EC Journal

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In exciting news for the community of Ngqushwa, Eastern Cape, local hero Sitha Leta of Mazziro Internet Cafe has been vo...

In exciting news for the community of Ngqushwa, Eastern Cape, local hero Sitha Leta of Mazziro Internet Cafe has been voted into the top 5 of the prestigious Eastern Cape Hustlers Awards. This is a huge achievement for Sitha, who has worked tirelessly to provide a valuable service to the community through his internet cafe.

Sitha's dedication to his customers and commitment to providing a high-quality internet experience has clearly not gone unnoticed, and his nomination for the Hustlers Awards is well-deserved recognition for his hard work.

However, the competition is still fierce, and we encourage all of Sitha's supporters to double their voting efforts to ensure that he emerges as the ultimate winner. Let's show our appreciation for all that Sitha has done for the community of Ngqushwa by casting our votes and helping him take home the trophy.

So let's get behind Sitha and show him how much we value his contribution to our community. Congratulations to Sitha on making it to the top 5 of the Eastern Cape Hustlers awards, and we wish him all the best in the final round of voting.

Sitha Leta, the founder of Mazziro Internet Cafe, has come a long way from selling sweets in primary school to fundraise...

Sitha Leta, the founder of Mazziro Internet Cafe, has come a long way from selling sweets in primary school to fundraise for sports equipment. His entrepreneurial journey began with a passion for business and a desire to make a difference in his community. Despite facing challenges in his early days, Leta persevered and continued to grow his business. Today, Mazziro Internet Cafe has become a well-known brand in the Ngqushwa area, providing not only goods and services but also job opportunities and skills transfer to unemployed graduates.

Leta's business philosophy is centered around giving back to the community, and this is reflected in the various initiatives he has undertaken through the Mazziro Foundation, his corporate social investment arm. The foundation has hosted several youth programs with the Department of Social Development and the Ayliff Circuit of the Methodist church of southern Africa (Amawisile). One of the most memorable events organized by the foundation is the annual Kids Xmas party, which has become a significant event in the Ngqushwa area.

In conclusion, Sitha Leta's entrepreneurial journey serves as an inspiration to young people who are looking to make a difference in their communities. Through his hard work and dedication, he has created a successful business that not only provides jobs and services but also has a positive impact on the lives of those around him.

Leta has entered his business Mazziro Internet Cafe on Eastern Cape Husslers Awards (ECHA). Let us all rally behind Leta by voting ECHA SM30 to 40439

EC TOURISM LAUNCH - "MOLO SUMMER" Eastern Cape Summer Launch intitiave was launched successful at the Wildcoast Resort o...


Eastern Cape Summer Launch intitiave was launched successful at the Wildcoast Resort on Thursday.

MEC for Economic development and Environmental Affairs, Mlungisi Mvoko expressed pride in tourism across the province and emphasized more on domestic tourism which is improving drastically, putting the Eastern Cape on the first spot in attracting local tourists.

As this sector was hit hard by the pandemic of COVID 19, relations with the Eastern Cape Parks and Tourism Agency (ECPTA) strengthened tourism in creating digital marketing approaches.

Mvoko said that the sector has strongly grown in visibility, with an achievement of acquiring an increase of up to 82.7 percent in domestic tourism in 2021, which implies that more than 5 million trips were taken that year. He also declared for 2022, half year figures between January up until June showed that Eastern Cape have reached the 2 million domestic trip mark.

Department of Tourism, Deputy Director for Inter-governmental Relation Stan Montsho called for all parts involved in promotion of tourism to hold hands in ensuring that tourists are safe as they are source of tourism, promoting economic growth in the area.

Senior Marketing Manager for ECPTA, Lavinia Shaw revealed all summer initiatives for 2022, encouraging tourists to come join in on the vibe.



It is that time of the year again where the Eastern Cape Parks & Tourism Agency is embarking on an effort to promote tourism in the Eastern Cape Province.

