From ep.24, we run through the many titles of a grifter.
Ep 28 out on streaming services, The boys gaslight and manipulate you over other podcasts
#gaslighting #gaslightgatekeep #theydontdeserveyou #chaosmagicknews #chaosmagick #chaosmagic #magick #witch #witchcraft #esoteric #occult #occultism #magickmemes #occultmemes #spookywoowoo #occultpodcast #podcast
Ep 27 CoHost pontificates on the recent updates to the Tupac murder investigation
#tupac #lawandorder #chaosmagicknews #chaosmagick #chaosmagic #magick #witch #witchcraft #esoteric #occult #occultism #magickmemes #occultmemes #spookywoowoo #occultpodcast #podcast
Throwback to episode 16, The boys talk the utility of creepypasta rituals
#creepypasta #ritual #creepypastaritual
#chaosmagicknews #chaosmagick #chaosmagic #magick #witch #witchcraft #esoteric #occult #occultism #magickmemes #occultmemes #spookywoowoo #occultpodcast #podcast
Throwback to episode 21, The boys review the bargain bin "How to be a Psychic"
#bookreview #psychic #howto #fivebelow #chaosmagicknews #chaosmagick #chaosmagic #magick #witch #witchcraft #esoteric #occult #occultism #magickmemes #occultmemes #spookywoowoo #occultpodcast #podcast
Ep 27, While discussing the ufo/demon connection CoHost recommends Nuking Hell
#chaosmagicknews #chaosmagick #chaosmagic #magick #witch #witchcraft #esoteric #occult #occultism #magickmemes #occultmemes #spookywoowoo #occultpodcast #podcast