If you marry somebody because the person is rich or have a good job or business, after you get married, you then realize that God had already destined you to prosper on your own without the person, then you will wish you married the right person and prospered together.
When you marry somebody because of their financial or material influence, you will not have respect of the person and you will not have rest of mind.
Later you will realize that you could have made it richer without the person, that you could have married the poor but
right person and make it together.
When you see a couple in a brand new latest SUV and they
wear same design, when you see a couple spending their
vacation or summer in an expensive place outside the country,
and you envy them and wish you have such marriage? What a fool! You don’t know that all those things have nothing to do with happy home. Money, materials and others have nothing
to do with a good and godly home. For example, there is no
amount of money your husband may have that can console
you when you realize he is cheating on you.
If you are attracted to a lady because she has a good job or to
a man because he has money and good car, it means you
have not known what marriage is all about. *Do you know that more rich people commit su***de than the poor?* Do you know that *more wealthy couple divorce than poor couples?* *Do you know that only money does not give joy and satisfaction in marriage?* You may not believe this until you get into it; this is a common ignorance among the singles. It is unfortunately that many singles are getting into marriage
with complete ignorance of the priorities of marriage and with mistake of the fact of marriage.
Another common ignorance among singles in choosing partner in marriage is education. You want to marry, and you have this idol of education in your heart that the lady you want to marry
must be very educated or the man you want to marry must not have lesser education than you. When you ignore the perfect will of God for your life because he is not as educated as you want or because her academic qualification is too low, and you feel, *“How will people feel that after all my education I will then marry this person with low academic qualification.*” Will it
not sound well for people to hear that the person you want to marry graduated from so so university, or s/he is a Dr, Barrister,Engr. Etc.?
You know what? People you are trying to impress by marrying a wrong educated person will not be there with
you in the marriage when tragedy of wrong marriage starts to press on you.
Do you want to marry a particular tribe of person or you want to
marry the perfect will of God for your life? Will it not be so
painful that the heartbreaking wrong person you marry is of same tribe with you or will you not be so peaceful that the loving, godly and right person you marry is from another tribe? Which one is better for you?
*It is funny when I see people saying they must marry from their tribe as if they have not seen the worst husbands or wives from that their tribe, as if marrying in their tribes is more important than marrying in the Lord*. PLS BE GUIDED!
And lastly,
When you allow your parents to choose for you instead of allowing God to choose for you or when you choose to marry somebody because his or her parents are good or godly, and you go into marital relationship with somebody because it is the wish of your parents or because the parents of the person
are ministers, popular, or powerful in the society, such is
called ignorance of the single. When you enter into the wrong
marriage, your parents or the parents of your spouse will not
be there with you. DON'T BE DECEIVED!
If you don’t want to marry and mar your life, destiny, ministry
and eternity, but if you want to marry and make it in life, and also make heaven, then the only person you can marry and never regret it is the person who is the will of God for you.
God has created a person for you that fits your life, destiny, God’s program for you and that is what is called the will of God in marriage. You may miss the right school, the right carrier for you or the right job, but please do not miss the right person God has created for you because if you miss it, you may miss
everything including heaven.