The agency yesterday took out journalist countrywide to experience the tour on the Wildcoast area which is on the boarder of KwaZulu Natal province.

Agency's Communications Manager, Oyanga Ngalika says this initiative is targeting on showcasing tourism attraction & promoting rural tourism especially to those who will be traveling from other province for summer holidays.

Summer launch will be held today at the Wildcoast Sun Resort, where the MEC for Department of Finance Economic Development and Environmental Affairs Mlungisi Mvoko is expected to deliver keynote address as well as the agency CEO Mr Vuyani Dayimani addressing on summer initiatives.

Eastern Cape Parks and Tourism Agency invites everyone to explore authentic EC offerings this summer.

Meet Siphosenkosi  Gwavu Founder of Intak’Obusi Beauty Products from Ngqushwa Eastern Cape. The company has been in exis...

Meet Siphosenkosi Gwavu Founder of Intak’Obusi Beauty Products from Ngqushwa Eastern Cape.

The company has been in existence since 14th of May 2022, it's focus is to deal with people who are having skin problems. That includes Acne, Eczema, uneven skin tone, dark sports and sunburn.

Intak'Obusi has since made in-roads in supplying its products in the Western Cape, Limpopo, Mpumalanga, Gauteng and Kwazulu-Natal

Intak'Obusi seeks to establish itself across the African continent and make a difference on the outward appearance of our skin.
Intak'Obusi has since released 4 products which are the Aloe skin Oil, Aloe Gel, Aloe Shampoo and Foam bath.

Hardly 6 months on the market we have testimonies from our clients testifying about the magic Intak’Obusi has done for their skin. For more information about our products or how you can be a distributor contact me on the following platforms. We ship to wherever you are!

Instagram: Intakobusi

Facebook: Intak'Obusi beauty products

Contact number: 061 439 4759


January 2023 intake is in progress. Visit or Lithala Financial Education on Facebook.

We fully agree and support this statement

We fully agree and support this statement



Following years of vicious attacks on innocent citizens, including young children, the Sizwe Kupelo Foundation has called for the immediate ban of pit bulls.

The call has been necessitated by the attacks which seem to continue unabated with the recent attack resulting in the untimely and unfortunate death of a 10-year-old in Gelvandale, Gqeberha in Nelson Mandela Bay.

The call to ban pit bulls in South Africa comes as other countries like Russia, Finland, Denmark, United Kingdom, Portugal, parts of Germany, parts of China, parts of Brazil and parts of Australia, among a host of countries have either banned, put restrictions on ownership of the breed or its importation.

Foundation founder and patron Sizwe Kupelo has called on the SA government to follow suite.

“We cannot continue losing young people like Storm Nuku to these vicious dogs that have shown time and again that they should not be kept as pets. May young Storm Nuku rest in perfect peace.

“The defence by pit bull lovers that it is how you raise the dog does not hold water. So many people, including joggers have been attacked and killed by pit bulls.

“It is time that the South African government takes decisive steps and impose a complete ban on the ownership of pit bulls as domestic animals. Such a move would prevent further attacks and unnecessary deaths. We cannot continue sending out messages of condolences for something that can easily be prevented.”

We are calling on other animal lovers and organisations to make similar calls so as to put more pressure on government to ban these vicious animals, soon.

Issued by the Sizwe Kupelo Foundation founder and patron, Sizwe Kupelo.

TRANSPARENCY CALLED FOR IN NGQUSHWAOn the 8th of July 2022 Ngqushwa Municipality published on their page (https...


On the 8th of July 2022 Ngqushwa Municipality published on their page ( about a send off of 12 young people from Ngqushwa Municipality wards. It was reported that they were being sent to study at Traffic College in Gqebera. They will be studying towards Law Enforcement qualification. According to the video that is being shared on social media platforms by the Mayor Councillor Maneli, “after graduation they will be employed by the Municipality as Peace Officers”
The Mayor also said this is inline with the Constitution of this country and the Criminal Procedure Act. When they come back from College they will be implementing bylaws in town and keeping it clean.
Followers of the page asked questions that were not answered by the Municipality. The post received comments and the question that was mostly asked was, where was the post for the peace officers advertised? Some accused the municipality of nepotism and patronage. The admin of the page did not engage at all, even though they were tagged for their attention. The municipality’s decision to ignore the questions were very suspicious.

