuse and violence since October 7. This is how one policeman was overheard ordering three Palestinian youths to pull down their pants to check if they were hiding anything. They only wanted to enter the Old City, likely heading home as only residents are allowed in these days.

For the full story, visit our website.

Palestinians in East Jerusalem are reporting high levels of police and settler abuse and violence since October 7. This ...

Palestinians in East Jerusalem are reporting high levels of police and settler abuse and violence since October 7. This is how one policeman was overheard ordering three Palestinian youths to pull down their pants to check if they were hiding anything. They only wanted to enter the Old City, likely heading home as only residents are allowed in these days.

For the full story, visit our website.

As Gaza faces massive savage bombardment without electricity, food, or water, Jerusalem is also boiling. This week polic...

As Gaza faces massive savage bombardment without electricity, food, or water, Jerusalem is also boiling. This week police violence escalated to the point where people became afraid to leave their homes. Even homes are no longer safe, as police and soldiers have been barging into them to search residents’ cell phones. Even a mere follow of an account expressing support for Gaza or the Palestinian cause can result in detention and other severe repercussions.

This is a summary roundup of major recent developments. For the full story, visit our website.

Usually thronged with people, Bab al-Amud is empty these days except for police standing guard at the checkpoint at the ...

Usually thronged with people, Bab al-Amud is empty these days except for police standing guard at the checkpoint at the entrance. Israeli police have banned sitting on the steps.

With schools closed, parents are also dealing with their childrens’ pent-up energies and frustrations. In a city with few playgrounds and green spaces, the Bab al-Amud plaza has always been a community touchpoint where parents could take kids for some outdoor frolic time. But even this, the city has now denied them.

The situation led one Palestinian father to say, “We cannot parent. Why do I have kids?”

Why are Palestinians in Gaza refusing to leave?

Why are Palestinians in Gaza refusing to leave?

It seems that Israel has decided to barricade the Palestinian neighborhoods of East Jerusalem. We’ve received reports of...

It seems that Israel has decided to barricade the Palestinian neighborhoods of East Jerusalem. We’ve received reports of large cement blocks being readied at main access points to neighborhoods, including al-‘Issawiya, Sur Bahir, and Jabal Mukkabir, and then placed across the roads, blocking vehicular access.

Are you seeing this in your area? Please let us know in the comments.

The city has also stopped regular trash collection in some Palestinian neighborhoods, leading to a pileup of garbage on the streets.

We’ve also seen videos of heavily armed Israeli police barging into Palestinian shops, seizing phones, and checking for messages about Gaza. If the “wrong” type of messages are found, the shopkeeper is arrested.

The situation on the ground in East Jerusalem is extremely fraught.

While normally tens of thousands of Muslims come to pray at al-Aqsa Mosque on Fridays, today there were only about five ...

While normally tens of thousands of Muslims come to pray at al-Aqsa Mosque on Fridays, today there were only about five thousand. Israel’s multi-layered hermetic closures–from the West Bank into Jerusalem; from neighborhoods outside the wall into areas of the city within the wall; from East Jerusalem into Old City; from the Old City into al-Aqsa–were one major reason. Another was that Israel imposed an age limit: Only Muslims over 60 were allowed to pray.

So the whole area around the mosque was nearly empty.

Access to al-Aqsa for Muslims is being restricted to smaller and smaller circles. Whether that is temporary or will become more the norm, only time will tell.

While all eyes are on the human catastrophe in Gaza, the situation in Jerusalem is flying under the radar. We asked our ...

While all eyes are on the human catastrophe in Gaza, the situation in Jerusalem is flying under the radar. We asked our team on the ground to share their experiences and observations from the past week.

Like the rest of the world, Jerusalem was reeling today after the stunning air, sea, and land attacks by Hamas and Islam...

