“To improve your body image, prioritise the way you experience the world, not the way the world experiences you.” - Lexie and Lindsay Kite. Founders of and authors of the incredible book ‘More Than A Body’.
Life is a very different experience when you experience it in your body, rather than from the viewpoint of others. In our bodies, we have the capacity to experience great joy and adventure. And to feel it all - including the less pleasant feeling emotions too. We can connect with other human beings. Embrace them, listen, converse, laugh until our tummies hurt. Tune into our hearts and allow them to lead the way. We allow ourselves the chance to be human and experience this beautiful, wondrous, magical, messy journey called life. But tuned into how the world may experience us? We may find ourselves looking upon ourselves and bodies critically. We objectify ourselves. We turn our bodies into something to fix, smooth out, nip, tuck and change. We limit our capacity for joy and adventure greatly. We may feel grossly disconnected from others. Shut off from the world. Yearning to run and hide our bodies away. We may begin to say ‘no’ to invitations to swim and dance and adventure with friends. And these tendencies may turn into more sinister behaviours such as disordered eating or even eating disorders. We rob ourselves of the chance to ‘be’ in our bodies. To be present. To enjoy our lives. To be at peace. To follow our hearts and dreams. The dreams of the small, innocent children we used to be. The dreams of the heart. Not the dreams that developed with age and fear…like having the perfect body. All of this and more is why I think prioritising the way you experience the world, is one of the most important and helpful techniques for improving body image (courtesy of Lexie and Lindsay Kite). If you haven’t already, I implore you to check out their incredible book, ‘More Than A Body’. I would love to see a copy of the shelves of every library and home! A world full of little children growing up prioritising their experiences in the world…what a beautiful world to live in. - 𝕁𝕀 𝕩𝕩