Siphosenkosi Gwavu who a Provincial Executive Member of the EFF said “ Over 66 000 people live in Ngqushwa and the numbers of unemployment and poverty where far more than 50% before lockdown now standing at more than 70% and we are told only 12 people were sent for training as peace officers meaning out 5500 people living in one ward the Anc has a capacity to skill or employ one person. These are the daily realities that the people of Ngqushwa live with were a criteria of employment would be patronage and nepotism. EFF holds 3 seats at the Local Municipality Council.

The DA which holds 1 seat Robyn Taylor said “ I am a PR Councillor, when the notice came out it was directed to Ward Cllrs therefore I do not have any comments”

The Ngqushwa Development Forum (NDF) Chairperson Mr Ndwayana said “We as NDF we are planning on conducting our own investigation around this matter. We called a meeting on Wednesday 13th where this will be on the agenda.

Mbeko Xonxa who is a Chairperson of Ngqushwa Youth Council said that as the Council they congratulate the young people who were afforded this opportunity however they did not look at how the process was done.

When we spoke to the Ngqushwa Local Municipality Mayor Sanga Maneli who said “the proper processes were followed, the program is under Extended Public Works Program (EPWP) their national guidelines were followed. He made an example with ward 12 where he resides, he said the ward committees were informed and village chairpersons. He also promised to issue a statement as a response to their social media post about this matter.

Ward committees from different wards confirmed getting the notification on the 13 April 2022. They also mentioned that it was addressed to ward councillors they were never given a go ahead to recruit people. Some of them heard about it when the Send Off pictures were posted on Social Media. The notice is as follows:

“Good day Cllrs.

Ward Cllrs are hereby requested to submit names for young people who will participate in the Youth Development Programme (1year) wherein they will be trained as peace officers.

Cllrs are therefore requested to submit one person who meets the following criteria:

1. SA citizens
2. Grade 12
3. Under 35yrs
4. Drivers license
5. No criminal record

It is requested that Names and ID Numbers be submitted as soon as possible (today).

Sent on behalf of MM.”

According to this notice that was directed to Ward Cllrs only specifically requesting them to bring this one person (today), it is very clear that there was no community engagement, no transparency as in how the ward councillors came up with that 1 name.

This is not in line with EPWP recruitment guidelines that emphasis on transparency, equity, fairness, ethics, accountability etc.

Ngqushwa has a 106 villages that makes 12 wards. (According to Stats SA 2016 )- the population of Ngqushwa was 66 227.

Siphokazi Vanessa Mpofu(45) noyinzalelwane yaseMonti ungenele ukhuphiswano loonobuhle uMrs BCM beauty pageant 2022 emva ...

Siphokazi Vanessa Mpofu(45) noyinzalelwane yaseMonti ungenele ukhuphiswano loonobuhle uMrs BCM beauty pageant 2022 emva kweminyaka engama-35 wagqibela ukucondoba eqongeni.

Simazi ngencwadi yakhe nethe yanendumasi kakhulu kunyaka ophelileyo uZajik'izinto kwakunye nombutho wamakhosika Izibazana Women Association (NPO). Umbutho oncedisa ukubuyisa isidima sesiko lokwaluka ngokulandela intetho yabadala ethi umntu ngumntu ngabantu. “Sincedisa abo bangathathi ntweni ngokujingaza sicela amancedo okuxuma ngalonto sithe sayifumana nokuba yibhatyi, isihlangu okanye iingubo.”