Like the rest of the world, Jerusalem was reeling today after the stunning air, sea, and land attacks by Hamas and Islamic Jihad forces on Israel. This much is sure: Nothing will ever be the same. But the future is uncertain.
Last night, the events in Gaza ricocheted into Jerusalem. On the one hand, among Palestinians, there was widespread pride and a sense of freedom and restored honor and dignity.
On the other hand, confrontations and demonstrations erupted across the Palestinian neighborhoods of the city, including Wadi al-Joz, Silwan, Ras al-Amud, Jabal al-Mukkabir, al-Tur, Shu’fat refugee camp, and Kufr ‘Aqab.
Some religious leaders warned youth to stay home and not risk aggression from settlers, police, or soldiers who were out for revenge in some places.
People stockpiled food in preparation for war.
Today, Jerusalem was an “eerily quiet” ghost city. The streets are empty; shops are closed.
Israel closed Qalandiya checkpoint, leaving many Jerusalemites stranded. No one was allowed to enter the city through the checkpoint
East Jerusalem observed a general strike in protest of Israel’s attacks on Gaza. Schools were suspended. Al-Quds University closed its campuses and reverted to virtual learning only. Hospitals declared a state of emergency. Doctors cancelled their holidays.
Arabs who happened to find themselves in any Israeli residential area were called out by Jewish residents, who in some cases summoned the police to remove the “terrorists.”
Police were on high alert in the vicinity of the Old City, searching and assaulting young men and making widespread arrests.
The general sense is that this might be the quiet before the storm—the city “might explode at any moment.”

Husni al-Ashhab was a Palestinian educator who made it his mission to preserve the Arab character of Jerusalem through t...

Husni al-Ashhab was a Palestinian educator who made it his mission to preserve the Arab character of Jerusalem through the educational curriculum. Al-Ashhab believed that the Israelization of Jerusalem as a city would start with the Israelization of its educational curriculum, and thus, he took it upon himself to fight against the Israelization of the curriculum within the schools in Jerusalem, a pressing issue that continues to plague the city’s Palestinian schools to this day.

In October 2018, 20 years after al-Ashhab’s death, the Israeli police banned a commemoration of his passing organized by teachers in East Jerusalem. In response, the Palestinian Ministry of Education created the first educational medal in his name.

Read his full bio here:

On World Teachers’ Day, we’re pleased to announce the launching of a new Topic on—Education. Educatio...

On World Teachers’ Day, we’re pleased to announce the launching of a new Topic on—Education. Education emerges from and shapes historical narrative, which in turn forms collective memory and identity during particularly impressionable and formative years.

In East Jerusalem, education has been a highly politicized battleground since Israel occupied this side of the city in 1967. This battle is lately intensifying as Israel’s dogged determination to retain sole sovereignty over the entire city in perpetuity intensifies.

Shown in this photo, schoolchildren from the Bedouin community of Abu Nawar, between the settlements of Maale Adumim and Kedumim, on the ruins of their primary school, the only one in this Bedouin village. Israeli forces not only demolished the school but made off with everything in it “except the concrete floor,” according to the community patriarch.

Follow the stories of education in Jerusalem with us as they develop:

We received a report from an anonymous Palestinian friend who lives in the Armenian Quarter that the city has deployed t...

We received a report from an anonymous Palestinian friend who lives in the Armenian Quarter that the city has deployed tens of portable bathrooms for the weeklong Jewish Sukkot holiday right outside his family home window, in the parking lot that used to be used by the Armenian community before it was confiscated and given over to Jewish use. He says the stench is already overwhelming on Day One and pervades their home even when the windows are closed, presenting real discomfort during a stretch of hot weather. He asks, “Why are all the bathrooms clustered here in the Armenian Quarter where Armenian Palestinians reside and none in the Jewish Quarter? I feel our neighborhood became their bathrooms.”


Sukkot is a weeklong Jewish harvest holiday that starts five days after Yom Kippur (this year at sundown September 29) and is currently in progress. Eating and other activities are done outdoors in a sukkah (outdoor booth constructed specially for this holiday). The goal is to spend as much time as possible in the sukkah, at least by eating all meals there—particularly the festive meals on the first two nights. Singing and dancing in the streets is part of the holiday rituals.

How does that play out on the ground? Here’s some scenes.


The city of Jerusalem is home to a unique art form: Armenian-style ceramics with distinct colors and patterns. We visit the Karakashian workshop in the Old City, in operation since 1919, and hear the family history firsthand from Hagop Karakshian, one of the leading Armenian ceramic artists in Jerusalem today. The shop, studio, and stunning ceramic art have been passed down through three generations of one family, and have left their distinct mark on the city’s landscape.

Video Credit: .7.7 Ardazarian

Jerusalem Pottery Hagop Karakashian



Not long after the turn of the millennium, a second Palestinian uprising erupted against Israeli occupation, perhaps one of the most significant regional events of the early 2000s. The Second Intifada was etched into the Arab world’s consciousness as it watched the uprising unfold on the news for over five years. It all began with al-Aqsa on September 28, 2000.

