Let's talk about refining your messaging.
Here's how to refine your messaging so people know exactly what you do, how you help them, what your program is about, etc etc etc ....
You effing TALK. 💗
You talk about your clients, you talk about their challenges, you talk about your coaching, you talk about your style of teaching, you talk about solutions to their problems, you share your wisdom, you talk about your offer, you share details about your program, you answer questions they might have for you, you talk about your niche, why you chose it, what growth you had, you talk about what's possible for them, and you talk about anything you think might be on their mind about you and your coaching.
Then, to make it better... you do the above AGAIN.... but this time, you try to make it less complicated, more simple, more clear.
Everyone wants a shortcut to great messaging --- there are two ways to have precise messaging:
1. You make a decision about your offer, niche, and program... and then you go hard doing the above as it pertains to your decision.
2. OR you give yourself permission to just talk your heart away until it gets clearer for you. The more you take action imperfectly, the clearer it gets for you.
THAT IS IT. That's how it's done.
There is no secret recipe. There is only the recipe you decide on.
And here is what I offer you...
Stop focusing on having better messaging and start taking ACTION.
Start talking, start writing, starting recording, start playing with marketing... do this as imperfectly as possible.
Put your ego aside and make all of your marketing about your people.
THIS ENERGY.... this is what create six-figure messaging.
And this is the type of marketing we practice in my mastermind, Show Up & Lead: A 6-month group coaching program for coaches and educators who want to make their first six-figures by keeping their business lean, simple, and deeply impactful.
If you know you want me to be your coach, read all the details on the waitlist page and get on the waitlist using the link in bio!