Sincedise ngecounseling emntwaneni nasemzalini odinga inkxaso yomphefumlo kulo elixesha, sincedise ngokutyelela abantwana(amakrwala) esikolweni ngenjongo zokuwaluleka.

Sikwafundisana singamazibazana indlela yobuzibazana, KweyeNkanga sobe sinengxikela sibhiyozela unyaka sasekwayo.

Injongo yakhe yokungenela olukhuphiswano kukuzipholisa amanxeba, ukubuyisa ukuzethemba kwanokukhuthaza abanye oomama ukuba akulahlwa mbeleko ngakufelwa.

Ukwathi, ubulela abasunguli bale nkqubo yoonobuhle evumela onke amabhinqa ukuba aziphuthume. Ukhuphiswano luphela kwiminyaka engama-45 nto ke leyo emenze akacinga kaninzi ngokungenela.

Ukwakhuthaza amabhinqa ukuba awathabathele ingqalelo la mathuba anje ngeli.

"I want to heal the girl in me." Utsho Lo kaMpofu.

Ukhuphiswano lungomhla wama-20 kweyeThupha/Agasti kwindawo engekachazwa.

Inkcukacha ezithe vetshe ngena kula makhasi onxibelelwano nakwi link yevoti

Link yovota

Please like/follow these pages & repost..🙏

Please like/follow these pages & repost..🙏

To all Business Woman in the Eastern Cape:This serves as an invite to the Woman's Seminar on the 2 May 2022 at War Memor...

To all Business Woman in the Eastern Cape:

This serves as an invite to the Woman's Seminar on the 2 May 2022 at War Memorial Hall in King William's Town. Maduna Nkabinde Foundation has declared this year a year of "Business Woman Empowerment." Dress code: Black & Gold.

We will be having speakers from different departments like Lottery, Small Business Development, Social Development, Business Coach, Marketing Strategist and our guest Artist "Mukosi" will be entertaining us. The aim is to coach business woman on how to get funds to nurture and grow their businesses, how to sustain their businesses and also teach them financial discipline.

The Lottery agent has requested that those who are in need of funding can come with the application forms and they will be assisted on the day. NB: To reserve your seat, pay to the FNB account: 62835464801, Branch: 212117, Reference: Your Name & Surname. Refreshments will also be served. Space is limited and COVID19 regulations to be observed.

For more information contact:

Pat Mamaduna Ndleleni
Cell: 073 156 8971
Whattsup: 073 156 8971


From 4th March - 7 April

Foundation started doing school visits, donating 1178 shoes to 20 schools. Most of them welcomed with performances that they really enjoyed and appreciated.

From 12 April to 1 May they will post the schools that performed and givethem a chance to vote.

Top 3 schools with most votes will win R3000, R2000 & R1000 like and share the page Sis Pinky Tsako Foundation and stand a chance of winning money for your favourite school 🙏🏿

Ntombekhaya Tsako known as Sis Pinky a 61 years old from East London, originally from Tuku B village in Peddie. She is k...

Ntombekhaya Tsako known as Sis Pinky a 61 years old from East London, originally from Tuku B village in Peddie. She is known for her motivational videos, funny videos & Voice notes. Latest being when she was nearly robbed at a standard bank ATM.

When she turned 60 in December 2020 she asked her friends and colleagues instead of buying her gifts they should buy her school shoes, they did and she donated them in schools in Gqebera where she started school at JK Zondi and Peddie her home.

Foundation was formed in 2021, and it’s job is to collect shoes and distribute them. In 2022 19 schools were selected as beneficiaries for shoes. So far we have visited the following - July High School, Kei Road Combined School, Mpheko Primary School, Zanolwazi Primary School, Nyaniso Primary, Mfundweni High School, Makhwaleni Primary School, Kwelera Primary School, Ndlambe Primary School, Lower Mgwalana Primary School, Emsengeni Primary School, JK Zondi Primary School. We are left with Sabane Primary School, Ebenezer Majombozi High School, Sakhile Primary School, Sinomonde Primary School, Sibonelo Primary School and Tyityaba Primary School.

