Heyyyy 👋
I know it’s been a very long time since you guys have heard from us, so I wanted to jump on here and give you all a quick update. Last time we all talked we had just arrived in IL and we’re planning on starting our van. Well as usual nothing went according to plan. We arrived here and quickly got swooped up by family and friends and quickly started prioritizing everyone over ourselves. Our families were going through huge life changes and we just happened to be here at the perfect time to be able to help out which consumed our lives and pushed back our van build. This took a lot of energy out of us and made us have this feeling of defeat we became really depressed and stressed and quickly fell back into our old Illinois ways. Moving forward we finally got everyone all settled and had been filming and working on content for our page to keep you guys fully involved with all that has happened but of course our laptop broke right as we were trying to upload our explanation. We have so much content for you and unfortunately no way to edit and post at the moment. We have been working very hard for DoorDash trying to complete this quota and save money for a new laptop so we can continue our vlogging passion. We hope to update you guys soon with recaps and our progress on the van. We are forever grateful for your never ending support and patience with us while we make it through these speed bumps. We hope to be reunited for wanderful Wednesday soon. And hopefully within just one short month we will be leaving the Midwest and heading back towards beauty and truly finding ourselves again.
We love you guys ❤️