Video Credit:

Meet Fadi Mustafa and Saleh Dirbas: Two Muay Thai Champions from the Jerusalem neighborhood of al-‘Isawiyya:Living under...

Meet Fadi Mustafa and Saleh Dirbas: Two Muay Thai Champions from the Jerusalem neighborhood of al-‘Isawiyya:

Living under threat and being frequently subjected to incursions, nightly raids, house arrest, and imprisonment, these two Palestinian Jerusalemite champions have found in the martial art and combat sport of Muay Thai ways to build resilience and gain confidence.

“Muay Thai changes one’s personality,” Palestine’s national team coach for Muay Thai, Fadi Mustafa, notes. His star student, Saleh Dirbas, now also a trainer in schools and clubs, shares how this form of practice helps him endure hardships in Jerusalem: “Despite their [the Israeli Occupation forces’] violations and oppressive policies, as well as intentional negligence of East Jerusalem, this is our homeland,” he insists. Both of these champions are now sharing their skills and expertise with Muay Thai enthusiasts in their beloved neighborhood of al-’Isawiyya.

Read the full story:

.alkhatib Fadi Moustfa

Routinely on Jewish holidays such as Rosh HaShanah, Yom Kippur, and Sukkot, Israel imposes a total closure on anyone hol...

Routinely on Jewish holidays such as Rosh HaShanah, Yom Kippur, and Sukkot, Israel imposes a total closure on anyone holding a Palestinian Authority ID living in the West Bank, which means they cannot access Jerusalem at all, even if they hold an approved entry permit from the COGAT.

The nearly 40 percent of the city who do not observe these holidays must endure days of immobility—at least by car.
Jerusalem Story photographer Mays Shkerat roamed the city and filed these photos during Yom Kippur 2022. They offer a glimpse of what it is like when your city is shut down for a holiday that you don’t observe.

Born on September 24, 1882, in Beit Jala and educated and raised in Jerusalem, Tawfiq Canaan was a pioneering Palestinia...

Born on September 24, 1882, in Beit Jala and educated and raised in Jerusalem, Tawfiq Canaan was a pioneering Palestinian physician, medical researcher, scholar, and prolific writer. He became especially known for his collections of amulets and his groundbreaking ethnographic work on Palestinian folklore and superstition. He discovered the cure for leprosy, making a major contribution to its eradication in Palestine, and headed the only leprosy hospital in Palestine, Syria, and Transjordan.

Read his full, fascinating life story here:

Photo Credit: G. Krikorian, Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division [LC-DIG-ppmsca-18896]

On Armenia’s Independence Day, and as Armenians are again under threat elswhere in the world, we celebrate the Armenian ...

On Armenia’s Independence Day, and as Armenians are again under threat elswhere in the world, we celebrate the Armenian community of Jerusalem with a Photo Album.

The Armenian community has long been an integral part of the historical, social, and cultural fabric of the Old City of Jerusalem. First coming as Christian pilgrims in the 4th century, and later as genocide survivors in the 19th century, Armenians settled in Jerusalem and built their quarter around the St. James Monastery. A secular Armenian community of merchants and artisans also formed in the city and contributed to its cultural legacy by establishing and leading several crafts such as manuscript production, ceramic arts, and photography.

In these photos, we see devout members of the St. James congregation performing religious rituals; we see Armenian refugees upon their arrival to Jerusalem as well as the work of skilled artisans.

Armenian Apostolic Patriarchate of Jerusalem

What would it feel like if all your family homes had been seized by the government and were just a short walk away—given...

What would it feel like if all your family homes had been seized by the government and were just a short walk away—given to others to occupy? This is the case for many Palestinians living in East Jerusalem, whose family homes are in West Jerusalem but were seized by Israel in 1948.

In a series exploring Palestinian homes in the neighborhoods of West Jerusalem, we toured the area with several such Jerusalemites. Here we share the story of Huda Imam, whose family had several homes seized that still stand today, including her father’s.

Huda Imam is a well-known Palestinian Jerusalemite. She founded and led the Center for Jerusalem Studies at Al-Quds University, and is known for her social engagement, activism, consultation, performance, and contribution to the preservation of Palestinian cultural heritage and identity in Jerusalem.



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