When asked what made her start this initiative? “I grew up in rural areas, I have seen poverty. I have seen my parents doing philanthropist work in my community, it’s an innate thing “ said Sis Pinky

On the 16 to 18 March I joined The SUV Challenge from Wild Coast Sun to East London. We brought 80 pairs of shoes. Promoting Heritage, social cohesion and road safety. I had an opportunity to visit places such as Mqhekezweni great place, Mam Winnie Madikizela Mandela’s home and other great places in the former Transkei area.

Doing what I do and meeting new people, on this journey motivates me to do more. We have distributed 1100 shoes so far. On the 8th April 2022 we will be closing the campaign. And we are continuing taking donations for the following year.

I want to take this opportunity and also thank people who supported this initiative, financially, emotionally and physically. In the same breath I would like to take this opportunity and appeal to automotive industry to please donate a truck that we can use to transport boxes of shoes. We spend a lot of money on hiring vehicles instead of spending the money buying more shoes.

For more information on how to donate please contact: Phumeza Macwili @ 083 364 4062, email: [email protected]

DESPATCH POLICE SEEK MISSING WOMAN: NELSON MANDELA BAY METRO Detectives from SAPS Despatch are urgently seeking the comm...


Detectives from SAPS Despatch are urgently seeking the community’s assistance in locating a 27 year-old woman who went missing on Monday, 31 August 2020.

Nwabisa Makinana, who resides at Mpenza Street, NU7, Motherwell
visited her cousin, who resides in the Main Street, Heuwelkruin, Despatch on 31 August 2020. Makinana was supposed to return to her home in Motherwell on the same day, but never returned home since.

Nwabisa Makinana was clad in a long floral dress and she has long black braided hair.

Anyone with information about her whereabouts is urged to contact the investigating officer, Detective Captain Heidi Boshoff on 0824417900, SAPS Crime Stop 08600 10111, Crime Line sms 32211 or contact the nearest police station.

One person has died and another, critically injured in a head on collision involving 2 trucks. The accident occurred on ...

One person has died and another, critically injured in a head on collision involving 2 trucks. The accident occurred on the N2 road under the Grahamstown George Street turn off.
One of the trucks was carrying a full load of pineapples and they’re scattered all over the road. The road is completely blocked and motorists travelling on the N2 from Gqeberha to East London are advised to use the R72 as an alternative route.



Two people have died, burnt beyond recognition in an accident that happened on the N2 road near the Amalinda off-ramp in East London earlier today.

An SUV with one occupant collided head-on with a sedan with two occupants.
The sedan caught fire and both its occupants died on the scene.

The driver of the other vehicle was rushed to hospital with serious injuries.



The Indigenous Games, which conclude on Wednesday are on their 15th year and are hosted by DURBAN.

According to provincial spokesman for the department, Andile Nduna, the COVID 19 pandemic has brought about a few necessary changes to the provisions made for the traveling team of athletes, which included doctors, physiotherapist, paramedic and biokinetics.

He said the selected team of over 80 athletes, camped in Bizana for two days for Covid testing and training before departing for the national games.

"We last had these Games in 2019, due to Covid, however, there could be no spectators," Nduna said.

Over 900 participants from different parts of the country have gathered at the University of KwaZulu Natal's Howard College sports grounds for the 15th annual National Indigenous Games. The event officially opened by Minister of Sport, Arts and Culture; Nathi Mthethwa started on Friday the 24th September and will run until the 29th September 2021.

On the 21st and the 22nd of August 2021, the Province had the Provincial Indigenous Games at Buffalo City, East London where Eastern Cape was selected to represent the province in all 9 codes of the National Games which are; Puca, Drie Stokkies, Iintonga, Ugqaphu, Kho-Kho, Juskei, Ncuva, Morabaraba and Dibeke.

