Darkened & Error 404 – two ultra-limited collections, each by a different designer. Black pieces in a classic fit, acid-washed pieces in oversized cuts. No reprints.
First 20 orders include a USB with To The Threshold Part 2 album by FORBIDDEN SOCIETY .
Free shipping on orders over 100 €. Free stickers included.
Darkened & Error 404 – dvě ultra limitované kolekce, každá od jiného designéra. Černé kousky v klasickém střihu, acid-washed oversized střihy. Bez dotisku.
Prvních 20 objednávek dostane USB s albem To The Threshold Part 2 Forbidden Society.
Poštovné zdarma při objednávce nad 2500 Kč.
Samolepky zdarma u každé objednávky.
Forbidden Wear
Another premiere from FORBIDDEN SOCIETY 's upcoming album, To The Threshold Part 2, is here. Experience the raw, hard-hitting sound that defines this release ahead of its full drop on December 5th.
This album is a return to FS’s roots, crafted for the fans who’ve been asking for it. Dive in and let us know what you think.
'Hellbound' from FORBIDDEN SOCIETY 's upcoming album To The Threshold Part 2, a return to his roots. The full album drops December 5th on Forbidden Society Recordings. USB edition with 4 bonus tracks available exclusively in the shop.
Forbidden Society’s remix of Donny & Katharsys’ Wraith drops December 5th as part of To The Threshold Part 2. A fresh take on an underground classic.
'Steam & Distortion' from FORBIDDEN SOCIETY 's upcoming album To The Threshold Part 2, dropping December 5th. This hard-hitting DNB track dives deep into the underground, bringing back the raw energy of packed clubs, thick fog, and relentless sound. Tune in for the premiere—it’s one for the true heads
Another track premiere via our Youtube channel. 'Fear' by @FORBIDDEN SOCIETY —a dark journey with haunting vocals. Full album drops December 5th.
Tomorrow, FORBIDDEN SOCIETY hits Portugal, bringing with him a special tribute track dedicated to the vibrant city of Porto. Having played here almost every year, Porto has always been a pivotal place for testing new music.
Recalling the excitement of debuting "Bodycount" in Porto, FS acknowledges the city's role as a rite of passage for new tracks. With his upcoming album, he returns to his roots, offering a heartfelt thanks to his fans, including those who may have drifted away.
Full track on our YT Channel.
👉 www.fsrecs.com
Po více než 10 letech se FORBIDDEN SOCIETY vrací ke kořenům. 5.12.2024 vychází nové album To The Threshold Part 2 na Forbidden Society Recordings – tvrdý Drum & Bass, kde se tvrdost žene do extrému. Album je věnováno dobám, kdy Forbidden Society začínal ve squatech, hrál po punkových kapelách, a hlavně těm fanouškům, kteří ho roky prosili o návrat k tomuto stylu.
Spolu s albem přinášíme největší drop Forbidden Wear. Limitované edice, které po vyprodání už nebudou dostupné. Připravili jsme i speciální bundly, včetně USB s 4 exkluzivními tracky, a každá objednávka obsahuje kartičku s QR kódem na kompletní FSRECS diskografii ke stažení.
Na albu se pracovalo dva roky mezi dalšími projekty. Byla to dlouhá cesta a věříme, že jak album, tak merch osloví každého, kdo je připraven zažít tuto hudbu v její nejtvrdší podobě.
After more than 10 years, Forbidden Society returns to the roots. On December 5th, 2024, the new album To The Threshold Part 2 will be released on Forbidden Society Recordings – a hard Drum & Bass journey that pushes intensity to the extreme. This album is dedicated to the times when Forbidden Society played in squats, following punk bands, and especially to the fans who have been asking for this return to style for years.
Alongside the album, we’re dropping the biggest Forbidden Wear collection ever. These limited editions won’t be restocked once sold out. We’ve also prepared special bundles, including a USB with 4 exclusive tracks. Each order includes a card with a QR code to download the complete FSRECS discography.
Two years went into making this album, in between other projects. It’s been a long journey, and we believe that both the album and the merch will speak to everyone ready to experience this music at its hardest.
Playing at the Beats For Love festival is always a special experience. For the past few years, we’ve had the honor of closing the festival with our label night, and we couldn’t be prouder. We can’t wait to reveal what we have planned for this year.
With Storm Club Prague in Prague closing, we want to express our gratitude for the opportunity to host some of our most successful label nights there. One of the most memorable events was with Audio in January 2014, which sold out two weeks before the event. It remains one of the club’s legendary nights. We put a lot of effort into the visuals and overall promotion, and the event was a great success. We’re also glad Audio’s set from that night was recorded, as even 10 years later, it’s still one of his best in our opinion.