Minister Nathi Mthethwa officially launched the Games on the 24th September 2021. And highlighted that; “The Indigenous games Festival is part of our Active Nation programmes which supports mass participation in sport and recreation and forms part of our Annual Planned major events. One major objective of our Active Nations programme is to build social cohesion and we believe we can achieve that by understanding, preserving and celebrating our diverse heritage and culture. The Indigenous Games Festival is meant to celebrate and showcase our diverse culture and heritage as South Africa.” Minister N. Mthethwa said on the occasion of the Launch of the games festival.

Article written by : Zavela Makwabe

FALL IN LOVE WITH EASTERN CAPE Not only known as being the home of legends, Eastern Cape is often referred to as a world...


Not only known as being the home of legends, Eastern Cape is often referred to as a world in one province. The second largest of South Africa’s nine provinces, which offers everything from snow skiing to sunny beaches, game researches to fascinating history.

Driving from East London via Gqeberha through to the Karoo with uNcuthu Tours, the media had first hand experience of how mesmerising inland has
signicant tourism appeal.

From the sea to the inland desert, the scenery of the Eastern Cape is spectacular. And there are so many things to do.

One of the encounter was an exciting and educational day out in Port Elizabeth, learning about the incredible abundance of marine life in the bay, spotting pods of dolphins and whales passing, on a boat trip with Raggy Charters.

Hosted by Eastern Cape Parks and Tourism Agency (ECPTA) with it's mandate to promote and facilitate the development of tourism in the province, the media enjoyed lunch at the recently opened Black Impala Tshisanyama at the harbour, the best place to enjoy braaied meat & african cuisines.

Exploring more was a view of dazzling diversity of wildlife at private game reserves. Fascinating Giraffe walking safaris and Buffalo encounters at Bellevue Forest Reserve.

Rounding off afternoon's adventure was a drive up to the barren Karoo landscape, just 14km from the town of Graff-Reinet, a sundowner visit to the Valley of Desolation which offers a variety of viewpoints and trails where the highlight is a sheer cliff face.

The place is made up of a series of vertical dolerite cliffs and columns that hang 12 metres above the valley below. This unusual sight took more than 100 million years to form.

Wrapping up the magnificent tour was attending a launch of tourism month, at The Cradock Four Garden of Remembrance, a memorial in Cradock’s Lingelihle township.

The place consists of four tall concrete pillars, erected to honour four anti-apartheid activists assassinated by the secret police in 1985.

The four men were Matthew Goniwe and Fort Calata, both school teachers and activists, Sparrow Mkonto a railway worker and unionist, and Sicelo Mhlauli. They were intercepted by members of Special Branch secret police who set up a roadblock to stop them outside Port Elizabeth and they were never seen alive again.

This magnificent tour is revealing that visiting the Eastern Cape with its beauty is to choose a superior lifestyle with all modern conveniences at hand.


One person has died in a four vehicle pile up on the N2 road between Makhanda and Gqeberha.

The accident has affected the flow of traffic with only one lane open for traffic.

Motorists are advised to either delay their travel time or use alternatives routes between Gqeberha and Makhanda as poor visibility due to rain and thick fog make conditions less than ideal for driving...

Serious Accident on the N2, about 15kms from Grahamstown. On Port Elizabeth. Four vehicles involvedEMS on scene

Serious Accident on the N2, about 15kms from Grahamstown. On Port Elizabeth. Four vehicles involved

EMS on scene

"HELP ME TO HELP A CHILD"A campaign by Peddie- born Babalwa Dinginto called "Help Me To Help a Child" fundraising progra...


A campaign by Peddie- born Babalwa Dinginto called "Help Me To Help a Child" fundraising program is bringing equality to schools by donating stuff to boys and girls.

That was successfully achieved yesterday when Dinginto made a toiletry drive to grade 12 learners at Nathaniel Pamla High School.

Fifty seven learners benefited from this campaign which is inspired by assisting parents who have lost their jobs during Covid 19 pandemic.

Speaking to media, she said that, she announced that she started this campaign by previously collecting school uniform for learners at a school where she is employed.

"For this program, I collected individual donations from various people and the money received was put into support of a local brand for sanitary pads called NTOMBAM" she added.

Dinginto emphasize that helping learners, is a way of fighting school dropouts and that a boy child needs to be celebrated as much as young girls are celebrated.

Article by: Vuyolwethu Ngalonkulu



Alice detectives are seeking the next of kin of a teenager whose body was found in Roxeni forest on Tuesday, 3rd August 2021.

The body of a girl suspected to be between the ages of 13-15 years old was found burnt . Due to the severity of her condition, it was difficult to identify her.

Anyone who can assist police in identifying the body or may know of anyone that is missing must can contact SAPS Alice, Warrant Officer Bukelwa Qoma on 071 475 2419 or 040 653 0875 or the nearest police station.

🚨At least 4 roads have been closed due heavy snow and slippery conditions across the Eastern Cape province and one road ...

🚨At least 4 roads have been closed due heavy snow and slippery conditions across the Eastern Cape province and one road is under a close watch from authorities.

1. R56 between Molteno and Steenburg, road users urged to consider alternatives routes.

2. N6 at Penhoek Pass between Jamestown and Queenstown.

N9 at Lootsberg Pass between Graff reinet and Middleburg, vehicles stucked there.

R58 at Barkley Pass between Khowa( Elliot) and Barkley East, closure is imminent as snow continues to pile up causing slippery conditions.

R61 at Wappardsberg Pass, Cradock towards Graff Reinet closed.

*POLICE SIEZE FI****MS STOLEN FROM TYEFU POLICE STATION*   Tyefu police were alerted by members of the community to a ra...


Tyefu police were alerted by members of the community to a random shooting incident which was in progress on Monday 28th June 2021 in the morning, at Ndlambe Administrative Area, Peddie.

As they were responding to the incident, they saw the suspect who turned back, fired shots at the police before running away. The police gave chase and managed to arrest the suspect in the bushes where he was found in possession of a fire-arm with live rounds of ammunition. He also told the police that another fire-arm was with his cousin in another village.

On arrival in the second suspect’s home, the police were taken to a room where the suspect handed them a fire-arm, whilst other stolen items which include live ammunition, four magazines were discovered in the Kraal. During the search, two more magazines and a Computer monitor were found hidden in the toilet whilst two CPU’s were discovered in the bushes which are not far from the police station.

One Computer monitor is still missing and the police are expecting to make a breakthrough in this regard soon.

The following day Tuesday 29th June 2021, another fire-arm was recovered from the dumping site near Singlemans Quarters, in New Brighton at Gqeberha. This followed information received from a member of the public that this particular fire-arm was sold to a person at Gqeberha. All the recovered fire-arms and stolen items have been positively traced to the incident where the suspects broke into Tyhefu Police Station and served themselves with state properties.

The two suspects aged 22 and 25 were arrested and detained in the police cells. They are expected to appear in Peddie Magistrate Court on Wednesday the 30th June 2021 on charges relating to burglary, attempted murder, possession of stolen property, possession of ammunition, possession of unlicensed fi****ms, discharging of a firearm, possession of magazines and fire-arms. More arrests are expected as investigations unfold.

The Provincial Commissioner, Lieutenant General Liziwe Ntshinga has hailed the sterling work of the SAPS members who made a breakthrough in less than a week of the commission of crime in the Police Station.

“This must serve as a lesson to those who undermine police institutions to never again underestimate the wisdom and police proficiency in tracing and tracking those who have committed serious crimes. Our police Station deserve to be respected, but if criminals find difficulty to restrain themselves, we shall assist them by keeping them away from law abiding citizens” said General Ntshinga.

Anyone with information that can lead to the arrest of the outstanding suspects who are still at large, is requested to make contact with Tyhefu Police Station or call the crime stop number 086 00 10 111.





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